The Illustrated London Reading Book Part 73

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SUCCE'SSION, _s._ a series of persons or things following one another; a lineage

SU'CCOUR, _s._ aid; a.s.sistance; help in distress

SU'CCULENT, _a._ juicy; moist

SU'DDEN, _a._ coming unexpectedly; hasty; violent

SU'FFER, _v.a._ bear; undergo; endure; permit

SUFFI'CE, _v.n._ be enough; be sufficient; be equal to the end, or purpose

SUFFI'CE, _v.a._ afford; supply; satisfy

SUFFI'CIENT, _a._ equal to any end or purpose

SU'LLY, _v.a._ spoil; tarnish; dirty; spot

SU'LTRY, _a._ hot and close

SU'MMON, _v.a._ call up; raise; admonish to appear

SU'MPTUOUS, _a._ costly; expensive; splendid

SUPE'RB, _a._ grand; pompous; lofty; magnificent

SUPERINCU'MBENT, _a._ lying on the top of something else

SUPERINDU'CE, _v.a._ bring in as an addition to something else

SUPERINTE'NDENCE, _s._ superior care; the act of overseeing with authority

SUPERINTEN'DENT, _s._ one who overlooks others authoritatively

SUPE'RIOR, _a._ higher; greater in dignity or excellence; preferable; upper

SUPERIO'RITY, _s._ pre-eminence; the quality of being greater or higher than another

SUPERSE'DE, _v.a._ make void by superior power

SUPERSTI'TIOUS, _a._ full of idle fancies or scruples with regard to religion

SUPPLY', _v.n._ fill up a deficiency; yield; afford; accommodate; furnish

SUPPLY', _s._ relief of want; cure of deficiencies

SUPPO'RT, _s._ act or power of sustaining; prop

SUPPO'RT, _v.a._ sustain; prop; endure

SUPPO'SE, _v.a._ admit without proof; imagine

SU'RFACE, _s._ superficies; outside

S'URPLUS, _s._ overplus; what remains when use is satisfied

SURROU'ND, _v.a._ environ; encompa.s.s; enclose on all sides

SURVE'Y, _v.a._ view as examining; measure and estimate land; overlook

SUSCE'PTIBLE, _a._ capable of anything

SUSPI'CION, _s._ the act of suspecting; imagination of something ill without proof

SWA'LLOW, _v.n._ take down the throat; take in

SY'CAMORE, _s._ a tree

SY'COPHANT, _s._ tale-bearer

SY'MMETRY, _s._ adaptation of parts to each other; proportion; harmony

SY'MPHONY, _s._ harmony of mingled sounds

SY'NAGOGUE, _s._ a Jewish place of wors.h.i.+p

SY'STEM, _s._ any combination of many things acting together

SYSTEMA'TIC, _a._ methodical; written or formed with regular subordination of one part to another

TA'BLET, _s._ a small level surface; a surface written on or painted

TA'BULAR, _a._ set in the form of tables or synopses

TA'CTICS, _s._ the art of ranging men on the field of battle

TA'FFETA, _s._ a thin silk

TA'NKARD, _s._ a large vessel with a cover for strong drink

TA'PER, _v.n._ grow gradually smaller

TA'TTOO, _v.a._ mark by staining on the skin

TA'WDRY, _a._ meanly showy; showy without elegance

TA'XATION, _s._ the act of loading with taxes; accusation

The Illustrated London Reading Book Part 73

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