A Century of Sail and Steam on the Niagara River Part 11
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Minutes of a meeting of the directors of the Niagara Navigation Company, held Monday, August 4th, 1879:
President, Hon. F. Smith; Col. F. W. c.u.mberland, Barlow c.u.mberland, John Foy.
(1) Captain Harbottle made a full report respecting the occurrence of Sat.u.r.day, August 2nd, and of the circ.u.mstances in which the _Rothesay_ twice crossed the course and bow of the _Chicora_.
That in the first occasion he was obliged to slow the engine, and in the second he stopped in order to prevent collision.
(2) That before the season opened Capt. Harbottle proposed to Mr. Lunt, the owner of the _Rothesay_, that in order to prevent all possibility of racing the first steamer clear of the Queen's Wharf, or Niagara river should be allowed to keep her place across the lake, but this Mr. Lunt declined.
(3) That as there seemed to be a determination on the part of the _Rothesay_ to provoke racing, the above offer was repeated by the directors in a letter dated 16th June, and then Mr. Lunt in his reply dated 19th June, again declined to accept the proposition.
(4) That under all the circ.u.mstances the solicitor be instructed to take all known and possible proceedings at law to put an end to the dangers arising from the action of the captain and the owners of the _Rothesay_.
(5) That the thanks of the Board are due to Capt.
Harbottle for the care and skill he has exercised in avoiding the _Rothesay_, and that he be requested to continue on the principle that safety is the first consideration.
(6) That these orders of the Board be published for the information of the public.
(Sgd) John Foy Frank Smith, Manager President.
It is to be remembered that the present eastern channel from the harbor did not at that time exist, but that the western channel, by the Queen's Wharf, was the only one which was open, and was not then wide enough for two steamers to pa.s.s out together. The proposition was that the first through this channel should hold its lead.
Toronto had then a population of only 70,000. There were very few steamers running out of the harbor, lake excursion business may be said to have been only in its introduction and infancy, so that very much personal and family interest was taken in the several steamers on the routes, thus accounting for the public announcement of the regulations proposed.
The publication had the desired effect of preventing the _Rothesay_ from coming into too close proximity, but did not reduce the monetary compet.i.tion, in fact only increased it.
The _City_ and _Chicora_ were running three trips daily, 7 a.m., 1.45 p.m., 3 p.m., and on Sat.u.r.days four trips, the advertis.e.m.e.nts announcing "_No overcrowding, as both steamers return in the evening_." On the four trips being made the alternating steamer left at 8.30 p.m. for Niagara to make the first trip from there at 8 a.m. on Monday. While other rates were maintained, a special excursion rate of 25 cents was made for round trip on Sat.u.r.day afternoon.
In early August _Rothesay_ put on a return rate at 25c. for every afternoon, heading its announcements "_Keep down the rates_." The Milloys were averse to reduction and favored holding up the rates, considering that better equipment deserved better money. In this mid-summer season the _Rothesay_ was getting a pretty good batch of pa.s.sengers every afternoon, a process which would help her to continue the compet.i.tion. She was then running from the Yonge street slip on the west side of Milloy's dock, the _City_ and _Chicora_ both being on the east side out of sight behind the buildings. We had the next move under consideration. The Hon. Frank Smith came down on the dock one hot afternoon when the people were swarming down the street for the 2 p.m. steamers. We were standing and watching the streams dividing to go on board the two steamers, the _Chicora_ and the _Rothesay_, the latter being in sight in the Yonge street slip, the other further down the dock and behind the buildings.
There was quite a stream taking the _Rothesay_. "By heavens," said the Hon.
Frank, suddenly and decidedly, "there's one of the men from my own warehouse going on board the _Rothesay_, he's holding down his umbrella, so that I shan't see his face, but _I know his legs_."
We forthwith called and held a joint meeting with the Milloys in the office on the dock, when the round trip rate of 25c. for every afternoon was at once adopted, and all other rates were thereafter to be the same at the _Rothesay_.
One of the most eventful days in this season was the reception given to Edward Hanlan on his return from winning the sculling champions.h.i.+p of England from Edward Trickett on the Thames in July, 1879, thus becoming the champion oarsman of Canada, the United States and England. Many champions have since been welcomed but never such a welcome as this, for it was the city's first offence, her first World's Champion.
The Civic Committee headed by Mayor Jas. Beatty, Jr., Ald. A. R. Boswell chairman Reception Committee and the members of the Hanlan Club, a coterie of men of standing and sporting instincts, who financed and managed Hanlan's early career, met the Champion at Lewiston, on July 15th. It was one of the most wonderful scenes ever occurring on Toronto Bay. The _Chicora_ had been specially chartered to bring the _Champion_ into Toronto at 5 p.m.
We were met outside the harbor by a fleet of steamers, _Filgate_, _Empress of India_, _Maxwell_, _Jean Baptiste_, and many others, crammed with excited and shouting people. Headed by _Chicora_, the procession entered the bay, which was covered by a crowded ma.s.s of boats of every description, sailing, rowing or steam, making it necessary to bring the steamer down to dead slow. Hanlan was put by himself on the top of the pilot house, where he stood, easily seen, holding one hand on the pinnacle and waving a return to the enthusiastic greeting of his fellow citizens.
Never was there such a din of welcome. Every steam whistle on the boat and on sh.o.r.e that could speak, shrilled its acclaim, bells rang, guns fired, the city, half of which was afloat, hailed its Island born son and Champion who had brought laurels and renown to both himself and them.
The citizens of Toronto had always been partial to boating and taking their pleasure in water sports, but these victories of Hanlan gave a renown to the city and a zest to rowing which greatly increased that interest in boating and rowing races which has ever since been a dominant feature in the sports of the city and the pleasurings of its young people.
Yet it is open to question whether in these later and more mechanical days, the leisure-rowing and paddling section is not somewhat on the wane, under the influence of the puffing, stench-spreading and lazy-luxury motor boat.
At the same time it is a matter of congratulation that the compet.i.tor in the racing sh.e.l.ls and canoes become still more numerous, and in every way energetic as of yore, mainly under the splendid influences of the Argonaut, Don, and other amateur boating clubs.
The _Rothesay_ held on through the season. Mr. Lunt being an energetic and capable opponent, apt in attack and with much experience in the ways of steamboat compet.i.tion. He was hard to shake off and while making no money himself he prevented others from making any. The managers of the _City_ were now reaping the reward of their broken faith and their having introduced him to the route. Her owners were obliged to make an a.s.signment toward the close of the season and _Chicora_ finished alone on October 18th.
Compet.i.tions such as was this, carried on with intention, only, of doing damage to an opponent's investment, and without any regard as to the number of pa.s.sengers who might be induced by low rates to go on board the steamer cannot be conducted at other than with greatest risk. This was further intensified by the fact that the Government inspection limited itself to inspection of engines and boilers and no discrimination was exercised as to the service in which a boat was to be employed.
Such a condition would seem strange in these present days when all routes are specified and regulated, but in those days it was different. Once physical inspection was pa.s.sed it made no difference as to the pa.s.senger service in which the boat was to be run, whether on the open lake or in river service, nor was there any limitation upon the number of pa.s.sengers who might be taken on board.
This condition was not a fair one, either for the Public, who are not always discriminating and look mostly at the lowness of the rate, or for the Owners, who were not being given any consideration for their larger expenditures in producing steamers fit for the routes upon which they were to be employed. This gave the _Rothesay_ a good handicap and one which enabled her to longer continue a contest.
Movements were, therefore, initiated by us for the introduction of regulations for the limitation of numbers, and restriction of steamers to appointed routes, but it took much time to bring about any result.
The season of 1886 found the _City of Toronto_ under Capt. Donaldson and _Chicora_ under Capt. Harbottle, still running together between Milloys wharf and Lewiston; the _Chicora_ opening the season on 4th May.
The _Rothesay_ opened her season with renewed vigor on the 24th May, 1880.
Mr. Lunt announced:
"The Steamer _Rothesay_ having been thoroughly refitted will on and after Monday the 24th leave Yonge street wharf at 7.15 a.m., and 2.30 p.m. for Niagara connecting with the Canada Southern Railway for Falls, New York and all points.
"_Quick Time._--Five hours at Falls and return same day, arriving at Toronto 7.15 p.m.
"Picnic parties will be taken by train to Niagara Grove. Tickets on sale by W. A. Geddes, Custom House Wharf, and Charles Morgan, 64 Yonge street."
In addition to running to Niagara, _Rothesay_ this year dropped over to Youngstown on the American side, from where connection was made to Lewiston by a small American steamer. She also worked up an excellent excursion business for the Youngstown and Fort Niagara Park.
The _City_ and _Chicora_ divided the route as previously with one trip and a half each, all trips being run the full length of the river to the foot of the rapids at Queenston and Lewiston.
During this season an opportunity offered for the purchase of a dock frontage alongside the Lewiston dock. The New York Central had not then been extended from its upper station to the edge of the river above the dock, and it was also under consideration whether the railway would make a new move to reach the bank of the river at Lewiston nearer to the steamers, or would replace the rails and again operate its seven miles extension branch to Youngstown. If they should resume this latter route to the mouth of the river, conditions at Lewiston would be changed. It was, therefore, considered best to await further developments before making any purchase.
The strain of the compet.i.tion was beginning to tell. The Steamer _City of Toronto_ was in August advertised for sale at Niagara, "thoroughly equipped, handsomely furnished and inspected ready for sea."
_Rothesay_ ended her season on 15th of September, and _Chicora_ on the 8th of October, having run the latter part alone and kept up the connections for the railways. The public had enjoyed the pleasures of lake travel to the utmost, but the steamers were none the better off, for the magnitude of steamboat business is not to be gauged by the crowds carried on the boats, but by the net results in the purser's accounts.
During the winter 1880-1881 the negotiations for limitation were continued and met with success, and as the _Rothesay_, in the spring of 1881, could only get a certificate for "river" work, for which she had been constructed and was well adapted, she was withdrawn to the St. Lawrence River, where she ran between Kingston and the Thousand Islands until in 1882 she grounded and was abandoned.
At length our compet.i.tor was gone, having made no money for himself and having caused much loss to others, including his first partners who had introduced him.
The _Chicora_ opened the season of 1881 on May 21st, connections being made with both Canada Southern, and New York Central Railways.
During this season the first "Niagara Camp" was held. On the 5th of June, the _Chicora_ took over on the morning trip the Toronto Field Battery, Mayor Gray, Lieut. Beatty, Surgeon McDonald, sixty-five non-commission officers and men, twenty-seven horses, four guns and five companies of the 31st Battalion, Col. Brown, Major Cameron, Capt. and Adjt. Pollard and Surgeon Barnhart.
From modest beginnings began this annual gathering of the volunteer militia of Ontario, which has since a.s.sumed such considerable proportions and greatly extended in its sphere of operations. It has been found by experience that the attraction of a visit to the "Falls," which is possible while at this camp, brings more willing recruits, and the coming into actual touch with the battle fields of the defence of Canada in 1812, creates a sense of duty and of fervour which is very helpful to the service. Many lessons are learned from the remarkable collection of relics of early days, and of stirring times, contained in the Museum of the Niagara Historical Society.[2] Recently the acreage of the camp has been largely added to and Fort George the embanked ancient fortress, just above the steamboat dock has been repaired and renewed.
A Century of Sail and Steam on the Niagara River Part 11
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