Cooley's Cyclopaedia of Practical Receipts Volume Ii Part 91
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=Ointment, Bateman's.= See OINTMENT, ITCH.
=Ointment of Bay-leaves.= See OINTMENT, LAUREL.
=Ointment of Belladon'na.= _Syn._ UNGUENTUM BELLADONNae (B. P., Ph. L.).
_Prep._ 1. (Ph. L.) Extract of belladonna (deadly nightshade), 1 dr.; lard, 1 oz.; mix by trituration.
2. (Soubeiran.) Fresh belladonna leaves (bruised), 1 part; lard, 2 parts; simmer together until the leaves become crisp, and, after digestion, for a short time longer, drain with pressure.
3. (B. P.) Extract of belladonna, 1; rubbed with a few drops of water and mix with lard, 5-1/2.
_Uses, &c._ As a local anodyne, in painful and indolent tumours, nervous irritations, &c. Also as an application to the neck of the uterus in cases of rigidity. (Chaussier.)
4. Compound; UNGUENTUM BELLADONNae COMPOSITUM, L.--_a._ (W. Cooley.) Compound iodine ointment, 7 dr.; extract of belladonna, 1 dr. Powerfully discutient. A most excellent application to all glandular tumours and indurations, buboes, &c., which it is desirable to disperse instead of mature, more especially where there is much pain. It is particularly suitable to cases occurring on s.h.i.+pboard, and when its application (at least twice a day) is accompanied with the internal use of the mixture of iodine and gold (See ANTISCROFULOUS MIXTURE), this treatment has seldom failed, even when the parties were dieted chiefly on salt food.
_b._ (Debreyne.) Extract of belladonna and lard, of each 3 dr.; powdered opium, 1/2 dr. As an external anodyne and benumber, more especially in neuralgia, painful cancerous tumours, &c. A small piece is to be applied to the part, and the friction continued for 6 or 8 minutes. The above preparations are useless unless the extract employed is recent, and of good quality.
=Ointment of Benzoin.= (Ph. U. S.) _Syn._ OINTMENT OF BENZOIN. _Prep._ Tincture of benzoin, 2 oz.; lard, 16 oz.; melt the lard over a water bath and add the tincture, stirring constantly, and when the spirit has evaporated, remove from the water bath, and stir whilst cooling.
=Ointment of _Syn._ UNGUENTUM BIs.m.u.tHI, L. _Prep._ 1. Nitrate of ('white'), 1 dr.; simple ointment, 1 oz.
2. (Fuller.) Nitrate of, 1 dr.; spermaceti ointment, 19 dr. In itch, and some chronic cutaneous diseases.
=Ointment, Blist'ering.= See OINTMENT OF CANTHARIDES, and VESICANTS.
=Ointment, Blue.= This is the vulgar name in England of mercurial ointment. On the Continent, an ointment made of smalts and Goulard water is commonly so called.
=Ointment of Bo"rax.= _Syn._ UNGUENTUM BORACIS, L. _Prep._ From borax (in very fine powder), 1 dr.; simple ointment or lard, 7 dr. In excoriations, chaps, &c.
=Ointment of Bromide of Potas'sium.= _Syn._ UNGUENTUM POTa.s.sII BROMIDI, U.
POTa.s.sae HYDROBROMATIS, L. _Prep._ (Magendie.) Bromide of pota.s.sium, 1/2 dr.; lard, 1 oz. Resolvent; in bronchocele, scrofula, &c.
=Ointment of Bro'mine.= _Syn._ UNGUENTUM BROMINII, U. B. COMPOSITUM, L.
_Prep._ (Magendie.) Bromide of pota.s.sium, 20 gr.; bromine, 6 to 12 drops; lard, 1 oz. As the last, but more active.
=Ointment, Brown.= _Syn._ FRENCH POOR-MAN'S FRIEND; UNGUENTUM FUSc.u.m, U.
HYDRARGYRI, F., L. _Prep._ (P. Cod.) Nitric oxide of mercury (levigated), 1/2 dr.; resin ointment, 1 oz. In ophthalmia (cautiously), after the inflammatory stage is over; as an application to sore legs, &c.
=Ointment of Cad'mium.= _Syn._ UNGUENTUM CADMII, U. C. SULPHATIS, L.
_Prep._ (Radius.) Sulphate of cadmium, 1 to 2 gr.; pure lard, 1 dr.; carefully triturated together. In specks on the cornea.
=Ointment of Cadmium, Iodide of.= (B. Ph.) _Syn._ UNGUENTUM CADMII IODIDI.
_Prep._ Mix thoroughly iodide of cadmium in fine powder, 62 gr., with simple ointment, 1 oz.
=Ointment of Caffeine.= _Syn._ UNGUENTUM CAFFEINae. _Prep._ Citrate of caffeine, 8 gr.; lard, 10 oz. Mix.
=Ointment of Cala'mine.= _Syn._ UNGUENTUM CALAMINae, U. LAPIS CALAMINARIS, U. ZINCI CARBONATIS IMPURI, L. _Prep._ (Ph. D. 1826.) Prepared calamine, 1 lb.; ointment of yellow wax, 5 lbs. Desiccative and healing. This is the old Dublin form for Turner's cerate.
=Ointment of Cal'omel.= _Syn._ UNGUENTUM HYDRARGYRI SUBCHLORIDI (B. P.), UNGUENTUM CALOMELANOS, U. HYDRARGYRI CHLORIDI, L. _Prep._ 1. From calomel, 1 dr.; lard, or simple ointment, 1 oz.
_Obs._ "Were I required to name a local agent pre-eminently useful in skin diseases generally, I should fix on this. It is well deserving a place in the Pharmacopia." (Pereira.) Dr Underwood uses elder-flower ointment as the vehicle.
2. (Compound; UNGUENTUM CALOMELANOS COMPOSITUM--Dr A. T. Thomson.) Calomel, 1 dr.; tar ointment, 4 dr.; spermaceti ointment, 1 oz.
3. (B. P.) Calomel, 1; prepared lard, 5-1/2; mix. In lepra.
=Ointment of Cam'phor.= _Syn._ UNGUENTUM CAMPHORae, L. _Prep._ 1. Camphor, 1 to 2 dr.; lard, 1 oz.; dissolve by a gentle heat and stir until the ma.s.s is nearly cold. Stimulant and anodyne; in prurigo, psoriasis, &c.
2. (Compound.) From powdered opium, 1/2 dr.; powdered camphor, 1-1/2 dr.; lard, 1-1/4 oz.; mix by trituration. As an anodyne friction in rheumatic pains, swelled joints, colic, &c.
=Ointment of Canthar'ides.= _Syn._ UNGUENTUM CANTHARIDIS (B. P., Ph. L., D., & U. S.), U. LYTTae, L. _Prep._ 1. (Ph. L.) Cantharides (in very fine powder), 3 oz.; distilled water, 12 fl. oz.; mix, boil to one half, to the strained liquid add of resin cerate, 1 lb., and evaporate to a proper consistence.
2. (Ph. D.) Liniment of Spanish flies, 8 fl. oz.; white wax, 3 oz.; spermaceti, 1 oz.; melt together with a gentle heat, and stir until it concretes.
3. (Ph. E.)--_a._ UNGUENTUM INFUSUI CANTHARIDIS--Ph. E. Powdered Cantharides 1 oz.; boiling water, 1/4 pint; infuse one night (12 hours), strain with expression, add of lard 2 oz., and boil until the water is expelled; then add beeswax and resin, of each 1 oz., and when these are liquefied, remove the vessel from the fire, and further add of Venice turpentine, 2 oz.
_b._ (UNGUENTUM PULVERIS CANTHARIDIS--Ph. E.) Resin ointment, 7 oz.; melt, add of cantharides (in fine powder), 1 oz., and stir until the whole is nearly cold.
4. (B. P.) Cantharides, in fine powder, 1; olive oil, 6; yellow wax, 1; digest the cantharides in the oil for 12 hours, and for 1/4 hour at 212; strain, add the melted wax, and stir till cold.
_Obs._ The above preparations are frequently called 'blister ointment' or 'epispastic ointment.' They are used to keep blisters open after they have been produced by stronger compounds. The first three compounds are regarded as milder than the last (3, _b_), which contains the flies in substance. The P. Cod. contains an ointment (UNG. EPISPASTIc.u.m FLAVUM) which is weaker than the above, prepared by digesting the bruised flies in lard, for 3 hours, over a warm bath; about 1/6th part of wax is next added to the strained fat, which is then coloured with turmeric, and scented with oil of lemon. See CERATE, POMMADE, VESICANTS, and _below_.
=Ointment of Cantharides, Extract of.= (M. Cap.) _Syn._ UNGUENTUM c.u.m EXTRACTO CANTHARIDIS. _Prep._ Alcoholic extract of cantharides, 8 gr.; oil of roses, 1 dr.; beef marrow, 2 oz.; oil of lemon, 40 minims. To promote the growth of the hair.
=Ointment of Cantharides with Mercury.= _Syn._ UNGUENTUM CANTHARIDIS c.u.m HYDRARGYRO. _Prep._ Lard, 65 parts; Spanish flies, 29 parts; strong mercurial ointment, 6 parts. Mix. Used in Normandy to indolent tumours.
=Ointment of Canthar'idine.= _Syn._ UNGUENTUM CANTHARIDINae, L. _Prep._ (Soubeiran.) Cantharidine, 1 gr.; white wax, 1 dr.; lard, 7 dr.; mix thoroughly. (See _above_.)
=Ointment of Cap'sic.u.m.= _Syn._ UNGUENTUM CAPSICI, L. _Prep._ (Dr Turnbull.) Tincture of capsic.u.m (pure), q. s.; gently evaporate it until it begins to gelatinise, then mix the extract with twice its weight of lard. As a powerful stimulant and rubefacient. When very freely used, it vesicates.
=Ointment of Car'bonate of Am"monia.= See OINTMENT, AMMONIACAL.
=Ointment of Carbolic Acid.= (Ph. U. S.) _Syn._ UNGUENTUM ACIDI CARBOLICI.
_Prep._ Carbolic acid, 60 gr.; simple ointment, 480 gr.
=Ointment of Car'bonate of Lead.= _Syn._ WHITE LEAD OINTMENT; UNGUENTUM PLUMBI CARBONATIS (P. B., Ph. E. & D.), U. CERUSSae, L. _Prep._ 1. (Ph. E.) Carbonate of lead, 1 oz.; simple ointment, 5 oz.; mix thoroughly.
2. (Ph. D.) Carbonate of lead, 3 oz.; ointment of white wax, 1 lb.; mix with heat.
3. (B. P.) Carbonate of lead, in fine powder, 1; simple ointment, 7. Mix.
4. UNGUENTUM PLUMBI CAMPHORATUM--(E., 1744). Add to the last 2 scruples of camphor ground with a little oil.
_Uses, &c._ Cooling; desiccative. Useful to promote the healing of excoriated parts and slight ulcerations. The camphorated white ointment of old pharmacy (UNG. ALb.u.m CAMPHORATUM--Ph. L. 1744) was made by adding 40 gr. of camphor to the first of the above.
=Ointment of Cat'echu.= _Syn._ UNGUENTUM CATECHU, L. _Prep._ From alum, 1 oz.; catechu, 3 oz.; (both in very fine powder;) added to olive oil, 1/2 pint, and yellow resin, 4 oz., previously melted together. Used to dress ulcers in hot climates, where the ordinary fat ointments are objectionable; also in this country during hot weather. See OINTMENT, ASTRINGENT.
=Ointment of Chalk.= _Syn._ UNGUENTUM CRETae. _Prep._ Prepared chalk, 1 oz.; lard, 4 oz. Mix.
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