Cooley's Cyclopaedia of Practical Receipts Volume Ii Part 28
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The heat of a fire, which should be very gradually raised, is to be now applied to the metal pot, and continued until bubbles of condensible gas cease to escape from the extremity of the gla.s.s tube which dips into the water of the matra.s.s.
The process being terminated, the matra.s.s will contain about 43 fl. oz. of strong solution of ammonia. Bottles 1 and 2 will now include the first, about 16, the second, about 10 fl. oz. of a coloured ammoniacal liquid.
Place this in a flask closed by a cork, which should be perforated by a siphon safety-tube containing a little mercury, and also by a second safety-tube bent twice at right angles, and made to pa.s.s to the bottom of the terminal bottle used in the preceding process. Apply heat to the flask until the coloured liquid it contains is reduced to three fourths of its original bulk. The product now contained in the terminal bottle will be nearly of the strength of solution of ammonia, and may be made exactly so by the addition of the proper quant.i.ty of distilled water, or of strong solution of ammonia. Density 191, contains 325 per cent. of ammonia.
_Antidotes._--Vinegar and water followed by acidulated demulcent drinks.
=Liquor, Anodyne.= See SPIRIT OF ETHER.
=Liquor, Antinephritic.= _Syn._ LIQUOR ANTINEPHRITICUS, L. _Prep._ (Adams.) Poppy heads, 6 oz.; water, 1-1/2 pint; boil to one third, strain with pressure, and add of nitrate of, 1 oz.--DOSE, 1 to 2 teaspoonfuls night and morning; in gravel and painful affections of the kidneys and bladder.
=Liquor, Antipodag'ric (Beguin's).= _Syn._ HOFFMANN'S GOUT LIQUID; LIQUOR ANTIPODAGRICUS HOFFMANNII, L. _Prep._ From Boyle's fuming liquor, 1 part; spirit of wine, 3 parts. Sudorific.--_Dose_, 20 to 30 drops; or externally, in gout, and other painful affections, either alone or combined with camphor. See AMMONIUM, PERSULPHIDE OF.
=Liquor Antipsor'ic.= _Syn._ LIQUOR ANTIPSORICUS, LOTIO A., L. _Prep._ (Van Mons.) Sulphuret of sodium, 1-1/2 dr.; hydrochlorate of ammonia, 75 gr.; dissolve each separately in water, 1/2 pint, mix the solutions, and filter. In itch and other moist skin diseases.
=Liquor, Bleaching.= See SOLUTION OF CHLORIDE OF LIME.
=Liquor, Blistering.= B. _Syn._ LIQUOR EPISPASTICUS, LINIMENTUM CANTHARIDES. _Prep._ Mix cantharides in powder, 8 oz.; and acetic acid, 4 fl. oz. Pack in a percolator, and after 24 hours pa.s.s ether slowly through until 20 fl. oz. are obtained. Keep in a stoppered bottle.
=Liquor, Boyle's Fu"ming.= The perhydrosulphate of ammonia.
=Liquor of Cam'phor.= See ESSENCE.
=Liquor of Cincho'na.= _Syn._ LIQUOR OF BARK; CONCENTRATED INFUSION OF BARK, INSp.i.s.sATED I. or B.; INSp.i.s.sATED I. OF B.; INFUSUM CINCHONae Sp.i.s.sATUM (Ph. L.), L. _Prep._ 1. (Ph. L.) Yellow cinchona bark (bruised), 3 lbs., is macerated in distilled water, 6 pints, at two successive operations, as directed under EXTRACT OF CINCHONA--Ph. L.; the mixed infusions are evaporated by the heat of a water bath to one fourth, and placed aside to settle; the clear portion is decanted, the remainder strained, and the mixed liquid again evaporated until its sp. gr. reaches 1200; to this, when cold, rectified spirit is dropped in, by degrees, "so that 3 fl. dr. may be added to each fl. oz. of the liquor;" lastly, allow it to repose for 20 days, that the dregs may subside.
_Obs._ It is not at all clear whether the College means 3 fl. dr. of spirit to be added to each fl. oz. of the liquid before its addition, or that it is to be added so that each fl. oz. of the product shall contain that quant.i.ty. We presume the former. 1 fl. dr. of this preparation is said to represent fully 4 fl. oz. of the INFUSION OF CINCHONA--Ph. L.; but it is obvious that it must be liable to great variations in strength. "In a general way 1 fl. dr. may be considered equal to 3 fl. oz. of the infusion." (Pereira.) As commonly met with, this preparation is nearly dest.i.tute of the cinchona alkaloids.
2. Yellow cinchona bark, bruised, 56 lbs., and water holding in solution sulphuric acid, 1-1/2 lb., are macerated together, with occasional agitation, in a covered earthen vessel, for 48 hours, after which the liquor is expressed, and the residuum or marc is treated with fresh water; the mixed strained liquid is then evaporated as rapidly as possible in earthenware, to exactly 6 lbs.; to this rectified spirit, 1-1/4 lb., is added, and the whole is set aside for a week or 10 days; the clear portion is, lastly, decanted and preserved in well-closed bottles. The product is very rich in quinine. It is 96 times as strong as the DECOCTION OF CINCHONA--Ph. L., and 12 times as strong as the above preparation of the Ph. L. This preparation resembles the 'LIQUOR CINCHONae' sold by certain houses in the trade at 24s. per lb., wholesale.
3. Exhaust the bark as above by maceration in 3 successive waters without acid, filter, evaporate the mixed liquors to 7 lbs., and proceed as before. Inferior to the last, and less rich in the cinchona alkaloids.
Very thick; scarcely liquid.
4. From PALE BARK:--(LIQUOR CINCHONae PALLIDae; INFUSUM CINCHONae Sp.i.s.sATUM--Ph. L.) From pale bark, as the last. See INFUSION OF CINCHONA.
=Liquor, Disinfect'ing.= See SOLUTION (Chlorides of Lime, Soda, and Zinc), and DISINFECTING COMPOUNDS.
=Liquor of Er'got.= _Syn._ ESSENCE OF ERGOT OF RYE, CONCENTRATED INFUSION OF E.; ESSENTIA SECALIS CORNUTI, LIQUOR ERGOTae, INFUSUM ERGOTae CONCENTRATUM, L. _Prep._ Recent ergot of rye (reduced to coa.r.s.e powder by pounding, or preferably by grinding it in a pepper-mill), 1-1/2 lb., and boiling distilled water, 4 lbs., are digested together in a closed vessel, with frequent agitation until cold, and then put into a wide-mouthed bottle, along with rectified spirit, 2 lbs.; the whole is then allowed to macerate for a week, after which the liquor is expressed and filtered.
_Obs._ 4 fl. dr. of this essence are equal to 1 dr. of ergot in substance.
It is 8 times the strength of the INFUSION (as usually prepared according to the formula of Pereira and others), and 2-1/2 times the strength of the TINCTURE OF ERGOT of the London Apothecaries' Hall. This is the only ESSENCE OF LIQUOR OF ERGOT known in the wholesale trade.
=Liquor of Flints.= See SOLUTION.
=Liquor of Gutta Percha.= B. _Syn._ LIQUOR GUTTA PERCHA. Gutta percha in thin slices, 1 oz.; carbonate of lead in fine powder, 1 oz.; chloroform, 8 fl. oz. Add the gutta percha to 6 fl. oz. of chloroform in a stoppered bottle, and shake them frequently till solution has been effected. Then add the carbonate of lead previously mixed with the remainder of the chloroform, and having several times shaken the whole together set the mixture aside, and let it remain at rest until the soluble matter has subsided. Lastly, decant the clear liquid and keep in a well-stoppered bottle.
=Liquor, Libavius's.= b.i.+.c.hloride of tin.
=Liquor of Mat'ico.= _Syn._ CONCENTRATED INFUSION OF MATICO; LIQUOR MATICONIS, INFUSUM MATICONIS CONCENTRATUM, L. _Prep._ From matico leaves, 1 lb.; rectified spirit, 1/2 pint; distilled water, 32 fl. oz.; digest 10 days, express, and filter. 1 fl. dr. added to 7 fl. dr. of water is equal to 1 fl. oz. of the common INFUSION.
=Liquor of Myrrh.= _Syn._ SOLUTION OF MYRRH; LIQUOR MYRRHae, LOCO LIQUAMINIS MYRRHae, L. _Prep._ (Ph. Bor.) Extract of myrrh (Ph. Bor.), 1 oz.; distilled water, 5 fl. oz.; mix thoroughly, decant, and strain. It should be of a brownish-yellow colour, and turbid.--_Dose_, 1/2 to 1 fl.
=Liquor of O'pium.= _Syn._ LIQUOR OPII, L. O. CONCENTRATUS, L. OPIATUS, L.
[Footnote 20: Under DROPS, p. 591.]
1. (Messrs Smith.) Opium, 4 oz., is made into an extract, and 'denarcotised' by ether; it is then dissolved in alcohol, filtered, evaporated nearly to dryness, and redissolved in water q. s. to furnish 12 oz. of solution; to this is added, of rectified spirit, 2-3/4 oz., with water q. s. to make the whole up to 16 oz.--_Dose_, 3 to 12 drops.
2. (Acetic; LIQUOR OPII ACETICUS, L.) See LAUDANUM (Houlton's).
3. (Citric; LIQUOR OPII CITRICUS, L.)--_a._ Powdered opium, 1-1/2 oz.; lemon juice, 1-1/2 pint; evaporate to one half, cool, add of rectified spirit, 5 fl. oz., and the next day decant or filter; same strength as 'LAUDANUM,'
_b._ (LIQUOR MORPHIae CITRATIS--Dr Porter.) Opium, 4 oz.; citric acid, 2 oz.; triturate, and add of boiling water, 15 fl. oz.; digest with agitation for 24 hours, and filter. This last has above three times the strength of 'LAUDANUM,' It is sadly misnamed.
4. (Hydrochloric; SOLUTION OF MURIATE OF OPIUM; LIQUOR OPII HYDROCHLORICUS, L.--Dr Nichol.) Powdered opium, 1-1/2 oz.; distilled water, 1 pint; hydrochloric acid, 1-1/2 fl. oz.; digest a fortnight, and strain with expression. Same strength as 'LAUDANUM,' According to Dr Nichol, this is preferable to every other preparation of opium.
5. (Sedative; BATTLEY'S SEDATIVE SOLUTION OF OPIUM; LIQUOR OPII SEDATIVUS, L.)--_a._ Hard aqueous extract of opium (bruised), 3 oz., is boiled in water, 1-1/2 pint, until dissolved; to the solution, when cold, rectified spirit, 6 oz. is added, together with water, q. s. to make the whole measure exactly 1 quart; the liquor is, lastly, filtered.
_b._ From hard extract of opium, 22 oz.; boiling water, 13 pints; rectified spirit, 3 pints; as the last.
_c._ From extract of opium--Ph. L., 4-1/4 oz.; water, 1 quart; boil till reduced to 34 fl. oz.; cool, filter, and add of rectified spirit, 5 fl.
oz., and water, q. s. to make up exactly 1 quart.
_Obs._ The first two formulae, which vary only in their quant.i.ties, are identical with that employed by Mr Battley. As hard extract of opium is not always at hand, we have introduced a formula in which the ordinary extract is ordered. It gives a precisely similar product to the others, provided the cold aqueous decoction is filtered before adding the spirit.
Battley's LIQUOR OPII SEDATIVUS is an excellent preparation, less exciting than opium or laudanum.--_Dose_, 10 to 30 drops. Dr Christison states that 20 drops of Battley's solution are equal to 30 drops of the common tincture.
=Liquor, Pancreatic= (Van den Corput). _Syn._ LIQUOR PANCREATINI.
Pancreatin and carbonate of potash, of each 10 gr.; balm water, 2-1/2 fl.
oz.; syrup of orange peel, 5 dr.--_Dose_, 1/2 fl. oz. to 1 fl. oz.
=Liquor of Pepsin.= (Mr Squire.) _Syn._ LIQUOR PEPSINI. _Prep._ 1 drachm of Boudault's pepsin in 1 oz. of distilled water. Salt must be added if it is to be preserved.--_Dose._ A teaspoonful.
_Prep._ 1. Rhubarb (well bruised), 6-3/4 oz.; water, q. s.; rectified spirit, 1/2 pint; proceed as for INFUSION OF CALUMBA (conc.); to produce a quart. 8 times the usual strength.
2. See INFUSION OF RHUBARB (Concentrated).
=Liquor of Sarsaparil'la.= _Syn._ FLUID EXTRACT OF SARSAPARILLA; LIQUOR SARZae, ESSENTIA SARSAPARILLae, L. _Prep._ Either the simple or the compound liquor of sarsaparilla may be made from the corresponding decoction, or, preferably, the infusion prepared with water at 125 Fahr., by carefully evaporating it until sufficiently concentrated, and then straining it through flannel, and adding a little spirit. Jamaica sarsaparilla should be alone employed, as the other varieties, especially the Honduras, not only possess less medicinal virtue, and yield less extract, but are very liable to ferment and get mouldy, unless an undue proportion of spirit is added to them. See EXTRACT OF SARSAPARILLA (Fluid).
=Liquor of Sen'na.= _Syn._ LIQUOR SENNae, L. Both the FLUID EXTRACT and the CONCENTRATED INFUSION OF SENNA are called by this name, but more generally the former. The following are additional formulae:--
1. (Duncan.) Senna, 15 lbs.; boiling water, 5 galls.; proceed by the method of displacement, evaporate the product to 10 lbs., add of, 6 lbs. (previously concentrated over a water bath until it begins to congeal on cooling), dissolve, and further add of rectified spirit, 1-1/4 pint, together with water q. s. to make the whole measure exactly 12 pints. Every fl. oz. represents 1 oz. of senna.
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