Cooley's Cyclopaedia of Practical Receipts Volume Ii Part 169

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=Powder, a.r.s.en'ical.= See POWDER, ESCHAROTIC.

=Powder of Asarabac'ca (Compound).= See SNUFF (Cephalic).

=Powder, Astrin'gent.= _Syn._ PULVIS ASTRINGENS, P. STYPTICUS, L. _Prep._ 1. From Aleppo galls and burnt alum, in fine powder, equal parts. Used in piles, soft polypi of the nose, chilblains, &c.

=Powder, Ba"king.= _Prep._ 1. Tartaric acid, 1/2 lb.; bicarbonate of soda and potato farina or British arrow-root, of each 3/4 lb. (each in powder); separately dry them perfectly by a very gentle heat, then mix them in a dry room, pa.s.s the mixture through a sieve, and at once put it into packets, observing to press it hard, and to cover it with tinfoil or close-made paper, to preserve it as much as possible from the air and moisture.

2. (Delforte's.) Powdered tartaric acid, 1/4 lb.; powdered alum, 1/2 lb.; bicarbonate of soda, 3/4 lb.; farina, 1 lb.; dry separately, as before, mix, and further add of sesquicarbonate of ammonia (in powder), 3 oz.; lastly, closely pack it in tinfoil.

3. (Green's.) Tartaric acid, 35 lbs.; sesquicarbonate of soda, 56 lbs.; potato flour, 1 cwt.; mix as before.

_Uses, &c._ Baking powder is chiefly employed as a subst.i.tute for yeast. 1 or 2 teaspoonfuls are mixed with the dry flour and other ingredients, which are then made into a dough, as quickly as possible, with cold water, and at once baked or boiled as the case may be. By the addition of about 1/2 dr. of turmeric powder to each pound of the mixture it is converted into egg powder. When intended to be kept for any length of time it should be preserved in bottles or tins, so as to prevent the absorption of moisture. We have discovered traces of a.r.s.enic in some of the baking powders of the shops, which we refer to common washerwoman's soda being used in their composition, instead of the pure carbonate or sesquicarbonate.

=Powder, Basil'ic.= _Syn._ ROYAL POWDER, CORNACHINI'S P.; PULVIS BASILICUS, P. CORNACHINI, L. _Prep._ From scammony, calomel, cream of tartar, and diaph.o.r.etic antimony, equal parts. This is the formula generally adopted for this compound, which has now long been omitted from the Pharmacopias. It is still a favourite with many pract.i.tioners, as an alterative purgative, and vermifuge for children.--_Dose._ For a child, 2 to 8 gr.; for an adult, 5 to 20 gr. Compound powder of scammony is now generally sold for it.

=Powder, Belladonna, Saccharated.= (Wertzler.) _Syn._ PULVIS BELLADONNae SACCHARATUS. _Prep._ Belladonna root, 15 gr.; pure sugar, 1 dr.; mix. For 72 powders. One twice a day, or oftener, according to the age. In hooping-cough.

=Powder, Blaine's Distem'per.= The basis of this preparation is the 'aurum musivum,' or bisulphuret of tin. (Dr Paris.)

=Powder, Blancmange'.= _Prep._ From sago meal, 1 lb.; essence of lemon, 15 drops; mace, 12 gr.; mix.

=Powder, Bleaching.= Chloride or hypochlorite of lime.

=Powder, Blue.= See SMALTS.

=Powder, Bronze.= See STANNIC SULPHIDE, BRONZING, &c.

=Powder of Burnt Hartshorn.= _Syn._ PULVIS CORNU CERVINI USTI, L. _Prep._ From pieces of hartshorn calcined to whiteness, and powdered. It consists of phosphate of lime.--_Dose_, 10 to 30 gr.; in rickets, &c.

=Powder of Burnt Hartshorn with O'pium.= _Syn._ PULVIS OPIATUS, PULVIS CORNU USTI c.u.m OPIO, L. _Prep._ From powdered calcined hartshorn, 1 oz.; powdered opium and cochineal, of each 1 dr.--_Dose_, 5 to 20 gr.

=Powder of Camphor.= Camphor may be readily pulverised by triturating it with the addition of a few drops of rectified spirit or ether.

=Powder, Camphorated Nitre.= (Swediaur.) _Syn._ PULVIS NITRO CAMPHORATUS.

_Prep._ Nitre, 10 gr.; camphor, 4 gr.; gum Arabic, 24 gr.; mix. For two or three doses.

=Powder, Capuchin'.= _Prep._ From powdered cevadilla, parsley seed, stavesacre, and tobacco, equal parts. Used to destroy pediculi.

=Powder, Castillon's.= _Prep._ From sago meal, salep, and gum tragacanth, of each 3 dr.; prepared oyster, 1 dr.; cochineal, q. s. to colour.

Absorbent.--_Dose_, 1/2 to 1 dr., boiled in milk; in diarrha, &c.

=Powder of Cat'echu (Compound).= _Syn._ PULVIS CATECHU COMPOSITUS (B. P., Ph. D.), L. _Prep._ 1. (Ph. D.) Take catechu and kino, of each 2 oz.; cinnamon and nutmeg, of each 1/2 oz.; reduce each to a fine powder, mix, and keep the prepared powder in a well-stopped bottle. Aromatic and astringent.--_Dose_, 1/4 dr. to 2 dr.; in various affections.

2. (B. P.) Pale catechu; kino, 2; rhatany, 2; cinnamon, 1; nutmeg, 1; mix.--_Dose_, 15 to 30 gr.

=Powder of Chalk (Compound).= _Syn._ PULVIS CRETae AROMATICUS (B. P.), PULVIS CRETae COMPOSITUS (Ph. L., E., & D.), P. CARBONATIS CALCIS COMP., L.

_Prep._ 1. (Ph. L.) Prepared chalk, 1/2 lb.; cinnamon, 4 oz.; tormentil and gum acacia, of each 3 oz.; long pepper, 1/2 oz.; rub them, separately, to a very fine powder, and mix them.

2. (Ph. E.) Prepared chalk, 4 oz.; cinnamon, in fine powder, 1-1/2 dr.; nutmeg, in fine powder, 1 dr.

3. (Ph. D.) Prepared chalk, 5 oz.; cinnamon, 2-1/2 oz.; gum, 2 oz.; nutmeg, 1/2 oz.

4. (AROMATIC POWDER OF CHALK--B. P.) Chalk, 11; cinnamon, 4; nutmeg, 3; saffron, 3; cloves, 1-1/2; cardamom seed, 1; refined sugar, 25; all in powder; mix.--_Dose_, 30 to 60 gr.

_Uses, &c._ Aromatic, astringent, and antacid.--_Dose_, 10 to 30 gr.; in acidity, flatulence, heartburn, diarrha, &c. The following form is used by many wholesale houses:--Prepared chalk, 4 lbs.; powdered ca.s.sia, 2 lbs.; powdered calamus aromaticus, 3/4 lb.; powdered gum, 1-1/2 lb.; long pepper, 1/4 lb.

=Powder of Chalk with Opium (Compound).= _Syn._ PULVIS CRETae AROMATICUS c.u.m OPIO (B. P.); OPIATED CHALK POWDER; PULVIS CRETae COMPOSITUS c.u.m OPIO (Ph. L.), PULVIS CRETae OPIATIS (Ph. E. & D.), L. _Prep._ 1. (Ph. L.) Compound chalk powder, 6-1/2 oz.; powdered opium, 80 gr.

2. (Ph. E.) Compound chalk powder, 6 oz.; powdered opium, 80 gr.

3. (Ph. D.) Compound chalk powder, 4 oz. 7 dr.; opium, in fine powder, 1 dr.

4. (Wholesale.) Compound chalk powder, 21 oz.; powdered opium, 1/2 oz.

Anodyne, antacid, and carminative.--_Dose_, 10 to 30 gr.; in the same cases as the preceding, than which it is more active. It has long been a favourite remedy in all cases of simple and even choleraic diarrha.

5. Aromatic powder of chalk (_see_ POWDER OF CHALK (Compound), 4), 39; opium, in powder, 1; mix thoroughly, and pa.s.s through a sieve.--_Dose_, 10 to 40 gr.

=Powder, Chalk Mixture.= _Syn._ PULVIS PRO MISTURA CRETae, L. _Prep._ (Beasley.) Powdered gum acacia, 5 oz.; prepared chalk, 4 oz.; white sugar, 3 oz.; oil of cinnamon, 1-1/2 fl. dr.; mix. 40 gr. of this powder, triturated with 1 fl. oz. of water.

=Powder, Chol'era (Saline).= _Syn._ PULVIS SALINUS ANTICHOLERICUS, L.

_Prep._ 1. (Dr O'Shaughnessy.) Carbonate of soda, 5 gr.; chloride of sodium, phosphate of soda, and sulphate of soda, of each 10 gr. For a dose.

=Powder of Cin'namon (Compound).= _Syn._ AROMATIC POWDER; PULVIS CINNAMOMI COMPOSITUS (B. P., Ph. L.), PULVIS AROMATICUS (Ph. E.), L. _Prep._ 1. (Ph.

L.) Cinnamon, 2 oz.; cardamoms, 1-1/2 oz.; ginger, 1 oz.; long pepper, 1/2 oz.; rub them together so that a fine powder may be made.

2. (B. P., Ph. E.) Cinnamon, cardamom seeds, and ginger, equal parts; to be kept in a well-closed gla.s.s vessel.

3. (Ph. D.) Cinnamon and ginger, of each 2 oz.; cardamom seeds (husked), and nutmegs, of each 1 oz. Aromatic and carminative.--_Dose_, 10 to 30 gr.

In the powder of the shops ca.s.sia is generally subst.i.tuted for cinnamon.

=Powder, Cla'rifying.= Flake See ALb.u.mEN.

=Powder, c.o.c.k'le.= From the well-known sh.e.l.l-fish _Cardium edule_ (Linn.), as oyster powder.

=Powder, Colbatche's Specific.= _Prep._ From solution of sesquichloride of iron and acetate of lead, of each 4 oz.; mix, evaporate to dryness, powder the residuum, and preserve it from the air. Astringent and haemostatic.--_Dose_, 3 to 8 grs.

=Powder of Col'ocynth.= _Syn._ PULVIS COLOCYNTHIDIS, L. That of the shops is generally prepared from the whole of the peeled fruit, with the seeds, instead of merely from the pulp, by which its activity is greatly lessened. A fact.i.tious article is also met with in trade, made by grinding bryony root with about twice its weight of colocynth seeds and a very small quant.i.ty of gamboge.

=Powder, Compound Almond.= (B. Ph.) _Syn._ PULVIS AMYGDALae COMPOSITUS.

_Prep._ Steep 8 oz. of Jordan almonds in warm water till their skins can be easily removed; and, when blanched, dry them thoroughly with a soft cloth, and rub them lightly in a mortar to a smooth consistence; mix gum Arabic in powder, 1 oz.; and refined sugar, in powder, 4 oz.; and adding them to the pulp gradually, rub the whole to a coa.r.s.e powder. Keep it in a lightly covered jar.

=Powder, Compound Bark.= (Geneva Ph.) _Syn._ PULVIS CINCHONae COMPOSITUS.

_Prep._ Peruvian bark, 1 oz.; rhubarb, 1-1/2 dr.; muriate of ammonia, 1-1/2 dr.; mix.

=Powder, Compound Belladonna.= 1. (Hecker.) _Prep._ Belladonna, 1 to 3 gr.; musk, 5 gr.; camphor, 5 gr.; white sugar, 30 gr.; mix. For 8 powders.

2. (Kopp.) Belladonna root, 2 gr.; ipecacuanha, 2 gr.; sulphur, 32 gr.; sugar of milk, 32 gr. Mix, and divide into 3 powders, three daily. In hooping-cough.

Cooley's Cyclopaedia of Practical Receipts Volume Ii Part 169

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