Noteworthy Records Of Bats From Nicaragua, With A Checklist Of The Chiropteran Part 5

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_Molossus sinaloae sinaloae_, El Recreo, Nicaragua

Average 4 ([Male]) 47.6 21.2 18.6 12.3 9.8 7.7 5.4 Minimum 46.7 20.7 18.3 12.0 9.7 7.6 5.3 Maximum 48.6 21.5 18.9 12.6 10.0 7.9 5.5 Average 10 ([Female]) 47.5 20.2 17.8 11.8 9.7 7.3 5.1 Minimum 46.2 20.0 17.6 11.5 9.5 7.1 5.0 Maximum 48.3 20.4 18.0 12.0 9.8 7.5 5.5 --------------------------------------------------------------------

Among females from Departamento de Boaco, none of 18 collected on 20 February was pregnant, whereas three of four obtained on 4 April were gravid (embryos 13, 15, and 17 mm in crown-rump length) as was one (embryo 21 mm) taken on 18 July. Among those from northwest of Diriamba, two of three were pregnant on 30-31 March (embryos 7 and 13 mm in length), whereas only three of eight carried embryos (29, 31, and 34 mm) in mid-August at a time when flying young also were collected.

Additionally, a female captured 6 mi WSW Managua on 27 March had an embryo that measured 11 mm.

Four adult males collected on 20 February had an average testicular length of 5.7 (4-7) mm, whereas those of seven obtained in late March averaged 5.0 (4-6) mm; testes of two adults taken on 18 July were 6 and 6.5 mm, and those of three taken in the period 12-15 August were 5 mm in length.

Molossus sinaloae sinaloae J. A. Allen, 1906

_Specimens._--_Boaco_: Santa Rosa, 17 km N, 15 km E Boaco, 300 m, 1. _Managua_: 1 km N Sabana Grande, 1; 3 mi SW Managua, 1; 8 km SW Managua, 400 m, 3. _Rivas_: San Juan del Sur, 20 m, 1. _Zelaya_: S side Rio Mico, El Recreo, 25 m, 73.

This mastiff bat can be distinguished easily from the other two large species of _Molossus_ in Nicaragua in that the hairs of the dorsum are relatively long and are pale, frequently white, basally. The species has been reported twice previously from Nicaragua--from Greytown by Miller (1913a:89) and by Goodwin and Greenhall (1964:13), who listed four individuals from Rio Grande.

Most of our specimens were taken from buildings. A large series obtained in a house at El Recreo in late June 1966 consisted only of females and young, many of which were nearly full grown; some females still were lactating and at least two were pregnant (on 23 June--crown-rump length of embryos 12 and 14 mm). A group taken from another house at El Recreo (from cracks in the stone wall and from between rafters and the corrugated metal roof) in late July 1966 consisted of adult males, lactating females, and young. Similarly, an adult male, a pregnant female (embryo 14 mm in crown-rump length), and a hairless juvenile were shot, on 16 February 1964, from a small colony in an attic of a large house southwest of Managua; _Glossophaga soricina_ also was taken in this attic. The testes of an adult male captured in June were 6 mm in length; those of four taken in July were 5, 5, 6, and 7 mm, and one obtained in August had testes that measured 3 mm.

Selected measurements of _M. s. sinaloae_ from El Recreo are given in Table 4.


Following is a checklist of the 68 species of bats thus far reported from Nicaragua. Citations are given only to publications that are primary sources of information on Nicaraguan specimens. In some instances, specimens were reported in the literature under a name different than the one here employed; we have mentioned earlier-used names where it seemed appropriate to do so. Taxa preceded by an asterisk are included in the present paper.


_Rhynchonycteris naso_ (Wied-Neuwied, 1820).--J. A. Allen (1908:669, 1910:110), Sanborn (1937:327), Davis _et al._ (1964:375, 379).

_Saccopteryx bilineata_ (Temminck, 1838-1839).--J. A. Allen (1910:110), Sanborn (1937:331), Jones (1964a:506).

*_Saccopteryx leptura_ (Schreber, 1774).--Davis _et al._ (1964:374), Jones (1964a:506).

_Cormura brevirostris_ (Wagner, 1843).--J. A. Allen (1910:110--specimens listed as _Peropteryx canina_ from Pena Blanca, see Sanborn, 1937:348), Miller (1924:38), Sanborn (1937:349), Goodwin (1942c:119).

_Peropteryx kappleri kappleri_ Peters, 1867.--J. A. Allen (1908:669, 1910:110--as _P. canina_), Sanborn (1937:344).

*_Peropteryx macrotis macrotis_ (Wagner, 1843).

_Balantiopteryx plicata plicata_ Peters, 1867.--Jones _et al._ (1962:152), Davis _et al._ (1964:375), Jones (1964a:506).

_Diclidurus virgo_ Thomas, 1903.--Alston (1879-82:30).


*_Noctilio l.a.b.i.alis l.a.b.i.alis_ (Kerr, 1792).--Goodwin (1942c:121, 1946:297), Davis _et al._ (1964:376), Kohls _et al._ (1965:344), Wenzel _et al._ (1966:578).

*_Noctilio leporinus mexica.n.u.s_ Goldman, 1915.--Davis _et al._ (1964:376).


*_Pteronotus davyi fulvus_ (Thomas, 1892).

*_Pteronotus parnellii fuscus_ J. A. Allen, 1911.--Miller (1902:402), Rehn (1904:203).

*_Pteronotus suapurensis_ (J. A. Allen, 1904).--Goodwin (1942a:88, 1946:299, 1953:246).

_Micronycteris brachyotis_ (Dobson, 1879).--Goodwin (1946:302--as _M.

sylvestris_), Sanborn (1949:224--as _M. platyceps_), Goodwin and Greenhall (1961:231).

_Micronycteris hirsuta_ (Peters, 1869).--Valdez and LaVal (1971:247).

*_Micronycteris megalotis mexicana_ Miller, 1898.--G. M. Allen (1929:130).

*_Micronycteris megalotis microtis_ Miller, 1898.--Miller (1898:328, 1900:154), Lyon and Osgood (1909:263), J. A. Allen (1910:110), Poole and Schantz (1942:133).

_Micronycteris minuta_ (Gervais, 1856).--Valdez and LaVal (1971:248).

_Micronycteris schmidtorum_ Sanborn, 1935.--Davis _et al._ (1964:378).

_Macrophyllum macrophyllum_ (Schinz, 1821).--Davis _et al._ (1964:378), Jones (1964a:506).

*_Tonatia nicaraguae_ Goodwin, 1942.--Goodwin (1942b:205, 1946:305, 1953:246), Davis and Carter (1962:67), Valdez and LaVal (1971:248).

_Phyllostomus discolor verrucosus_ Elliot, 1905.--Jones (1964a:507), Wenzel _et al._ (1966:598).

*_Phyllostomus hastatus panamensis_ J. A. Allen, 1904.--Goodwin (1942c:126), Wenzel _et al._ (1966:597).

*_Trachops cirrhosus coffini_ Goldman, 1925.--Carter _et al._ (1966:491).

*_Chrotopterus auritus auritus_ (Peters, 1856).

_Vampyrum spectrum nelsoni_ (Goldman, 1917).--Gray (1844:18), Dobson (1878:471), Alston (1879-82:39), J. A. Allen (1910:111), Goldman (1917:116), Goodwin (1946:310).

_Glossophaga commissarisi_ Gardner, 1962.--Davis _et al._ (1964:380), Jones (1964a:507).

_Glossophaga soricina leachii_ (Gray, 1844).--Gray (1844:18), Dobson (1878:501), Alston (1879-82:44), J. A. Allen (1910:111), Miller (1913b:419), Alvarez (1963:400), Davis _et al._ (1964:380), Starrett and de la Torre (1964:57).

*_Anoura geoffroyi lasiopyga_ (Peters, 1868).

*_Ch.o.e.roniscus G.o.dmani_ (Thomas, 1903).--Handley (1966a:86).

*_Lichonycteris obscura_ Thomas, 1895.--Thomas (1895:57), Davis _et al._ (1964:380).

Noteworthy Records Of Bats From Nicaragua, With A Checklist Of The Chiropteran Part 5

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