The Wonder Island Boys: Exploring the Island Part 33

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This book takes the beginner through a comprehensive series of practical shop work, in which the uses of tools, and the structure and handling of shop machinery are set forth; how they are utilized to perform the work, and the manner in which all dimensional work is carried out. Every subject is ill.u.s.trated, and model building explained. It contains a glossary which comprises a new system of cross references, a feature that will prove a welcome departure in explaining subjects. Fully ill.u.s.trated.



Thrilling adventures by sea and land of two boys and an aged Professor who are cast away on an island with absolutely nothing but their clothing. By gradual and natural stages they succeed in constructing all forms of devices used in the mechanical arts and learn the scientific theories involved in every walk of life. These subjects are all treated in an incidental and natural way in the progress of events, from the most fundamental standpoint without technicalities, and include every department of knowledge. Numerous ill.u.s.trations accompany the text.

Two thousand things every boy ought to know. Every page a romance. Every line a fact.


THE WONDER ISLAND BOYS Exploring the Island

THE WONDER ISLAND BOYS The Mysteries of the Caverns


THE WONDER ISLAND BOYS The Capture and Pursuit

THE WONDER ISLAND BOYS The Conquest of the Savages



Which, in addition to the interesting boy scout stories by CAPTAIN ALAN DOUGLAS, Scoutmaster, contain articles on nature lore, native animals and a fund of other information pertaining to out-of-door life, that will appeal to the boy's love of the open.

I. The Campfires of the Wolf Patrol

Their first camping experience affords the scouts splendid opportunities to use their recently acquired knowledge in a practical way. Elmer Chenoweth, a lad from the northwest woods, astonishes everyone by his familiarity with camp life. A clean, wholesome story every boy should read.

II. Woodcraft; or, How a Patrol Leader Made Good

This tale presents many stirring situations in which some of the boys are called upon to exercise all their ingenuity and unselfishness. A story filled with healthful excitement.

III. Pathfinder; or, The Missing Tenderfoot

Some mysteries are cleared up in a most unexpected way, greatly to the credit of our young friends. A variety of incidents follow fast, one after the other.

IV. Fast Nine; or, a Challenge From Fairfield

They show the same team-work here as when in camp. The description of the final game with the team of a rival town, and the outcome thereof, form a stirring narrative. One of the best baseball stories of recent years.

V. Great Hike; or, The Pride of The Khaki Troop

After weeks of preparation the scouts start out on their greatest undertaking. Their march takes them far from home, and the good-natured rivalry of the different patrols furnishes many interesting and amusing situations.

VI. Endurance Test; or, How Clear Grit Won the Day

Few stories "get" us more than ill.u.s.trations of pluck in the face of apparent failure. Our heroes show the stuff they are made of and surprise their most ardent admirers. One of the best stories Captain Douglas has written.

Boy Scout Nature Lore to be Found in The Hickory Ridge Boy Scout Series

Wild Animals of the United States--Tracking--in Number I.

Trees and Wild Flowers of the United States in Number II.

Reptiles of the United States in Number III.

Fishes of the United States in Number IV.

Insects of the United States in Number V.

Birds of the United States in Number VI.

The Campfire and Trail Series


A series of wholesome stories for boys told in an interesting way and appealing to their love of the open.

1. In Camp on the Big Sunflower.

2. The Rivals of the Trail.

3. The Strange Cabin on Catamount Island.

4. Lost in the Great Dismal Swamp.

5. With Trapper Jim in the North Woods.

6. Caught in a Forest Fire.

The Wonder Island Boys: Exploring the Island Part 33

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