Cooley's Cyclopaedia of Practical Receipts Volume Ii Part 141
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=Pills of a.r.s.e"niate of Iron.= _Syn._ PILULae FERRI a.r.s.eNIATIS, L. _Prep._ (Biett.) a.r.s.eniate of iron, 3 gr.; extract of hops, 2 dr.; powdered mallow-root, 1/2 dr.; syrup, q. s. For 48 pills.--_Dose_, 1 to 2, daily; in cancerous, scrofulous, and herpetic affections. See PILLS, a.r.s.eNICAL.
=Pills of a.r.s.eniate of So'da.= _Syn._ PILULae SODae a.r.s.eNIATIS, L. _Prep._ (Erasmus Wilson.) a.r.s.eniate of soda, 2 gr.; distilled water, the smallest possible quant.i.ty to dissolve it; powdered gum guaiac.u.m, 1/2 dr.; oxysulphuret of antimony, 20 gr.; mucilage, q. s. For 24 pills.--_Dose_, 1 pill, as the last; in herpes, &c. See PILLS, a.r.s.eNICAL.
=Pills, a.r.s.en'ical.= _Syn._ ASIATIC PILLS, CARNATIC P., EAST INDIAN P., TANJORE P.; PILULae a.r.s.eNICI, P. a.r.s.eNICALIS, P. ASIATICae, P. ACIDI a.r.s.eNIOSI, L. _Prep._ (P. Cod.) a.r.s.enious acid, 1 gr.; black pepper (in fine powder), 12 gr.; rub them together for some (considerable) time in an iron mortar, then add, of powdered gum, 2 gr.; water, q. s. to make a ma.s.s; which is to be accurately divided into 12 pills. Each pill contains 1/12 gr. of white a.r.s.enic.
_Obs._ This compound is commonly employed in the East Indies in syphilis, elephantiasis, intermittents, the bites of venomous snakes, &c.; and as a preventive to hydrophobia. The common practice in England is to employ 16 gr. of pepper to 1 gr. of a.r.s.enious acid, and to divide the ma.s.s into 16 instead of 12 pills. The dose is one or two pills daily, taken _after_ a meal. The use of all compounds containing a.r.s.enic demands great caution.
=Pills, a.r.s.enical (Opiated).= _Syn._ PILULae a.r.s.eNICI c.u.m OPIO, L. _Prep._ (A. T. Thomson.) a.r.s.enious acid, 2 gr.; powdered opium, 8 gr.; Castile soap, 20 gr.; simple syrup, q. s. For 34 pills.--_Dose._ As the last; in intermittents, herpes, lepra, psoriasis, periodical headaches, neuralgia, &c. (See _above_.)
=Pills, Asiat'ic.= See PILLS, a.r.s.eNICAL.
=Pills of a.s.saft'ida.= _Syn._ PILULae a.s.sAFTIDA (Ph. E. & U. S.), L.
_Prep._ 1 (Ph. E.) a.s.saftida, galbanum, and myrrh, of each 3 parts; conserve of red roses, 4 parts, or q. s.; mix, and beat them to a proper pill-ma.s.s.
2. (Pb. U. S.) a.s.saftida, 1-1/2 oz.; Castile soap, 1/2 oz.; water, q. s.; divide into 240 pills.
_Obs._ The above (particularly the last) are stimulant and antispasmodic--_Dose_, 5 to 10 gr.; twice or thrice daily; in hysterical affections, &c. (See _below._)
=Pills of a.s.saftida (Compound).= _Syn._ PILULae a.s.sAFTIDae COMPOSITae (B.
P., Ph. D.) _Prep._ 1. (Ph. D.) a.s.saftida, 2 oz.; galbanum, myrrh, and treacle, of each 1 oz.; mix in a capsule, by the heat of steam or a water bath, and stir until it becomes a uniform ma.s.s.--_Dose, &c._ As the last.
The B. P. directs the quant.i.ty of galbanum to be double the above.
2. (Hosp. F.) a.s.saftida, 1 dr.; soft soap (Ph. L.), 20 gr.; ipecacuanha and squills, of each (in powder), 12 gr.; syrup, q. s.--_Dose_, 5 to 10 gr.; in chronic asthmas, coughs, &c.
=Pills of a.s.saftida with I'ron.= _Syn._ PILULae a.s.sAFTIDae c.u.m FERRO, L.
_Prep._ (W. Cooley.) a.s.saftida, 1 dr.; extract of chamomile, 1/2 dr.; mix with a slight heat; add, of dried protosulphate of iron, 15 gr.; oil of cajeput, 10 drops; and divide into 36 pills. In hypochondriasis, hysteria, amenorrha, chlorosis, &c., after an aperient.
=Pills, Asthma.= _Syn._ PILULae ANTASTHMATICae, L. _Prep._ 1. (Expectorant.) From compound squill pill, 20 gr.; calomel, 5 gr.; powdered opium, 3 gr.; made into 6 pills.--_Dose_, 1 or 2, at bedtime. Expectorant, and sometimes laxative.
2. (Tonic.) From compound iron pill, 2 dr.; extract of gentian, 1 dr.; mix, and divide into 60 pills.--_Dose_, 2, night and morning, with an occasional dose of laxative medicine.
=Pills of Atropine.= (P. Cod.) _Syn._ PILULae ATROPIae. _Prep._ Atropia, 1-1/2 gr.; sugar of milk, 1 dr.; gum Arabic, 12 gr.; syrup of honey, q. s.
Triturate the atropia for a long time with the sugar of milk, and make into 100 granules and silver them. Granules of a.r.s.enious acid, digitalin, and strychnia, are prepared in the same way.
=Pills, Bacher's Ton'ic.= _Syn._ PILULae TONICae BACHERI, L. _Prep._ 1. (Dr Paris.) Extract of black h.e.l.lebore and powdered myrrh, of each 1 oz.; powdered blessed thistle, 3 dr.; mix, and divide into 1-dr.
pills.--_Dose_, 2 to 6, three times a day.
2. (P. Cod.) Alkaline extract of h.e.l.lebore and extract of myrrh, of each 2 dr.; powdered blessed thistle, 1 dr. For 4-gr. pills.--_Dose_, 1 to 2, as the last. An alterative tonic, hydragogue, and emmenagogue; in debility, dropsy, amenorrha, &c. A favourite remedy in some parts of Europe.
=Pills, Dr Baillie's.= _Prep._ (Cooley.) Aqueous extract of aloes and compound extract of colocynth, of each 3 dr.; Castile soap, 1 dr.; oil of cloves, 15 drops. For 4-gr. pills. A good occasional aperient.--_Dose_, 1 to 3, at bedtime, or early in the morning. See PILLS, DINNER.
=Pills, Balsamic.= (Morton.) _Syn._ PILULae BALSAMICA. _Prep._ Powdered millipedes, 18 dr.; gum ammoniac.u.m, 9 dr.; benzoic acid, 6 dr.; saffron, 1 dr.; balsam of tolu, 1 dr,; anisated balsam of saffron, 6 dr., or sufficient.
=Pills, Barbarossa's.= These are supposed to have been the first mercurial preparation employed in medicine. They consisted of quicksilver, rhubarb, musk, and amber.
=Pills, Rev. D. Barclay's.= _Prep._ (Cooley.) Resinous extract of jalap, 1 dr.; almond or Castile soap, 1-1/2 dr.; extract of colocynth, 2 dr. (or powdered colocynth, 3 dr.); gum guaiac.u.m, 3 dr.; pota.s.sio-tartrate of antimony, 10 gr.; oil of juniper, 8 or 10 drops; oils of caraway and rosemary, of each 4 drops; make a ma.s.s with syrup of buckthorn (the smallest possible quant.i.ty), and divide into 4-gr. pills. A diaph.o.r.etic aperient.--_Dose_, 1 to 3, at bedtime.
=Pills, Dr Baron's.= _Prep._ From compound rhubarb pill, 30 gr.; compound extract of colocynth, 20 gr.; powdered ipecacuanha, 6 gr. For 3-gr. pills.
An excellent stomachic aperient.--_Dose_, 1 to 3 pills, at bedtime; in dyspepsia, loss of appet.i.te, &c.
=Pills, Barthez's.= _Prep._ From myrrh, 1 dr.; aloes, 1/2 dr.; musk, 15 gr.; camphor, 12 gr.; balsam of Peru, q. s. to form a ma.s.s. For 3-1/2-gr.
pills.--_Dose_, 2, thrice daily; in hysteria, amenorrha, chlorosis, &c.
=Pills, Bath Digestive.= _Prep._ (Cooley.) Rhubarb, 2 oz.; ipecacuanha and Castile soap, of each 1/2 oz.; capsic.u.m, ginger, and gamboge, of each 1/4 oz. (all in powder); syrup of buckthorn, q. s. For 4-gr. pills.--_Dose_, 1 as a dinner pill; 2 or 3 as an aperient.
=Pills of Be'beerine.= _Syn._ PILULae BEBEERINae, L. _Prep._ From sulphate of bebeerine, 1/2 dr.; aromatic confection, q. s.; oil of cajeput, 6 or 6 drops. For 18 pills.--_Dose_, 1 to 3, every four hours; as an antiperiodic, instead of bark or quinine.
=Pills, Be'chic.= PILULae BECHICae, L. _Prep._ (Trousseau and Reveil.) Extract of digitalis, 15 gr.; white oxide of antimony, 30 gr.; extract of liquorice, 40 gr.; mix carefully, and divide into 40 pills. Expectorant and sedative.--_Dose_, 2 to 12, or more; in cases of irritating coughs, catarrh of the pulmonary capillaries or bronchia, &c. See PILLS, COUGH.
=Pills, Beddoe's.= _Prep._ From dried (effloresced) carbonate of soda, 1 dr.; soap, 1-1/2 dr.; oil of juniper, 12 drops; syrup of ginger, q. s.; divide into 30 pills. In gravel, stone, &c.--_Dose_, 2 to 5.
=Pills of Belladon'na (Compound).= _Syn._ PILULae BELLADONNae COMPOSITae, L.
_Prep._ 1. (Ainslie.) Extract of belladonna, mercurial pill, and powdered ipecacuanha, equal parts. For 3-gr. pills.--_Dose_, 1 night and morning, in cancerous and glandular affections.
2. (Debreyne.) Camphor and a.s.saftida, of each 1 dr.; extract of belladonna, 20 gr.; extract of opium, 5 gr.; syrup, q. s. For 48 pills.--_Dose_, 1 pill, gradually increased to 6, daily. In hysteria, amenorrha, &c.
=Pills, Belloste's.= See PILLS, MERCURIAL.
=Pills, Bennet's.= See PILLS, FULLER'S.
=Pills, Benzoic.= (Dr Paris.) _Syn._ PILULae BENZOES. _Prep._ Benzoic acid, 12 gr.; extract of poppies, 18 gr. Mix, for 6 pills.--_Dose_, 1 pill.
=Pills of b.i.+.c.hlo"ride of Mercury.= Pills of corrosive sublimate.
=Pills of b.i.+.c.hlo"ride of Plat'inum.= _Syn._ PILULae PLATINI b.i.+.c.hLORIDI, L.
_Prep._ (Dr Hoefer.) b.i.+.c.hloride of platinum, 7-1/2 gr.; extract of guaiac.u.m, 1 dr.; liquorice powder, q. s. For 24 pills.--_Dose_, 1 pill, twice or thrice daily; as an alterative, in syphilis, &c.
=Pills, Bicker's.= _Prep._ From rust (carbonate) of iron, 2 dr.; aloes, myrrh, and sulphur, of each 1 dr.; ox-gall, q. s. to mix. For 4-gr.
pills.--_Dose_, 1 to 6, morning and evening; in debility, chlorosis, &c.
=Pills of Bit'tersweet.= _Syn._ PILULae DULCAMARae, L. _Prep._ (Radius.) Extract of bittersweet (dulcamara), 1 dr.; crude antimony and bittersweet (in powder), of each 1/2 dr. For 3-gr. pills.--_Dose_, 6 to 12, twice or thrice a day; in obstinate skin diseases.
=Pills, Blaud's.= _Syn._ PILULae ANTICHLOROTICae, L. _Prep._ (Trousseau and Reveil.) Sulphate of protoxide of iron, 2 parts; reduce it to powder, and dry it in a stove at 104 Fahr.; add to this dry carbonate of, 2 parts; honey, 1 part; and form the ma.s.s into 50 pills. Tonic and emmenagogue.--_Dose_, 1 to 10, daily; in debility, chlorosis, &c.
=Pills, Blue.= See PILLS, MERCURIAL.
=Pills, Bontius's.= _Syn._ PILULae HYDROGOGae, P. H. BONTII, L. _Prep._ (B.
Cod.) Socotrine aloes, gamboge, and gum ammoniac.u.m, of each 1 dr.; white-wine vinegar, 6 dr.; dissolve by heat at twice, press out the liquor, evaporate to a pilular consistence, and divide into 4-gr.
pills.--_Dose_, 1 to 3; as a strong cathartic, in dropsy.
=Pills, Brigg's Gout and Rheumatic.= This nostrum closely resembles in appearance, odour, and properties, the PLUMMER'S PILL of the Pharmacopia; the two are probably identical. (Cooley.)
=Pill of Bro'mide of I'ron.= _Syn._ PILULae FERRI BROMIDI, L. _Prep._ (Magendie.) Bromide of iron and powdered gum Arabic, of each 12 gr.; conserve of roses, 20 gr.; mix, and divide into 20 pills. They should be kept in a dry, corked phial. Tonic and alterative.--_Dose_, 1 to 2, night and morning; in debility, especially that of scrofulous habits, in chlorosis, &c.
=Pills of Bru'cine.= _Syn._ PILULae BRUCIae, L. _Prep._ (Magendie.) Brucine, 12 gr.; confection of roses, 1/2 dr.; carefully mixed and divided into 24 pills, which are recommended to be silvered. The quant.i.ty of the confection may be advantageously doubled.--_Dose_, 1 pill, night and morning; in the same affections as those for which strychnine is administered. The acetate hydrochlorate, or sulphate of brucine may be subst.i.tuted for the alkaloid in the above formula, in a slightly larger quant.i.ty.
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