The Six Immortals Chapter 107

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Chapter 107 – No Mercy for Women

(Mustang: Hey guys, sixth Chapter for this week and fourth for the day, by my count. The next one is close to being ready. I’ll try to finish that as soon as I can.)


Lone Leaf and w.a.n.g Zhong were having a tough time coping up with Li Xuan Feng’s team, at the heart of the battlefield, so Bi Fan and Blue Dragon finally decided to move into the action.

Li Xuan Feng’s team hadn’t been paying any attention to Blue Dragon and Bi Fan, since they had a.s.sessed the two men to be, only, inside the ‘Spiritual intelligence’ layer. On top of that, since the both of them were surrounded by a flock of the Devil’s Race, Li Xuan Feng was under the impression that the two of them wouldn’t even be able to get out of the encirclement, let alone provide help to their companions, or flee.

In reality, Bi Fan and Blue Dragon’s strength was far more than that, in fact, they were almost equal to w.a.n.g Zhong and Lone Leaf, if not stronger.

But so far, they hadn’t even made any attempts to kill the Devil’s Race that they were facing, let alone disturb Li Xuan Feng’s plans.

Using his agility, Bi Fan quickly emerged from the encirclement of the beasts. Blue Dragon wasn’t slow either, and quickly followed in his stead.

They exchanged glances, as they prepared to join the fray.

Blue Dragon went straight for Ling Long, since she was weakest of them all, and they were looking for a one shot kill.

Bi Fan, on the other hand, chose Yan Ren. Yan Ren was only weaker than Li Xuan Feng, which put her in second place, in their team. But Bi Fan was confident about killing her in one strike.

No mercy for Women!

Hegemon Overlord!

Blue Dragon cast out a ferocious attack, and attacked out of the blue. Ling Long wasn’t even remotely prepared to deal with a surprise attack from behind, since she was too busy dealing with Lone Leaf.

“Boom!” Ling Long was thrown to the ground; not out of injury…she was already dead.

Bi Fan had timed his attack to match Blue Dragon’s, casting out ‘rainy fly sword’ and ‘prancing tiger’, he had targeted Yan Ren to be his first victim.

At this moment, he wasn’t about to show any deference to women either, and went straight for the kill.

“Ah!” Yan Ren’s scream echoed, as she was flew into the air, and landed on the ground. She stayed there; motionless.

Tian Long Yu and Li Xuan Feng halted in their steads, terror stricken. Li Xuan Feng shouted in disbelief: “How did you manage to kill our companions, ah?”

“I will eat you alive!” Tian Long Yu roared; his eyes were red with blood l.u.s.t.

Li Xuan Feng had a crush on Yan Ren, whereas Tian Long Yu favored Ling Long. Even though they hadn’t yet succeeded in winning the women over, they were furious at Bi Fan and Blue Dragon, since the two women were dead because of them.

They were hoping, that after killing the Abyss Dragon, they would be able to win the women over, but now all their dreams had started to burn in front of their eyes.

Even though they were faced with two, rather confused and angry men, Bi Fan and Blue Dragon payed no attention to their opponent’s mind frame, and charged straight for their heads.

Until now, Bi Fan and Blue Dragon had been taking it easy, owing to which, they had consumed far lesser energy than Lone Leaf and w.a.n.g Zhong. So now, they were more than happy to take the lead.

“Bang… bang…” even though their opponents launched several attacks in quick succession, Bi Fan and Blue Dragon were able to deal with them quite comfortably, and had even started imposing their will.

Li Xuan Feng and Tian Long Yu had reacted in the heat of vengeance, initially, but now, were being forced to retreat.

w.a.n.g Zhong and Lone Leaf didn’t rush to rejoin the fight, and decided to stay on the periphery, prepared to intercept Li Xuan Feng and Tian Long Yu, in case either of them tried to make an escape.

“You killed Yan Ren by deceit, but don’t think that you can kill me off.” Li Xuan Feng’s words wreaked of hatred: “It seems that you have a lot of hidden strength, but you’ve made a grave miscalculation. You won’t be able to kill me. Think about it, we are from the Zheng Qi Sect, if you kill us, there will be consequences. Lone Leaf, do you want this to be the reason that causes the relations.h.i.+p between, Zheng Qi and Bei Ming, to fall apart?”

“Li Xuan Feng, you’re a smooth talker, but if you were really worried about the relations.h.i.+p between the Bei Ming and the Zheng Qi factions, then you wouldn’t have started this. Right now, you’re staring the face of your death, and you know it. I know that you’ll say almost anything to get away.” Lone Leaf sneered.

At this time, Lone Leaf’s recording device was off, so he really didn’t feel like saying anything for show off.

Tian Long Yu, and Ling Xuan Feng, until now, had never known fear, as they had always relied on the name of their faction, to talk their way out of a situation.

But right now, their ident.i.ties were of no importance, and they finally knew what fear meant.

“Lone Leaf, I’m one of the most important disciples of the Zheng Qi Sect, and one of my ancestors is an elder at the Sect. Don’t you dare kill me; aren’t you afraid of their revenge?” Li Xuan Feng was making one final effort, as he really didn’t want to die.

At this point, he had already cast Tian Long Yu aside. As long as he could save his own life, he would be happy enough to let his friend die. Tian Long Yu didn’t say anything about it either, since even one person from their team managed to get out alive, then the deaths of the rest would definitely be avenged.

Li Xuan Feng paused for a second, and then continued: “As long as you let me go, you can have all my valuables, including the Abyss Dragon’s nucleus.”

“Haha, if we kill you now, then all of your possessions will naturally belong to us. This wouldn’t have happened if you had kept your previous promise; you asked for this. Now that we have killed two of your companions, you’ve started begging for mercy?!” w.a.n.g Zhong said in a cold tone.

w.a.n.g Zhong and Lone Leaf also decided to join the fight, since they wanted to finish this quickly now.

Tian Long Yu and Li Xuan Feng had already gone a few rounds without rest, owing to which their energy reserves were almost depleted.

On the other hand, Bi Fan and Blue Dragon were extremely fresh, and extremely violent.

As for the Devil’s Race, most of them were either dead, or had abandoned the fight. Only a few beasts still remained in the vicinity, out of the which, only four were inside the ‘transformation’ layer.

At this point, they had made the smartest choice that they could think of, and had receded to a safe distance from the battlefield.

The Devil’s Race beasts were wise enough to wait a while, since they knew that there could be another chance for them in the future, which is why they hadn’t left just yet.

At present, Tian Long Yu and Li Xuan Feng had already sustained multiple injuries; their scarves were in tatters, their clothes were dangling in sc.r.a.pes, and even their armors were in a battered condition.

Both, Tian Long Yu and Li Xuan Feng, roared again and again, in a mad frenzy, but were unable to rescue themselves.

“Kill them!” w.a.n.g Zhong, and the others, launched another round of powerful attacks.

Tian Long Yu and Li Xuan Feng, were both considered leading figures of the young generation inside the Zheng Qi Sect, and were standing up to their reputation. Even in this fatigued state, they had been able to withstand almost a dozen rounds of attacks.

Bi Fan was beginning to lose patience, as he really didn’t want to struggle any longer.

A Snap of the finger! Prancing Tiger! Fufeng Double-edged sword!…..

He started casting out his wide variety of techniques, with both hands, as he launched a sharp train of attacks.

Since Bi Fan had s.h.i.+fted gears in a matter of seconds, Li Xuan Feng was unable to cope up, and got caught by his attacks, repeatedly, until he had no more steam left in him.

“Rainy-fly Sword!” Bi Fan, suddenly, launched his strongest attack, and pierced his sword through Li Xuan Feng’s chest.

With Li Xuan Feng dead, Bi Fan turned his attention to Tian Long Yu. Tian Long Yu was already on the verge of being overrun, and now that he was faced with four people at once, he didn’t even last a few seconds.

“Sweep the battlefield, so can leave quickly.” Bi Fan said.

The four of them were quite skilled at this next part, and quickly finished cleaning out the battlefield, following which they quickly left the scene.

As a precaution, before leaving the scene, they each searched in different directions to make sure that no one was secretly spying on their fight, as they really didn’t want any witnesses to the incident.

The members in Li Xuan Feng’s team were all well-known people, and if word got out, then they would definitely be in trouble. Even if the Zheng Qi sect was unable to take any official action, they could still resort to sending after the four of them to avenge their disciples.

Moreover, Bi Fan’s team had just procured an Abyss Dragon’s nucleus. If this secret became public, then the four of them would definitely have to face a lot of contention for their treasures.

After the four of them left the pool, they immediately started searching for a secretive place to restore their energies, and divide the loot.

This was another big bounty, and the four of them were quite excited. Lone Leaf, w.a.n.g Zhong, and Blue Dragon, especially, were unable to control themselves, since each of them was desperately hoping to land the nucleus.

The Six Immortals Chapter 107

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The Six Immortals Chapter 107 summary

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