Cooley's Cyclopaedia of Practical Receipts Volume Ii Part 270

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=Tincture of Horse-Chestnut.= _Syn._ TINCTURA HIPPOCASTANEI. _Prep._ Horse-chestnut bark, 4 oz.; proof spirit, 2 pints. Macerate for 10 days, and filter.

=Tincture, Hudson's.= Tooth tincture.

=Tincture, Huxham's.= Compound tincture of cinchona.

=Tincture of Indian Hemp.= _Syn._ TINCTURA CANNABIS INDICae (B. P.), TINCTURA CANNABIS, T. C. INDICae (Ph. D.), L. _Prep._ (B. P.) Extract of Indian hemp, 1; rectified spirit, 20; dissolve.--_Dose_, 5 to 20 minims with 1 dr. of mucilage, adding 1 oz. of water.

2. (Ph. D.) Purified extract of Indian hemp, 1/2 oz.; rectified spirit, 1/2 pint; dissolve. 21 drops (minims) contain 1 gr. of the extract.

_Obs._ The formula of O'Shaughnessy and the Bengal Ph. are similar.--_Dose_, 10 drops every 1/2 hour in cholera; 1 fl. dr. every 1/2 hour in teta.n.u.s till the paroxysms cease, or catalepsy is induced.

=Tincture of Indian Tobac'co.= Tincture of lobelia.

=Tincture of I'odine.= _Syn._ TINCTURA IODINEI (Ph. E.) TINCTURA IODINII, L. _Prep._ (Ph. E.) Iodine, 2-1/2 oz.; rectified spirit, 1 quart; dissolve, and preserve it in well-closed bottles.--_Dose_, 5 to 30 drops, twice or thrice daily, where the use of iodine is indicated. Externally, as a paint, &c.

_Obs._ The formulae of Magendie, the Ph. U. S., and the Paris Codex, are similar.

=Tincture of Iodine (Colourless).= _Syn._ TINCTURA IODI DECOLORATA. (Ph.

G.) _Prep._ Iodine, 10 oz.; hyposulphite of soda, 10 oz.; distilled water, 10 oz. Digest with gentle heat, occasionally shaking; and, when the solution is completed, add liquor ammoniae (960), 16 oz. (by weight), shake together, and add rectified spirit, 75 oz. (by weight).

=Tincture of Iodine (Compound).= _Syn._ ANTISCROFULOUS DROPS; TINCTURA IODI (B. P.), TINCTURA IODINII COMPOSITA (Ph. L. & D.), L. _Prep._ 1.

Iodine, 1/2; iodide of pota.s.sium, 1/4; rectified spirit, 20; dissolve.--_Dose_, 5 to 20 minims. Also an excellent application to the throat in diphtheria.

2. (Ph. L. & D.) Iodine, 1 oz.; iodide of pota.s.sium, 2 oz.; rectified spirit, 1 quart; dissolve.--_Dose_, &c., as the last.

=Tincture of Iodine (Ethereal).= _Syn._ TINCTURA IODINII aeTHEREA. _Prep._ Iodine, 2 scruples, sulphuric ether, 1-1/2 fl. oz.

=Tincture, Iodoform (Ethereal).= _Syn._ TINCTURA IODOFORMI aeTHEREA. (Odin & Lemaire.) _Prep._ Crystallised iodoform, 15 gr.; ether at 60 Baume, 1 dr. (by weight).

=Tincture of Ipecacuan'ha.= _Syn._ TINCTURA IPECACUANHA, L. _Prep._ (Ph.

Bor.) Ipecacuanha (coa.r.s.ely powdered), 1 oz.; spirit, sp. gr. 897 to 900 (16 to 17 o. p.), 8 oz.; macerate for 8 days. The tincture of the P.

Cod. has twice its strength.--_Dose_, 10 or 12 drops to 2 fl. dr., according to the intention.

=Tincture of Jaborandi.= _Syn._ TINCTURA JABORANDI. ('Ph. Journ.') _Prep._ Powdered jaborandi leaves, 10 oz.; rectified spirit, q. s. Percolate until a pint of tincture is obtained.--_Dose_, 10 minims to 1 or 2 dr.

Mr Shuttleworth, the Editor of the 'Canadian Pharmaceutical Journal,' thus utilises the residue left after making tincture of myrrh. He says "that, from fifty-two pounds of the residue of percolation, dissolved in boiling water, strained and allowed to deposit, he obtained twelve gallons of mucilage, forming an excellent subst.i.tute for paste, and possessing unlimited keeping qualities. Although scarcely so adhesive as gum Arabic, this latter property may be obtained by the addition of a little"

=Tincture of Jal'ap.= _Syn._ TINCTURA JALAPae (B. P., Ph. L., E., & D.), L.

_Prep._ 1. (B. P.) Jalap, in coa.r.s.e powder, 1; proof spirit, 8; macerate for 48 hours in six of the spirit, agitating occasionally, pack in a percolator, and when the fluid ceases to pa.s.s, pour on the remaining spirit, press, filter, and add spirit to make 8.--_Dose_, 1/2 to 2 dr.

2. (Ph. L.) Jalap, coa.r.s.ely powdered, 5 oz. (10 oz.--Ph. L. 1836; 7 oz.--Ph. E.); proof spirit, 1 quart (1-1/2 pint--Ph. D.); macerate for 7 days (or percolate--Ph. E.), then press, and filter. Cathartic.--_Dose_, 1 to 4 fl. dr.

=Tincture of Jalap (Compound).= _Syn._ TINCTURA JALAPae COMPOSITA. (Ph. E.

1744.) _Prep._ Jalap root, 6 dr.; black h.e.l.lebore root, 3 dr.; juniper berries, 1/2 oz.; guaiac.u.m shavings, 1/2 oz.; French brandy, 24 oz.; digest for 3 days, and strain. The _Eau de Vie Allemande_ of the Paris Codex is: Jalap, 8 oz.; turpeth root, 1 oz.; scammony, 2 oz.; proof spirit, 96 oz. (by weight).--_Dose_, 4 dr.

=Tincture of Ki'no.= _Syn._ TINCTURE KINO (B. P., Ph. L. & E.), L. _Prep._ 1. (B. P.) Kino, in powder, 1; rectified spirit, 10; macerate 7 days, filter, and make up 10.--_Dose_, 1/2 to 2 dr.

2. (Ph. L.) Powdered kino, 3-1/2 oz.; rectified spirit, 1 quart; macerate for 7 days (or percolate--Ph. E.), and filter. Astringent.--_Dose_, 1 to 2 fl. dr., combined with chalk mixture; in diarrha, &c.

A writer in the 'American Journal of Pharmacy' says the following formula will yield a tincture which has no tendency to gelatinise like the simple tincture of the B. P.:

Kino, in fine powder, 1-1/2 oz.; rectified spirit, 8 fl. oz.; water, 4 oz.; glycerin, 4 fl. oz. Mix the alcohol, water, and glycerin together, and having mixed the kino with an equal bulk of clean sand, introduce in a percolator, and pour on the menstruum.

Mr Haselden says, that for some years past he has preserved tincture of kino from gelatinising by keeping it in bottles holding 2 oz. only.

=Tincture of Lactu"carium.= _Syn._ TINCTURA LACTUCARII, L. _Prep._ (Ph.

E.) Powdered lactucarium, 4 oz.; proof spirit, 1 quart; digest or percolate. Anodyne, soporific, antispasmodic, and sedative.--_Dose_, 20 to 60 drops; in cases for which opium is unsuited, 10 drops (minims) contain 1 gr. of lactucarium.

=Tincture of Larch.= _Syn._ TINCTURA LARICIS. (B. P.) _Prep._ Larch bark, in coa.r.s.e powder, 2-1/2 oz.; rectified spirit, 1 pint. Macerate the bark for 48 hours in 15 oz. of the spirit in a closed vessel, agitating occasionally; then transfer to a percolator, and when the fluid ceases to pa.s.s, continue the percolation with the remaining 5 oz. of spirit.

Afterwards subject the contents of the percolator to pressure, filter the product, mix the liquid, and add rectified spirit, q. s. to make 1 pint.--_Dose_, 20 to 30 minims.

=Tincture of Lav'ender (Compound).= _Syn._ RED LAVENDER, RED LAVENDER DROPS, RED HARTSHORN; TINCTURA LAVENDULae COMPOSITA (B. P., Ph. L. & D.), SPIRITUS LAVANDULae COMPOSITUS (Ph. E.), L. _Prep._ 1. (B. P.) English oil of lavender, 90 minims; English oil of rosemary, 10 minims; cinnamon, bruised, 150 gr.; nutmeg, bruised, 150 gr.; red sandal wood, 300 gr.; rectified spirit, 40 oz.; macerate the cinnamon, nutmeg, and red sandal wood in the spirit for 7 days, then press out and strain; dissolve the oils in the strained tincture, and add sufficient rectified spirit to make 40 oz.--_Dose_, 1/2 to 2 dr.

2. (Ph. L.) Cinnamon and nutmegs, of each, bruised, 2-1/2 dr.; red sanders wood, sliced, 5 dr.; rectified spirit, 1 quart; macerate for 7 days, then strain, with expression, and dissolve in the strained liquid, oil of lavender, 1-1/2 fl. dr., oil of rosemary, 10 drops.

3. (Ph. L. 1836.) Spirit of lavender, 1-1/2 pint; spirit of rosemary, 1/2 pint; red sanders wood (rasped), 5 dr.; cinnamon and nutmegs (bruised), of each 2-1/2 dr.; macerate for 14 days.

4. (Ph. E.) Spirit of lavender, 1 quart; spirit of rosemary, 12 fl. oz.; cinnamon, 1 oz.; nutmeg, 1/2 oz.; red sanders, 3 dr.; cloves, 2 dr.; as No. 1.

5. (Ph. D.) Oil of lavender. 3 fl. dr.; oil of rosemary, 1 fl. dr.; cinnamon, 1 oz.; nutmegs, 1/2 oz.; cloves and cochineal, of each 1/4 oz.; rectified spirit, 1 quart; macerate for 14 days.

6. (Wholesale.) From oil of ca.s.sia, 3/4 fl. oz.; oil of nutmeg, 1 fl. oz.; oils of lavender and rosemary, of each 4-1/2 fl. oz.; red sanders (rasped), 3 lbs.; proof spirit, 6 galls., (or rectified spirit and water, of each 3 galls.); digest 14 days. Should it be cloudy, add a little more proof spirit.

_Obs._ Compound tincture of lavender is a popular stimulant, cordial, and stomachic.--_Dose_, 1 to 3 teaspoonfuls (1/2 to 2 fl. dr.); in lowness of spirits, faintness, flatulence, hysteria, &c.

=Tincture of Lem'ons.= _Syn._ TINCTURA LIMONUM (Ph. L.), TINCTURA LIMONIS (B. P., Ph. D., Ph. L.), L. _Prep._ 1. (B. P.) Fresh lemon peel, sliced thin, 1; proof spirit, 8; macerate for 7 days in a closed vessel with occasional agitation, strain, press, filter, and make up with spirit to 8.--_Dose_, 1/2 to 2 dr.

2. Fresh lemon peel, 3-1/2 oz. (cut thin, 5 oz.--Ph. D.); proof spirit, 1 quart; macerate for 7 days (14 days--Ph. D.), then express the liquid, and filter it. An aromatic bitter and stomachic.--_Dose_, 1/2 to 2 fl. dr.

=Tincture of Lobe"lia.= _Syn._ TINCTURE OF INDIAN TOBACCO; TINCTURA LOBELIae INFLATae, TINCTURA LOBELIae (B. P., Ph. L., E., & D.), L. _Prep._ 1.

(B. P.) Lobelia, dried and bruised, 1; proof spirit, 8; macerate 48 hours with 6 of the spirit, agitating occasionally, pack in a percolator, and let it drain, pour on the remaining spirit, and when it ceases to drop, press and wash the marc with spirit to make up 8.--_Dose_, 10 to 30 minims, but 1 dr. may be given for dyspna; 4 dr. as an emetic.

2. (Ph. L.) Dried and powdered lobelia inflata, 5 oz.; proof spirit, 1 quart; macerate for 7 days (14 days--Ph. D.; or percolate--Ph. E.), press, and filter.--_Dose._ As an expectorant, 10 to 60 drops; as an emetic and antispasmodic, 1 to 2 fl. dr., repeated every third hour until it causes vomiting. It is employed in spasmodic asthma, and some other pulmonary affections.

=Tincture of Lobelia (Ethereal).= _Syn._ TINCTURA LOBELIae aeTHEREA (B. P., Ph. L. & E.), L. _Prep._ 1. Lobelia, dried and bruised, 1; spirit of ether, 8; macerate 7 days, press, and strain 8.--_Dose_, 10 to 30 minims as an antispasmodic.

2. (Ph. L.) Indian tobacco, powdered, 5 oz.; ether, 14 fl. oz.; rectified spirit, 26 fl. oz.; macerate 7 days, press, and filter.

3. (Ph. E.) Dry lobelia, 5 oz.; spirit of sulphuric ether, 1 quart; by digestion for 7 days, or by percolation.--_Dose_, 6 or 8 drops to 1 fl.


4. (Whitlaw's.) From lobelia, 1 lb.; rectified spirit and spirit of nitrous ether, of each 4 pints; sulphuric ether, 4 oz.--_Dose_, &c., as the last.

TINCTURE OF LU'PULIN. _Syn._ TINCTURE OF HOPS; TINCTURA LUPULI (Ph. E.), TINCTURae LUPULINae (Ph. D.), L. _Prep._ (Ph. D.) Lupulin (the yellowish-brown powder attached to the scales of hops, separated by friction and sifting), 5 oz.; rectified spirit, 1 quart; macerate for 14 days (or proceed by displacement--Ph. E.), press, and filter.--_Dose_, 1/2 to 2 fl. dr. See TINCTURE OF HOPS.

=Tincture of Malate of Iron.= _Syn._ TINCTURA FERRI MALATIS; TINCTURA FERRI POMATA. (Ph. G.) _Prep._ Extract of malate of iron (see EXTRACT OF APPLES), 2 oz.; spirituous cinnamon water, 18 oz. Dissolve and filter.--_Dose_, 15 to 30 minims.

=Tincture of Mastic.= _Syn._ TINCTURA MASTICHES. _Prep._ Mastic, 2 oz.; rectified spirit, 9 fl. oz. Used in making Eau de Luce. If required for stopping hollow teeth, double the quant.i.ty of mastic must be used.

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