Scouting For Girls, Official Handbook of the Girl Scouts Part 17

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Being in line to turn and halt: 1 _Squad Right_ (_or left_), 2 _March_, 3 _Squad_, 4 _Halt_.

The third command is given immediately after the second. The turn is executed as prescribed in the preceding paragraph except that all Scouts, on arriving on the new line mark time until the fourth command is given, when all halt. The fourth command should be given as the last Scout arrives on the line.

Being in line to turn about and march: 1 _Squad Right (or left) About_, 2 _March_.

At the second command the front rank twice executes Squad Right initiating the second Squad Right when the Scout on the marching flank has arrived abreast of the rank. In the rear rank the third Scout from the right, followed by the second and first in column, moves straight to the front until on the prolongation of the line to be occupied by the rear rank; changes direction to the right; moves in the new direction until in the rear of her front rank Scout, when all face to the right in marching, mark time, and glance toward the marching flank. The fourth Scout marches on the left of the third to her new position; as she arrives on the line, both ranks execute _Forward March_ without command.


_On Right (or left) Into Line._

Being in columns of squads, to form line on right or left; 1 _On Right (or left) Into Line_, 2 _March_, 3 _Company_, 4 _Halt_, 5 _Front_.

At the first command the leader of the leading unit commands: _Right Turn._ The leaders of the other units command: _Forward_, if at a halt.

At the second command the leading unit turns to the right on moving pivot. The command _Halt_ is given when the leading unit has advanced the desired distance in the new direction; it halts; its leader then commands: _Right Dress._

The units in the rear continue to march straight to the front; each, when opposite its place on the line, executes _Right Turn_ at the command of its leader; each is halted on the line at the command of its leader, who then commands: _Right Dress._ All dress on the first unit on the line.

If executed in double time, the leading squad marches in double time until halted.

_Front Into Line._

Being in columns of squads, to form line to the front; _Right (or left) Front Into Line_, 2 _March_, 3 _Company_, 4 _Halt_, 5 _Front_.

At the first command the leaders of the units in the rear of the leading one command: _Right Oblique._ If at a halt, the leader of the leading unit commands: _Forward._ At the second command the leading unit moves straight forward: the rear units oblique as indicated. The command _Halt_ is given when the leading unit has advanced the desired distance; it halts; its leader then commands: _Left Dress_. Each of the rear units, when opposite its place in line, resumes the original direction at the command of its leader; each is halted on the line at the command of its leader, who then commands: _Left Dress_. All dress on the first unit in line.

To Diminish the Front of a Column of Squads

Being in column of squads: 1 _Right (or left) By Twos_, 2 _March_. At the command _March_, all files except the two right files of the leading squad execute _In Place Halt_; the two right files of the leading squad oblique to the right when disengaged and follow the right files at the shortest practicable distance. The remaining squads follow successively in like manner.

Being in columns of twos: (1) _Right (or left) By File_, 2 _March_. At the command _March_, all files execute _In Place Halt_, except the right file of the leading two oblique successively to the right when disengaged and each follows the file on its right at the shortest practicable distance. The remaining twos follow successively in like manner.

Being in column of files of twos, to form column of squads; or being in column of files, to form column of twos: 1 _Squads (Twos) Right (or left) Front Into Line_, 2 _March_.

At the command _March_, the leading file or files halt. The remainder of the squad, or two, obliques to the right and halts on line with the leading file or files. The remaining squads or twos close up and successively form in the rear of the first in like manner.

The movement described in this paragraph will be ordered _Right_ or _Left_, so as to restore the files to their normal relative positions in the two or squad.


[2] _All ranks count off beginning with right end: 1, 2, 3, 4._




The General Service Code, given herewith, also called the Continental Code and the International Morse Code, is used by the Army and Navy, and for cabling and wireless telegraphy. It is used for visual signalling by hand, flag, Ardois lights, torches, heliograph, lanterns, etc., and for sound signalling with buzzer, whistle, etc.

The American Morse Code is used for commercial purposes only, and differs from the International Morse in a few particulars. A Scout need not concern herself with it because it would only be used by the Scout who eventually becomes a telegrapher, and for this purpose the Western Union Company offers the necessary training.

Wig Wag Signalling


The flag used for this signalling is square with a smaller square of another color in the center. It may be either white with the smaller square red, or red with the smaller square white. A good size for Scout use is 24 inches square with a center 9 inches square, on a pole 42 inches long and one-half inch in diameter.

There are but three motions with the flag and all start from, and are completed by, return to position, which means the flag held perpendicularly and at rest directly in front of the signaller.

Signaller should stand erect, well balanced on the arches of the feet.

The b.u.t.t of the flag stick is held lightly in the right hand; the left hand steadies and directs the flag at a distance from six to twelve inches above the right on the stick. The length of the stick will determine the position of the left hand; the longer the stick the further apart must the hands be placed in order to obtain the best balance.

[Ill.u.s.tration: POSITION DOT DASH FRONT]

DOT: To make the dot, swing the flag down to the right until the stick reaches the horizontal and bring it back to Position.

DASH: To make the dash, swing the flag to the left until it reaches the horizontal and bring it back to Position.

INTERVAL: The third position is made by swinging the flag down directly in front and returning to Position.

In order to keep the flag from "fouling" when making these motions, make a sort of figure 8 with the point of the stick. A slight turn of the wrist accomplishes this result and becomes very easy after a little practice. Beginners should master the three motions of the flag, exaggerating the figure 8 motion before they attempt to make letters.

_It is also best to learn the code before attempting to wig wag it, so that the mind will be free to concentrate upon the technique or correct managing of the flag._


(The International Morse or Continental)

Uses: Commercial wireless, submarine cables, Army and Navy. Methods: flags by day, torches, lanterns, flashlight, searchlight, by night; whistle, drum, bugle, tapping.

A .- B -...

C -.-.

D -..

E .

F ..-.

G --.

H ....

I ..

J .--- K -.- L .-..

M -- N -.

O --- P .--.

Scouting For Girls, Official Handbook of the Girl Scouts Part 17

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Scouting For Girls, Official Handbook of the Girl Scouts Part 17 summary

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