Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases Part 14

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despotic rulers

destructive radicalism

desultory vacillation [desultory = disconnected; haphazard; random]

detailed portraiture

detected hypocrisies


determinate swing

detestable purpose

dethroned princes

detrimental result

devastating effect

devilish sophistries

deviously subtle

devitalized personality

devoted attachment

devouring ambition

devout thanksgiving

dewy coolness

dexterous impudence

diabolical pa.s.sion

dialectic power

diametrically opposite

dictatorial manner

dictionary significance

didactic exposition [didactic = intended to be morally instructive]

different distortion

difficult portraiture

diffident civility [diffident = lacking self-confidence; shy; timid]

diffuse verbosity

dignified austerity

digressional adventure

dilettante mind [dilettante = dabbler in a field of knowledge]

diligently propagated

dim comprehension

diminished efficacy

diminutive stature

diplomatic skill

dire consummation

direct obligation

disappointing att.i.tude

disarmed criticism

disastrous termination

discarded reminiscences

discerning critic

disciplined mind

disclosed insincerity

discomfited opponent

disconcerted conjecture

disconnected fancies

disconsolate opinions

discordant sounds

Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases Part 14

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Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases Part 14 summary

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