Beaumarchais and the War of American Independence Volume II Part 7
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Here follows an exposition of the proceedings, with an explanation of how, supposing the king permits him to buy powder at actual cost price from the magazines, instead of buying it in the market of France, Holland, or elsewhere, the money invested by the king will increase not in double progression, 1-2-4-8, etc., but in triple progression, 1-3-9-27, etc.
"Your Majesty will not be frightened at the complicated air that this operation a.s.sumes under my pen, when you remember that no commercial speculation is carried on or succeeds by any more simple or more natural means than this.
"I have treated this affair in so far, Sire, in the spirit of a great trader, who wishes to make a successful speculation and I have developed to you the unique secret by which commerce in bulk augments the prosperity of all states that have the good sense to protect it....
"If the return in tobacco and the sale of the product take place as I have pointed out, Your Majesty soon will find yourself in a position to send back by the hands of Hortales et Cie. the three millions provided for from the price and profits of these returns, to recommence operations on a larger scale."
Then follow considerations upon the advisability of employing Holland or French vessels for the transport of the munitions to Cape Francis, chosen by Hortales et Cie. as the first depot of commerce.
"Holding to the choice of French vessel charged to the account of Roderigue Hortales et Cie., Congress, or rather Mr. Adams, Secretary of Congress, will be alone forewarned by the agent in England that a vessel is carrying to him at Cape Francis both goods and munitions, which are to be returned in Virginian tobacco, so that he may send to the Cape upon a vessel loaded with tobacco an agent who will bear his power to receive both and to send back by the captain of Hortales et Cie. the entire return in tobacco or at all events a recognition that he owes Hortales et Cie. the balance of the amount for which he may not have been able to furnish return."
So far in Beaumarchais's mind, the mercantile undertaking was to be for the king, only cloaked by the appearance of a mercantile house. But it seems that the French government, anxious to evade all possible risk and wis.h.i.+ng to deny all connivance in the transactions, decided to remain entirely foreign to the operation.
"We will give you secretly," said the government, "a million. We will try to obtain the same amount from the court of Spain.... with these two millions and the co-operation of private individuals, whom you will a.s.sociate in your enterprise, you will found your house and at your own risk and perils you will provision the Americans with arms and munitions, and objects of equipment and whatever is necessary to support the war. Our a.r.s.enals will deliver to you these things, but you will replace them or pay for them. You shall not demand money of the Americans, because they have none, but you shall ask returns in commodities of their soil, the sale of which we will facilitate in our country.... In a word, the operation secretly sanctioned by us at the outset must grow and develop through its own support. But on the other hand, we reserve the right of favoring or opposing it according to political contingencies. You will render us an account of your profits and losses, while we will decide whether we should grant you new subsidies or discharge you of all obligations previously made."
(Lomenie, II, p. 109.)
In this transaction, the responsibility of the agent to the United States had no consideration. "The advances of the government were simply a guarantee to Beaumarchais against loss." (Durand, p. 90.)
The difficulties and dangers of this undertaking have been admirably summed up by M. de Lomenie. "They were of a nature to cause any other man than Beaumarchais to hesitate.... He threw himself into this, however, with all his usual intrepidity, and the tenth of June, 1776, a month before the United States had published their Declaration of Independence, he signed the famous receipt which, kept secret under the monarchy, delivered to the United States in 1794, under the republic, occasioned a suit lasting fifty years, and to which we shall return. The receipt read thus:
"'I have received of M. Duvergier, conformably to the orders of M. de Vergennes, on the date of the 5th of this month, the sum of one million, for which I shall render count to my said Sieur Comte de Vergennes.
"'Caron de Beaumarchais.
"'Good for a million of _livres tournois_.
"'At Paris, this 10th of June, 1776.'
"Two months later, Spain advanced the like sum, besides which Beaumarchais had a.s.sociated with himself numerous private individuals in France and elsewhere, so that his first sending to the Americans surpa.s.sed in itself alone, three millions." (Lomenie, II, p. 110.)
Early in June the vast mercantile house of Roderigue Hortales et Cie.
was established at Paris, while agents, clerks, and employees of every sort were installed at the center of operations, as well as at the various sources of supplies and in the seaports, Beaumarchais remaining the head and center of action, in every place.
It so happened at this time, that a complete change was being made in the equipment of the French army, so that the a.r.s.enals and forts were charged with munitions of war, which the government was willing to dispose of at a nominal price.
Before the arrival of Beaumarchais on the scene of action, the Comte de Vergennes had countenanced and furthered the operations begun by Franklin before he left London. Among the agents employed by the latter were the Brothers Mantaudoin of Nantes, who had undertaken the transportation of munitions of war to the Americans. (Doniol, I, p.
Another agent and intimate friend of Franklin was a certain Doctor Dubourg, a man more or less widely known as a scientist, but possessing as well a decided taste for mercantile operations. He had entered heartily into the cause of the Americans, and was very zealous in forwarding munitions of war to the insurgents. He seems at the beginning to have possessed to a considerable degree the confidence of the French minister, who deigned to correspond with him in person, and to consult him on several occasions. But as it became necessary "to act on a grander scale, the intervention of the friend of Franklin was no longer sufficient." (Doniol, p. 374.) The "faithful and discreet agent" spoken of in the _Reflexions_ had long been fixed in the mind of the Minister of War. The good doctor who knew nothing of the relations.h.i.+p between the famous author of the _Barbier de Seville_ and the French Government or of his interest and services in the cause of American Independence, all along had been secretly aspiring to a complete control of the transactions. What succeeded in convincing him that he was the man destined for the place was that early in June, 1776, Silas Deane, the agent of the Secret Committee of Congress, arrived in Paris charged with a letter from Franklin to his "dear good friend Barbeu Dubourg," with express instructions to regard this latter as "the best guide to seek after and to follow." (Doniol, V. I, p. 485.)
Elated at this mark of esteem shown him by the colonies, the good doctor undertook to fulfill then to the letter the instructions of Congress and to prevent Silas Deane from coming in contact with anyone but himself.
Deane soon realized that though "inspired with the best intentions in the world," the doctor would be a "hindrance rather than the essential personage pointed out by Franklin." (Doniol.) He therefore insisted so strongly upon meeting the French minister that Dubourg was forced to yield. The meeting took place the 17th day of July, 1776.
"It must be said of Silas Deane at this important meeting that he fulfilled the intention of his mandate not only with intelligence, but with a fecundity of reasoning which could only come from a vigilant patriotism. All the impression which he could desire to produce and which was hoped from his mission flowed from his replies." (Doniol, V.
I, p.491.)
The Comte de Vergennes appeared to refuse to give the aid asked, but he led Silas Deane to understand that a confidential agent would take the matter in charge. This confidential agent was no other than Beaumarchais.
Four days before this interview, the Doctor Dubourg had learned to his great disappointment where the confidence of the minister had been placed. Knowing nothing of the real situation, he thought to dissuade the latter from his choice by attacking the private character of the man who had usurped his place. The effect of his letter upon the Comte de Vergennes can be judged from the fact that the latter immediately communicated it to Beaumarchais himself, who was charged with the reply.
The Doctor wrote:
"I have seen M. de Beaumarchais this morning and conferred with him without reserve. Everyone knows his wit, his talents, and no one renders more justice to his honesty, discretion and zeal for all that is good and grand; I believe him one of the most proper men in the world for political negotiations, but perhaps at the same time, the least proper for mercantile enterprises. He loves display, they say that he keeps women; he in a word for a spendthrift and there is not a merchant in France who has not this idea of him and who would not hesitate to enter into the smallest commercial dealings with him. Therefore, I was very much astonished when he informed me that you had charged him not only to aid you with his advice but had concentrated on him alone the _ensemble_ and the details of all the commercial operations....
"I represented to him that in taking the immense traffic and excluding those who already had run so many dangers and endured so many fatigues ... it would be doing them a real wrong.... But I return to my first and reflection and implore you, Monseigneur, to weigh it well. Perhaps there are a hundred, perhaps a thousand persons in France with talents very inferior to those of M. de Beaumarchais, who would fill better your views, inspire more confidence, etc., etc...."
The reply of Beaumarchais, first published by M. de Lomenie, and since become so famous, is in the former's most characteristic style. It had its part to play as we shall see, in the trouble which came to its author, and was partly responsible for the non-recognition of his services by the American people. The good doctor always retained a grudge against his brilliant and preferred rival. From him Doctor Franklin imbibed in the beginning such a prejudice against the indefatigable friend of the American cause, that he always avoided him as much as possible. From the reply, a copy of which Beaumarchais sent at the same time for the amus.e.m.e.nt of the ministers, we quote the following:
"Tuesday, June 16, 1776.
"Eh! What has that to do with our affairs, that I am a man widely known, extravagant, and who keeps women? The women that I keep for the last twenty years are your very humble servants. They were five, four sisters and one niece. For three years two of these women are dead, to my great regret. I keep now only three, two sisters and a niece, which is still extravagant for a private individual like myself. But what would you have thought if, knowing me better, you should have learned that I push scandal so far as to keep men as well; two nephews, very young and good looking, even the very unhappy father who brought into the world this scandalous voluptuary? As for my display, that is even worse. For three years, finding lace and embroidered garments too petty for my vanity, have I not affected the pride of having my wrists always garnished with the most beautiful fine muslin? The most superb black cloth is not too elegant for me, at times I have been known to push dandyism so far as to wear silk when it was very hot, but I beg you, Monsieur, do not write these things to M. the Comte de Vergennes; you will end in losing for me his good opinion.
"You have reasons for writing evil of me to him, without knowing me. I have mine for not being offended, although I have the honor of knowing you; you are, Monsieur, an honest man so inflamed with the desire to do a great good that you have thought you could permit yourself a little evil to arrive at it.
"This thought is not exactly the thought of the _evangile_ but I have seen a good many persons accommodate themselves to it. But let us cease to speak lightly; I am not angry because M. de Vergennes is not a small man and I hold to his reply. That those to whom I apply for advances may distrust me I admit, but let those who are animated with true zeal for their common friends look twice before they alienate themselves from an honorable man who offers to render every service and to make every useful advance to those same friends. Do you understand me now, Monsieur?
"I will have the honor of meeting with you this afternoon. I have also that of being with the highest consideration, Monsieur, your very humble and very obedient servitor, well known under the name of Roderigue Hortales et Compagnie."
It was on the 17th of July that Silas Deane and Beaumarchais met for the first time. Both men recognized at once in the other the man for whom each was looking. Both had warm, generous and unselfish natures; both had their minds fixed upon one object alone, the procuring and sending of aid as quickly as possible to the insurged colonies. In excusing himself to Congress for discarding the services of the "dear, good friend" of Franklin, Mr. Deane wrote: "I have been forced to discourage my friend on seeing where the confidence of M. de Vergennes was placed."
At the same time he does ample justice to the kindness and interest manifested by Dubourg.
"M. Dubourg has continued," wrote Deane, "to render me every a.s.sistance in his power.... His abilities and connections are of the first cla.s.s in this kingdom and his zeal for the cause of the colonies is to be described only by saying that at times they are in danger of urging him beyond both."
Beaumarchais, on his side, finding Silas Deane empowered by Congress to act directly, ceased to communicate with Arthur Lee.
Already a change had come in their relations.h.i.+p. Returned to France and finding the government bent upon another form of offering aid to the Americans, it had become necessary to break his connections with Lee.
Unable to explain the true nature of the enterprise, being bound to absolute secrecy, Beaumarchais wrote the 12th of June, 1776: "The difficulties which I have found in my negotiations with the ministers have forced me to form a company which will cause aid to reach your friends immediately by the way of _Cap Francais_."
Naturally enough this meager information was very unsatisfactory to Lee; more than this, he had hoped to play himself a role in the enterprise (Spark's _Life of Franklin_, p. 449).
From Beaumarchais he learned that Silas Deane had arrived from the colonies empowered to treat with the ministers who had refused steadily to permit his own appearance at Versailles; more than this, he learned that Beaumarchais had entered at once into negotiations with the agent of Congress and that he, Arthur Lee, was being consulted by no one.
"Enraged and disappointed," continued Sparks, "Lee hurried to Paris, where he endeavored to bring about a quarrel between Deane and Beaumarchais. Failing in this, he returned to London, vexed in his disappointment and furious against Deane." To avenge himself he wrote to the committee in congress that the two men were agreed together to deceive at once the French Government and the Americans by changing what the former meant to be a gratuitous offering into a commercial speculation. (Silas Deane Papers.)
As can readily be seen, these letters arriving in Philadelphia before any report from Deane, predisposed Congress-two of whose members were brothers of Arthur Lee, against the measures Deane was taking with Beaumarchais. But for the moment, no one interfered with their operations and both men were too intent upon the all-important matter in hand to speculate upon the possible results of the irritation of Doctor Dubourg, or the anger and jealousy of Arthur Lee. Deane, however, fearing lest the noise of Lee's visit to Paris should offend the French Minister, addressed to the latter the following letter:
"Sir: I was informed this morning of the arrival of Arthur Lee.
This was a surprise to me, as I know of no particular affair that might call him here, and considering the extreme jealousy of the British ministry at this time and that Mr. Lee was the agent of the colonies in Great Britain, and known to be such, I could wish unless he had received some particular orders from the United Colonies that he had suspended his visit, as I know not otherwise how he can serve me or my affairs-with profound grat.i.tude I say it-now in as favorable a course as the situation of the times will admit. I have the honor to be,
"Silas Deane."
(From Spark's _Dip. Correspondence_, p. 40.)
Immediately after their first meeting, Beaumarchais had addressed a letter to Deane of which the following is an extract:
"Paris, July 18, 1776.
"I have the honor to inform you that for a long while I have formed the project of aiding the brave Americans to shake off the yoke of England.... I have spoken already of my plans with a gentleman in London (Arthur Lee), who says he is very much attached to America; but our correspondence since I left England has been followed with difficulty and in cipher; I have received no reply to my last letter, in which I fixed certain points of this great and important affair. Since you are clothed, Monsieur, with a character which permits me to have confidence in you, I shall be very well satisfied to recommence, in a more certain and regular manner, a negotiation which till now has been barely touched...."
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