Cooley's Cyclopaedia of Practical Receipts Volume Ii Part 221
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D.) Chlorinated lime ('chloride of lime'), 1/2 lb.; water, 1/2 gall.; triturate them together, then transfer the mixture to a stoppered bottle, and shake it repeatedly for the s.p.a.ce of 3 hours; lastly, filter through calico, and preserve it in a well-stopped bottle.
2. Chloride of lime (dry and good, and rubbed to fine powder), 9 lbs.; tepid water, 6 galls.; mix in a stoneware bottle capable of holding 8 galls., agitate frequently for a day or two, and, after 2 or 3 days'
repose, decant the clear portion, and keep it in well-corked bottles, in a cool situation. If filtered, it should be done as rapidly as possible, and only through coa.r.s.ely powdered gla.s.s in a covered vessel.
3. LIQUOR CALCIS CHLORATae (B. P.). _Prep._ Blend well together, by trituration in a large mortar, 1 lb. of chlorinated lime with 1 gall. of water, transfer the mixture to a stoppered bottle, and shake it frequently for the s.p.a.ce of 3 hours; pour it on a calico filter, and let the solution which through be kept in a well-stoppered bottle. Sp. gr. 1035.
_Obs._ The last is the usual strength sold in trade, under various attractive names, to give it importance. It is used as a disinfectant, bleacher, and fumigation; and, diluted with water, as a lotion, injection, or collyrium, in several diseases. See HYPOCHLORITE OF CALCIUM.
=Solution of Chlorinated lime, Spirituous.= _Syn._ SOLUTIO CALCIS CHLORIDI, SPIRITUOSA. (Chevallier). _Prep._ Chloride of lime, 3 dr.; distilled water, 2 oz.; rectified spirit, 2 oz. Mix and filter.
=Solution of Chlorinated Potas'sa.= _Syn._ SOLUTION OF CHLORIDE OF POTASH, S. OF HYPOCHLORITE OF POTa.s.sA, JAVELLE'S BLEACHING LIQUID; SOLUTIO POTa.s.sae HYPOCHLORIS, LIQUOR POTa.s.sae CHLORIDI, L. POTa.s.sae CHLORINATae, L.; EAU DE JAVELLE, Fr. _Prep._ 1. Dissolve carbonate of, 1 part, in water, 10 parts, and pa.s.s chlorine gas through the solution to saturation.
2. Chloride of lime (dry and good), 1 part; water, 15 parts: agitate them together for an hour; next dissolve of carbonate of, 2 oz., in water, 1/4 pint; mix the two solutions, and after a time either decant or filter.--_Uses, &c._ As the last.
=Solution of Chlorinated Soda.= _Syn._ SOLUTION OF CHLORIDE OF SODA, S.
OF HYPOCHLORITE OF SODA, LABARRAQUE'S DISINFECTING LIQUID; SOLUTIO SODae HYPOCHLORIS, HYPOCHLORIS SODICUS AQUA SOLUTUS (P. Cod.), LIQUOR SODae CHLORINATae (Ph. L. & D.), L. _Prep._ 1. (Ph. L.), Carbonate of soda (in crystals), 1 lb.; water, 1 quart; dissolve, and pa.s.s through the solution the chlorine evolved from a mixture of common salt, 4 oz.; binoxide of manganese, 3 oz.; sulphuric acid, 2-1/2 fl. oz. (4 oz.--Ph. L. 1836); diluted with water, 3 fl. oz.; placed in a retort, heat being applied to promote the action, and the gas being purified by pa.s.sing through 5 fl.
oz. of water before it enters the alkaline solution.
2. (Ph. D.) Chlorinated lime, 1/2 lb., and water, 3 pints, are triturated together in a marble mortar, after which the mixture is transferred to a stoppered bottle, agitated frequently during three hours, and then filtered through calico; in the mean time carbonate of soda (cryst.), 7 oz., is dissolved in water, 1 pint; the two solutions are next mixed, and, after agitation for about 10 minutes, the whole is filtered as before. The filtrate is to be preserved in a well-stopped bottle.
3. (B. P.) Dissolve 12 oz. of carbonate of soda in 36 oz. of distilled water, and put the solution into a gla.s.s vessel. Mix black oxide of manganese, 4 oz., and hydrochloric acid, 15 fl. oz., in a gla.s.s flask, with a bent tube attached by means of a cork to its mouth, apply a gentle heat, and with a suitable arrangement cause the gas evolved to pa.s.s first through a wash-bottle containing 4 oz. of water, and then into the solution of carbonate of soda, regulating heat so that the gas shall be slowly but constantly introduced. When the disengagement of chlorine has ceased, transfer the solution which has absorbed it to a stoppered bottle, and keep in a cool and dark place. Sp. gr. 1103.
_Obs._ This solution is used as an antiseptic, disinfectant, and bleaching liquid.--_Dose_, 20 to 30 drops, in any bland fluid, in scarlet fever, sore throat, &c.; it is also made into a lotion, gargle, injection, and eye-water. Meat in a nearly putrid state, unfit for food, is immediately restored by was.h.i.+ng or immersion in this liquid.
=Solution of Chlo"rine.= _Syn._ CHLORINE WATER; SOLUTIO CHLORINII, LIQUOR CHLORINI (Ph. L. & D.), CHLORINEI AQUA (Ph. E.), L. _Prep._ 1. (Ph. L.) On binoxide of manganese (in powder), 2 dr., placed in a retort, pour hydrochloric acid, 1 fl. oz., and pa.s.s the chlorine in distilled water, 1/2 pint, until it ceases to be evolved.
2. (Ph. E.) Muriate of soda (common salt), 60 gr.; red oxide of lead, 350 gr.; triturate them together, and put them into 8 fl. oz. of distilled water, contained in a stoppered bottle; then add of sulphuric acid, 2 fl.
dr.; and having replaced the stopper, agitate the whole, occasionally, until the oxide of lead turns white; lastly, after subsidence, pour off the clear liquid into another stoppered bottle.
3. (Ph. D.) Introduce into a gas bottle peroxide of manganese (in fine powder), 1/2 oz.; add of hydrochloric acid, 3 fl. oz., (diluted with) water, 2 fl. oz.; apply a gentle heat, and cause the evolved gas to pa.s.s through water, 2 fl. oz., and then into a 3-pint bottle containing distilled water, 20 fl. oz., and whose mouth is loosely plugged with tow; when the air has been entirely displaced by the chlorine, cork the bottle loosely, and shake it until the chlorine is absorbed; it should now be transferred to a pint stoppered bottle, and preserved in a dark and cool place.
(B. P.) LIQUOR CHLORI. _Prep._ Put 1 oz. of black oxide of manganese, in fine powder, into a gas bottle, and having poured upon it 6 fl. oz. of hydrochloric acid, diluted with 2 oz. of distilled water, apply a gentle heat, and by suitable tubes cause the gas, as it is developed, to pa.s.s through 2 oz. of distilled water placed in an intermediate small phial, and thence to the bottom of a 3-pint bottle containing 30 oz. of distilled water, the mouth of which is loosely plugged with tow. As soon as the chlorine ceases to be developed, let the bottle be disconnected from the apparatus in which the gas has been generated, corked loosely, and shaken until the chlorine is absorbed. Lastly, introduce the solution into a green bottle furnished with a well-fitting stopper, and keep it in a cool and dark place. Sp. gr. 1003. One fluid ounce contains 266 grains of chlorine.
_Prop., &c._ Irritant and acrid, but, when largely diluted, stimulant and antiseptic.--_Dose_, 1/2 to 2 fl. dr., in 1/2 pint of water, sweetened with a little sugar, in divided doses, during the day; in scarlatina, malignant sore throat, &c. On the large scale, liquid chlorine may be procured by pa.s.sing the gas obtained by any of the methods named under CHLORINE into water, until it will absorb no more.
=Solution of Cit'rate of Ammo"nia.= _Syn._ LIQUOR AMMONIae CITRATIS (B.
P., Ph. L.), L. _Prep._ (Ph. L.) Dissolve citric acid, 3 oz., in distilled water, 1 pint; and to the solution add of sesquicarbonate of ammonia (in powder), 2-1/2 oz., or q. s. to exactly neutralise the liquor.--_Dose_, 2 to 6 fl. dr.
=Solution of Citrate of Magne'sia.= _Syn._ SOLUTION MAGNESIae CITRATIS. See MAGNESIUM, CITRATE OF.
(B. P.) Carbonate of magnesia, 100 gr.; citric acid, 200 gr.; syrup of lemons, 1/2 fl. oz.; bicarbonate of potash in crystals, 40 gr.; water, q. s. Dissolve the citric acid in 2 oz. of the water, and having added the carbonate of magnesia, stir until it is dissolved. Filter the solution into a strong half-pint bottle, add the syrup and water sufficient to nearly fill the bottle, then introduce the bicarbonate of potash, and immediately close the bottle with a cork, which should be secured with string or wire, afterwards shake till the bicarbonate has dissolved.--_Dose_, 5 to 10 fl. oz.
=Solution of Citrate of Morphia.= _Syn._ LIQUOR MORPHIae CITRATIS, SOLUTIO M. C., L. _Prep._ (Magendie.) Pure morphia, 13 gr.; citric acid, 8 or 10 gr.; water, 1 fl. oz.; tincture of cochineal, 2 fl. dr.--_Dose_, 3 to 12 drops.
=Solution of Citrate of Potash.= _Syn._ LIQUOR POTa.s.sae CITRATIS. NEUTRAL MIXTURE. (Ph. U. S.) _Prep._ Citric acid, 1/2 troy oz.; bicarbonate of potash, 330 gr.; water, 8 oz.
=Solution of Copai'ba.= See SOLUTION, SPECIFIC.
=Solution of Cor'rosive Sub'limate.= _Syn._ SOLUTION OF CHLORIDE OF MERCURY; LIQUOR HYDRARGYRI b.i.+.c.hLORIDI (Ph. L.). _Prep._ 1. (Ph. L.) Corrosive sublimate and sal ammoniac, of each 10 gr.; water, 1 pint, dissolve.--_Dose._ As an alterative, 10 to 30 drops; as an antisyphilitic, 1/2 to 2 fl. dr., in simple or sweetened water. It must not be allowed to touch anything metallic. It also forms a most useful lotion in various skin diseases.
=Solution of Cyanide of Pota.s.sium.= _Syn._ LIQUOR POTa.s.sII CYANIDI.
(Laming.) _Prep._ Cyanide of pota.s.sium, 22 gr.; proof spirit, 9 fl. dr.
This is the strength of his hydrocyanic acid, which contains 1 gr. of real acid in 1 fl. dr. Magendie's medicinal hydrocyanate of potash consists of cyanide of pota.s.sium dissolved in 8 times its weight of distilled water.
=Solution of Delphinia.= _Syn._ SOLUTIO DELPHINIae. (Dr Turnbull.) Delphinia, 1 scruple; rectified spirit, 2 oz. For outward use.
=Solution of Diac'etate of Lead.= See SOLUTION OF SUBACETATE OF LEAD.
=Solution, Donovan's.= See SOLUTION OF HYDRIODATE OF a.r.s.eNIC AND MERCURY (_below_).
=Solution, Escharotic (Freyburg's).= _Syn._ SOLUTIO ESCHAROTICA, L.
_Prep._ From camphor, 30 gr.; corrosive sublimate, 60 to 100 gr.; rectified spirit, 1 fl. oz.; dissolve. In syphilitic vegetations, and specially condylomes. It is spread over the diseased surface, either at once or after the application of a ligature.
=Solution of Flints.= _Syn._ LIQUOR OF FLINTS; LIQUAMEN SILIc.u.m, LIQUOR POTa.s.sae SILICATIS, L. _Prep._ 1. Soluble gla.s.s dissolved in water.
2. (Bate.) Powdered quartz, 1 part; dry carbonate of potash, 2 parts (3 parts--Turner); triturate them together, fuse the mixture in a Hessian crucible, and allow the resulting gla.s.s to deliquesce by exposure in a damp situation.--_Dose_, 5 or 6 to 30 drops; in gouty concretions, stone, &c. "It resolves the stone, and opens obstructions." See SOLUBLE GLa.s.s.
=Solution, Gannal's.= { See SOLUTION FOR =Solution, Goadsby's.= { ANATOMICAL PREPARATIONS.
=Solution, Goulard's.= See SOLUTION OF SUBACETATE OF LEAD.
=Solution, Hahnemann's Prophylac'tic.= _Syn._ LIQUOR BELLADONNae, SOLUTIO PROPHYLACTICA, L. _Prep._ From extract of belladonna (alcoholic), 3 gr.; distilled water, 6 fl. dr.; rectified spirit, 2 fl. dr.; dissolve. Used against scarlet fever.--_Dose_, 2 or 3 drops for a child under 12 months; and an additional drop for every year above that age to maturity.
=Solution of Hartshorn, Succinated.= _Syn._ LIQUOR CORNU CERVI SUCCINATUS.
(P. Cod.) Neutralise true spirits of hartshorn (or a solution of 1 oz. of salt of hartshorn in 1 oz. of water) with acid of amber.
=Solution of Hydri'odate of Ar'senic and Mer'cury.= _Syn._ DONOVAN'S SOLUTION; SOLUTIO a.r.s.eNICI ET HYDRARGYRI IODIDI, a.r.s.eNICI ET HYDRARGYRI HYDRIODATIS LIQUOR. (Ph. D.), L. _Prep._ 1. (Donovan.) Triturate metallic a.r.s.enic, 608 gr., mercury, 1538 gr., and iodine, 50 gr., with alcohol, 1 fl. dr., until dry; to this add, gradually, of distilled water, 8 fl. oz., and again well triturate; next put the whole into a flask, add of hydriodic acid, 1/2 fl. dr., and boil for a few minutes; lastly, when cold, add distilled water, q. s. to make the whole measure exactly 8 fl.
2. (Ph. D.) Pure a.r.s.enic (in fine powder), 6 gr.; pure mercury, 16 gr.; pure incline, 50-1/2 gr.; alcohol, 1/2 fl. dr.; triturate as before, add, gradually, of water, 8 fl. oz., heat the mixture until it begins to boil, and, afterwards, make up the cold and filtered solution to exactly 8 fl.
oz. 6 fl. dr.
3. (Wholesale.) From metallic a.r.s.enic, 61 gr.; iodine, 500 gr.; mercury, 154 gr.; rectified spirit, 1-1/2 fl. oz.; distilled water, 2 quarts; hydriodic acid, 5 fl. dr.; as No. 1; the product being made up with distilled water so as to measure exactly 4 pints, or 80 fl. oz., or to weigh 5 lbs. 1-1/4 oz. (av.), when cold.
_Obs._ Great care must be taken that the whole of the a.r.s.enic be dissolved, which can only be effected by the most careful trituration.
Soubeiran recommends the employment of 1 part, each, of the respective iodides, with 98 parts of water, as furnis.h.i.+ng a simpler and equally effective product, proportions which are almost exactly those employed by Mr Donovan.--_Dose_, 10 to 30 drops, twice or thrice a day, preferable soon after a meal; in lepra, psoriasis, lupus, and several other scaly skin diseases. It is a most valuable medicine in these affections.
=Solution of Hydrochlo"rate of Mor'phia.= _Syn._ SOLUTION OF MURIATE OF MORPHIA; LIQUOR MORPHIae HYDROCHLORATIS (Ph. L.), SOLUTIO MORPHIae MURIATIS (Ph. E.), MORPHIae MURIATIS LIQUOR (Ph. D.), L. _Prep._ 1. (Ph. L.) Hydrochlorate of morphia, 4 dr.; proof spirit, 1/2 pint; distilled water, 1 pint; dissolve by the aid of a gentle heat. 60 drops (minims) of this solution contain 1 gr. of hydrochlorate of morphia.--_Dose_, 5 to 15 or 20 drops.
2. (Ph. E. & D.) Muriate of morphia, 90 gr.; rectified spirit, 5 fl. oz.; distilled water, 15 fl. oz. 107 drops (minims) contain 1 gr. of the hydrochlorate.--_Dose_, 10 to 30 or 40 drops, or nearly as laudanum.
3. (Apothecaries' Hall.) Muriate of morphia, 16 gr.; rectified spirit, 1 fl. dr.; water, 1 fl. oz.; 30 drops (minims) contain 1 gr.--_Dose_, 3 to 10 drops. See SOLUTION OF ACETATE OF MORPHIA, &c.
=Solution of Hypochlo"rite of Lime.= Solution of chlorinated lime.
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