Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases Part 43

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prolific outpouring

prolix narrative [prolix = wordy]

prolonged happiness

promiscuous mult.i.tude

promising scions [scions = descendants]


prompt courage

propagandist literature

propelling impulse

proper punctilio [punctilio = fine point of etiquette]

prophetic vision

propitious moment [propitious = auspicious, favorable]

proportionately vigilant

proprietary sense

prosaic excellence [prosaic = dull and lacking excitement]

prospective success

prosperity revival

prostrate servility

protoplasmic ancestors

protracted agony

proud destiny

proverbial situation

provincial prejudice

provoked hostility

prudential wisdom

prurient desire

prying criticism

psychic processes

public derision

puerile fickleness [puerile = immature; childish]

pugnacious defiance

pulsating life

punctilious care [punctilious = precise; scrupulous]

pungent epigram

puny dimensions

purblind brutality [purblind = partly blind; slow to understanding]

pure coincidence

purgatorial fires

puritanical primness

purplish shadows

purposed attempt

purposeful drama

pursuing fancies

pusillanimous desertion [pusillanimous = cowardly]

pyrotechnic outburst


quailing culprit

quaint peculiarities

qualifying service

quavering voice

Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases Part 43

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Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases Part 43 summary

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