A tour through some parts of France, Switzerland, Savoy, Germany and Belgium Part 11
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"His virtue oft with wine to warm."
The circ.u.mstance was recorded by the following inscription:
"Petrus Alexowitz, Czar Moscoviae, magnus dux, margini hujus fontis insidiens, illius aquam n.o.bilitavit libato vino hora post meridiam tertia, die 16 Aprilis, 1717."
"That renowned General P.A., Czar of Moscovy, having poured forth ample libations of wine, whilst sitting on the brink of this fountain fell into, and enn.o.bled its waters about three o'clock in the afternoon of the 16th of April, 1717."
The town-house is one of the most conspicuous of the public buildings at Brussels, although it is situated in the lowest part of the town, its steeple rising to the height of 364 feet; it is a very fine piece of Gothic architecture. The equestrian statue, noticed by M. Dutens, as being placed on the _top of a house_ in the square before the town-house, has disappeared; the horse and his rider having been removed to a more suitable situation. The church of St. Gudule presents a venerable and interesting appearance; it contains several fine paintings, and windows of stained gla.s.s. There are many ancient tombs of the old Dukes of Brabant. The church of St. James is also worthy of notice, and its facade of the Corinthian order, is an elegant and uniform piece of architecture, which does honour to the taste of the builder.
Brussels contains many fine collections of paintings, which I have not time to enumerate; but I was much pleased with some pictures of _M.
Danoots_, to whom I had a letter. They are not very numerous, but are undoubted originals of S. Rosa, Teniers, Rembrandt, Myiens, and of J.
Ba.s.sano, who is remarkable for having attained a greater age (82) than most of the great painters, he has accordingly left behind him a greater number of pictures than almost any other master. He is said to have expressed great regret on his death-bed, that he should be obliged to quit the world at the moment when he had begun to make some little progress in his art. A shorter life than Ba.s.sano's, is, however, sufficient to establish the reputation of an artist. _Raphael_ died in his 37th year, but public opinion has placed him at the head of his art for _general proficiency_.
There are several excellent hotels in Brussels which command a view of the park. I was at one of these, the _Hotel de Bellevue_, and found the hour of the _table d'hote_ had been changed to accommodate the English, to four o'clock, at least two hours later than the usual time; but as the company consisted always entirely of English it was but reasonable they should fix the hour. The dinner here more resembled an _English one_ than any I had hitherto seen on the Continent, and reminded me of the public tables at Cheltenham.
Brussels was some months since a very _cheap_ residence, but I have been a.s.sured, that the prices of most articles have more than doubled since our troops first arrived here. Living at an hotel here is nearly as expensive as in London; but no doubt there is a considerable saving in the expences of a family who are recommended to honest trades-people.
There are still a number of good houses to be let, notwithstanding the great influx of English, many of whom have engaged houses for _four or five years_, on terms which seem _very reasonable_ to those accustomed to the _London prices_.
The country round Brussels presents several excursions which would probably have better answered my expectations had the weather been more favourable. The Abbey of _Jurourin_, was a country seat of the princes of the Austrian family, and was formerly famous for its menagerie. The forest of _Sogne_ is of great extent; and its numerous avenues, which now had a sombre appearance, are, no doubt, in summer, much frequented by the inhabitants of Brussels. This forest was the property of the Emperor of Germany, and is said to have produced an annual revenue of one million of florins.
The prison, or house of correction, at _Vilvorde_, is worthy of attention, from the excellent manner in which it is conducted. Those who wish for the introduction of some improvements into our workhouses, might surely derive many useful hints from the manner in which similar establishments are conducted abroad; and although I have never thought much on the subject, yet I did not fail to remark the cleanliness, regularity, and industry, which prevailed here and in another place of the same kind near Berne.
Brussels is seen to great advantage from the ancient ramparts which surround it. I went entirely round the city in about two hours, and afterwards attended divine service, which was performed in English, to a congregation which proved the great number of English now here. There are at present but _few very strongly fortified cities_ in Belgium, compared with the vast number which it formerly contained. The period is past, when, after the ablest engineers had exerted their utmost skill in the construction of fortifications around its cities, generals, not less distinguished, contended for the honour of reducing them. Amongst numberless other instances, the siege of _Ostend_ sufficiently attests how successful the engineers have been in rendering those places strong; and also bears ample testimony to the perseverance of the commanders who at last succeeded in taking them. Ambrose Spinola entered Ostend in 1604, after a siege of above three years, during which the besieged lost 50,000 and the besiegers 80,000 men. The siege and capture of _Valenciennes_ might also be adduced, if testimony were wanting of the zeal and bravery of British armies and commanders. But however justly these sieges are celebrated in _modern times_, the _antiquarian_ who contends for the _supremacy of past ages_ over the present, will not fail to instance the siege of _Troy_ and the exploits of Achilles and Agamemnon, as a more distinguished instance of perseverance than any to be met with in these _degenerate_ _days_, and if he should meet with some _sceptic_ who insists that the heroes of Homer owe their existence only to the imagination of the poet, although he can a.s.sent to no such hypothesis, yet he will also instance the siege of _Azotus_, on the frontiers of Egypt, which Psammeticus, meditating extensive conquests, and thinking it beneath him to leave so strong a fortress unsubdued, is related to have spent 29 years of his reign in reducing.
As I was desirous of visiting Antwerp and Ghent, and as the period allotted for my tour was drawing to a close (a circ.u.mstance which the advanced season of the year gave me but little reason to regret) I left Brussels, enveloped in a fog, which might remind the English fas.h.i.+onables of those so prevalent in London during the gloomy season of November, and proceeded to Malines, 14 miles distant, formerly one of the greatest cities of Belgium, but now like too many other once celebrated places in that country, affording a melancholy contrast to its former splendour, and proving that in the vicissitude of all sublunary affairs, cities, as well as their inhabitants, are subject to decay.
Non indignemur mortalia corpora solvi Cernimus exemplis oppida posse mori.
Here are several manufactories of excellent lace and many breweries, but the beer is considered as greatly inferior to that of Louvain. The houses are s.p.a.cious, and exhibit singular specimens of ancient taste; the roofs rise to a great height and terminate in a sharp point. Their walls are generally of an excessive whiteness. The tower of the cathedral is highly finished, and rises to a vast height. There being little to detain me here, Malines being more remarkable for what it once was, than for what it now is, I continued my way to Antwerp along an excellent paved road, lined by avenues of trees, which are often so cut (the Dutch differing from the Minorquins, who never prune a tree, saying, that nature knows best how it should grow) as not to be at all ornamental, and in some places cannot be said to afford either "from storms a shelter, or from heat a shade." In that state, however unnatural, they answer the intention of their planters, by marking the course of the road in the snowy season, without excluding the air from it in the wet weather, prevalent in autumn.
Antwerp is one of the most celebrated cities of Europe, and although its present situation is far from comparable with its former celebrity, yet it has revived greatly of late years; and the events which have restored to these provinces their independence, will, no doubt, fill with the vessels of all trading nations those docks, which were constructed by the French Government at such incredible expence, and with far different views than the encouragement of commercial speculations. The ca.n.a.ls by which these docks communicate with Bruges and Ostend, that the navy of Napoleon might run no risks by pa.s.sing on the _high seas_, are vast works, which must have cost enormous sums of money. The Scheld is here about half the width of the Thames at Westminster; but _Antwerp_ is above fifty miles from its mouth. Its depth is very considerable; and such was at one period the commerce of Antwerp, that not less than 2000 vessels annually entered its port. The present population of this city is stated at 60,000. There are manufactures of lace, silk, chocolate, and extensive establishments for refining sugar. The export of the productions of the fruitful district which surrounds the city is very considerable. Nothing proves more strongly the _riches of these provinces_, than the short period in which they recover the evils of a campaign; and it was their fertility in grain, which princ.i.p.ally rendered them of such importance to the French government. During the late scarcity in France, the crops succeeded tolerably well here; and Buonaparte obliged the inhabitants of Belgium to supply France at a price which he fixed himself, and by which _they lost_ considerably.
There are many buildings at Antwerp, which are justly admired for their magnificence, particularly the cathedral, which, like many other churches here, was decorated by the pencil of Rubens. The tower of the cathedral is a rich specimen of Gothic. The general effect of this building is lessened by a number of mean houses which surround it. The church of St. Andre contains a monument to the memory of Mary Queen of Scotland. The town-house is a large building; its facade is 250 feet in length, and is composed of all the orders of architecture. Many of the streets at Antwerp are tolerably well built. I was informed that many individuals have good collections of paintings, by the chief painters which this country has produced. It is impossible to pa.s.s through Flanders without being struck with the exactness with which its painters have represented the face of their country, and the persons of its inhabitants. Antwerp, on the whole, has a tolerably cheerful appearance.
The promenade of Penipiere is pleasant, and much frequented by the citizens.
The country between Antwerp and Gand, presents, like the rest of Flanders, a level surface, highly cultivated, traversed by excellent roads, running in straight lines from one town to another. I must, however, own that I have seldom traversed a more uninteresting country.
But as the reign of a prince, which affords the fewest incidents for the commemoration of the historian, is thought to be often the most fortunate for the interests of his subjects, so a country, which is pa.s.sed over in silence by the tourist, as devoid of those natural beauties, which fix his attention, often contains the most land susceptible of cultivation, which best repays the labours of the husbandman, and is the most valuable to the possessor. Many of the Flemish inns are very neat; but the traveller who has recently quitted Germany, is struck with their inferiority in point of decoration (although, perhaps, in no other respect) to those of that country, which abound with gilding, trophies, and armorial bearings, to invite the stranger, who here has a less shewy intimation of the entertainment he seeks for. The peasants here commonly wear wooden shoes; and they who do not consider how powerful is the force of custom, are surprised how they contrive to walk so well, in such awkward and clumsy machines.
Gand, or _Ghent_, is the capital of Flanders, and is one of the greatest cities in Europe as to extent; it is seven miles in circ.u.mference. It is situated on the Scheldt and Lys, which are here joined by two smaller rivers, which with numerous ca.n.a.ls intersect the city, and form upwards of twenty islands, that are united by above 100 bridges. No position can be conceived more favourable for trade than this. But Gand is greatly fallen from the once splendid situation she held amongst the cities of Europe, and although superior to either Brussels or Antwerp in point of appearance, its population is now inferior to those cities, being reduced to 58,000: a very inconsiderable number for a city of such extent. Gand is celebrated as the birthplace of the Emperor Charles the Fifth. It exhibited at different periods proofs of his attachment to a place of which he boasted being a citizen, and of the severity with which he punished the revolt of its inhabitants. In more ancient times Gand produced another character of political importance, _d'Arteville_, a brewer, whose influence in this city (then one of the first in Europe) made King Edward the Third of England solicitous for his friends.h.i.+p; and history informs us, that one of his sons, at the head of 60,000 Gantois, carried on a war against his sovereign.
Here was concluded the celebrated treaty in 1516, called the Pacification of Gand; and it may in future times be famous for the conclusion of a treaty between England and America.
Charles the Fifth comparing the extent of Paris with that of this city, is said to have remarked, "_qu'il auroit mis tout Paris dans Gand_;"
and, except Paris, and perhaps Cologne, it is the largest city I have seen on the Continent. Many of the ca.n.a.ls have some appearance of trade.
I observed many very extensive bleach-greens beyond the ancient ditches and works which surround the city. The walls along the ca.n.a.l of _la Coussure_ are the most frequented by the inhabitants.
The cathedral is a handsome structure, and contains some beautiful carving. The church of St. Michael is also a n.o.ble and venerable edifice. There are many other handsome churches amongst the number which the city contains, and I do not recollect ever to have been in a place where there are such a number and variety of _chimes_.
The town-house is an extremely large and handsome building, in the ancient taste, as indeed are most of those in the Netherlands. The city contains many elegant private houses. The streets are remarkably clean and s.p.a.cious, but the want of an adequate population is very perceptible. Here is a good public library, and the Botanic Garden is considered as the best in the Netherlands. The prison built by the Empress Maria Teresa is well worthy of a visit; and the stranger cannot fail of being struck with the extreme activity and industry which prevails within its walls. Every thing seems conducted much in the same manner, of which I had occasion to notice the advantages at Vilvorde.
There is a theatre; but those who have lately arrived from Brussels or Lisle will not be much struck with the merits of the performers. From Gand to Ostend and Dunkirk there are no public conveyances, except along the ca.n.a.ls. This mode of travelling I was not inclined to adopt; and hearing that the road by Lisle, although thirty miles longer, pa.s.sed through a finer country, I determined to proceed that way. I did not hear a favourable account of _Ostend_; and, notwithstanding the peace, above a third of the houses were said to be untenanted. Bruges has neither river nor fountain, but abundance of stagnant ca.n.a.ls and reservoirs. The word _Bourse_, as designating the place where merchants a.s.semble to transact business, had its first origin from a house at Bruges, then belonging to the family of _Van der Bourse_, opposite to which the merchants of the city used to meet daily. As the road between Ghent and Lisle did not claim any minute survey, and as I had been satisfied with the trial I had before made of a diligence in their country, I engaged a place for Lille for the next morning.
I was awakened, long before daybreak, by the noise of packing in the carriages in the yard, and by the vociferations of several Frenchmen in the house, who seemed to exert their lungs more than the occasion required. I was not sorry to see them set off in a different carriage from that in which I was to proceed, as their extreme noise would have been tiresome. I had not to complain that my companions made an unnecessary _depense de parole_. They were, I believe, all Flemish. One of them prided himself on being able to speak a little English, which he said he could read perfectly, and pulled from his pocket "The Vicar of Wakefield," which, he a.s.sured me, he admired extremely. I have, on many occasions, in Germany, been in company with persons who were more desirous of beginning a conversation in English, than able afterwards to continue it; but in general I have found that the English make less allowance for the want of proficiency of foreigners in their language than foreigners do for our ignorance of theirs. On one occasion, at a _table d'hote_, a person who sat near me pointed out a gentleman at some distance, and observed that it would be impossible to please him more than by giving him an opportunity of speaking English, as he valued himself much on his knowledge of that language. He was not long without finding the opportunity he sought for, but not the approbation which he had probably expected.
But to return to the diligence. The rest of the pa.s.sengers being lethargic after dinner, an elderly lady and I had the conversation to ourselves. She complained frequently of her _poor bonnet_, which, from its _extraordinary elevation_ (having to all appearance antiquity to boast of) was frequently forced in contact with the top of the carriage by the roughness of the pavement. I told her, I had heard that the bonnets at Paris had been much reduced in point of height, and that perhaps something between the French and English fas.h.i.+ons would in time be generally worn. But although she had to complain of the inconvenience arising from the unnecessarily large dimensions of her headdress, she expressed a hope that no such reduction might take place, as the English bonnets were in her opinion so extremely unbecoming, that she should much regret any bias in the French ladies towards such an innovation.
The pavement on which we travelled was rendered very necessary by the weight of the carriages, which would soon make the road impa.s.sable. The country resembled the rest of Flanders. I observed a greater number of sportsmen than I had yet seen, well provided with dogs, ranging a country which is too thickly inhabited to abound in game; and I have seldom seen a district where there are fewer birds of any kind. Courtray is a large and handsome town. Here I observed some large dogs employed in drawing small carts, a custom very general in Holland. The town-house bears an inscription, indicating that it was erected _by the senate and people of Courtray_; a style lately used by all the cities of Germany which depended on the empire, however inconsiderable they had become in the course of years. There are many beggars here although the town and neighbourhood exhibits more industry than I had observed since I left Antwerp.
At Courtray and Menin the garrisons are English, and a little beyond the last named place we entered France. The _boundary stone_ was pointed out to me as curious, from having escaped unnoticed during the revolutionary times, as it bears the royal arms of France on one side and those of Austria on the other, and after a series of eventful years, it serves again to point out the ancient and legitimate limits of France. We were detained above an hour at the custom-house, as the diligence was heavily laden and all merchandise, as well as the baggage of the pa.s.sengers, was examined with minute attention.
The tax was however only on the patience, the purse not being diminished by any claim from the officers, who were extremely civil in a.s.sisting to arrange what their search had convinced them not to be illegal. Our pa.s.sports were not demanded until we reached the out-posts of Lille, and we were not long detained, as every thing was satisfactory. I was told that a few days before, two English travellers not being provided with sufficient pa.s.sports, were taken out of the diligence and conveyed under an escort into Lille, where they were next day recommended to return to England, and provide themselves with proper pa.s.sports.
Lille is the capital of French Flanders, and the chief place in the department _du Nord_; it is one of the handsomest and best built cities of France, as well as the strongest fortified. The _citadel_ especially, is considered as the _chef d'oeuvre_ of the celebrated _Vauban_, this place having been one of the most important fortresses on this side of France; it has again become so, although far removed from that line which an insatiable ambition would have established as the boundary of France; and which included nations not desirous of the union. The population of Lille is estimated at 61,500. It contains many manufactories, which a period of tranquillity will probably restore to their ancient prosperity. Many of the streets here reminded me of Paris.
The cathedral is a handsome building, as are also the exchange, the theatre, and the porte royale. The barracks are large and s.p.a.cious; and there being generally a large garrison, the _theatre_ is well attended and the performers superior to those in most provincial towns. I was told by a gentleman who has resided here for some time, that there are few towns in France which exceed this in point of agreeable society. He had two letters of introduction on his arrival and found no difficulty in enlarging the circle of his acquaintance. He added, that many English had settled here for the sake of economy; and it certainly is cheaper than most of the great towns of Belgium.
I had much reason to be satisfied that I took this road to Calais, instead of going by the ca.n.a.ls, as the country was much diversified, and the _view from Ca.s.sel_ was one of the most striking and extensive that I had ever seen. Notwithstanding that the month of November is not calculated for seeing a country to advantage, some of the richest and best cultivated provinces of France and Flanders are discovered from this commanding situation. The scene is bounded on one side by the sea and on the other by the mountains of Hainault. Those who are acquainted with the country a.s.sert that from Ca.s.sel you can see thirty towns or considerable villages, of which seventeen are fortified. Ca.s.sel itself is by no means remarkable; it was at one time a place of great strength, but its fortifications have gone to decay, although its situation must always render it a strong position. After a considerable descent on leaving Ca.s.sel, we arrived in the plain, which extends to the coast, with but little variation. It is fertile in corn and produces hops.
There are several rich pastures and a tolerable proportion of wood. This day we travelled entirely in the department _du Nord_, where the roads are much attended to. I observed a few country houses and a chateau of General _Vandamme_.
Berg is a considerable town, but badly situated; the country from thence to Dunkirk is a flat and marshy plain, resembling those extensive tracts which occupy a large proportion of the counties of Cambridge and Lincoln. It abounds with ca.n.a.ls and drains, which in some places are higher than the fields, but this uninteresting district feeds large herds of cattle, and is in many parts well cultivated. One of the chief ca.n.a.ls leading to Dunkirk runs parallel with the road for a great distance, its banks are planted with trees, which have a stunted appearance, owing probably to their proximity to the sea. I observed on the ca.n.a.l several boats laden with the produce of the country, as well as the stage boats. Dunkirk is well built, and the streets being s.p.a.cious it makes a favourable impression on the mind of the traveller, who is perhaps more liable to the force of a first impression than most others. Some of the churches and public buildings are handsome and the number of inhabitants is estimated at 22,000. Its name is said to originate from a church built here by the Duns in 646, and in Flemish its name signifies the _church of the Duns_. There is much similarity between many words in the English and Flemish, but the latter cannot claim the praise of agreeableness.
It is endeavoured by a proclamation of the _Prince Sovereign_ to restore the _Flemish language_ in all public acts and pleadings at law, to the exclusion of the French, which during the union of Belgium with France, was alone allowed to be used, and pains were taken that in all schools the French language only should be taught. But it is a difficult task, to overcome the partiality of a people for their ancient dialect, and the Flemish language is still used by the lower cla.s.ses even in those parts of Flanders which have been united for above a century to France.
At this day the difference between the two nations is not altogether done away.
The scheme of again uniting Belgium and the left bank of the Rhine to France, is here perpetually introduced. The French talk of the oppressed state of the Belgians, and of the vast number of _ordinary_, _extraordinary_, and _indirect_ imposts to which they are subject, and conclude that they must wish to become again the subjects of France, as if they would by that means escape taxation. That they would rather be subject to the _mild government of Louis XVIII_. than to the _oppressive tyranny of Buonaparte_, I can easily conceive; but is it unnatural that they should be desirous of existing as an independent nation, under a government of their own? Yet were it ascertained beyond dispute, that the wishes of the Belgians are such as the French represent them, surely the general interests of Europe, and the preservation of that balance of power so essential to its permanent tranquillity, would forbid the further extension of France, which might again rea.s.sume that preponderance which it has cost the other powers so much to reduce. I am, however, inclined to think, that the wishes of the Belgians are not such as they are represented; but the French _knowing a little, presume a good deal, and so jump to a conclusion_.
The merchants here seem to expect that their city will obtain the privileges of a _free port_, which have been lately granted to Ma.r.s.eilles, but upon what grounds their hopes are founded, I did not distinctly understand.
Dunkirk was at one period subject to England; being taken in 1658, it continued an English garrison until sold by that needy monarch Charles the Second, to Louis the Fourteenth, in 1662. The odium of this transaction was one of the causes of the disgrace of that great statesman, Lord Clarendon, and a house which he was then building, obtained the popular appellation of _Dunkirk House_. In the possession of so enterprising and ambitious a sovereign as Louis, Dunkirk became so formidable by its fortifications, that the demolition of them was deemed essential to the interests of England, and was accordingly insisted on by the Treaty of Utrecht, 1713; but by the treaty of 1783, the article against its being fortified was annulled, and although several works have been constructed since that period, it has by no means re-a.s.sumed its former strength. From Dunkirk, I proceeded to Gravelines, which, although inconsiderable as a town, is strong as a fortress, since the flat country which surrounds it may be laid under water to a great extent on the approach of an enemy. The market-place is s.p.a.cious, but overgrown with weeds. I observed that it still bears the name of the _Place de la Liberte_, and a street which communicates with it is designated _Rue de l'Egalite_.
The t.i.tle of the market-place is more applicable to the present than to the former state of France; that of the street cannot long exist in any country, for the maxim tells us, "_that all men are by nature unequal_,"
and the attempt to render them equal has been often compared, in point of absurdity, to the labours of _Procrustes_. _An equal right to justice_ is all the _equality_ that can subsist in civilized society, consistent with the _liberty_, _property_, and _personal security_, of individuals, which would be perpetually violated by a system, to preserve which, it would be requisite continually to take from the acquisitions of the industrious, to give to the idle and the profligate.
It is possible that the experience of the last twenty years may not have produced as full a conviction as might have been expected on the minds of the French; but it cannot be supposed to have been altogether unheeded by them.
I found at Gravelines a diligence, which I think the cheapest land conveyance I ever met with. It runs from Dunkirk to Calais (about twenty-five English miles) for three francs. It carries six pa.s.sengers, and performs the journey in about five or six hours. It is the _spirit of opposition_ which has so advantageously for the public reduced the price, which used to be double, and which will probably, in a little time, rise one franc more.
The country between Gravelines and Calais is as uninteresting as can be conceived. The ground is shewn where Edward III. of England had his camp during the memorable siege of Calais. This town continued to be possessed by England until the reign of Queen Mary, (being the last place in France _proper_ which remained of the numerous territories once possessed by England), and its loss is said to have greatly afflicted her Majesty. The fortifications of Calais are kept in tolerably good repair. I found that for three days previous to my arrival no vessel had been able to sail, owing to the contrary winds and the violent agitation of the sea. Two vessels had been wrecked by these storms, but nearly all the crews were saved. In the evening I visited the theatre, and was sorry to observe, that a sentiment introduced into the performance expressive of satisfaction at the peace between France and England, excited much disapprobation from the officers present. The _jealousy which prevails against the English in France is very striking_, after the cordiality with which they are received in Germany. It seems to be the Englishman's _purse alone_ that commands a certain interested a.s.siduity, which they take care shall be _amply_ remunerated.
The port of Calais presented no appearance of activity, the transports which filled it on my first arrival having long disappeared. After being detained one day, I was glad to hear a bustle in the hotel at an early hour next morning, and perceiving that the wind had become more favourable for England, I hastened on board the packet, in which my landlord had engaged me a place; the price I found was now reduced to half a guinea. I had procured the day before a _sufferance_ for the embarkation of myself and baggage. Our captain and crew were French, and the vessel was not in the neatest order.
Two other packets sailed at the same time, but arrived in Dover before us. All were full of pa.s.sengers, owing to the weather having been long unfavourable for sailing. We had on board forty-six pa.s.sengers, amongst whom were several _Frenchmen_, who again gave me occasion to remark the loquacity of their nation; and they only agreed with La Fontaine in the former part of the line, where he says, "_Il est bon de parler, et meilleur de se taire_;" _'Tis good to speak, but better to be silent._ Our pa.s.sage was extremely rough; but after twelve hours sailing, we entered the port of Dover, and I felt great pleasure in finding myself again in a country, which had only risen still higher in my estimation, from the comparison I had been enabled to form between it and the other countries I had visited.
A tour through some parts of France, Switzerland, Savoy, Germany and Belgium Part 11
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