Lessons Of The War With Spain And Other Articles Part 7
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Accepting the existence of the navy, and the necessity for its continuance--for some starting-point must be a.s.sumed--the errors to be touched upon are:
1. That the United States needs a navy "for defence only."
2. That a navy "for defence only" means for the immediate defence of our seaports and coast-line; an allowance also being made for scattered cruisers to prey upon an enemy's commerce.
3. That if we go beyond this, by acquiring any territory overseas, either by negotiation or conquest, we step at once to the need of having a navy larger than the largest, which is that of Great Britain, now the largest in the world.
4. That the difficulty of doing this, and the expense involved, are the greater because of the rapid advances in naval improvement, which it is gravely said make a s.h.i.+p obsolete in a very few years; or, to use a very favorite hyperbole, she becomes obsolete before she can be launched. The a.s.sertion of the rapid obsolescence of s.h.i.+ps of war will be dwelt upon, in the hopes of contravening it.
5. After this paper had been written, the calamity to the United States s.h.i.+p _Maine_, in the harbor of Havana, elicited, from the mourning and consternation of the country, the evident tokens of other unreasoning apprehensions--springing from imperfect knowledge and vague impressions--which at least should be noticed cursorily, and if possible appeased.
_First_, the view that the United States should plan its navy--in numbers and in sizes of s.h.i.+ps--for defence only, rests upon a confusion of ideas--a political idea and a military idea--under the one term of "defence." Politically, it has always been a.s.sumed in the United States, and very properly, that our policy should never be wantonly aggressive; that we should never seek our own advantage, however evident, by an unjust pressure upon another nation, much less by open war. This, it will be seen, is a political idea, one which serves for the guidance of the people and of the statesmen of the country in determining--not _how_ war is to be carried on, which is a military question, but--under what circ.u.mstances war is permissible, or unjust. This is a question of civil policy, pure and simple, and by no means a military question. As a nation, we have always vehemently avowed that we will, and do, act justly; in practice, like other states, and like mankind generally, when we have wanted anything very badly, we have--at least at times--managed to see that it was just that we should have it. In the matter of general policy our hands are by no means clean from aggression. General Grant, after retiring from public life, maintained that the war with Mexico was an unjust war; a stigma which, if true, stains our possession of California and much other territory. The acquisition of Louisiana was as great an outrage upon the technical rights of Spain as the acquisition of Hawaii would be upon the technical rights of the fast-disappearing aborigines; and there can be little doubt that, although we did not go to war with Spain to get Florida, we made things so uncomfortable for her that she was practically forced at last to get out. It does not follow necessarily that any of these actions were wrong, even if we consider that the so-called _legal_ rights of Mexico and Spain were set aside by the strong hand; for law is simply an invention of mankind to secure justice, and when justice, the natural rights of the greater number, is prevented by the legal, not the natural, rights of a few, the latter may be set aside, as it is at every election, where large minorities of people are forced to submit to what they consider grievous wrong. The danger incurred by overleaping law to secure what is right may be freely admitted; but no great responsibility, such as the use of power always is, can be exercised at all without some danger of abuse. However, be that as it may, there can be no question that in times past we have aggressed upon the legal rights of other states; and in the annexation of Louisiana we infringed the letter of our own Const.i.tution. We broke the law in order to reach an end eminently beneficial to the majority of those concerned. Nevertheless, while thus aggressive on occasion, warring for offence and not for defence only, it is distinctly a good thing that we hold up the ideal, and persuade ourselves that we cherish it; that we prepare means of war only for defence. It is better honestly to profess a high standard, even if we fall from it at times, than wilfully to adopt a lower ideal of conduct.
The phrase "War for defence only" conveys, therefore, a political idea, and, as such, a proper and n.o.ble idea. Unfortunately, in our country, where almost all activities fall under two chief heads--politics and business--politics, the less sensitively organized but more forceful of the two, intrudes everywhere and masters everything. We dread standing armies. Why? Because standing armies, being organized ma.s.ses of men, trained to obey capable leaders, may overcome the resistance of a people which is far greater in numbers, but unorganized. What are our politics now but organized ma.s.ses of men, habituated to obey their leaders, among whom to change their vote is stigmatized as the treason of an Arnold, and between which the popular will is driven helplessly from side to side, like a shuttlec.o.c.k between two battledores? Politics cleans our streets, regulates our education, and so on; it is not to be wondered at that it intrudes into the military sphere, with confidence all the greater because it is there especially ignorant. Let there be no misunderstanding, however. It is perfectly right that the policy of the country should dictate the character and strength of the military establishment; the evil is when policy is controlled by ignorance, summed up in a mistaken but captivating catchword--"for defence only."
Among all masters of military art--including therein naval art--it is a thoroughly accepted principle that mere defensive war means military ruin, and therefore national disaster. It is vain to maintain a military or naval force whose power is not equal to a.s.suming the offensive soon or late; which cannot, first or last, go out, a.s.sail the enemy, and hurt him in his vital interests. A navy for defence only, in the _political_ sense, means a navy that will only be used in case we are forced into war; a navy for defence only, in the _military_ sense, means a navy that can only await attack and defend its own, leaving the enemy at ease as regards his own interests, and at liberty to choose his own time and manner of fighting.
It is to be observed also that the most beneficial use of a military force is not to _wage_ war, however successfully, but to _prevent_ war, with all its suffering, expense, and complication of embarra.s.sments. Of course, therefore, a navy for defence only, from which an enemy need fear no harm, is of small account in diplomatic relations, for it is nearly useless as a deterrent from war. Whatever there may be in our conditions otherwise to prevent states from attacking us, a navy "for defence only" will not add to them. For mere harbor defence, fortifications are decisively superior to s.h.i.+ps, except where peculiar local conditions are found. All our greatest cities on the Atlantic and Gulf coasts can be locally defended better by forts than by s.h.i.+ps; but if, instead of a navy "for defence only,"
there be one so large that the enemy must send a great many s.h.i.+ps across the Atlantic, if he sends any, then the question whether he can spare so great a number is very serious, considering the ever-critical condition of European politics. Suppose, for instance, we could put twenty battles.h.i.+ps in commission for war in thirty days, and that we had threatening trouble with either Germany, France, Great Britain, or Russia. There is not one of these, except Great Britain, that could afford to send over here twenty-five battles.h.i.+ps, which would be the very fewest needed, seeing the distance of their operations from home; while Great Britain, relying wholly on her navy for the integrity of her empire, equally cannot afford the hostility of a nation having twenty battles.h.i.+ps, and with whom her points of difference are as inconsequential to her as they are with us.
It should be remembered, too, that any war which may arise with the naval nations of Europe--or with j.a.pan, which will soon rank with them--will not be with reference to our own territories, but to our external relations. In the Monroe doctrine, as now understood and viewed in the light of the Venezuela incident, with the utterances then made by our statesmen of all parties, we have on hand one of the biggest contracts any modern state has undertaken. Nor may we antic.i.p.ate from other nations the easy acquiescence of Great Britain.
The way the latter sticks by Canada should warn us that we prevailed in Venezuela because the matter to her was not worth war. Great Britain is gorged with land. Her statesmen are weary of looking after it, and of the persistence with which one advance compels another. It is not so with Germany and France. The latter is traditionally our friend, however, and her ambitions, even when she held Canada, have ever pointed east rather than west. But how about Germany? It is the fas.h.i.+on here to proclaim the Emperor a fool, for his s.h.i.+bboleth is imperialistic and not republican; but if he be, it is with the folly of the age on the European Continent--the hunger for s.h.i.+ps, colonies, and commerce, after which the great Napoleon so hankered, and upon which the prosperity of Great Britain has been built.
s.h.i.+ps, colonies, commerce, mean to a European nation of to-day just what our vast, half-improved, heavily tariffed territory means to us.
They mean to those nations room to expand, land wherewith to portion off the sons and daughters that cannot find living s.p.a.ce at home, widespread political and international influence, through blood affiliation with prosperous colonies, the power of which, in the sentiment of brotherhood, received such ill.u.s.tration in the Queen's Jubilee--one of the most majestic sights of the ages; for no Roman triumph ever equalled for variety of interest the Jubilee, in which not victorious force, but love, the all-powerful, was the tie that knit the diversities of the great pageant into one coherent, living whole. What political power is stable save that which holds men's hearts? And what holds men's hearts like blood-relations.h.i.+p, permitted free course and given occasional manifestation and exchange? German colonies, like unto those of Great Britain--such is the foolish day-dream of the German Emperor, if folly it be; but if he be a fool, he knows at least that reciprocal advantage, reciprocal interests, promote the exchange of kindly offices, by which has been kept alive the love between Englishmen at home and Englishmen in the colonies. He knows, also, that such advantages derive from power, from force--not force exerted necessarily but force possessed--and that force, power, depends not upon fleets and armies only, but upon positions also--war being, as Napoleon used to say, "a business of positions"--one of those pregnant phrases of the great captain upon which a man may meditate many hours without exhausting it. A state that aims at maritime power and at colonial empire, as Germany unquestionably--nay, avowedly--now does, needs not only large and widely dispersed colonies; she further needs influence upon those routes of commerce which connect together countries and colonies, and for that she wants possession of minor points, whose value is rather military than commercial, but which essentially affect the control of the sea and of the communications.
Now the secrets of the Emperor and of his more confidential advisers are not all worn upon the sleeve, as might be inferred from the audacity and apparent imprudence of occasional utterances. It is known, however, not only from his words, which might be discounted, but from his acts, that he wants a big navy, that he has meddled in South Africa, and that he has on a slight pretext, but not, it may well be believed, in any frivolous spirit, seized Kiao-chou, in China.
What all this means to himself can be only a matter of inference. The present writer, after inquiring in quarters likely to be well informed, has been able to obtain nothing more positive than deductions, reasonably made, by men whose business it is to watch current events in Europe; but the idea has long been forming in the minds of political thinkers, looking not only upon the moves of the political chess-board as they superficially appear in each day's news, and are dictated largely by momentary emergencies, but seeking also to detect the purpose and temperament of the players--be they men in power or national tendencies--that the German Emperor is but continuing and expanding a scheme of policy inherited from his predecessors in the government of the state. Nay, more; it is thought that this policy represents a tendency and a need of the German people itself, in the movement towards national unity between its racial const.i.tuents, in which so great an advance has already been accomplished in the last thirty years. Elements long estranged, but of the same blood, can in no way more surely attain to community of interest and of view than by the development of an external policy, of which the benefits and the pride may be common to all. True unity requires some common object, around which diverse interests may cling and crystallize. Nations, like families, need to look outside themselves, if they would escape, on the one hand, narrow self-satisfaction, or, on the other, pitiful internal dissensions.
The far-reaching external activities fostered in Great Britain by her insular position have not only intensified patriotism, but have given also a certain n.o.bility of breadth to her statesmans.h.i.+p up to the middle of this century.
Why, then, should not Germany, whose political unity was effected near two centuries after that of Great Britain, do wisely in imitating a policy whereby the older state has become an empire, that still travels onward to a further and greater unity, which, if realized, shall embrace in one fold remote quarters of the world? Where is the folly of the one conception or of the other? The folly, if it prove such, has as yet no demonstrable existence, save in the imaginations of a portion of the people of the United States, who, clinging to certain maxims of a century ago--when they were quite applicable--or violently opposed to any active interest in matters outside our family of States, find that those who differ from themselves are, if Americans, jingoes, and if foreigners, like the present Emperor William and Mr. Chamberlain, fools. The virtues and the powers of the British and German peoples may prove unequal to their ambitions--time alone can show; but it is a n.o.ble aim in their rulers to seek to extend their influence, to establish their positions, and to knit them together, in such wise that as races they may play a mighty part in the world's history. The ambition is n.o.ble, even if it fail; if it succeed, our posterity may take a different view of its folly, and of our own wisdom in this generation.
For there are at least two steps, in other directions than those as yet taken, by which the Emperor, when he feels strong enough at sea--he is yet scarcely in middle life--might greatly and suddenly increase the maritime empire of Germany, using means which are by no means unprecedented, historically, but which would certainly arouse vehement wrath in the United States, and subject to a severe test our maxim of a navy for defence only. There is a large and growing German colony in southern Brazil, and I am credibly informed that there is a distinct effort to divert thither, by means direct and indirect, a considerable part of the emigration which now comes to the United States, and therefore is lost politically to Germany--for she has, of course, no prospect of colonization here. The inference is that the Emperor hopes at a future day, for which he is young enough to wait, to find in southern Brazil a strong German population, which in due time may seek to detach itself from the Brazilian Republic, as Texas once detached itself from Mexico; and which may then seek political union with Germany, as Texas sought political union with the United States, to obtain support against her former owners and masters.
Without advancing any particular opinion as to the advisable geographical limits of the Monroe doctrine, we may be pretty sure that the American people would wordily resent an act which in our press would be called "the aggression of a European military monarchy upon the political or territorial rights of an American republic." This also could be accompanied with the liberal denunciation of William II.
which now ornaments our editorial columns; but hard words break no bones, and the practical question would remain, "What are you going to do about it?" with a navy "for defence only." If you cannot offend Germany, in the military sense of "offend"--that is, if you cannot seek her out and _hurt_ her--how are you going to control her? In contemplation of the future contingencies of our national policy, let us contrast our own projected naval force with that now recommended to the German Reichstag by the Budget Committee, despite the many prophecies that the Emperor could not obtain his desired navy. "The Budget Committee of the Reichstag to-day adopted, in accordance with the government proposals, parts of the naval bill, fixing the number of s.h.i.+ps to be held in readiness for service as follows: 1 flags.h.i.+p, 18 battles.h.i.+ps, 12 large cruisers, 30 small cruisers, 8 coast-defence ironclads, and 13 gunboats, besides torpedo-boats, schools.h.i.+ps, and small gunboats."[5] That these numbers were fixed with reference to the United States is indeed improbable; but the United States should take note.
A second means of expanding Germany as a colonial power would be to induce the Dutch--who are the Germans of the lower Rhine and the North Sea--to seek union with the German Empire, the empire of the Germans of the upper Rhine, of the Elbe, and of the Baltic. This, it may be said, would be far less difficult in consummation than the scheme last suggested; for in Brazil, as in the United States and elsewhere, the German emigrant tends to identify himself with the inst.i.tutions he finds around him, and shows little disposition to political independence--a fact which emphasizes the necessity of strictly German colonies, if the race, outside of Europe, is not to undergo political absorption. The difficulties or the advantages which the annexation of Holland might involve, as regards the political balance of power in Europe, and the vast Asiatic colonies of the Dutch--Sumatra, Java, New Guinea, etc.--are a consideration outside the present scope of American policy; but the transaction would involve one little incident as to which, unlike southern Brazil, a decided opinion may be expressed, and that incident would be the transference of the island of Curacao, in the West Indies, to Germany. If Curacao and its political tenure do not fall within the purview of the Monroe doctrine, the Monroe doctrine has no existence; for the island, though small, has a wellnigh impregnable harbor, and lies close beside the routes to the Central American Isthmus, which is to us what Egypt and Suez are to England. But what objection can we urge, or what can we do, with a navy "for defence only," in the military sense of the word "defence"?
The way out of this confusion of thought, the logical method of reconciling the political principle of non-aggression with a naval power capable of taking the offensive, if necessary, is to recognize, and to say, that defence means not merely defence of our territory, but defence of our just national interests, whatever they be and wherever they are. For example, the exclusion of direct European political control from the Isthmus of Panama is as really a matter of national defence as is the protection of New York Harbor. Take this as the political meaning of the phrase "a navy for defence only," and naval men, I think, must admit that it is no longer inapplicable as a military phrase, but expresses adequately the naval needs of the nation. But no military student can consider efficient a force so limited, in quant.i.ty or in quality, that it must await attack before it can act.
Now admitting this view as to the scope of the word "defence," what is the best method of defending your interests when you know that another intends to attack them? Is it to busy yourself with precautions here, and precautions there, in every direction, to head him off when he comes? Or is it to take the simpler means of so preparing that you have the power to hurt him, and to make him afraid that, if he moves, he will be the worse hurt of the two? In life generally a man who means mischief is kept in check best by fear of being hurt; if he has no more to dread than failure to do harm, no reason to apprehend receiving harm, he will make his attempt. But while this is probably true of life in general, it is notably true of warfare. The state which in war relies simply upon defending itself, instead of upon hurting the enemy, is bound to incur disaster, and for the very simple reason that the party which proposes to strike a blow has but one thing to do; whereas he who proposes only to ward off blows has a dozen things, for he cannot know upon which interest, of a dozen that he may have, the coming blow may fall. For this reason, again, a "navy for defence only" is a wholly misleading phrase, unless defence be construed to include _all_ national interests, and not only the national territory; and further, unless it be understood that the best defence of one's own interests is power to injure those of the enemy.
In the summary of points to be dealt with has been included the opinion that offensive action by a navy may be limited to merely preying upon the enemy's commerce--that being considered not only a real injury, but one great enough to bring him to peace. Concerning this, it will suffice here to say that national maritime commerce does not consist in a number of s.h.i.+ps sprinkled, as by a pepper-pot, over the surface of the ocean. Rightly viewed, it const.i.tutes a great system, with the strength and weakness of such. Its strength is that possessed by all organized power, namely, that it can undergo a good deal of local injury, such as scattered cruisers may inflict, causing inconvenience and suffering, without receiving vital harm. A strong man cannot be made to quit his work by sticking pins in him, or by bruising his s.h.i.+ns or blacking his eyes; he must be hit in a vital part, or have a bone broken, to be laid up. The weaknesses of commerce--the fatally vulnerable parts of its system--are the commercial routes over which s.h.i.+ps pa.s.s. They are the bones, the skeleton, the framework of the organism. Hold them, break them, and commerce falls with a crash, even though no s.h.i.+p is taken, but all locked up in safe ports. But to effect this is not the work of dispersed cruisers picking up s.h.i.+ps here and there, as birds pick up crumbs, but of vessels ma.s.sed into powerful fleets, holding the sea, or at the least making the highways too dangerous for use. A navy so planned is for defence indeed, in the true sense that the best defence is to crush your enemy by depriving him of the use of the sea.
We now come to the a.s.sertion that if the United States takes to itself interests beyond the sea--of which Hawaii is an instance--it not only adds to its liabilities, which is true, but incurs an unnecessary exposure, to guard against which we need no less than the greatest navy in the world.
It might be retorted that, w.i.l.l.y-nilly, we already, by general national consent, have accepted numerous external interests--embraced under the Monroe doctrine; and that, as regards Hawaii, many even who reject annexation admit that our interests will not tolerate any other nation taking those islands. But how shall we enforce even that limited amount of interest if any other power--Great Britain, Germany, or j.a.pan--decide to take, and the islanders acquiesce? In such cases we should even be worse off, militarily, than with annexation completed. Let us, however, put aside this argument--of the many already existing external interests--and combat this allegation, that an immense navy would be needed, by recurring to the true military conception of defence already developed. The subject will thus tend to unity of treatment, centring round that word "defence." Effective defence does not consist primarily in power to protect, but in power to injure. A man's defence against a snake, if cornered--if he must have to do with it--is not to protect himself, but to kill the snake.
If a snake got into the room, as often happens in India, the position should not be estimated by ability to get out of the room one's self, but by power to get rid of the snake. In fact, a very interesting ill.u.s.tration of the true theory of defence is found in a casual remark in a natural history about snakes--that comparatively few are dangerous to man, but that the whole family is protected by the fear those few inspire. If attacked by a dog, safety is not sought chiefly in the means of warding him off, but by showing him the means possessed of hurting him, as by picking up a stone; and with a man, where an appeal lies to the intelligence, the argument from power to injure is peculiarly strong. If a burglar, thinking to enter a room, knows that he may--or will--kill the occupant, but that the latter may break his leg, he will not enter. The game would not be worth the candle.
Apply this thought now to the United States and its naval needs. As Great Britain is by very far the greatest naval power, let us take her to be the supposed enemy. If we possessed the Hawaiian Islands, and war unhappily broke out with Great Britain, she could now, if she desired, take them without trouble, so far as our navy is concerned; so could France; so possibly, five years hence, could j.a.pan. That is, under our present conditions of naval weakness, either France or Great Britain could spare s.h.i.+ps enough to overcome our force, without fatally crippling her European fleet; whereas, were our navy half the size of the British, she could not afford to send half her fleet so far away from home; nor, if we had half ours in the Pacific and half in the Atlantic, could she afford to send one-third or one-fourth of her entire navy so far from her greater interests, independent of the fact that, even if victorious, it would be very badly used before our force was defeated. Hawaii is not worth that to Great Britain; whereas it is of so much consequence to us that, even if lost, it would probably be returned at a peace, as Martinique and Guadeloupe invariably have been to France. Great Britain would not find its value equivalent to our resentment at her holding it. Now the argument as to the British fleet is still stronger as to France, for she is as distant as Great Britain and has a smaller navy. The argument is different as regards j.a.pan, for she is nearer by far than they, only half as far again as we, and that power has recently given us an intimation which, if we disregard, we do so in face of the facts. Her remonstrance about the annexation of Hawaii, however far it went, gave us fair warning that a great naval state was about to come into being in the Pacific, prepared to watch, and perhaps to contest, our action in what we thought our interests demanded. From that instant the navy of j.a.pan becomes a standard, showing, whether we annex the islands or not, a minimum beneath which our Pacific fleet cannot be allowed to fall, without becoming a "navy for defence only," in the very worst sense.
This brief train of reasoning will suggest why it is not necessary to have a navy equal to the greatest, in order to insure that sense of fear which deters a rival from war, or handicaps his action in war.
The biggest navy that ever existed cannot all be sent on one mission, in any probable state of the political world. A much smaller force, favorably placed, produces an effect far beyond its proportionate numbers; for, to quote again Napoleon's phrase, "War is a business of positions." This idea is by no means new, even to unprofessional men; on the contrary, it is so old that it is deplorable to see such fatuous arguments as the necessity of equalling Great Britain's navy adduced against any scheme of external policy. The annexation of Hawaii, to recur to that, may be bad policy for many reasons, of which I am no good judge; but, as a naval student, I hesitate not to say that, while annexation _may_ entail a bigger navy than is demanded for the mere exclusion of other states from the islands--though I personally do not think so--it is absurd to say that we should need a navy equal to that of Great Britain. In 1794 Gouverneur Morris wrote that if the United States had twenty s.h.i.+ps of the line in commission, no other state would provoke her enmity. At that time Great Britain's navy was relatively more powerful than it is now, while she and France were rivalling each other in testing the capacity of our country to stand kicking; but Morris's estimate was perfectly correct, and shows how readily a sagacious layman can understand a military question, if only he will put his mind to it, and not merely echo the press. Great Britain then could not--and much more France could not--afford to have twenty s.h.i.+ps of the line operating against her interests on the other side of the Atlantic. They could not afford it in actual war; they could not afford it even in peace, because not only might war arise at any time, but it would be much more likely to happen if either party provoked the United States to hostility. The mere menace of such a force, its mere existence, would have insured decent treatment without war; and Morris, who was an able financier, conjectured that to support a navy of such size for twenty years would cost the public treasury less than five years of war would,--not to mention the private losses of individuals in war.
All policy that involves external action is sought to be discredited by this a.s.sertion, that it entails the expense of a navy equal to the greatest now existing on the sea, no heed being given to the fact that we already have a.s.sumed such external responsibilities, if any weight is to be attached to the evident existence of a strong popular feeling in favor of the Monroe doctrine, or to Presidential or Congressional utterances in the Venezuela business, or in that of Hawaii. The a.s.sertion is as old as the century; as is also the complementary ignorance of the real influence of an inferior military or naval force in contemporary policy, when such force either is favored by position, or can incline decisively, to one side or the other, the scales in a doubtful balance. To such misapprehensions we owed, in the early part of this century, the impressment of hundreds of American seamen, and the despotic control of our commerce by foreign governments; to this, the blockading of our coasts, the harrying of the sh.o.r.es of Chesapeake Bay, the burning of Was.h.i.+ngton, and a host of less remembered attendant evils. All these things might have been prevented by the timely maintenance of a navy of tolerable strength, deterring the warring powers from wanton outrage.
In the present day the argument that none but the greatest navy is of any avail, and that such is too expensive for us to contemplate--as it probably is--is re-enforced by the common statement that the s.h.i.+p built to-day becomes obsolete in an extremely short time, the period stated being generally a rhetorical figure rather than an exact estimate. The word "obsolete" itself is used here vaguely. Strictly, it means no more than "gone out of use;" but it is understood, correctly, I think, to mean "become useless." A lady's bonnet may become obsolete, being gone out of use because no longer in fas.h.i.+on, though it may still be an adequate head-covering; but an obsolete s.h.i.+p of war can only be one that is put out of use because it is useless. A s.h.i.+p momentarily out of use, because not needed, is no more obsolete than a hat hung up when the owner comes in. When a s.h.i.+p is called obsolete, therefore, it is meant that she is out of use for the same reason that many old English words are--because they are no longer good for their purpose; their meaning being lost to mankind in general, they no longer serve for the exchange of thought.
In this sense the obsolescence of modern s.h.i.+ps of war is just one of those half-truths which, as Tennyson has it, are ever the worst of lies; it is harder to meet and fight outright than an unqualified untruth. It is true that improvement is continually going on in the various parts of the complex mechanism which const.i.tutes a modern s.h.i.+p of war; although it is also true that many changes are made which are not improvements, and that reversion to an earlier type, the abandonment of a once fancied improvement, is no unprecedented incident in recent naval architecture and naval ordnance. The revulsion from the monitor, the turreted s.h.i.+p pure and simple, to the broadside battery a.n.a.logous to that carried by the old s.h.i.+ps of Farragut and Nelson, is one of the most singular and interesting changes in men's thoughts that the writer has met, either in his experience or in his professional reading. The day can be recalled when the broadside battles.h.i.+p was considered as dead as c.o.c.k-Robin--her knell was rung, and herself buried without honors; yet, not only has she revived, but I imagine that I should have a very respectable following among naval officers now in believing, as I do, that the broadside guns, and not those in the turrets, are the primary battery of the s.h.i.+p--primary, I mean, in fighting value. Whatever the worth of this opinion,--which is immaterial to the present contention,--a change so radical as from broadside battery to turreted s.h.i.+ps, and from the latter back to broadside, though without entirely giving up turrets, should cause some reasonable hesitancy in imputing obsoleteness to any armored steams.h.i.+p. The present battles.h.i.+p reproduces, in essential principles, the s.h.i.+ps that preceded the epoch-making monitor--the pivot guns of the earlier vessels being represented by the present turrets, and their broadsides by the present broadside. The prevalence of the monitor type was an interlude, powerfully affecting the development of navies, but making nothing obsolete. It did not effect a revolution, but a modification--much as h.o.m.oeopathy did in the "regular practice."
There is, of course, a line on one side of which the term "obsolete"
applies, but it may be said that no s.h.i.+p is obsolete for which fighting-work can be found, with a tolerable chance--a fighting chance--of her being successful; because, though unequal to this or that position of exposure, she, by occupying an inferior one, releases a better s.h.i.+p. And here again we must guard ourselves from thinking that inferior force--inferior in number or inferior in quality--has _no_ chance against a superior. The idea is simply another phase of "a navy equal to the greatest," another military heresy. A s.h.i.+p under the guns of one thrice her force, from which her speed cannot carry her, is doubtless a lost s.h.i.+p. She may be called even obsolete, though she be the last product of naval science, just from a dock-yard. Before such extreme conditions are reached, however, by a s.h.i.+p or a fleet, many other factors than merely relative force come into play; primarily, man, with all that his personality implies--skill, courage, discipline,--after that, chance, opportunity, accidents of time, accidents of place, accidents of ground,--the whole unforeseeable chapter of incidents which go to form military history.
A military situation is made up of many factors, and before a s.h.i.+p can be called obsolete, useless to the great general result, it must be determined that she can contribute no more than zero to either side of the equation--or of the inequality. From the time she left the hands of the designers, a unit of maximum value, throughout the period of her gradual declension, many years will elapse during which a s.h.i.+p once first-rate will be an object of consideration to friend and foe.
She will wear out like a garment, but she does not necessarily become obsolete till worn out. It may be added that the indications now are that radical changes of design are not to be expected shortly, and that we have reached a type likely to endure. A s.h.i.+p built five years hence may have various advantages of detail over one now about to be launched, but the chances are they will not be of a kind that reverse the odds of battle. This, of course, is only a forecast, not an a.s.sertion; a man who has witnessed the coming and going of the monitor type will forbear prophecy.
Now, as always, the best s.h.i.+ps in the greatest number, as on sh.o.r.e the best troops in the greatest ma.s.ses, will be carried as speedily as possible, and maintained as efficiently as possible, on the front of operations. But in various directions and at various points behind that front there are other interests to be subserved, by vessels of inferior cla.s.s, as garrisons may be made up wholly or in part of troops no longer well fitted for the field. But should disaster occur, or the foe prove unexpectedly strong, the first line of reserved s.h.i.+ps will move forward to fill the gaps, a.n.a.logous in this to the various corps of reserved troops who have pa.s.sed their first youth, with which the Continental organizations of military service have made us familiar. This possibility has been recognized so well by modern naval men that some even have looked for decisive results, not at the hands of the first and most powerful s.h.i.+ps, but from the readiness and number of those which have pa.s.sed into the reserve, and will come into play after the first shock of war. That a reserve force should decide a doubtful battle or campaign is a frequent military experience--an instance of superior staying power.
There is no reason, therefore, to worry about a s.h.i.+p becoming obsolete, any more than there is over the fact that the best suit of to-day may be that for the office next year, and may finally descend to a dependent, or be cut down for a child. Whatever money a nation is willing to spend on maintaining its first line of s.h.i.+ps, it is not weaker, but stronger, when one of these drops into the reserve and is replaced by a newer s.h.i.+p. The great anxiety, in truth, is not lest the s.h.i.+ps should not continue valid, but lest there be not trained men enough to man both the first line and the reserve.
Here the present article, as at first contemplated, would have closed; but the recent disaster to the _Maine_ has produced its own crop of sudden and magnified apprehensions. These, to the professional mind, are necessarily a matter of concern, but chiefly because they have showed the seeds of a popular distrust before sown in men's minds. As evinced, however, they too are fallacies born of imperfect knowledge.
The magnitude of the calamity was indisputable; but the calm self-possession of the nation and of the better portion of the press, face to face with the possible international troubles that might ensue, contrasted singularly with the unreasoned imaginations that immediately found voice concerning the nature and dangers of battles.h.i.+ps. The political self-possession and dignity reposed upon knowledge--not, indeed, of the eventual effect upon our international relations--but knowledge, bred of long acquaintance with public affairs, that, before further action, there must be investigation; and that after investigation, action, if it must follow, would be taken with due deliberation. So men were content to wait for justice to pursue its even course.
But the fact that such an appalling catastrophe had befallen one battles.h.i.+p fell upon the minds imperfectly informed in naval matters, and already possessed by various exaggerated impressions, loosely picked up from time to time. Men knew not what to think, and so thought the worst--as we are all apt to do when in the dark. It is possible that naval officers, being accustomed to live over a magazine, and ordinarily to eat their meals within a dozen yards of the powder, may have a too great, though inevitable, familiarity with the conditions. There is, however, no contempt for them among us; and the precautions taken are so well known, the remoteness of danger so well understood, that it is difficult to comprehend the panic terror that found utterance in the remarks of some men, presumably well informed on general matters. It is evidently a very long and quite illogical step to infer that, because the results of an accident may be dreadful, therefore the danger of the accident occurring at all is very great. On land, a slight derangement of a rail, a slight obstacle on a track, the breaking of a wheel or of an axle, may plunge a railroad train to frightful disaster; but we know from annual experience that while such accidents do happen, and sometimes with appalling consequences, the chance of their happening in a particular case is so remote that we disregard it. At sea, every day of every year for centuries back, a couple of hundred wars.h.i.+ps--to speak moderately--have been traversing the ocean or lying in port, like the _Maine_, with abundance of powder on board; and for the last quarter of a century very many of these have been, and now are, essentially of the type of that unfortunate vessel. The accident that befell her, if its origin be precisely determined, may possibly impose some further precaution not hitherto taken; but whatever the cause may prove to have been, it is clear that the danger of such an event happening is at no time great, because it is almost, if not quite, unprecedented among the great number of wars.h.i.+ps now continuously in service.
Similarly, on the seas, the disasters to the _Ville du Havre_, to the _Oregon_, and, only three years ago, to the _Elbe_, show the terrific results of collision, to which every s.h.i.+p crossing the ocean is liable. Collisions between vessels less known than those named are of weekly occurrence. Yet no general outcry is raised against the general safety of the transatlantic liners. People unconsciously realize that, where accidents are so infrequent, the risk to themselves in the individual case is slight, though the results, when they happen, are dreadful. Men know instinctively that the precautions taken must be practically adequate, or safety would not be the almost universal rule which it is.
It should be remembered, too, that the present battles.h.i.+p is not a sudden invention, springing up in a night, like Jonah's gourd, or newly contrived by a council sitting for the purpose, like a brand-new Const.i.tution of the French Revolution. The battles.h.i.+p of to-day is the outcome of a gradual evolution extending over forty years. Its development has been governed by experience, showing defects or suggesting improvements; and the entire process has been superintended by men of the highest practical and scientific intelligence, naval architects and seamen, constantly exchanging ideas, not only with their own countrymen, but, through the scientific publications of the day, with the whole world. What Ruskin said of the old s.h.i.+p of the line is still more true of the modern battles.h.i.+p: no higher exhibition of man's creative faculties is probably anywhere to be found. In view, therefore, of its genesis, and of the practical results of yearly cruisings, the battles.h.i.+p in its service of peace is ent.i.tled to the confidence we give to the work of competent men in all departments; nor should that confidence be withdrawn because of a single occurrence, if the _Maine_ prove to have fallen victim to internal accident. If, on the other hand, her destruction proceeded from an external cause,--that is, if she fell as s.h.i.+ps fall in war,--it may safely be said that, in actions between s.h.i.+ps, no means of injury now in use on s.h.i.+pboard could effect the instantaneous and widespread destruction manifested in her case, unless by a sh.e.l.l finding its way to her magazine. This is a remote possibility, though it exists; but when it comes to fighting, men must remember that it is not possible to make war without running risks, and that it is highly improbable that one-tenth as many seamen will die from the explosion of their own magazines, so occasioned, as from the direct blow of the enemy's projectiles.
NOTE.--Since this article was written, in January, 1898, it has become known that the att.i.tude of j.a.pan towards the United States, regarded as a power of the Pacific, has been reversed, and that--as already remarked in the preface to this volume--her leading statesmen, instead of resenting the annexation of Hawaii, now welcome cordially the advance of the United States to the Philippines. This change, occurring as it has within four years, affords a striking indication of the degree to which the attention of mankind has been aroused by the character of Russia's progress in northeastern Asia, and upon the Pacific, as well as of the influence thereby exerted upon the currents of men's thoughts, and upon international relations.
[5] From a telegram from Berlin of March 2, 1898.
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