Cooley's Cyclopaedia of Practical Receipts Volume I Part 2

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_Coq. in S. A._, _coque in sufficiente quant.i.tate aquae_, boil in a sufficient quant.i.ty of water.

_Cort._, _cortex_, bark.

_C. v._, _cras vespere_, to-morrow evening.

_C. m. s._, _cras mane sumendus_, to be taken to-morrow morning.

_C. n._, _cras nocte_, to-morrow night.

_Crast._, _crastinus_, for to-morrow.

_Cuj._, _cujus_, of which.

_Cujusl._, _cujuslibet_, of any.

_Cyath. theae_, _cyatho theae_, in a cup of tea.

_Cyath._, _cyathus_, vel, a wine-gla.s.s; from an ounce and half...

_C. vinar._, _cyathus vinarius_; to two ounces and half.

_Deaur. pil._, _deaurentur pilulae_, let the pills be gilt.

_Deb. sp.i.s.s._, _debitur sp.i.s.situdo_, due consistence.

_Dec._, _decanta_, pour off.

_Decub. hor._, _decubits hora_, at the hour of going to bed, or at bedtime.

_De d. in d._, _de die in diem_, from day to day.

_Deglut._, _deglutiatur_, let it be swallowed.

_Dej. alv._, _dejectiones alvi_, stools.

_Det._, _detur_, let it be given.

_Dieb. alt._, _diebus alternis_, every other day.

_Dieb. tert._, _diebus tertiis_, every third day.

_Dil._, _dilue_, _dilutus_, dilute (thin), diluted.

_Diluc._, _diluculo_, at break of day.

_Dim._, _dimidius_, one half.

_D. in 2 plo._, _deter in duplo_, let it be given in twice the quant.i.ty.

_D. in p. aeq._, _dividatur in partes aequales_, let it be divided in equal parts.

_D. P._, _directione propria_, with a proper direction.

_Donec alv. bis dej._, _donec alvus bis dejecerit_, until the bowels have been twice opened.

_Donec alv. sol. fuer._, _donec alvus soluta fuerit_, until the bowels have been loosened.

_Donec dol. neph. exulav._, _donec dolor nephriticus exulaverit_, until the nephritic pain has been removed.

_D._, _dosis_, a dose.

_Eburn._, _eburneus_, made of ivory.

_Ed._, _edulcorata_, edulcorated.

_Ejusd._, _ejusdem_, of the same.

_Elect._, _electuarium_, an electuary.

_Enem._, _enema_, a clyster.

_Exhib._, _exhibeatur_, let it be administered.

_Ext. sup. alut. moll._, _extende super alutam mollem_, spread upon soft leather.

_F._, _fac_, make; _fiat_, _fiant_, let it be made, let them be made.

_F. pil._, _fiant pilulae_, let pills be made.

_Fasc._, _fasciculus_, a bundle.

_Feb. dur._, _febre durante_, during the fever.

_Fem. intern._, _femoribus internis_, to the inside of the thighs.

_F. venaes._, _fiat venaesectio_, let venesection be performed.

_F. H._, _fiat haustus_, let a draught be made.

_Fict._, _fictilis_, earthen.

_Fil._, _filtrum_, a filter.

_Fist. arm._, _fistula armata_, a clyster-pipe and bladder fitted for use.

_Fl._, _fluidus_, fluid.

_F. L. A._, _fiat lege artis_, let it be made by the rules of art.

_F. M._, _fiat mistura_, let a mixture be made.

_F. S. A._, _fiat secundum artem_, let it be made according to art.

_Gel. quav._, _gelatina quavis_, in any jelly.

_G. G. G._, _gummi guttae gambae_, gamboge.

_Gr._, _granum_, a grain; _grana_, grains.

_Gr. vj pond._, _grana s.e.x pondere_, six grains by weight.

_Gtt._, _gutta_, a drop; _guttae_, drops.

_Gtt. quibusd._, _guttis quibusdam_, with some drops.

_Guttat._, _guttatim_, by drops.

_Har. pil. sum. iij_, _harum pilularum sumantur tres_, of these pills let three be taken.

_H. D._, or _hor. decub._, _hora decubits_, at bedtime.

_H. P._, _haustus purgans_, purging draught.

_H. S._, _hora somni_, at the hour of going to sleep.

_Hor. un. spaetio_, _horae unius spatio_, at the expiration of one hour.

_Hor. interm._, _horis intermediis_, in the intermediate hours.

_Hor. 11ma mat._, _hora undecima matutina_, at 11 o'clock in the morning.

_Ind._, _indies_, daily.

_In pulm._, _in pulmento_, in gruel.

_Ind. Ph._, Indian Pharmacopia.

_Inf._, _infunde_, infuse.

_Inj. enem._, _injiciatur enema_, let a clyster be thrown up.

_Jul._, _julepus_, _julapium_, a julep.

_Kal. ppt._, _kali praeparatum_, prepared kali (_pota.s.sae carbonas_).

_Lat. dol._, _lateri dolenti_, to the affected side.

_M._, _misce_, mix; _mensura_, by measure; _manipulus_, a handful; _minimum_, a minim.

_Mane pr._, _mane primo_, early in the morning.

_Man._, _manipulus_, a handful.

_Min._, _minimum_, a minim, the 60th part of a drachm measure.

_M. P._, pilularum_, a pill ma.s.s.

_M.R._, _mistura_, a mixture.

_Mic. pan._, _mica panis_, crumb of bread.

_Mitt._, _mitte_, send; _mittantur_, let them be sent.

_Mitt. sang. ad [oz]xij, mitte sanguinem ad [oz]xij_, take blood to twelve ounces.

_Mod. praescr._, _modo praescripto_, in the manner directed.

_Mor. dict._, _more dicto_, in the way ordered.

_Mor. sol._, _more solito_, in the usual way.

_Ne tr. s. num._, _ne tradas sine nummo_, do not deliver it without the money.

_No._, _numero_, in number.

_N. M._, _nux moschata_, a nutmeg.

_O._, _octarius_, a pint.

_Ol. lini s. i._, _oleum lini sine ligne_, cold-drawn linseed oil.

_Omn. hor._, _omni hora_, every hour.

_Omn. bid._, _omni biduo_, every two days.

_Omn. bih._, _omni bihorio_, every two hours.

_O. M._, or _omn. man._, _omni mane_, every morning.

_O. N._, or _omn. noct._, _omni nocte_, every night.

_Omn. quadr. hor._, _omni quadrante horae_, every quarter of an hour.

_O. O. O._, _oleum olivae optimum_, best olive oil.

_Ov._, _ovum_, an egg.

_Oz._, the ounce avoirdupois.

Cooley's Cyclopaedia of Practical Receipts Volume I Part 2

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