The Illustrated London Reading Book Part 40

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ARBU'TUS, _s._ a strawberry tree

ARCA'DE, _s._ a continued arch; a walk arched over

ARCHBI'SHOP, _s._ a bishop of the first cla.s.s, who superintends the conduct of other bishops

ARCHITE'CTURE, _s._ the art or science of building

A'RCTIC, _a._ northern; lying under the Arctos or Bear


A'RDUOUS, _a._ lofty; difficult

ARI'SE, _v.n._ mount upward; get up; proceed

ARMI'LLA, _s._ a bracelet, or jewel worn on the arm

A'RMY, _s._ collection of armed men; a great number

AROMA'TIC, _a._ spicy; fragrant; strong-scented

ARRI'VE, _v.n._ reach any place; happen

ARRA'NGE, _v.a._ put in the proper order for any purpose

ARRA'NGEMENT, _s._ the act of putting In proper order, the state of being put in order

ARRA'Y, _s._ order, chiefly of war; dress

A'RROGANCE, _s._ the act or quality of taking much upon one's self

A'RROW, _s._ the pointed weapon which is shot from a bow

A'RTICLE, _s._ a part of speech; a single clause of an account; term

ARTI'CULATE, _v.a._ form words; speak as a man; draw up in articles; make terms

A'RTIFICE, _s._ trick; fraud; stratagem; art; trade

ARTIFI'CIAL, _a._ made by art; not natural

ARTI'LLERY, _s._ weapons of war; cannon; great ordinance

A'RTISAN, _s._ professor of any art

ASCE'NDANCY, _s._ influence; power

ASPE'RSE, _v.a._ bespatter with censure or calumny

A'SPIC, _s._ the name of a small serpent

a.s.sA'ILANT, _s._ one that a.s.sails

a.s.sE'MBLY, _s._ a company met together

a.s.sE'RT, _v.a._ to declare positively; maintain; to defend either by words or actions; claim

a.s.sIDU'ITY, _s._ diligence

a.s.sI'MILATE, _v.a._ bring to a likeness; turn to its own nature by digestion

a.s.sISTANCE, _s._ help

a.s.sISTANT, _s._ a helper

a.s.sI'ZE, _s._ a jury; any court of justice; the ordinance or statute

a.s.sO'CIATE, _s._ a partner; a confederate; a companion

a.s.sU'RE, _v.a._ give confidence by a firm promise

ASTO'NISHMENT, _s._ amazement

ASTRO'NOMY, _s._ the science of the motions, distances, &c. of the stars

A'THEISM, _s._ the disbelief of a G.o.d

ATHE'NIAN, _s._ a native of Athens

A'TMOSPHERE, _s._ the air that the solid earth on all sides

ATRO'CIOUS, _a._ wicked in a high degree; enormous

ATTA'CH, _v.a._ arrest; fix one's interest; win; lay hold on

ATTA'CK, _v.a._ to make an a.s.sault

ATTA'IN, _v.a._ gain; procure; reach

ATTAINMENT, _s._ an acquisition; an accomplishment

ATTE'MPT, _v.a._ venture upon; try; endeavour

ATTE'NDANT, _s._ one that attends; one that is present at anything

ATTENTION, _s._ the act of attending; the act of bending the mind upon it

ATTE'NTIVE, _a._ regardful; full of attention

ATTI'RE, _s._ clothing; dress; equipment

The Illustrated London Reading Book Part 40

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