The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in Plain English Part 169

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EPIGLOTTIS. A cap over the windpipe, allowing the admission of air, but preventing the introduction of foreign bodies.

EPITHELIAL CELLS. Cells belonging to the epithelium.

EPITHELIUM. The thin covering upon the lips, nipple, mucous and serous membranes and lining the ducts, blood-vessels and other

ESOPHAGUS (OESOPHAGUS). The food-pipe. Illus. page 44.

EUSTACHLAN TUBE. The tube leading from the throat to the inner ear.

Illus, page 109.

EVACUAUT. Cathartic.

EVOLUTION. Defined on page 14.

EXCORIATES. Removes the skin in part.

EXCORIATION. A wound which removes some of the skin.

EXCREMENt.i.tIOUS. Pertaining to the matter evacuated from the body.

EXCRESCENCES. Surface tumors; as warts, piles, polypi, etc.

EXCRETION. The process by which waste materials are removed from the blood, performed particularly by the lungs, skin and kidneys.

EXCRETORY DUCTS. Minute vessels which transmit fluid from glands.

EXHALATIONS. That which is thrown off by the body, as vapor, gases, etc.

EXPECTORANTS. Medicines which promote discharges from the lungs.

EXPIRATION. Expelling the breath.

EXTRANEOUS MATTER. Any substance which finds a place in the body and does not belong there. Foreign substances.

EXTRA-UTERINE. Outside of the womb, but in its vicinity.

EXTRAVASATED. Escaped into surrounding tissues.

EXTREMITIES. Legs or arms.

EXUDATION. Substances discharged through the pores.

EXUDE. To sweat; to pa.s.s through a membrane.


FALLOPIAN TUBE. The ca.n.a.l through which the ovum from the ovary to the womb.

FARADIZATION. The application of electricity by inductive currents.

FASCIA. The white fibrous expansion of a muscle which binds parts together.

FATTY DEGENERATION. The deposit of particles of fat instead of proper muscular tissue.

FEBRIFUGE. A medicine which abates or cures fevers.

FEBRILE. Relating to fever.

FECUNDATION. The ovum uniting with the male germ. Impregnation.

FEMORAL HERNIA. Thigh hernia. Illus. page 863.

FERMENTED. Changed by a process of decomposition.

FERRUGINOUS. Containing iron.

FETID. Having an offensive smell. Stinking.

FETOR. Offensive smell. Stench.

FIBROUS. Composed of fibres.

FIBROUS TISSUE. The texture which unites every part of the body.

FILAMENTS. Fibre; the basis of texture.

FIMBRIATED. Finger-like.

FIRST INTENTION, HEALING BY. Healing without suppuration or the formation of pus.

FISSURE. A crack.

FISTULA: FISTULae. Small or tubes which carry pus or other liquids through the flesh.

FISTULA, URINARY. The abnormal communication between the urinary pa.s.sages and the external surface.

FISTULOUS OPENINGS. The outer end of or tubes which carry pus to the surface.

FLATULENCY. Wind gathered in the stomach or bowels.

FLEXION OF THE WOMB. A partial misplacement in which the womb is bent upon itself.

FLEXURES. Bending. Motion of a joint.

FLOCCULENT. Combining or adhering in flocks or flakes.

FLUID EXTRACTS. The active principles of medicines in fluid form.

The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in Plain English Part 169

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The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in Plain English Part 169 summary

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