The Communes of Lombardy from the VI. to the X. Century Part 5

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[42:] This statement, while true of all integral parts of the Lombard kingdom, must, however, be modified in regard to the great duchies of Spoleto and Beneventum, which were under a different system of internal government from the kingdom of Lombardy proper--were, in fact, small tributary kingdoms under great dukes enjoying practically royal powers. The Duchy of Beneventum seems to have been divided into _gastaldata_, divisions of territory similar to the _civitates_ of Lombardy, but presided over by a gastald instead of by a _dux_ or _comes_. In the charter of division made between the dukes of Beneventum and of Salerno in the year 851--v. _Muratori_, Ant. Ital.

Diss. X.--are mentioned "integra gastaldata, seu ministeria Tarentum, Latinianum, Cusentia, etc." And, at an earlier date, _Paulus Diaconus_--De Gest. Long., Lib. V., cap. 29--tells of a certain "Alzeconis Dux de Bulgaris," to whom Grimoald, Duke of Beneventum, gives "ad habitandum ... Lepianum, Bovianum et Inferniam, et aliis c.u.m suis territoriis civitates; ipsumque Alzeconem mutato dignitatis nomine, de duce gastaldium vocari praecepit."

[43:] v. _Muratori_: Script. Rer. Ital., Tom. III., Pars II., p. 162D.

[44:] _Liutprandi_: Leg. Lib. VI., Leg. 29. v. _Muratori_: Script.

Rer. Ital., Tom. I., Pars II.

[45:] _Muratori_: Ant. Ital. Diss. X., Vol. I., P. I., p. 121.

[46:] _Muratori_: Script. Rer. Ital., Tom. III., p. 155A.

[47:] Ed. _Rhotari_: Leg. 23 and 24. v. _Muratori_: op. cit., Tom. I., Pars II.

[48:] _Liutprandi_: Leg. Lib. IV., 7.

[49:] _Liutprandi_, Leg. Lib. IV., 8, says: "Si homines de sub uno Judice, de duobus tamen Sculdahis causam habuerint, etc."

[50:] _Paulus Diaconus_: De Gest. Lang., Lib. VI., 24.

[51:] _Muratori_: Ant. Ital. Diss. X., Vol. I., Parte II., p. 116.

[52:] _Ugh.e.l.li_: Italia Sacra, Tom. V.

[53:] _Caroli Magni_, Leg. Lomb. 36: "Ut nullus h.o.m.o in Placito Centenarii neque ad mortem, neque ad libertatem suam amittendam, aut res reddendas vel mancipia judicetur. Sed ea omnium in praesentia Comitum, vel Missorum nostrorum, judicentur."

[54:] _Liutprandi_: Leg. Lib. V., 15.

[55:] Chronicon Fontanellense, Cap. I. v. _Muratori_: Ant. Ital. Diss.

X., Vol. I., Parte I., p. 117.

[56:] _Rachis_, a decree of--existing in the Monast. of Bobbio. v.

_Muratori_: Aut. tal. Diss., Vol. I., Part I., p. 118 (Diss. X.).

[57:] _Liutprandi Ticinensis_: Historia, Lib. I., cap. 10. v.

_Muratori_: Script. Rer. Ital. II., p. 431. _Pertz_, Monum.; Script., Tom. III.

[58:] The opposite sides of the question are ably presented by _Savigny_: Geschichte des Rom. Rechts, etc., Vol. I., p. 230 et seq.

(trans.), and _Hegel_; Stadteverfa.s.sung v. Italien, etc., I., page 470, note.

[59:] It is difficult to find an English word which intelligently renders the various names for these freemen in their judicial capacity, used by the different nations, such as _arimanni, rachinburgi, boni homines_, etc. Most English writers make use of the German word _schoppen_. I have taken the rendering "judicators" from Edward Cathcart, the translator of the first volume of Savigny's Geschichte des Romischen Rechts im Mittelalter.

[60:] _Liutprandi_: Leg. 25, Lib. IV., 7.

[61:] _Rachis_: Leg. No. 11.

[62:] _Savigny_: Geschichte, etc., Vol. I., p. 233, trans.

[63:] Preserved in the Archives of Farfa. Published by: _Mabillon_: Annales Ord. S. Benedicti, Tom. II., p. 154. _Muratori_: Script. Rer.

Ital., Tom. II., Pars II., p. 341.

[64:] We have confirmation of this from a doc.u.ment of the early part of the ninth century, which says: "De Vicariis et Centenariis qui magis propter cupiditatem quam propter just.i.tiam faciendam saep.i.s.sime placita tenent, et exinde populum minus affligunt, ita teneatur ... ut videlicet in anno tria solummodo generalia placita observent et nullos eos amplius placita observare compellat." From Worms Capitulary of _Lewis the Debonnair_, a. 829, c. 5. Also compare: Capit. V., anni 819, Art. 14. Capit., Lib. IV., c. 57. (_Baluzii_, 616 infr., 788 supr.) _Caroli Magni_, Leg. Long. 69. (_Canciani_ I., 157.)

[65:] _Brunetti_: Cod. Diplom. Toscan. Doc. No. 18.

[66:] _Bouquet_: Rerum Ghillicarum et Francicarum Scriptores.

[67:] _Baluzii_: Capit. Reg. Franc. a. 789, Tom. V., p.


[68:] Capit. I., Art. 13, anni 813. v. _Baluzii_: Capit. Reg. Franc., Tom. I., p. 509.

[69:] _Muratori_: Ant. Ital. Diss. X., Vol. I., Pars I., p. 115.

[70:] _Caroli Magni_: Leg. Long. No. 92.

[71:] _Sismondi_: Rep. Ital. du Moyen Age, Vol. I., p. 268.

[72:] Capit. II., anni 819, Art. 2. v. _Baluzii_: Capit. Reg. Franc., Tom. I., p. 605.

[73:] Loc. cit. sup.

[74:] _Caroli Magni_: Leg. Long. No. 116.

[75:] _Caroli Magni_: Cap. Minora, anni 803, c. 20.

[76:] "Adjutores Comitum, qui meliores, et veraciores inveniri possunt." _Lothar I_.: Leg. No. 49. v. _Muratori_: Ant. Ital. Diss.

X., Vol. I., Parte I., p. 112.

[77:] _Caroli Magni_: Capit. I., anni 809, Art. 22. v. _Baluzii_: Capit. Reg. Franc. I., 466 infr.

[78:] _Lothar I_.: Capit. anni 873, Art. 9. v. _Baluzii_: Capit. Reg.

Franc. Tom. II., p. 232. Leg. No. 48. v. _Muratori_: Diss. X., Vol.

I., P. I., p. 112.

[79:] _Muratori_: Ant. Ital. Diss. LXXVII., Tom. III., Parte II., p.


[80:] Vid. _Tommasio_: Historia sanese, Lib. IV.; _Ugh.e.l.li_: Italia Sacra, Tom. III., for this privilege.

[81:] _Brunetti_: Cod. Diplom. Toscan. No. 8, a. 715. A priest named Gunthram says: "Nec c.u.mquam ab episcopum Senensem coridicionem habuimus, nisi, si de seculares causas n.o.bis oppressio fiebat, veniebamus ad judicem Senensem, eo quod in ejus territorio sedebamus."

[82:] _Brunetti_: Cod. Diplom. Toscan. No, 8, a. 715. Germa.n.u.s, a deacon, says: "Quoniam prelectus a plebe, c.u.m epistola Warnefried [the Gastald of Siena] rogaturus ambulavi ad Luperceanum Aretine Ecclesie Episcopum et per eum consecratus sum."

[83:] For example see a judgment of the year 771, in the Archivio of Lucca. For which vid. _Muratori_: Ant. Ital. Diss. LXX., Tom. III., P.

II., p. 184.

[84:] Good ill.u.s.trations of all these statements are to be found in two doc.u.ments in the Archivio Archivescovile of Lucca, of about the year 813. Vid. _Muratori_: Ant. Ital. Diss. LXX., Tom. III., Parte II., p. 184.

[85:] Codex Carolinus--_Adriani I_., Epist. Nos. LV., LXXIX., LXXII., L.

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