The Diplomatic Correspondence of the American Revolution Volume X Part 47

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The committee have stated this information, that Congress may, if they should find it necessary, give them their directions before they digest any plan with the Minister of France on the return of his agent.

The committee conceive the establishment of posts and expresses, who shall bring the earliest intelligence of the arrival of the fleet of our ally, and the motions of the enemy, as so necessary to the right application of our force, that they submit the following resolution.

Resolved, that the Committee of Intelligence be directed to establish regular posts to and from the different parts of the sea coasts of this continent, from Charleston to Boston, in such manner as will most effectually procure information of the approach of the fleet of our ally, and the movements of the enemy in consequence thereof.

The committee are further of opinion, from the representations of the Minister of France, that every means should be used to add to the strength of the fleet of our ally on their arrival, particularly by completing the s.h.i.+p America, since it is highly probable, that the naval force, which the enemy may send to this coast, in order to frustrate the friendly endeavors of our ally in our behalf, will be adapted to that of France, without taking into the calculation any addition which it may receive here. They therefore submit the following resolutions.

Resolved, that the Board of Admiralty be directed to fit for sea, with the utmost expedition, the several s.h.i.+ps of war and frigates now in port.

Resolved, that it be earnestly recommended to the respective States within whose ports any of the said s.h.i.+ps or frigates may be, to afford every a.s.sistance to the Board of Admiralty on this application for artificers, laborers, and materials, for preparing the same for sea, and for completing this compliment of men.

Resolved, that Congress will defray every necessary expense, which any State shall incur in consequence of the above resolution.

Resolved, that the Board of Admiralty be empowered, if they shall think it advisable to dispose of the Saratoga, to apply the proceeds thereof to complete the America, or any of the frigates, which may by that means be shortly fitted for sea.

And whereas it is proper to make provision for repairing any damage, which the fleets of our ally may sustain by storms or otherwise,

Resolved, that the Board of Admiralty be directed to cause as many masts, yards, and spars, as they shall deem necessary for the above purposes to be procured.

Resolved, that they may be also directed to settle signals with the commanding officers of any s.h.i.+p or s.h.i.+ps of our ally, which may now or shall hereafter be upon the coasts of the United States.

And for the promoting of harmony and forwarding the common views of France and America, it was further agreed between the Minister of France and your committee, that they should suggest to Congress the propriety of adopting measures to prevent desertion from the fleet and army of our allies, in which view they submit the following resolution.

Resolved, that it be recommended to the legislation of these United States, to pa.s.s laws for the punishment of such persons as shall encourage desertions from the fleets or armies of any foreign power, who shall prosecute the war in America in conjunction with these United States, and for the recovering such deserters as shall endeavor to conceal themselves among the inhabitants thereof.



Morristown, June 5th, 1780.


My time has been so entirely engrossed in the preliminary arrangements of immediate necessity towards the intended co-operation, that I have not been able till now to do myself the honor to thank your Excellency for your letter of the 21st of May. We have too many proofs of the general zeal of your countrymen in the cause of America, not to be entirely convinced of it, and to feel all that the most grateful sensibility can inspire.

I am happy in believing, that the troops and citizens of these States will eagerly embrace every opportunity to manifest their affection to the troops and citizens of your nation, as well as their grat.i.tude and veneration to a Prince, from whom they have received the most important benefits. Penetrated with a sense of these, I shall think it my duty to cultivate correspondent sentiments, as far as my influence extends.

The Marquis de Lafayette has given me an account of all your Excellency has done for the advancement of the combined operations. It will no doubt contribute essentially to their success, and gives you a claim to the acknowledgments of the two countries.

I am too sensible of the value of the permission you gave me to solicit your aid in everything, in which you can continue to afford us your good offices, not to make use of it as frequently as possible. I begin by _entreating_ you to favor me with your advice with the greatest freedom, on whatever occurs to you interesting to our affairs at this period.

I have the honor to be, &c.



In Congress, June 5th, 1780.

The committee appointed to receive the communications of his Excellency, the Minister of France, relating to supplies for the forces of his Most Christian Majesty, and on other matters, beg leave to report, that in a conference had on the 3d of the present month, the Minister was pleased to make the following communications, viz.

That M. de Corney, Commissary of the troops of his Most Christian Majesty, had orders to purchase a number of horses, and to purchase or hire a number of teams in the States where they could be most conveniently procured, for the use of the forces of his Most Christian Majesty, that should arrive to co-operate with the forces of these United States.

That M. de Corney had also orders to endeavor to procure in the several States, where it should be found most convenient, provisions for the forces above mentioned, in such manner as should least interfere with the purchaser of the States or agents of Congress, and as should be best adapted to support and establish the credit of the paper currency. That M. de Corney would apply to the supreme executive powers of the several States, in which the purchases were to be made, for their advice and aid in the matter.

To obtain which, the Minister wished for the approbation of Congress, and that if they should think fit, letters might be written by the President to the supreme executive powers of the several States, requesting their advice and aid to M. de Corney in procuring those supplies.

That M. de Corney had received 7000 of the bills lately emitted by the State of Pennsylvania, to use for the purposes above mentioned, and would in his negotiations avail himself of all opportunities for contributing to the utmost of his power for establis.h.i.+ng the currency of the public bills of credit.

That it would be necessary to give the said forces of his Most Christian Majesty the option of receiving their pay in specie, from their unacquaintedness with paper money in general, and ignorance of the language in which the bills of these United States are struck.

Which circ.u.mstance the Minister thought proper to suggest, that Congress might take any measures they should judge necessary to prevent uneasiness arising therefrom to the troops of these United States, who might receive their pay in a different manner.

That to prevent loss happening to any of the citizens of these United States, from receiving from the troops of his Most Christian Majesty any small coins they may be possessed of that shall be below the standard alloy, the same will be exchanged for other coins by persons that shall receive orders therefor.

The Minister desired to be informed of the mode of intelligence Congress would rely on to give them immediate notice of the arrival of the forces from France, and for keeping up a constant communication after their arrival, and again repeated his wishes that nothing might be left unprovided for, that could promise despatch to their operations and render them most extensively useful to these United States.

The Minister also wished to recommend to the consideration of Congress M. Louis Ethis de Corney, Provincial Commissary of the troops in the service of his Most Christian Majesty, for the honor of a brevet commission of Lieutenant Colonel, which t.i.tle his office had given him in the French service. M. de Corney desired not command or pay, but was ambitious to deserve a mark of honor from these United States, from which benefits might result to him hereafter.

Upon the foregoing information your committee beg leave to submit to the consideration of Congress the following resolutions,

That a brevet commission of Lieutenant Colonel be granted to M. Louis Ethis de Corney.

That M. de Corney be furnished with letters from the President to the supreme executive powers of the several States, or to such of them as M. de Corney shall apply for, requesting their advice and aid to him in procuring provisions and other necessaries for the forces of his Most Christian Majesty expected to arrive in these United States, in such manner as will best avoid a compet.i.tion of purchases for the use above mentioned, and those for the use of the troops of these United States.

That the Minister of France be informed, that it is the opinion of Congress, that the public service will be best promoted by having the same currency made use of, so far as may be, to procure supplies for the forces of his Most Christian Majesty as for those of these United States.

That the Governors of the States of Virginia and Maryland be requested immediately to engage trusty persons in those States respectively, at proper distances from each other, on the main road from Cape Henry in Virginia to Philadelphia, to hold themselves in readiness, should the French fleet be discovered off that Cape or the adjacent coast, to forward intelligence thereof, and any despatches that may be received from them to Congress, in the most expeditious manner.


In Congress, June 7th, 1780.

The committee appointed to confer with the Minister of France on the mode of obtaining supplies for the forces of his Most Christian Majesty, and on other matters, report:

That the Minister of France has communicated to your committee, that as M. de Corney, Commissary of the troops of his Most Christian Majesty, will go into the State of Connecticut to procure some supplies, it would be convenient for him to receive there an advance of money from these United States, either in Continental bills or the bills of that State, to be replaced in specie on the arrival of the fleet from France, and the Minister engages that the moneys, which shall be so advanced by these United States to M. de Corney, shall be replaced in specie as above mentioned.

Upon which communication your committee beg leave to submit to the consideration of Congress the following resolution, viz.

That the Governor of the State of Connecticut be, and he hereby is, authorised to receive on account of these United States, out of the moneys raised by that State more than sufficient to discharge the drafts heretofore made by Congress, and to comply with the requisition of Congress of the 20th of last month, or out of the bills that shall be completed and lodged in the Continental Loan Office in that State for the use of the United States, pursuant to a resolution of Congress of the 18th of March last, one million two hundred thousand dollars of the bills now in circulation, or thirty thousand dollars of the bills last mentioned, or a proportion of each, on the application of M. de Corney, Commissary of the troops in the service of his Most Christian Majesty, and advance the same to him, taking his receipt therefor, to replace the same in specie in the Treasury of these United States when required by Congress; said receipts to be transmitted to the Treasury Board as soon as may be.

The Diplomatic Correspondence of the American Revolution Volume X Part 47

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