Cooley's Cyclopaedia of Practical Receipts Volume I Part 289
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=Infusion of Henbane.= _Syn._ INFUSUM HYOSCYAMI, L. _Prep._ 1. From fresh leaves, 1/2 oz.; boiling water, 1 pint. As a lotion for painful ulcers, swelled face, &c.
2. (Compound; HENBANE FOMENTATION; INFUSUM HYOSCYAMI COMPOSITUM, L.--Radius.) Henbane leaves, poppy heads, and mallows, of each 1 oz.; boiling water, 2 quarts. For painful ulcers, and in facial neuralgia, &c.
=Infusion of Hops.= _Syn._ HOP TEA; INFUSUM HUMULI, I. LUPULI (Ph. L.), L.
_Prep._ (Ph. L.) Hops, 6 dr.; boiling distilled water, 1 pint; macerate for 4 hours in a covered vessel (press), and strain. Tonic and anodyne.
Well-hopped mild ale is a good subst.i.tute.
=Infusion of h.o.r.e'hound.= _Syn._ h.o.r.eHOUND TEA; INFUSUM MARRUBII, L. From the leaves; demulcent, pectoral; a popular remedy in coughs, colds, hoa.r.s.eness, and chest affections generally, taken freely.
=Infusion of Horserad'ish.= _Syn._ INFUSUM ARMORACIae, L. 1. From horseradish alone. Diuretic and stomachic.
2. (Compound; INFUSUM ARMORACIae COMPOSITUM, L.--Ph. L.) Horseradish (sliced) and mustard seed (bruised), of each 1 oz.; boiling distilled water, 1 pint; macerate for 2 hours in a covered vessel, strain, and add of compound spirit of horseradish, 1 fl. oz. Stimulant, stomachic, and diuretic; in dropsies, paralysis, scurvy, chronic rheumatism, &c.
=Infusion of Hys'sop.= _Syn._ HYSSOP TEA; INFUSUM HYSSOPI, L. 1. From the leaves of _Hyssopus officinalis_ (Linn.) Stimulant, stomachic, emmenagogue, and expectorant; in dyspepsia, flatulency, hysterical affections, &c.; also used by boxers as a wash for black eyes.
2. (Compound; INFUSUM HYSSOPI COMPOSITUM, L.--Ratier). Hyssop leaves, 2-1/2 dr.; liquorice, 2 dr.; boiling water, 1 quart. As a demulcent drink in catarrhal affections.
=Infusion of Indian Sarsaparil'la.= _Syn._ INFUSUM HEMIDESMI, L. From Indian or scented sarsaparilla (_Hemidesmus Indicus_). Dr Ashburner orders it to be made with lime water (cold); but this plan is seldom followed.--_Dose_ and _uses_, same as those of infusion of sarsaparilla.
=Infusion of I'ron (Bitter).= _Syn._ INFUSUM FERRI AMARUM, L. _Prep._ (Dr R. E. Griffith.) Iron filings, 3 oz.; gentian and ginger, of each bruised, 1 oz.; orange peel, 1/2 oz.; strong old cider, 1 pint; infuse for a month, frequently stirring, and filter.--_Dose_, 1/2 to 1 dr., 3 or 4 times daily, as a chalybeate tonic.
=Infusion of Ju'niper.= _Syn._ INFUSUM JUNIPERI, I. BACCae J., L. 1. From the berries alone. As a stimulant diuretic, in dropsies &c.
2. (Compound; INFUSUM JUNIPERI COMPOSITUM, L.)--_a._ (Guy's Hosp.) Juniper berries, 2-1/2 oz.; boiling water, 1 pint; to the strained solution, when cold, add, of compound spirit of juniper, 10 fl. dr.; bitartrate of, 1 dr.
_b._ (Parrish.) Ginger, juniper berries, and mustard, of each bruised, 1/2 oz.; horseradish and parsley root, of each bruised, 1 oz.; cider, 1 quart; infuse, and strain with expression. All the above are used in dropsies.
=Infusion of Ki'no.= _Syn._ INFUSUM KINO, L. From kino, 5 dr.; boiling water, 1 pint. In diarrha, and diluted with 4 or 5 times its bulk of water, as an injection in chronic gonorrha.
=Infusion of Just.i.tia.= _Syn._ INFUSUM JUSTICIae. _Prep._ Root of painted justicia, 2 dr.; boiling water, 1 pint; infuse for 1 hour.
=Infusion of Kousso (B. P.)= _Syn._ INFUSUM CUSSO. _Prep._ Infuse kousso in fine powder, 1/2 oz.; in boiling distilled water, 8 fl. oz., in a covered vessel for 15 minutes. Must not be strained.
=Infusion of Lime Flowers.= _Syn._ LINDEN-FLOWER TEA; INFUSUM TILLae, L. 1.
From the flowers of the lime or linden tree (_Tilia Europaea_).
Antispasmodic, diaph.o.r.etic, and cephalic.
2. (Compound; INFUSUM TILLae COMPOSITUM, L.--Foy.) Chamomiles, linden flowers, and orange leaves, of each 2 dr.; boiling water, 1 quart; infuse, strain, and add of syrup, 2 fl. oz. In nervous headaches, &c. The above are much used on the Continent.
=Infusion of Lin'seed.= _Syn._ LINSEED TEA, FLAXSEED T.; INFUSUM LINI (B.
P.), L. _Prep._ (B. P.) Linseed (bruised). 160 gr.; fresh liquorice root (sliced), 60 gr.; boiling distilled water, 10 oz.; infuse for 4 hours and strain. A cheap and useful demulcent in pulmonary and urinary irritation; especially in catarrhs, gonorrha, &c.; _ad libitum_. Dr Pereira recommends the addition of sliced lemon and sugar-candy, to render it more palatable. See DECOCTION.
=Infusion of Liq'uorice.= _Syn._ INFUSUM GLYCYRRHIZae, L. From the fresh root, sliced. Demulcent and laxative; taken _ad libitum_.
=Infusion of Lit'mus.= _Syn._ INFUSUM LACMI, L. Used for its colour, and as a liquid test, and to make test-paper.
=Infusion of Lobelia.= _Syn._ INFUSUM LOBELIae, I. L. INFLATae. From lobelia or Indian tobacco. In asthmas chiefly.--_Dose_, 1 to 2 table-spoonfuls every half-hour, until it occasions nausea.
=Infusion of Log'wood.= _Syn._ LOGWOOD TEA; INFUSUM HaeMATOXYLI, L. From logwood chips. One of the best remedies known for simple diarrha arising from weakness; also used as a colour and test. See DECOCTION, EXTRACT, &c.
=Infusion (Maiden-hair).= _Syn._ INFUSUM ADIANTI, L. From either common maiden-hair (_Adiantum capillus Veneris_), or Canadian maiden-hair (_Adiantum pedatum_). They are both slightly bitter, aromatic, and pectoral. The infusion forms an excellent demulcent drink in catarrhs.
=Infusion of Malam'bo Bark.= _Syn._ INFUSUM CORTICIS MALAMBO, L. _Prep._ (Ure.) Bark (from _Croton Malambo_), 2 dr.; boiling water, 1 pint. An aromatic tonic and astringent.
=Infusion of Mallow Flowers.= _Syn._ INFUSUM MALVae FLORUM, L. Pectoral and laxative. Chiefly used as a test.
=Infusion of Malt.= _Syn._ MALT TEA, SWEET WORT; INFUSUM BYNES, I. MALTI, L. Prepared with hot water (165 to 170 Fahr.). Demulcent and laxative. A useful drink in sore throat, inflammatory fevers, &c. Some persons flavour it with sliced lemon.
=Infusion of Ma"rygold.= _Syn._ INFUSUM CALENDULae, L. From the flowers of the common marygold (_Calendula officinalis_). Carminative, diaph.o.r.etic, and emmenagogue. It has been recently recommended in cancerous affections, both internally and as a lotion. Radius adds syrup of orange peel to flavour it.
=Infusion of Mat'ico.= _Syn._ INFUSUM MATICONIS, I. MATICae, I. MATICO, L.
1. From the leaves of the matico plant (_Artanthe elongata_). Aromatic, bitter, stimulant, and reputed haemostatic; in internal haemorrhages and mucous discharges. The Indians of South America use it as an aphrodisiac.
2. Compound; INFUSUM MATICONIS COMPOSITUM, L.--Watmough.) Matico and senna, of each 2 dr.; boiling water, 1 pint. In haemorrhagic and other discharges, piles, &c.; a wine-gla.s.sful repeatedly.
=Infusion of May-weed.= _Syn._ INFUSUM COTULae, L. From the dried flowers of may-weed or stinking chamomile (_Anthemis cotula_). Bitter, stomachic, and diaph.o.r.etic; in large doses, emetic and sudorific; chiefly in hysterical affections, scrofula, &c.
=Infusion of Mea'dow Rue.= _Syn._ INFUSUM THALICTRI FLAVI, L. From the herb meadow rue (_Thalictrum flavum_). In hydrophobia, taken plentifully.
=Infusion of Mil'foil.= _Syn._ YARROW TEA; INFUSUM MILLEFOLII, L. In dropsies, and as a fomentation to bruises. See EXTRACT, &c.
=Infusion of Mint.= _Syn._ MINT TEA. 1. (Ph. D.--INFUSUM MENTHae SIMPLEX.) From the dried leaves of green or spearmint. Carminative and stomachic; chiefly used as a vehicle for other medicines. A wine-gla.s.sful _ad libitum_.
2. (Compound; INFUSUM MENTHae COMPOSITUM.) To mint tea 6 fl. oz., add of oil of spearmint, 3 drops, previously triturated with lump sugar, 2 dr., and dissolved in compound tincture of cardamoms, 1/2 fl. oz. A useful remedy in colic, flatulence, &c.; as the last.
=Infusion of Mu'dar.= _Syn._ INFUSION OF MUDAR-BARK; INFUSUM CORTICIS MUDARIS, L. From the root bark of _Calotropis gigantea_. Resembles infusion of ipecacuanha.--_Dose_, 1 to 3 teaspoonfuls, as an alterative; a wine-gla.s.sful as an emetic. In the East Indies it is highly esteemed in epilepsy, hysteria, syphilis, convulsions, and various spasmodic diseases.
=Infusion of Net'tle Seed.= _Syn._ INFUSUM URTICae SEMINUM, L. _Prep._ (Garde.) Seed of common nettle (_Urtica dioica_), 2-1/2 dr.; boiling water, 18 fl. oz.; infuse 3 hours, strain, and add of syrup, 2 fl. oz.
Astringent, diuretic, and pectoral.
=Infusion of Nux Vom'ica.= _Syn._ INFUSUM NUCIS VOMICae, L. _Prep._ (Hosp.
F.) Nux vomica (ground or rasped), 1 dr.; boiling water, 1 pint; digest 3 hours, and strain. It must be taken with caution, and the effects watched.
=Infusion of Or'ange Peel.= _Syn._ INFUSUM AURANTII, B. P. _Prep._ 1.
Dried bitter orange peel, cut small, 1 oz.; boiling water, 20 oz.; infuse for 15 minutes, and strain.--_Dose_, 1 to 2 oz. Bitter and stomachic.
2. (Compound; INFUSUM AURANTII--Ph. E., I. A. COMPOSITUM--Ph. L. & D., L.)--_a._ (Ph. L. & E.) Dried bitter orange peel, 1/2 oz.; fresh lemon peel, 2 dr.; cloves (bruised), 1 dr.; boiling distilled water, 1 pint; macerate for 15 minutes in a covered vessel, and strain.
_b._ (Ph. D.) Dried orange peel, 3 dr.; cloves, 1/2 dr.; boiling water, 1/2 pint; macerate half an hour. An agreeable stomachic. It is chiefly employed as a vehicle for other medicines.
_c._ (B. P.) Dried bitter orange peel, cut small, 1/2 oz.; fresh lemon peel, 120 gr.; cloves (bruised), 60 gr.; boiling water, 20 oz. Infuse for 15 minutes, and strain.--_Dose_, 1 to 2 oz.
3. (Concentrated Compound; INFUSUM AURANTII CONCENTRATUM, I. A. COM.
CONC., L.)--_a._ Seville orange peel (dried), 3-1/4 lbs.; fresh lemon peel, 1-1/2 lb.; bruised cloves, 3/4 lb.; boiling water, 9 pints; infuse for 20 minutes, press out the liquor, and, when cold, add of rectified spirit, 1 quart, and filter.
_b._ Dried orange peel, 18 oz.; fresh lemon peel, 1/2 lb.; bruised cloves, 1/4 lb.; rectified spirit, 1 pint; cold water, 3 pints; macerate for 1 week, press, and filter. Very superior.
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