The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in Plain English Part 90

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[Ill.u.s.tration: Mrs. E.A. Northrop.]

_Gentlemen_--It is now sixteen years since I suffered from that terrible disease, nervous prostration. I suffered untold agony and thought I would go insane. Had a terrible burning sensation across my shoulders, and my head felt large as two, and as if there was a hole from one ear to the other and all sounds pa.s.sed right through. I could not see, nor sleep, nor scarcely eat, and was that nervous the least thing made me angry. I was treated by our home physician and given up as incurable. At that time I saw your Memorandum Book and thought I would write you, and the result of it was you took my case.

After one month of your valuable remedies I felt like a new person, and after six months was restored to good health again after suffering nearly one year of untold agony.

I would heartily recommend all and every one suffering from any chronic disease to place their case in the hands of the World's Dispensary Medical a.s.sociation, of Buffalo, N.Y., as I cannot praise your treatment too highly. Words are inadequate to express the grat.i.tude I owe you in so successfully treating my case.

Respectfully yours, MRS. E.A. NORTHROP, South Main Street, Newark, Wayne Co., N.Y.



[Ill.u.s.tration: J.W. Stocking, Esq.]

_My Dear Sirs_--I believe that I am free from all the troubles that you have been treating me for. The pain in my back is gone--my digestion is good. In all truth I can say _I am a man again_!

I can stoop without pain--can labor without that weak and tired feeling.

I am truly grateful to you for the good that you have done me, and may you reap a rich reward for the good you have done for suffering humanity, is my sincere wish.

Truly yours, J.W. STOCKING, Panama. Lancaster County, Nebr.



[Ill.u.s.tration: D.A. Walton, Esq.]

_Gentlemen_--I commenced treatment, I think, in July or August, of 1888, and continued four months. My case was nervous debility of fifteen years' standing.

I tried home doctors but found they were only aggravating my case. I also tried the Remedy Company, then of St. Louis, who claimed to perform wonderful cures with their "Pastiles," but they proved utterly worthless. Having come in possession of Dr. Pierce's little book and circulars, a perusal of the same convinced me that my health would not be trifled with at his Inst.i.tution.

I was a poor man and could not afford much experimenting. I ordered one month's treatment, and at the end of this first month, I found, to my surprise, that I was feeling different. The second month, still more surprised at my returning health. Third month thought I was cured, and engaged myself to a young lady, and wrote you to that effect, and you advised me with your congratulations to marry, and to order another month's treatment; and at the end of the fourth month I was a _man_, something I did not know what it would be like to be before.

I have now been married five years, and have two healthy children--a boy and a girl. I would never have dared to marry had it not been for your medicines. I must add that during this treatment I was troubled with varicocele on left side. I wrote you this at third month of treatment, and you sent without extra charge, a Suspensory and Lotion, and two months' treatment cured me sound and well of this distressing malady; I have not felt the least symptoms of its return.

I want the world to know what a competent and honorable firm the World's Dispensary Medical a.s.sociation is. I would love to shake you by the hand. May G.o.d let you continue to be a help to mankind is my prayer.

Yours truly, D.A. WALTON, Marion, Grant County, Ind.



[Ill.u.s.tration: J.L. Ridings, Esq.]

_Gentlemen_--I can bear testimony to the removal of varicocele, for which you treated me. I had been in the habit of getting out with the boys and trying to see which could kick the highest with one foot on the ground, and it caused me to have varicocele. I went to my home doctor and he treated me with no success. It was getting worse all the time and I got out of shape all over. My health got bad and I thought my case hopeless. I had tried two doctors and received no benefit.

I had one of your little Memorandum Books in my pocket, and one day, looking through it I saw you treated such cases, and wrote you and received word in a few days that you would treat me, so I sent off for one month's treatment; and in five months I had gained my weight back, and that was eight years ago and I feel sound and well and my health has been good ever since.

You are at liberty to use my testimony in whatever way it may be of most benefit to you.

I also enclose a photograph of myself that was taken soon after your treatment.

With feelings of much gratefulness, I am.

Very truly yours, J.L. RIDINGS, Clarence, Shelby County, Missouri.



[Ill.u.s.tration: R,M. Bascom, Esq.]

_Gentlemen_--It is now about thirteen months since I discontinued your treatment, and I have no return of the old symptoms, I consider it unnecessary to continue treatment. When I commenced taking your medicine I was suffering from nervous debility, indigestion, dyspepsia, etc.

After using your medicine one month I am perfectly healthy, and cheerfully recommend your Inst.i.tution to suffering humanity.

Yours truly, R.M. BASCOM, Sunfield, Eaton County, Mich.



[Ill.u.s.tration: F. Zerbe, Esq.]

_Gentlemen_--It is now about five years since I received a two months'

treatment for my case and I have had no return of the symptoms, I consider it unnecessary to take more medicines because I am gaining strength every day. I am healthier than I have been in fifteen years, and I thank you for the kind favor you have done me in my case, and I wish that all sufferers would send to you for treatment.

Yours respectfully, FRANKLIN ZERBE, De Turksville, Schuylkill Co., Penna.


Blackstone, Nottoway Co., Va.


_Gentlemen_--Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and "Pleasant Pellets" made a perfect cure of me. I increased in weight from 120 pounds to 150 pounds and my strength increased in proportion. It improved me so rapidly that my friends inquired what produced such a change in my general appearance and health. Some accused me of dissipation. When I told them it was your medicine, the drug stores found a ready market for it, and continue to sell it with increased sales.

Yours truly, R.E. Jones

The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in Plain English Part 90

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The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in Plain English Part 90 summary

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