Bunny Rabbit's Diary Part 13

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It was a lovely day in June.

Bunny had been playing all the morning with Billy and Bobtail.

They had played tag, and hide-and-seek, and ever so many other games.

At last they were all tired and hungry.

"I know where there is a great big patch of clover," said Bunny.

"Oh, Bunny!" begged Bobtail, "show us where it is. I have not had a taste of clover for ever so long."

"I like clover, too," said Billy. "Is it very far from here?"

"Oh, no," said Bunny. "It is down beside the brook."

The three little rabbits hopped off to find the big patch of clover.

They hopped down to the brook, but they could not see any clover there.

"Perhaps it was in the meadow," said Billy.

"The brook runs through the meadow."

"Yes," said Bobtail, "and then it runs through the woods."

"Clover would not grow under the trees," said Bunny. "It grows in the fields where the sun s.h.i.+nes."

"The sun s.h.i.+nes in the meadow," said Billy. "Let's go down there and look for the clover patch."

So the three little rabbits hopped off through the field.

They hopped along beside the brook all the way.

"Oh, look!" said Bunny. "See the fishes swimming in the water."

Billy hopped very close to the brook.

Splash, splas.h.!.+ went something right under his feet.

Billy hopped back and looked all around to see what had happened.

"What was that?" he asked.

"That was old Mr. Green Frog," said Bunny. "There he is now, sitting on a rock laughing at you."

"Ho, ho!" laughed Mr. Green Frog. "I frightened you that time."

"I frightened you, too," said Billy. "That was why you jumped into the water."

"Well," said Mr. Green Frog, "you almost hopped on my back.

"Of course I was frightened. I jumped into the water without looking to see what was the matter."

"Come, come," said Bunny. "We must find that clover patch. I am as hungry as a bear."

So the three little rabbits hopped off across the meadow.

They could not hop so near the brook now because the ground was soft and wet.

And the rabbits did not like to wet their feet.

They hopped along, and at last Bunny called out, "Here it is. Here it is."

Billy and Bobtail hopped up close to Bunny.

Sure enough, there was the biggest patch of clover they had ever seen.

And how green every leaf was!

The clover was all in blossom, too.

The white blossoms held their heads up to the sun.

The sun smiled to see the pretty white flowers among the green leaves.

Many bees were flying over the clover patch.

They were asking the blossoms for nectar to make sweet honey.

"Buzz, buzz!" sang the bees, as they flew from flower to flower.


Bunny and Billy and Bobtail began to nibble the greenest leaves.

They nibbled and nibbled and nibbled.

The bees buzzed and buzzed and buzzed.

"What good honey we can make," said the bees. "Clover honey is best of all."

"Oh, how good this clover is," said Billy. "I am glad I came so far."

"Yes," said Bunny. "It is the sweetest clover I ever tasted."

"Yes, it is," said Billy. "I--

Bunny Rabbit's Diary Part 13

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