Cooley's Cyclopaedia of Practical Receipts Volume I Part 212

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3. To the last add of Cayenne pepper, 1/4 oz.; the peel of a lemon (grated), and mushroom catsup, 4 oz. Very savoury.

4. From British anchovies (pickled sprats) or young pilchards, along with herring liquor, or the drainings of anchovy barrels.

_Use, &c._ As a sauce and condiment; when well prepared, it has a fine flavour. That of the shops is usually coloured with Venetian red or Armenian bole. An infusion of cochineal, or a little annotta, would form a more appropriate colouring, and would be perfectly harmless. See ANCHOVY and SAUCE.

=Essence of Angel'ica.= _Syn._ ESSENTIA ANGELICae, L. _Prep._ (Van Mons.) Angelica root (bruised), 1 part; rectified spirit, 8 parts; water, 16 parts; digest, and distil over 6 parts; Stomachic, carminative, and alexipharmic.--_Dose_, 1 to 2 spoonfuls.

=Essence of Ani'seed.= _Syn._ ESSENTIA ANISI (B. P.), L.; ESPRIT D'ANISE, Fr. Oil of anise, 1 part; rectified spirit, 4 parts; mix (B. P.).

Stimulant, aromatic, and carminative.--_Dose_, 10 to 20 minims. Used also to flavour liqueurs, and to make aniseed water. See SPIRIT.

=Essence of An'odyne.= _Syn._ ESSENTIA ANODYNA, L. _Prep._ 1. Hard aqueous extract of opium (in powder), 1 dr.; powdered cinnamon, 1/2 dr.; rectified spirit, 1 fl. oz.; digest a week.--_Dose_, 5 to 20 drops.

2. Extract of henbane (recent), 5 dr.; rectified spirit, 2 fl. oz.; as last.--_Dose_, 10 to 30 drops. Narcotic, sedative, and antispasmodic. Both are excellent preparations.

=Essence, Antihyster'ic.= _Syn._ ESSENTIA ANTIHYSTERICA, L. _Prep._ 1.

Cyanuret of pota.s.sium, 3 gr.; powdered sugar, 1 dr.; rectified spirit and eau d'orange, of each 4 fl. dr.; agitate together until dissolved.--_Dose_, 10 to 20 drops, in pure water; in hysteria, gastrodynia, &c. See DRAUGHT (Antihysteric).

2. (P. Cod.) Resembles FETID SPIRIT OF AMMONIA (which _see_).

=Essence of Ap'ple.= _Syn._ SOLUTION OF VALERIANATE OF AMYL; ESSENTIA POMI ODORATA, L. _Prep._ From apple oil (valerianate of oxide of amyl), as ESSENCE OF ALMONDS. Used to flavour liqueurs and confectionery.

=Essence of Ar'nica.= _Syn._ ESSENTIA ARNICae, E. A. FLORUM, TINCTURA A. E.

CONCENTRATA, L. _Prep._ (Ph. Baden, 1841.) From arnica flowers, ESSENCE OF ACONITE. It represents half its weight of herb.

=Essence, Aromat'ic.= _Syn._ ESSENTIA AROMATICA, L. _Prep._ From hay saffron, dr.; and rectified spirit, 6 fl. dr.; digested together; to the filtered tincture is added oil of cinnamon and powdered white sugar, of each 1 dr.; ether (rect.), 2 fl. dr.; oil of nutmeg and essence of ginger, of each 1/2 dr.; after agitation and a few days' repose, the clear portion is decanted into a stoppered phial.--_Dose_, 5 to 15 drops, on sugar or in a gla.s.s of wine or weak spirit; in cholera, diarrha, spasms, &c.

=Essence of Bark.= _Syn._ ESSENTIA CINCHONae, E. CORTICIS C., L. _Prep._ 1.

Resinous extract of yellow bark, 4 dr.; rectified spirit, 1-1/2 fl. oz.; tincture of orange peel, 1/2 fl. oz.; acetic acid (Ph. L.), 1 fl. dr.; digest a week.

2. Disulphate of quinine, 1/2 dr.; resinous extract of bark, 2 dr.; rectified spirit, 2 fl. oz.; as before.--_Dose_, 12 drops to a teaspoonful; as a febrifuge and tonic.

=Essence of Beef.= _Syn._ ESSENCE OF RED MEATS, &c. _Prep._ 1. From lean beef (chopped small), 1 lb.; water, 1/2 pint; place them in a bottle, which they will only half fill, and agitate them violently for half an hour; then throw the whole on a sieve, and receive the liquid in a jug; next boil the undissolved portion in water, 1 pint, for 20 minutes; strain, mix the decoction with the cold infusion, evaporate the liquid to the consistence of a thin syrup, adding spice, salt, &c., to taste, and pour the essence, whilst boiling hot, into bottles, jars, or (still better) tin cans, which must then be at once hermetically corked, sealed, or soldered up, and stowed away in a cold place. In this state it will keep a long time. (Brande's.)

2. (Ellis.) Take of lean beef (sliced), a sufficient quant.i.ty to fill the body of a porter bottle; cork it up loosely, and place it in a pot of cold water, attaching the neck, by means of a string, to the handle of the pot; boil for 1-1/2 to 2 hours, then decant the liquid and skim it. Spices, salt, wine, brandy, &c., may be added as before. Highly nutritious and sustaining.

=Essence of Ber'gamot.= See OIL (Volatile).

=Essence, Bit'ter.= _Syn._ ESSENTIA AMARA, L. _Prep._ (Ph. Den.) Wormwood, 4 parts; gentian root, bitter orange peel, and blessed thistle, of each 1 part; rectified spirit, 45 parts; digest a week. Tonic and stomachic.--_Dose_, 1/2 dr. to 2 dr.

=Essence of Calum'ba.= _Syn._ ESSENTIA CALUMBae, L. See INFUSION OF CALUMBA.


Camphor (clean), 4-1/2 oz.; rectified spirit, 1 gall.; dissolve. This forms the 'ESSENCE OF CAMPHOR' and 'LIQUOR CAMPHORae' of the wholesale houses. About 1/2 fl. dr., added to 7-1/2 fl. dr. of cold distilled water, forms (by agitation) a transparent aqueous solution of camphor, fully equal in strength to the filtered 'MISTURA CAMPHORae' (camphor julep) of the Ph. L. The above made with weaker spirit forms the 'spirit of wine and camphor' of the shops.

2. Camphor, 1 oz.; rectified spirit, 10 oz. (by weight); dissolve. This forms the 'CONCENTRATED ESSENCE OF CAMPHOR' of the wholesale druggists. 10 or 12 drops, added to 1 fl. oz. of pure cold water, make a transparent camphor julep, as before. There is a large quant.i.ty of these solutions of camphor sold by the London houses, who charge a considerable price for them. They are very convenient for preparing extemporaneous camphor julep or camphor mixture in dispensing.

3. (Fordred.) Tincture of camphor, 13 fl. dr.; tincture of myrrh, 1/2 fl.

dr.; rectified spirit, 18-1/2 fl. dr.; mix. 1 fl. dr., added to 4 fl. oz.

of water, forms camphor julep. It has been proposed to bleach the tincture of myrrh with animal charcoal, but this interferes with its proper action.

4. (h.o.m.opathic.) See CHOLERA REMEDIES, Nos. 6 and 7.

5. (Houlton.) Spirit of camphor (Ph. L.), 1 fl. oz.; proof spirit, 7 fl.

oz.; 1 fl. dr. to 3 fl. oz. of water; forms 'CAMPHOR JULEP,'

6. (Redwood.) Camphor, 1 dr.; rectified spirit, 2-1/2 oz.; dissolve, and add of water, 1/2 oz.

7. (Swediaur.) Powdered camphor, 1 dr.; water saturated with carbonic acid gas, 12 fl. oz.; dissolve. 1 part of this solution, added to 4 parts of water, forms 'CAMPHOR MIXTURE,' See CAMPHOR.

=Essence of Cap'sic.u.m.= See ESSENCE OF CAYENNE.

=Essence of Car'away.= _Syn._ ESSENTIA CARUI, L. _Prep._ From oil of caraway, as ESSENCE OF ALMONDS. Its applications and uses are similar. An inferior kind is prepared by macerating the seeds in proof spirit.

=Essence of Car'damoms.= _Syn._ ESSENTIA CARDAMOMI, E. C. CONCENTRATA, L.

_Prep._ From lesser cardamom seeds (ground in a pepper mill), 5-1/2 lbs.; rectified spirit of wine, 1 gall.; digest for a fortnight, press, and filter.

_Obs._ This preparation is very convenient for flavouring cordials, pastry, &c., and is very powerful. In the laboratory it is frequently subst.i.tuted for powdered cardamoms in making compound extract of colocynth, and has the advantage of adding no inert matter to the preparation, whilst it imparts the characteristic odour of the seeds in a remarkable degree. When used in this way it is not added to the extract until it is nearly cold and about to be taken from the pan. The testae or of the seed should be separated from the kernels, as the former are quite inert, and if used occasion a loss of spirit for no purpose.

=Essence of Cascaril'la.= _Syn._ ESSENTIA CASCARILLae, L. _Prep._ 1.

Cascarilla (bruised), 12 oz.; proof spirit, 1 pint; proceed either by digestion or percolation. The product is 8 times the strength of the infusion of cascarilla. (Ph. L.)

2. See INFUSION (Concentrated).

=Essence of Cas'sia.= _Syn._ ESSENTIA Ca.s.sIae, L. _Prep._ From oil of ca.s.sia, as essence of allspice or almonds.


_Prep._ 1. Capsic.u.m (recent dried pods, bruised), 3 lbs.; rectified spirit, 1 gall.; digest 14 days, press, and filter. Some persons prepare it by the method of displacement.

2. Capsic.u.m, 1/4 lb.; proof spirit, 1 pint; digest as before. Weaker than No. 1.

3. (Kitchener's.) Cayenne pepper, 1 oz.; brandy, 1 pint; digest, &c., as before.

_Obs._ The product of the first formula is a transparent, dark-coloured liquid, having an intensely burning taste. One drop is sufficient to deprive a person of the power of speech for several seconds; and a few drops will impart the rich pungency of cayenne to a large quant.i.ty of soup, sauce, or any other article. It forms the 'ESSENCE OF CAYENNE' and the 'CONC. ESS. OF CAYENNE PEPPER' of the London houses. It is used as a flavouring, and to make SOLUBLE CAYENNE PEPPER; also in dispensing. It is fully eight times as strong as the 'TINCTURA CAPSICI'

(Ph. L.). The product of the third formula is used exclusively for culinary purposes. The pods or fruit of _Capsic.u.m annuum_ (capsic.u.m chilly), _C. baccatum_ (bird pepper), and _C. fructescens_ (Guinea pods, red pepper), are indiscriminately used for this preparation, but the first are those preferred for medicinal purposes; the others have similar properties, but are more pungent and acrimonious; hence the preference given to them in the preparation of cayenne pepper. See PEPPER.

=Essence of Ce'drat.= See OIL (Volatile).


A. SEMINIS, L. _Prep._ 1. From celery seed (bruised or ground), 4-1/2 oz.; proof spirit, 1 pint; digest a fortnight, and strain.

2. (Concentrated.) Celery seed, 7 oz.; rectified spirit, 1 pint; digest as before. Very fine. Both are used for flavouring.

=Essence, Cephalic.= See ESSENCE FOR HEADACHE.

=Essence of Cham'omile.= _Syn._ CHAMOMILE DROPS; ESSENTIA ANTHEMIDIS, E.

CHAMaeMELI, E. C. ALBA, L. _Prep._ 1. From essential oil of chamomile, as essence of allspice. Stomachic and stimulant.--_Dose_, 5 to 30 drops; 1/2 fl. oz., shaken with about 1 pint of pure water, forms an excellent extemporaneous chamomile water.

2. Gentian root (sliced or bruised), 1 lb.; dried orange peel, 1/4 lb.; proof spirit, 1 gal.; essential oil of chamomile, 3-1/2 fl. oz.; macerate a week. Slightly coloured. Some persons use 1/2 lb. of qua.s.sia wood, instead of the gentian and orange peel. Both the above are stomachic and tonic, and are favourite remedies in loss of appet.i.te, dyspepsia, &c.--_Dose._ As the last, on sugar, or in a wine-gla.s.sful of wine or beer.

Cooley's Cyclopaedia of Practical Receipts Volume I Part 212

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