The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in Plain English Part 166

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BULLA. A bleb or large pimple containing transparent fluid.


CACHEXIA. A depraved condition of the system; as from poor food, syphilis, etc.

CALCAREOUS. Containing lime.

CALCIFICATION. The process of forming of, or converting into, chalk.

CALCULUS, CALCULI. Stones or similar concretions formed by the deposit of solid matter; of lime, soda, uric acid, urates, oxalates, etc.

CALISTHENICS. Healthful exercise of the body and limbs, for purposes of strength and agility.

CANCELLATED STRUCTURE. Cells communicating with each other forming a structure resembling "lattice-work."

CANKER. Ulcers in the mouth.

CAPILLARIES. Very small blood-vessels. Defined on page 60.

CARBONIC ACID. A heavy, poisonous gas. Choke damp.

CARDIAC. Pertaining to the heart. Near or towards the heart.

CARMINATIVES. Medicines which allay pain in the stomach and intestines by expelling the gas.

CAROTIDS. The great arteries at the sides of the neck.

CARTILAGE. A solid part of the body found in the joints, ends of the ribs, etc. It is softer than bone but harder than ligament.

CARTILAGINOUS TISSUE. Parts of the body of the nature of cartilage.

CARUNCULae. Fleshy growths.

CASEIN. The part of milk which contains nitrogen. Cheese curd.

CATALYTICS. Medicines which destroy morbid agencies in the blood.


CATAMENIA. Monthly flow of the female.

CATARACT. Opacity of the lens of the eye, or its covering, or both.

CATHARTICS. Medicines which cause evacuation of the bowels.

CATHETER. A hollow tube introduced into the bladder through the urethra for the purpose of drawing off the urine.

CAUSTICS. Substances which destroy animal tissue.

CAUTERIZATION. Burning or searing by a hot iron, or caustic medicines.

CAUTERIZE. To burn or sear by a hot iron, or by medicines which destroy.

CELL. A little vessel having a membranous wall and containing fluid. The whole body may be considered as formed of different kinds of cells.


CEREBELLUM. Little brain. Base brain. Illus. page 100.

CEREBRUM. The upper or large brain. Illus. page 100.

CERVIX. Neck; neck of the womb. Illus. page 206.

CHALYBEATE. Mineral waters which contain iron.

CHANCRE. A virulent, syphilitic ulcer. Figs. 27 and 28, Plate V., Pamphlet X.

CHANCROID. Resembling infectious chancre. Soft chancre.

CHLOROSIS. Green sickness. A disease of young women attended with a greenish hue of the skin, debility, etc.

CHOLAGOGUES. Cathartics which stimulate the liver.

CHORDae TENDINEae. Cord-like substances about the valves of the heart.

See page 57.


CHOROID. The dark colored lining membrane of the eye.

CHYLE. Food digested and ready for absorption. See pages 45 and 49.


CHYME. Food after being subjected to the action of the gastric fluids.

CICATRIX. The scar or place where parts which have been cut or divided, are united.

CILIA. Small hairs.

CIRc.u.mCISION. An operation for removing superfluous foreskin.

CIRc.u.mVALLATE. Arranged in oblique lines, as the prominences on the back of the tongue.

CLAP. Gonorrhea. A venereal disease of the urethra.


The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in Plain English Part 166

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The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in Plain English Part 166 summary

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