The Illustrated London Reading Book Part 67

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PREDOMINATE, _v.n._ prevail; be supreme in influence

PREFI'X, _v.a._ appoint beforehand; settle; establish; put before another thing

PRELI'MINARY, _a._ previous; introductory

PREJUDICE, _s._ prepossession; judgment formed beforehand; mischief; injury

PREPARATION, _s._ anything made by process of operation; previous measures

PREROGATIVE, _s._ an exclusive or peculiar privilege

PRE'SCIENT, _a._ foreknowing; prophetic

PRESENT, _a._ not past; not future; ready at hand; not absent; being face to face; being now in view

PRESE'NT, _v.a._ offer; exhibit

PRESE'RVE, _v.a._ save; keep; defend from destruction or any evil

PRESU'MPTION, _s._ arrogance; blind confidence

PREVE'NT, _v.a._ hinder; obviate; obstruct

PRINc.i.p.aL, _a._ chief; capital; essential; important; considerable

PRINCIPLE, _s._ const.i.tuent part; original cause

PRO'BABLE, _a._ likely

PRO'BABLY, _a._ very likely

PROBA'TION, _s._ proof; trial; noviciate

PROCEE'D, _v.n._ pa.s.s from one thing or place to another; go forward; issue; arise; carry on; act; transact

PRO'CESS, _s._ course of law; course

PROCE'SSION, _s._ a train marching in ceremonious solemnity

PRODI'GIOUS, _a._ enormous; amazing; monstrous

PRO'DUCE, _s._ amount; profit; that which anything yields or brings

PRODU'CE, _v.a._ offer to the view or notice; bear; cause; effect

PRODU'CTION, _s._ the act of producing; fruit; product; composition

PROFESSION, _s._ vocation; known employment

PROFU'SE, _a._ lavish; too liberal

PROFUSION, _s._ extravagance; abundance

PRO'GRESS, _s._ course; advancement; motion forward

PROHI'BIT, _v.a._ forbid; debar; hinder

PROJE'CT, _v.a._ throw out; scheme; contrive; form in the mind

PRO'PAGATE, _v.a._ extend; widen; promote

PRO'PER, _a._ fit; exact; peculiar

PRO'PHECY, _s._ a declaration of something to come

PROPHE'TIC, _a._ foreseeing or foretelling future events

PROPORTION, _s._ symmetry; form; size; ratio

PROPOSITION, _s._ one of the three parts of a regular argument, in which anything is affirmed or denied; proposal

PROPRIETOR, _s._ possessor in his own right

PROPRI'ETY, _s._ accuracy; justness

PROSA'IC, _a._ belonging to or resembling prose

PROTE'CTOR, _s._ defender; supporter; guardian

PROTRU'DE, _v.a._ thrust forward

PROVI'DE, _v.a._ procure; furnish; supply; stipulate

PROVIDE'NTIAL, _a._ effected by Providence; referrible to Providence

PRO'VINCE, _s._ a conquered country; a region

PROVINCIAL, _a._ that which relates to provinces

PROVISION, _s._ the act of providing beforehand; measures taken beforehand; stock collected; victuals

PROVOCATION, _s._ an act or cause by which anger is raised; an appeal to a judge

PROXI'MITY, _s._ nearness

PTA'RMIGAN, _s._ (p.r.o.nounced _tar-mi-gan_) a bird of the grouse species

PU'BLIC, _s._ the people; general view; open view

The Illustrated London Reading Book Part 67

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