Cooley's Cyclopaedia of Practical Receipts Volume Ii Part 167

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2. (Ph. D. 1826.) From the cultivated carrot boiled with a little water until it becomes soft enough to form a poultice. Anodyne and antiseptic.

Used in foul and painful ulcers, burns, contusions, &c. That from the first formula is the more stimulant.

=Poultice of Char'coal.= _Syn_. CATAPLASMA CARBONIS (B. P., Ph. L.), C. C.

LIGNI, L. _Prep._ 1. (Ph. L.) Soak bread, 2 oz., in boiling water, 1/2 pint; to this add, by degrees, of linseed meal, 10 dr.; and, afterwards, of powdered (recently burnt) charcoal, 2 dr.; lastly, sprinkle on the surface of the poultice powdered charcoal, 1 dr. As an application to fetid and gangrenous sores; frequently renewed.

2. (B. P.) Wood charcoal, 1/2 oz.; bread, 2 oz.; linseed meal, 1-1/2 oz.; boiling water, 10 oz.; soak the bread in the water near the fire, add the linseed meal and half the charcoal, stirring to a soft poultice, sprinkling the remainder of the charcoal on the surface.

=Poultice of Chlo"ride of So'da.= _Syn._ CATAPLASMA SODae CHLORINATae (B.

P., Ph. L.), L. _Prep._ 1. (Ph. L.) Boiling water, 6 fl. oz.; linseed meal, 4-1/2 oz.; mix gradually, then add of solution of chlorinated soda, 2 fl. oz. Applied to foul ulcers, gangrenous parts, &c.

2. (B. P.) Solution of chlorinated soda, 1; linseed meal, 2; boiling water, 4; add the linseed meal gradually to the water, stirring constantly, then mix the solution of chlorinated soda.

=Poultice, Compound Farina.= _Syn._ CATAPLASMA FARINae COMPOSITUM. _Prep._ Rye flour, 1 lb.; old yeast, 4 oz.; salt, 2 oz.; hot water, q. s.

=Poultice, c.u.mmin.= (L. Ph. 1788.) _Syn_. CATAPLASMA c.u.mINI. _Prep._ c.u.mmin seeds, 1 lb.; bay berries, scordium leaves, serpentaria root, of each 3 oz.; cloves, 1 oz.; to be powdered together and mixed with thrice their weight of honey.

=Poultice, Discutient.= _Syn._ CATAPLASMA DISCUTIENS. _Prep._ Barley meal, 6 oz.; fresh hemlock, 2 oz.; vinegar, q. s. Boil and add sal ammoniac, 1/2 oz. (Fr. Hosp.) The same, with 2 dr. of acetate of lead added.

=Poultice, Effervescing.= _Syn._ CATAPLASMA EFFERVESCENS. _Prep._ Fresh wort thickened with oatmeal, and a spoonful of yeast added.

=Poultice, Emetic.= _Syn._ CATAPLASMA EMETIc.u.m. _Prep._ Bruised groundsel (_Senecio vulgaris_) applied over the stomach produces vomiting.

=Cataplasma of Fig.= _Syn._ CATAPLASMA FICI. _Prep._ A dried fig, roasted or boiled (sometimes in milk), is frequently applied to gum-boils, &c.

=Poultice, Foxglove.= (Mr Alland.) _Syn._ CATAPLASMA DIGITALIS. _Prep._ A strong decoction of foxglove, with bread-crum, or linseed meal, q. s.

=Poultice, Galbanum.= _Syn._ CATAPLASMA GALBANI. _Prep._ Lily roots, 4 oz.; figs, 1 oz.; boil till soft, and bruise them with 1-1/2 oz. of onions and 1/2 oz. of galbanum, triturated with yolk of egg and a sufficient quant.i.ty of linseed meal.

=Poultice, Galvanic.= (Recamier.) _Syn._ CATAPLASMA GALVANIc.u.m. It consists of cotton wadding containing a layer of very thin zinc plates, and another layer of copper ones. This pad, conveniently quilted, is enclosed in a bag, one face of which is of quilted calico, the other of impermeable tissue. The natural perspiration, confined by the impermeable tissue, excites galvanic action between the metals.

=Poultice of Hem'lock.= _Syn._ CATAPLASMA CONII (B. P., Ph. L.), L.

_Prep._ 1. (Ph. L.) Boiling water, 1/2 pint; linseed meal, 4-1/2 oz., or q. s.; make a poultice, and on this spread of extract of hemlock (Ph. L.), 1 oz., first softened with a little hot water. Anodyne. In irritable and painful cancerous, scrofulous, and syphilitic sores, tumours, &c.

2. (B. P.) Hemlock leaf, in powder, 1 oz.; linseed meal, 3 oz.; boiling water, 10 oz.; mix the ingredients, then add them to the water gradually, constantly stirring.

=Poultice, Henbane.= _Syn._ CATAPLASMA HYOSCYAMI. The same as POULTICE OF POPPY.

=Poultice, Hop.= (Dr Trotter.) _Syn._ CATAPLASMA HUMULI. Hops softened with hot water. To foul ulcers.

=Poultice, Iodine.= _Syn._ CATAPLASMA IODURETUM. To a common poultice add solution or tincture of iodine.

=Poultice, Lead.= _Syn._ CATAPLASMA PLUMBI. _Prep._ Goulard water, 1 lb.; bread crum, q. s.

=Poultice, Lily.= _Syn._ CATAPLASMA LILII. The pulp of the white lily boiled and bruised.

=Poultice, Lime.= _Syn._ CATAPLASMA CALCIS. _Prep._ Slaked lime, 2 oz.; oatmeal, 2 oz.; lard, 4 oz. Formerly used at Bath Hospital.

=Poultice of linseed Meal.= _Syn._ CATAPLASMA LINI (B. P., Ph. L.), L.

_Prep._ 1. (Ph. L.) To boiling water, 1/2 pint, add, gradually, constantly stirring, of linseed meal, 4-1/2 oz., or q. s. Emollient. Used to promote the suppuration or 'ripening' of tumours. A little oil or lard should be added, and some smeared over the surface as well, to prevent its getting hard. For small 'gatherings,' as of the fingers, a little chewed bread and b.u.t.ter is an efficient and convenient subst.i.tute.

2. (B. P.) Linseed meal, 4; olive oil, 1/2; boiling water, 10; mix the linseed meal with the oil, add the water gradually, constantly stirring.

_Obs._ Linseed meal prepared from the cake, from which the oil has been expressed, is less adapted for poultices than that prepared from the unpressed, whole seed. The latter is ordered in the Ph. L.

=Poultice, Malt.= (Guy's Hosp.) _Syn._ CATAPLASMA BYNES. _Prep._ Ground malt, with yeast, q. s., to form a poultice; to be applied warm.

=Poultice, Maturative.= (L. 1745.) _Syn._ CATAPLASMA MATURANS. _Prep._ Pulp of figs, 4 oz.; resin ointment, 1 oz.; strained galbanum, 1/2 oz.

=Poultice of Mus'tard.= _Syn._ CATAPLASMA SINAPIS (Ph. L.), L. _Prep._ 1.

(B. P., Ph. L.) Linseed meal and powdered mustard, of each 2-1/2 oz., or q. s.; boiling water, 1/2 pint; mix as before.

2. (Ph. L. 1836.) As the last, but subst.i.tuting boiling vinegar for water.

Used as a powerful counter-irritant, stimulant, and rubefacient; in low fevers, apoplexy, coma, &c., where there is a determination of blood to the head; in deep-seated inflammatory pains, neuralgic pains, &c. It should not be left on long enough to raise a blister. See PLASTERS.

=Poultice, Onion.= _Syn._ CATAPLASMA CEPae. _Prep._ Onions roasted and mashed.

=Poultice of Pop'py.= _Syn._ CATAPLASMA PAPAVERIS, L. _Prep._ 1. (P. Cod.

1839.) A strong decoction of poppies, thickened with crum of bread.


=Poultice, Potash, Acetate of.= _Syn._ CATAPLASMA POTa.s.sae ACETATIS; CATAPLASMA NEUTRALE. _Prep._ Acetate of potash, 1 oz.; water, 1 pint; crum of bread, q. s. To ill-conditioned sores.

=Poultice of Po'tato.= _Syn._ CATAPLASMA SOLANI TUBEROSI, L. _Prep._ From the raw potato, sc.r.a.ped or grated fine. A popular application to fresh bruises, extravasations, burns, scalds, &c.

=Poultice of Potato Starch.= (P. Cod.) _Syn._ CATAPLASMA FECULae. _Prep._ Potato starch, 2 oz.; mix with a little cold water, add to it 20 oz. of boiling water, and boil for an instant. Cataplasms of rice and wheat starch are made in the same manner.

=Poultice, Pradier's.= _Syn._ PRADIER'S CATAPLASMA; CATAPLASME DE PRADIER, Fr. _Prep._ Take of balsam of Mecca, 6 dr.; rectified spirit, 16 oz.; dissolve; next, separately, take red cinchona bark, sarsaparilla, and sage, of each 1 oz.; saffron, 1/2 oz.; rectified spirit, 32 oz.; digest for 48 hours, and filter; mix the two liquors; add to them twice their weight of lime water. In gout; 2 fl. oz. are sprinkled on the surface of a hot linseed-meal poultice sufficiently large to surround the affected part. It is said that the Emperor Napoleon gave 2500 for this receipt.

=Poultice of Pyroligneous Acid.= (Dr Reece.) _Syn._ CATAPLASMA ACIDI PYROLIGNOSI. _Prep._ Bran, 1 lb.; linseed meal, 1 oz.; impure pyroligneous acid, q. s. For scrofulous ulcers; occasionally 30 minims of tincture of perchloride of iron, and 3 dr. of extract or powder of hemlock, are added.

=Poultice of Red Wine.= (Gl. Hosp.) _Syn._ CATAPLASMA VINI RUBRI. _Prep._ Linseed meal, 1-1/2 oz.; boiling water, 5 oz.; stir it over a slow fire for a minute, remove, and add 2 oz. of red wine.

=Poultice, Roasted Apple.= _Syn._ CATAPLASMA MALI. The soft pulp of roasted apple, applied to inflamed eyes. Other ingredients are sometimes added.

=Poultice, Rose.= _Syn._ CATAPLASMA ROSae. _Prep._ Powdered alum, 30 gr.; confection of roses, 4 oz.; mix.

=Poultice of Sea-wrack.= (Dr Russell.) _Syn._ CATAPLASMA FUCI. _Prep._ Fresh bladder fucus (sea-wrack) bruised. Applied to glandular tumours, &c.

=Poultice, Sim'ple.= _Syn._ CATAPLASMA SIMPLEX, L. _Prep._ (Ph. D. 1826.) Powder for a cataplasma and boiling water, of each q. s. to form a poultice, the surface of which is to be smeared over with olive oil.

Emollient. Bread poultice and linseed-meal poultice are now generally called by this name. See POWDER (Poultice).

=Poultice of Slippery Elm.= CATAPLASMA ULMI. The powdered bark of the slippery elm (_Ulmus fulva_) mixed with a sufficient quant.i.ty of hot water.

=Poultice of Soap.= _Syn._ CATAPLASMA SAPONIS, L. _Prep._ From white soap (sc.r.a.ped or sliced), 1 oz.; boiling water, 1/4 pint; dissolve, and add crum of bread, q. s. As an application to scalds and burns.

=Poultice, Sorrel.= _Syn._ CATAPLASMA OXALIS. _Prep._ Bruised sorrel leaves, mixed with oatmeal and beer.

=Poultice, Stimulating.= (Dr Hugh Smith.) _Syn._ CATAPLASMA STIMULANS.

Cooley's Cyclopaedia of Practical Receipts Volume Ii Part 167

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