An Humble Address and Earnest Appeal to Those Respectable Personages in Great-Britain and Ireland Part 2
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As we have been hitherto comparing the Value of the _Exports_ to the twelve _malcontent_ Provinces of _North-America_, with the Value of the Exports to _Holland_ and _Germany_; let us in the next Place consider also the Nature of the _North-American Imports_, if compared with those of other Countries.
Now all Imports may be divided into two, viz. Raw Materials for the Employment of our own People, and taxable Objects for the Purposes of raising a Revenue.
In regard to the first of these,--if we should cast our Eyes on the Imports from [10] _Russia_ only, will any one be so hardy as to maintain, that the Imports from _North-America_ are at all on a Par with them, in any Respect whatever? Timber, for Example, Iron, Hemp, Flax and Flax-Seed, Linen-Yarn, Skins and Furrs, Ashes, Tallow, Hair, Bristles, &c.
&c.;--Can it be pretended, with any Appearance of Truth, that the Imports of these Articles (taking one with another) from _North-America_, will bear any Comparison with those from _Russia_? And yet, to the Shame and Disgrace of an enlightened commercial State, several of these raw Materials are taxed, if imported from _Russia_, in order to create a Monopoly to _North-America_: And others, when imported from _America_, are not only allowed to be entered Duty-free, which is just enough; but also have enjoyed for many Years the Benefit of large and munificent Bounties given by the Parliament of _Great-Britain_.--Given? To whom? To our non-represented Colonies: For it seems they will condescend to receive Bounties from us, tho' not represented, notwithstanding they make this very Circ.u.mstance a Plea or Pretence against bearing any Share in our Burdens. However, all this is not sufficient to create that Monopoly in their Favour, which they, and their Adherents have long had in Contemplation. For the Imports of Raw-Materials from _Russia_, which are every Day encreasing, exceed those from _North-America_ in Goodness, in Quant.i.ty, in Value, and in every Respect, to a very great Degree.
But I forget: "Pitch and Tar, and Indigo are also Raw-Materials of very great Consequence: And they are imported from _North-America_, but not from _Russia_." True: Pitch and Tar, if imported from _Russia_, would have paid an high Duty; but when brought from _America_, they receive a very large Bounty. And as to Indigo, had it not been for the many Hundred Thousands of Pounds Sterling, which _Great-Britain_ has granted in Bounties and Premiums to promote the Culture of this Article in the _Carolinas_ and _Virginia_, [a tenth Part of which Sum would have served for the Cultivation of a better Sort on the Coast of _Africa_] I say, had it not been for this continual Fostering, and expensive Nursing, probably not an Ounce of it would have been raised in _North-America_. And even as it is, the Indigo of _Carolina_, &c. is, generally speaking, of a Quality much inferior to that, which comes from other Countries. So much therefore as to Raw-Materials,--and let this suffice in respect to the grateful Returns of our Colonies towards us, for making so many impolitic restraining Laws against ourselves, and for granting them so many Monopolies, and such extensive Bounties.
The next Head of Enquiry is, what _taxable Objects_ do we receive from _North-America_, if compared with the Taxables of other Countries? Mr.
BURKE a.s.serts Page 97, 2d Edit. "That if _America_ gives us _taxable Objects_, on which we lay our Duties here, and gives us at the same Time, a Surplus by a foreign Sale of her Commodities to pay the Duties on these Objects which we tax at Home, _she has performed her Part to the_ British _Revenue_."
Well then, according to this Doctrine, we are first to suppose, that _North-America_ supplies us with great Quant.i.ties of taxable Objects;--and secondly that by so doing, she hath performed her Part to the _British_ Revenue; and therefore ought not to be obliged to contribute any further.
Now I am so unhappy as to differ from the patriotic Orator in both these respects; that is, I first deny his Premises;--and then 2dly, granting even his Premises, I cannot admit of his Conclusion. First, then I do maintain, that _North-America_ doth not supply _Great-Britain_ with great Quant.i.ties of taxable Objects: For perhaps hardly any civilized Country in the World, of equal Extent, and under the same Parallels of Lat.i.tude, is so barren in that Respect, as _North-America_.--At present, I can recollect but two taxable Objects among all her Stores, viz. Rice and Tobacco. In respect to Rice, I do allow that it hath been customary to tax it; but as it is a Raw-Material, and an Article of Food, it ought never to have been taxed. And the Legislature hath done wisely at present in repealing that Tax, which heretofore was laid on the home Consumption of it. The Fact is, that when Corn is dear, Rice becomes a good Succedaneum; but when the former is cheap, the latter will not be used in any Quant.i.ties here in _England_: For _English_ Stomachs will never prefer Rice to Wheat. In respect to that Rice, which is carried to the rest of _Europe_, it ought to be remembered, that it pays no Duty at all, if exported South of Cape _Finisterre_. And as to the Duty which is retained on the Re-exportation of Rice to the Northward of Cape _Finistere_, it is so very trifling and inconsiderable, that it doth not deserve to be mentioned in a general and national View.
In regard to Tobacco; I admit it to be a very proper Object of Taxation.
But here again, that which is re-exported pays but little Duty, if any at all. And with respect to that which is used and consumed at Home, when the many Frauds attending it, together with the Expence of collecting are taken into the Account, the clear Balance will not be in any Degree, so great as is vulgarly imagined.
But granting, that this Branch of the Revenue is considerable, nay that it is _very_ considerable; yet there are a few unlucky Questions to be asked on this Head, which it will puzzle Mr. BURKE and all his Adherents to answer in such a Manner, as would do any Credit, or Service to their Cause. For Example; has the _English_ Legislature done any Thing towards favouring this _American_ Tobacco-Trade, and raising it up to its present Height? Yes, it has; _England_ has granted a Monopoly to the _Americans_ against herself, by severely prohibiting, in several Acts of Parliament, the Cultivation of Tobacco in _England_: So that at the worst, we have one Remedy still in reserve, viz. the taking off this Prohibition, should the _Americans_ be so wrathfully-minded as to resolve never to sell us any more Tobacco. On this Ground therefore I still proceed; and as the Friends of Mr. BURKE (if not he himself) are so very forward in exclaiming against the Restraints and Hards.h.i.+ps, under which they pretend, that _America_ has so long groaned;--I ask, why are they so totally silent concerning the many Restraints and Discouragements, which _England_ also hath long and patiently suffered in order to enrich _America_? And where is the Candor, or Impartiality of such a Conduct? Again,--if we have granted the _Americans_ this Monopoly, in order to encrease their Trade, and so cause their Provinces to flourish; what Effects hath it produced, in regard to the Sum Total of our own Revenue? And what is the Amount of the whole Duty on Tobacco? Is it equal to the Duties paid on the simple Article of Tea,--or of Wines and Brandies;--or in short of mere Fruit for our Mince-Pies, and Plumb-Puddings, for our Tables and Deserts? No, by no Means, it is not equal to any one of these _general_ Articles: For the Duty paid on the Importation of Fruit alone greatly it. And yet we have granted no Monopolies, no Premiums, and no Bounties either to _China_, or to _France_, to _Spain_, _Portugal_, _Italy_, &c. &c. nor are these Countries, to which we have so vast a Trade, and from which we draw so great a Revenue, ENGLISH COLONIES.
But nevertheless, I will now suppose, contrary to all Proof and Matters of Fact, that the Revenue of the taxable Objects imported from _North-America_, was the greatest of all others;--what Inference is to be drawn from this Concession? And doth it at all follow from such Premises, that the _North-Americans_ must, or ought to enjoy all the Privileges of _Englishmen_, without contributing any Thing towards the general Support, merely because we carry on an advantageous Trade with them, or have raised a Tax on their Commodities? Surely no: For by the same Rule, we must unite and incorporate with, we must protect and defend, the _Chinese_, the _French_, the _Spaniards_, _Portuguese_, _Italians_, &c. &c. for the same Reasons, and on the same Account. A Proposition this, which is too big with Nonsense and Absurdity, to be seriously maintained.
I will therefore dismiss the present Remark, with putting my Reader again in Mind, that let the Trade to _North-America_ be what it may, of little Importance, or otherwise; it is a mere begging the Question, and a most _disingenuous Artifice_ to insinuate (as all the Advocates for _America_ now do) that this Trade will be lost, if a Separation from the Colonies should ensue. On the contrary, it is much more probable, that, when all Parties shall be left at full Liberty to do as they please, our _North-American_ Trade will rather be encreased, than diminished by such a Measure. Because it is Freedom, and not Confinement, or Monopoly, which encreases Trade. And sure I am that, on this Subject, History and past Experience, as well as Reason and Argument, are clearly on my Side.
The Case of Emigrations from _Germany_ and _Holland_, hath been in Part considered already: But as the continual Emigrations from _Great-Britain_ and _Ireland_ (which I will always consider as _one_ Country) have something more particularly prejudicial in their Nature, if compared with others, I hope the Reader will not think it lost Time, if I give them in this Place a distinct Consideration.
A Set of Labourers, or Tradesmen resided lately in _Great-Britain_, or _Ireland_; and earned their Bread by the Sweat of their Brows. Their natural, or artificial Wants might be summed up under the three great, and comprehensive Articles of Food, Rayment, and Dwelling. In respect to _Food_, including drinkables, as well as eatables, they paid for it by their Labour Wages; and consequently were the Means and of employing all those different Trades both in Town and Country, which were concerned in, or connected with, the raising of Corn, or the rearing of Sheep and Cattle, the making of Bread, b.u.t.ter, Cheese, Malt, and Malt-Liquors, Cyder, &c. &c. also in the fattening, killing, dressing, or preparing of Flesh, Fish, Fowl, &c. &c. and in the raising of all Sorts of Garden-Stuff, and other Eatables: The like might be observed in regard to _Rayment_, traced from the Raw-Material up to the perfect Manufacture, and including every Article of Dress, and all the Trades dependent on, and supported by it, throughout all its Stages: _Dwelling_ is the last Article; in which Estimate ought to be included not only the original Materials for framing the Structure of the House, but also its successive Repairs; together with all Kinds of Household Goods from the highest to the lowest Piece of Furniture, and their continual Wear and Tare.
These Persons, who have been thus useful to their Country, and have contributed to its Trade and Riches, both by paying their own Rents and Taxes, and also by enabling others to pay theirs;--these Persons I say, have been inveigled away to leave this Country, and to settle in _North-America_.--Here therefore I ask this plain Question, What Recompence can they possibly make in _America_, for the Loss which hath been occasioned by their leaving _England_? And what Gains will accrue to the Mother-Country by this flouris.h.i.+ng State of her Colonies? Begin therefore wherever you please;--examine, I beseech you this Matter to the Bottom, and mark the Consequences. _Food_ for Example, consisting of its various Kinds, and including eatables as well as drinkables, _common Food_, I say, must certainly be raised and manufactured on the Spot; for a Man cannot wait for his Dinner 'till it comes from _England_. Similar Observations will likewise extend to the chief Part of every Article respecting _Rayment_ or Cloathing;--not forgetting also _Housing_ and Furniture. For in all these Respects, the Quant.i.ty, and the Bulk of the Goods, Manufactures, or Provisions must be procured from adjacent Places, and not from a Country 3000 Miles off. Perhaps indeed a few, a very few Elegancies and Ornaments of Dress or Furniture, or of the Dainties of the Table may still be imported from the Mother-Country. But alas! What are they, if compared with the Whole? Perhaps they would not amount to more than a twentieth Part of the general Consumption.--And most certain it is, that if these Emigrants should not settle near the Sea-Coasts of _America_, but wander higher up the Country for Hundreds of Miles, in pursuit of fresh _unpatented_ Tracts of Land, (which most New-comers are desirous of doing,) it would then not be a _fortieth_ Part of what they would have either used, consumed, or worn, had they still remained Inhabitants of _Great-Britain_ or _Ireland_: So little Cause hath the Mother-Country to rejoice at this rapid Progress of the Population of her Colonies, arising from, or caused by, Emigrations.
But here, I know, it will be said, because it hath very often been said already, "That tho' these Emigrants might not employ as many Persons, or mechanic Trades here at Home, as they did before they left _England_; yet they will employ more s.h.i.+pping and Navigation, and consequently more Sailors than heretofore; Sailors are the Defence, Sailors are the Bulwark of the Nation," &c. &c. Now in order to detect this Fallacy, as well as the rest, I will here state a Case, which must open People's Eyes, if any Thing can, respecting even the Articles of Seamen, s.h.i.+pping, and Navigation.
Suppose 1000 Tradesmen with their Families, Watch-Makers for Instance, settled on one Spot somewhere in the Neighbourhood of _London_, [I only mention _Watch-Makers_, because it is computed, that about 1000 Families, or one-third of the City of _Geneva_ are supposed to be of that Profession.] Now the first Thing which would attract our Notice respecting Navigation, is to lay in a Provision of Sea-Coals; and a yearly Supply of this Commodity for 1000 Families would employ a good deal of s.h.i.+pping: Fish would be the next Article, Sea-Fish especially, whether fresh or Salt, in respect to which a good many Sailors one Time or other must be, or must have been employed: After this, the like Observation will extend to Cyder, and to other Articles brought Coast-wise; also to Wines, Brandies, Rum, Sugars, Fruits, Oils, &c. &c. imported from Abroad: likewise to Timber of various Kinds for building or repairing, also for making a Variety of Houshold Goods; to Iron, Hemp, Linen Cloth, and other Commodities, especially those of the bulky Kind: Now here I ask, Is it possible to conceive, that, were this Group of Manufacturers to take Flight, like a Swarm of Bees, and settle in some of the Towns or Provinces of _North-America_, they either would, or could employ as many _English_ Seamen in their _new_ Situations, as they do at present in their _old_ ones? And can any Man be so absurd as to maintain such a Paradox?
[Remember I limit the Matter to _English_ Seamen only; for as to _Americans_, let their Number be what it may, _Great-Britain_ never was advantaged by them. Not to mention, that several of the _American_ Provinces have disputed, or rather denied, long before the present Disturbances began, the Right of pressing Sailors for the Navy; though it is well known, that this is the only Method whereby a Navy can be manned; and though that eminent Whig, that upright, learned, and truly-patriotic Lawyer [Judge FOSTER] hath demonstratively proved in his Law-Tracts this Right to be as legally and const.i.tutionally vested in the Crown, as any Right whatever.]
I will therefore take this Point relating to Sailors for granted; [at least 'till the contrary shall be proved,] and then it will follow, that _British_ or _Irish_ Emigrations are to be considered as being very unfavourable to the Increase of _English_ Sailors, as well as of _English_ Manufacturers; and that the Loss and Detriment to the Mother-Country are very great in both Respects.
But here a Difficulty of another Kind, and from a different Quarter, will probably arise. It is this:--Granting that Emigrations are bad Things in all Respects;--granting that they tend to diminish the Number of your Sailors, as well as of your Manufacturers; yet how can you prevent this Evil? And what Remedy do you propose for curing the People of that Madness which has seized them for Emigrations?--I answer:--Even the Remedy which hath been so often, and all along proposed, _A Total Separation from North-America_. For most certain it is, that as soon as such a Separation shall take Place, a Residence in the Colonies will be no longer a desirable Situation. Nay, it is much more probable, that many of those who are already settled there, will wish to fly away, than that others should covet to go to them. And indeed we begin to find this Observation not a little verified at present, a considerable Re-emigration (if I may use the Term) having already taken Place. In short, when the _English_ Government, which was the only Center of Union, and the only Bond of Peace, shall be removed, Faction will rise up against Faction, Congress against Congress, and Colony against Colony; and then the Southern Provinces will find to their Cost, that they have been egregiously duped and bubbled by the Northern; then they will perceive, that they have no other Alternative, but either to submit to the tyrannical Usurpations of those _canting, hypocritical Republicans_, whom they used both to hate and despise; or else to implore that Help, Defence, and Protection of the Parent-State, which they now so wantonly and ungratefully reject and oppose:--In either of these Situations, and under such Circ.u.mstances, there is no Reason to fear, that many of our People will flock to _North-America_.
Prejudices and Prepossessions are stubborn Things in all Cases; but in none more peculiarly obstinate, than in relinquis.h.i.+ng detached Parts of an unwieldy, extended Empire; there not being, I believe, a single Instance in all History, of any Nation surrendering a distant Province voluntarily, and of free Choice, notwithstanding it was greatly their Interest to have done it. The _English_ in particular have given remarkable Proofs of their Unwillingness. For tho' it was undeniably their Interest to have abandoned all the Provinces which they held in _France_, yet they never gave up one of them, 'till they were compelled to it by Force of Arms. Now indeed, and at this Distance of Time, we see clearly, that our Fore-Fathers were wretched Politicians in endeavouring to retain any one of the _French_ Provinces, which, if it was a little one, would be a continual Drain, and perhaps an encreasing Expence; and if it was a great one, might grow up to be a Rival, and become the Seat of Empire. I say, we can see these Things clearly enough at present: Yet alas! what Advantages do we derive from this Discovery? And what Application do we make of such historical _Mementos_ to the Business of the present Day? The remotest of our Provinces in _France_ were hardly 300 Miles distant from our own Coasts; the nearest of those in _America_ are about 3000. The Provinces in _France_ were already fully peopled, and peopled for the most Part by Inhabitants extremely well affected at that Time to the _English_ Government: Whereas the Deserts of _America_ require first to be peopled by Draughts either from ourselves, or from our _European_ Customers; and then when these Emigrants have been settled for a Generation or two, they become native _Americans_, who naturally forget the Supremacy of that Country, with whose Government they have so little Connections, from whose Seat of Empire they are so far distant, whose ruling Power they so seldom feel (and therefore do not regard) and consequently whose Claims they consider as so many audacious Attempts to rob them of their beloved Independence.
But this is not all: And the Absurdity of our present Conduct in not abandoning the _rebellious_ Provinces of _North-America_, becomes still more glaring, when we consider farther, (what we now find by Experience to be true) that we can live and flourish, even in our commercial Capacity, without the a.s.sistance of these refractory Colonies. For tho' it doth by no Means follow, that we should be dest.i.tute of their Trade, if each _American_ Province was erected into a separate and independent State; nay, tho' the contrary hath been made to appear by such a Chain of Evidences, as no Man hitherto hath attempted to break or weaken, yet, granting the worst, granting even that these _North-Americans_ traded with us as little after a Separation as they do at present, still it is possible that we may then live, because it is certain we do now live without them; and do not only live, but also enjoy as many of the Comforts and Elegancies, not to mention the Profusions and Luxuries of Life, as any Nation ever did, and more than we ourselves did heretofore.
Therefore (to be more particular on this Head, for surely it is a most important one) we were gravely told, that as soon as ever the _Americans_ should shut their Ports against us, Famine to our Manufacturers, Bankruptcy to our Merchants, Destruction and Desolation to our Seaport Towns must inevitably ensue. Well, the _Americans_ have now shut their Ports for a considerable Time against the Admission of _English_ Manufactures. And what has ensued? Nothing, that I know of, so very dismal, or so very tragical; and none of those _black_ and _bitter_ Days, with which we were threatened, have yet appeared. Nay, according to the Accounts received from the manufacturing Places and Districts throughout the Kingdom, it uniformly appears that Trade was never brisker in most Articles; and that it is not remarkably dead in any:--Moreover it is likewise certain, from the same Accounts, that a much greater Stagnation hath been frequently felt, even at Times when every Port in _America_ was open to us, than is felt at present.
However, if these Partizans of _America_ should cavil at these Accounts, and dispute their Authority, we have others yet to produce, which surely must carry Conviction (almost in Spite of Prejudice) as soon as they are perused; [unless indeed it can be imagined, that the present wicked Ministry have entered into a Plot to charge themselves Debtors to the Public for almost TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY-FIVE THOUSAND POUNDS STERLING _more than they received_, merely to plague and confound the poor Patriots.]
The Account I am now going to lay before the Reader, is the gross Produce for the Year 1775, ending at the 5th of _July_ last, compared with the like gross Produce of the preceding Year 1774, ending at the like Period.
. _s. d._
Gross Produce of the Year 1775, 5,479,695 7 10 Gross Produce of the Year 1774, 5,224,899 7 10-1/4
Increased Produce of the Year 1775, 254,795 19 11-3/4
Now it appears by the Particulars of the Account, that what chiefly caused this great Increase, was the greater Quant.i.ty made, consumed, or used of Low Wines and Spirits,--of the _London_ Brewery,--of Malt, Hops, Cyder, and Coaches, in the Year 1775, ending at the 5th of _July_, than in the preceding Year. For as to several other Articles, there was a remarkable Deficiency, especially in the Excise on Tea, and on Liquors imported into the [11] Out-Ports; both which Branches, if put together, amount to no less than 79,380_l._ 13_s._ 9-1/2_d._--And yet, notwithstanding this great Loss in two such capital Articles, the Produce of the others before mentioned so much exceeded their usual Income, that the whole Balance of the Year was, as I said before, 254,795_l._ 19_s._ 11-3/4_d._ Now as our common People, our Artificers, and mechanic Tradesmen, our Journeymen, Day-Labourers, &c. &c. are the Consumers of, or Customers for, these Articles (Coaches excepted) we may, and ought to p.r.o.nounce, that these numerous Bodies of Men were not in that starving Condition, (which it was foretold they should be) when they could so much exceed their usual (and for the most Part _unnecessary_) Gratifications in Spirituous Liquors, and Porter, Ale, strong Beer, and Cyder, as to raise such a Surplus of Revenue. And in respect to the Increase in the Coach-Tax (which was nearly 2000_l._) surely this is a plain Proof likewise, that our Merchants, Traders, and Manufacturers (who were all to be infallibly ruined) are not in that melancholly Situation, as hath been foreboded of them by the _American_ false Prophets;--I say, the Proof is plain, seeing that so many new Carriages have been set up, instead of the former being put down. And I think, I may take for granted, that it is the Trading, and not the Landed-Interest, which sets up most new Carriages.
Upon the Whole therefore, and in whatever Light things are considered, it evidently appears that we can have but little, or nothing to lose; but must have a great deal to get, or (which is the same thing) much to save, and many Dangers to escape by a total Separation from the rebellious Provinces of _North-America_. The History of all Nations, and of all Ages,--our own Experience respecting _France_,--the melancholly Situation at this Day of the once populous and flouris.h.i.+ng Kingdom of _Spain_,--the present Demands of our Manufactures for Exportation,--the State of Parties among us, and the Growth of republican Principles, all, all conspire to prove, that we ought to get rid of such an onerous, dangerous, and expensive Connection as soon as possible. In one Word, the longer the present System is persevered in, the worse Things will necessarily grow, and the riper for Destruction; it being morally impossible that they should mend; for the Fire, if even smothered for the present, will break out again with fresh Violence; and the sound Parts of our Const.i.tution will be in great Danger of being tainted by the Gangrene of _American_ Republicism.
In a Note at the Bottom of Page 52, (2d. Edition) of my Letter to Mr.
BURKE, I expressed myself in the following Manner: "The Instances which Mr. BURKE has brought, [at Pages 74 and 75 of his Speech, 2d. Edit. 8vo.]
to prove that the Colonies, or rather that a few out of the many Colonies, have been liberal in their Grants to _Great-Britain_, during the Continuance of a privateering, smuggling, trucking, and huckstering _American_ Sea-War, in which they were sure to be the greatest Gainers, shall be particularly considered in an ensuing Treatise, An Address to the Landed Interest of _Great-Britain_ and _Ireland_."
The Minutes which I took at that Time relative to this Affair, and which I intended to have inserted in the Body of this Treatise, were the following, that the leading Men in the Government of the Province of _Ma.s.sachusets_, had, some Time before their famous Expedition against _Cape Breton_, been guilty of certain Mal-Practices in the Administration of public Affairs, for which they were in Danger of being called to an Account. That in order to divert the Storm, and to throw a Barrel to the Whale, they projected the Plan of an Expedition, knowing the Temper of the _English_, and their Rage for Conquests. Therefore, hearing that the Fortifications of _Cape Breton_ were very ruinous, and the Garrison both weak and mutinous for Want of Pay, Cloathing, and Provisions, they bent their Forces against this Place. The Scheme succeeded, and _Cape Breton_ was yielded up; but the Joy of the _English_ Nation knew no Bounds: For the People, from the highest to the lowest, were so intoxicated with Notions of the Importance of this Port, [tho' now it is evident, that it is a very useless one if compared with others] that they forgot every other Idea in the general Transport; so that the Planners and Conductors of the Expedition, instead of their being called to an Account for their former Misdemeanors, found themselves caressed and applauded by the whole Nation; and to crown all, the Parliament itself voted a prodigious Sum of Money to reimburse the _New-Englanders_ for their Expences, and their Services in this glorious Work.
This, I say, or to this Effect, was the Account which I received;--and which I believe in my own Mind, will be found to be for the most Part very true, when it can be very thoroughly _examined into_. But as I have been hurried, by the _early_ Meeting of Parliament, to publish the present Treatise at least three Months sooner than intended, I cannot at present _authenticate_ Facts and Dates in the Manner I wish to do, in an Affair of such Importance. Therefore I give this public Notice, that I build nothing on the present Narration; and I only offer it (because not corroborated by sufficient Evidence) as a probable Case, and as my own Opinion.
Indeed I have a particular Reason for acting in this cautious Manner; seeing that I have suffered already by making a Slip in an Affair of this Nature, which in any other Cause or Controversy, would have been reckoned to be a very _venial_ one. The Case was this: In the First Edition of my Fourth Tract, I had accused Dr. FRANKLIN with having acted a very disingenuous Part, in opposing and denying the Authority of the _British_ Parliament, to lay a Tax [the Stamp-Duty] on _America_, when he himself had solicited to be employed as an Agent in the Collection of that very Tax. In Letters which pa.s.sed between us, he denied the Charge, a.s.serting first, that he did not make Interest for a Place in the Stamp-Office, 'till the Bill was pa.s.sed into a Law;--And 2dly. that the Place, for which he asked, was not for himself, but for a Friend, one Mr. HUGHES, who was accordingly appointed by Mr. GRENVILLE. Now in Consequence of this Information, I omitted in the next Edition, the whole Paragraph, and said nothing, either _pro_, or _con_, particularly relative to Dr. FRANKLIN.
And surely, every Thing considered, and the _faux pas_ of Dr. FRANKLIN concerning the _stolen_ Papers of Mr. WHEATLEY duly weighed, one would have thought, that I had made Satisfaction fully sufficient to almost any Man in such a Case, whose Pretensions to _nice_ Honour might have been much better founded than those of Dr. FRANKLIN. But it seems, I was mistaken: For before he left _England_, I was called on in Print, to make Reparation to his much injured Character: And in his Absence, his Agents and Confederates, the Monthly Reviewers, have done the same.
Here therefore, I appeal to the Public, whether I have not advanced as far already in this Affair, as there was need for me to have done, supposing even (which is supposing a great deal) that every Thing which Dr. FRANKLIN said was strictly true: For granting that he did not solicit for that Place in particular, yet it is a most undeniable Fact, that at the very Instant when he was declaiming at the Bar of the House of Commons, against the Authority of Parliament, he himself was an _American_ Revenue Officer, in a very lucrative Post, created by parliamentary Authority: He was a Post-Master General in _North-America_; and the Tax, which he collected, and for which he was accountable, was an _internal_, as well as _external_ Tax. So that in short, in every, or in any Light, his Conduct was not of the spotless Kind; nor was my Accusation of Disingenuity against him the less true, whether he had solicited a Place in the Stamp-Office, or not.
While I am writing this,--a Paragraph, cut out of a News-Paper, and dated from _Salisbury_, _October_ 15, is laid before me, which I am positively told, is reckoned to be UNANSWERABLE. Now I have known so many of these UNANSWERABLES to shrink to nothing, when examined with any due Care and Attention, that I own I am not much frightened at the Appearance of this new _American_ GOLIAH. However, let us approach this formidable Champion a little nearer.
"The _Americans_, says the News-Writer, in their Addresses to the Public, urge as a Reason against Parliamentary Taxation, the _great Disadvantages_ they incur by submitting to such numerous Restrictions in Trade, which they deem a Burden equal to, if not greater than Taxation: And they also estimate, that that Mode of contributing to the Support of the _English_ Nation, is, upon the whole, more beneficial than if they were to pay their Share by being equally taxed with the Subjects of the Mother Country: But to be obliged to submit to those numerous Restraints in Trade, and at the same Time to be subject to a parliamentary Taxation, they think is the highest Degree of Oppression.
An Humble Address and Earnest Appeal to Those Respectable Personages in Great-Britain and Ireland Part 2
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