The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in Plain English Part 175

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PLEURO-PNEUMONIA. Inflammation of both the pleura and lungs.

POLLUTION (SELF). Excitement of the s.e.xual organs by the hand or other unnatural method.

POLYP. An aquatic animal, as the coral builders.

POLYPI. More than one polypus.

POLYPOID. Like a polypus in shape or construction.

POLYPUS. Tumors which grow from mucous membranes, commonly found in the nasal and cavities.

PORTAL VESSELS. The cl.u.s.ter of veins which join and enter the liver.

POTT'S DISEASE. Described on page 898; illus. pages 898 and 899.

POULTICE. A mixture of bread or meal, etc., and hot water, spread on a cloth and applied to the surface.

POX. Syphilis.

PRECOCITY. Prematurely developed.

PREHENSION. Carrying food to the mouth.

PREPUCE. Foreskin.

PROBANG. Soft swab.

PROBE. An instrument for examining wounds and cavities. A piece of wire with a blunt point is a probe.

PROCREATION. Production or generation of offspring.

PROGNOSIS. Opinion of the future course of a disease.

PROLAPSUS. A falling down of an organ through an orifice, as the womb, bowel, etc.


PROPRIETARY MEDICINES. Described on page 298.

PROSTATE GLAND. Described on page 778 and illus. on page 207.

PROTEIDS. goods composed Of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen: as the white of an egg.

PROTOZOoN. First life; life in the lowest scale; as sponges.

PROUD-FLESH. Abnormal growths which arise in wounds or ulcers.

PRURITIC. Itching.

PRURITUS v.u.l.v.aE. A nervous disease attended with excessive itching of the external genital parts of the female.

PSOAS OR LUMBAR ABSCESS. An abscess discharging at the groin.

PSYCHICAL. The relation of the soul to animal experiences and being.

PSYCHOLOGICAL. The spiritual potencies of the soul.

PTYALIN. The ferment of the saliva which converts starch into sugar.

p.u.b.eRTY. The age at which the subject is capable of procreation.

PUBIC. Relating to the, a part above the genital organs, covered with hair at p.u.b.erty.

PUERPERAL FEVER. Child-bed fever.

PULMONARY. Relating to the lungs.

PUPIL. The circular opening in the colored curtain within the eye.

PURGATIVES. Medicines which cause evacuation of the bowels.

PURULENT. Discharging pus; as an ulcer.

PUS. A yellowish, inodorous, creamy secretion from inflamed parts; contained in abscesses or discharging from ulcers.

PUSTULAR. Belonging to or affected by pustules.

PUSTULE. An elevation on the skin, containing pus or "matter," and having an inflamed base.

PUTRESCENCE. Decomposition, rottenness.

PUTRESCENT. Decomposing offensively.

PUTRIDITY. Corruption.

PYRaeMIA. Blood-poisoning from the absorption of decomposing pus or "matter."

PYLORIC ORIFICE. The lower opening of the stomach; illus. page 39.

PYRIFORM. Shaped like a pear.


QUICKENING. The time when the motion of the foetus within the womb is first perceptible; between the fourth and fifth months of pregnancy.


The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in Plain English Part 175

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The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in Plain English Part 175 summary

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