Practical Argumentation Part 28

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d. Eight States insist on a pecuniary qualification.


The following points have been proved:--

I. The growth of immigration is a desirable thing for this country from an industrial point of view.

II. The immigrants who arrive at our are for the most part good material out of which to make American citizens.

Therefore, no further check or limit should be applied to immigration.



1. The United States army should be greatly enlarged.

2. j.a.pan was justified in waging war against Russia.

3. A formal alliance between the United States and Great Britain for the protection and advancement of their common interests would be expedient.

4. Military tactics should be taught in the public schools.

5. The United States navy should be greatly enlarged.

6. The aggressions of England in South Africa are justifiable.

7. The nations of Europe should combine to bring about drastic reforms in the Congo Free State.

8. Ireland should be granted home rule.

9. j.a.panese control will promote the political and economic interests of Corea more than would Russian control.

10. Armed intervention on the part of any nation to collect private claims against any other nation is not justifiable.

11. The annexation of Canada by treaty with Great Britain would be economically advantageous to the United States.

12. The United States should establish commercial reciprocity with Canada.

13. The United States should maintain a system of subsidies for the protection of American merchant marine.

14. Congress should have decided in favor of a sea-level ca.n.a.l at Panama.

15. Woman suffrage should be adopted by an amendment to the Const.i.tution.

16. The practice of relieving financial stringency by temporary deposits of United States Treasury funds in selected banks should be discontinued.

17. Labor unions are detrimental to the best interests of the workingman.

18. Free trade should be established between the United States and the Philippine Islands.

19. State boards of arbitration, with compulsory powers, should be appointed to settle disputes between employers and employees.

20. The United States should discontinue the protective tariff policy.

21. The Federal government should own and operate the interstate railroads within its borders.

22. Railroad pooling should be legalized.

23. The tax on the issues of state banks should be repealed.

24. The United States should adopt one-cent postage.

25. American munic.i.p.alities should own and operate their street-car systems.

26. The President of the United States should be elected for a term of six years and be ineligible for re-election.

27. The President of the United States should be elected by popular vote.

28. Ex-Presidents of the United States should be Senators-at-large for life.

29. United States Senators should be elected by popular vote.

30. The powers of the Speaker of the House of Representatives should be restricted.

31. The United States should inst.i.tute a system of responsible cabinet government.

32. Judges should be elected by direct vote of the people.

33. All cities in the State of ----, having at least ten thousand inhabitants should adopt the Des Moines plan of government.

34. The right of suffrage should be limited by an educational test.

35. The State of ---- should adopt the initiative and referendum system of government.

36. Congress should repeal the Fifteenth Amendment.

37. Members of State legislatures should be forbidden by law to accept free on any railroads.

38. Corporations engaged in interstate commerce should be required to take out a Federal license.

39. Women who pay taxes should be permitted to vote at elections.

Practical Argumentation Part 28

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