The Illustrated London Reading Book Part 53

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EXTRA'VAGANT, _a._ wasteful; not saving; otherwise, improbable, false

EXTRE'MELY, _ad._ greatly; very much; in the utmost degree

EXTRE'MITY, _s._ the utmost point; highest degree; parts at the greatest distance

FACI'LITY, _s._ ease; dexterity; affability

FA'CTORY, _s._ a house or district inhabited by traders in a distant country; traders embodied in one place

FA'CULTY, _s._ the power of doing anything; ability

FAMI'LIAR, _a._ domestic; free; well known; common; unceremonious

FAMI'LIARITY, _s._ easiness of conversation; acquaintance

FA'MILY, _s._ those who live in the same house; household; race; clans

FA'MOUS, _a._ renowned; celebrated

FANA'TICISM, _s._ madness; frenzy; insanity

FANTA'STIC, _a._ whimsical; fanciful; imaginary

FA'RTHER, _ad._ at a greater distance; beyond this

FA's.h.i.+ON, _v.a._ form; mould; figure; make according to the rule prescribed by custom

FA'TAL, _a._ deadly; mortal; appointed by destiny

FATI'GUE, _s._ weariness

FATI'GUE, _v.a._ tire; weary

FAUN, _s._ a kind of rural deity

FA'VOURITE, _s._ a person or thing beloved; one regarded with favour

FE'ATHER, _s._ plume of birds

FE'ATURE, _s._ the cast or make of the face; any lineament or single part of the face

FE'ELING, _s._ the sense of touch; sensibility; tenderness; perception

FERMENTA'TION, _s._ a slow motion of the particles of a mixed body, arising usually from the operation of some active acid matter; as when leaven or yeast ferments bread or wort

FERO'CITY, _s._ savageness; wildness; fierceness

FE'RTILE, _a._ fruitful; abundant; plenteous

FERTI'LITY, _s._ abundance; fruitfulness

FE'STAL, _a._ festive; joyous; gay

FE'STIVAL, _a._ time of feast; anniversary-day of civil or religious joy

FESTO'ON, _s._ In architecture, an ornament of carved work in the form of a wreath or garland of flowers or leaves twisted together

FEU'DAL, _a._ dependant; held by tenure

FI'BRE, _s._ a small thread or string

FI'CTION, _s._ a fanciful invention; a probable or improbable invention; a falsehood; a lie

FIDE'LITY, _s._ honesty; faithful adherence

FI'GURE, _s._ shape; person; stature; the form of anything as terminated by the outline

FI'LIAL, _a._ pertaining to a son; befitting a son; becoming the relation of a son

FI'RMAMENT, _s._ sky; heavens

FLA'GON, _s._ a vessel with a narrow mouth

FLA'MBEAU, _s._ (p.r.o.nounced _flam-bo_) a lighted torch

FLA'VOUR, _s._ power of pleasing the taste; odour

FLEUR-DE-LIS, _s._ (French for a lily, p.r.o.nounced _flur-de-lee_) a term applied in architecture and heraldry

FLE'XIBLE, _a._ capable of being bent; pliant; not brittle; complying: obsequious; ductile; manageable

FLOAT, _v.n._ to swim on the surface of water; to move without labour in a fluid; to pa.s.s with a light irregular course; _v.a._ to cover with water

FLO'RIDNESS, _s._ freshness of colour

FLO'URISH, _v.a._ and _v.n._ yield; prosper; wield; adorn

FLU'CTUATE, _v.n._ roll to and again, as water in agitation; be in an uncertain state

FLU'ID, _a._ anything not solid

FLU'TTER, _v.n._ move irregularly; take short flights with great agitation of the wines

FO'LIAGE, _s._ leaves; tuft of leaves

FO'LLOWING, _a._ coming after another

The Illustrated London Reading Book Part 53

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