Hardcore Zen : punk rock, monster movies and the truth about reality Part 10

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"For the first time, now gathered in one volume, we can read 1500 YEARS OF THE DISCOVERY OF THE TRUE PATH of discovery and realize what it means to be truly present for life as it is. A jewel of a book."-Joan Halifax Ros.h.i.+, Head Teacher, Upaya Zen Center

"A COOL BOOK; it takes the risk of going deep."-John Tarrant, Zen teacher and Director of the Pacific Zen Inst.i.tute


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But life itself is absolutely hilarious, a veritable laugh riot, if you look at it the right way.


Or: matter, volition, and nonmatter. Take your pick.


Much like I imagine you're finding this book.


Although Gene, if you're reading this, I'd like to say that CARNIVAL OF SOULS was a brilliant alb.u.m that never got the credit it deserved. And thank you for the copy of KISSTORY II you sent me.


Or "will lose"-I don't want to presume.


If you just have to know the hardcore details of the ceremony, check out a book called ZEN IS ETERNAL LIFE by Jiyu-Kennett. In spite of the awful t.i.tle (it used to be brilliantly t.i.tled SELLING WATER BY THE RIVER) the book is a pretty useful guide to the basic ceremonies and core texts of the Soto sect of Zen Buddhism.


SENSEI is a mild j.a.panese honorific that can refer to anyone from a preschool teacher to a hairdresser.


I have realized since then that Yoko was the real genius in their collaborations, and Yoko, if you're reading this, I'd still love to pose naked with you.


Great band, though. They blew us off stage that night.


Which I don't-but that's beside the point.


"Got yer enlightenment!"


I'm not sure who those monks are, though they seem to get a lot of airtime-but that ain't Buddhism.


And I do mean YOU.

Hardcore Zen : punk rock, monster movies and the truth about reality Part 10

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