Privateering and Piracy in the Colonial Period Part 55

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no. 176 and no. 177.]

_Tuesday 23d._ Wrote a Letter by the Capt. Order to Mr. Gidley to Gett Davison to mate with us. Our Capt. went to York to Carry it to Capt.

Potter. Att 3 PM. Came in a Sloop from Jamaica 20 days pa.s.sage who Informs us that Admiral Vernon's Fleet was fitting out for Cuba. I wish them more Success than what they Gott against Carthagena, For by all Report they Gott more blows than Honour. Att 4 PM. the Capt.

Returned and brought a hand with him John Waters Clerk of a Dutch Church.

_Wednesday 24th._ About 10 AM. The pilott Came on Board with a Message from Capt. Freebody who was Return'd from Long Island to Agree with a Doctor that had Offered to Go with Us. Att 1 PM. Came in a Sloop from Jamaica a prize of Capt. Warren which had been taken by the Spaniards formerly she belong'd to Providence but Re-taken by the _Squirell_.

Att 6 PM. Mr. Stone and the Doctor Came on Board to see the Capt. but he being att York they Returned to See there.

_Thursday 25th._ Nothing Remarkable the fore part of the day but Quarrelling not worth mentioning. Att 1 PM. a Sloop Came in from Jamaica and brings for News that he Spoke with an English Man of Warr att Port Morant,[20] who told him that a fresh Warr was dayly Expected, also that the Bay was Intirely Cut off by the Spaniards. Att 4 PM. the Capt. Came on board and brought a Chest with 19 small Arms.

att 5 Mr. Stone Came on Board and Signd the Articles as Lieut. No Doctor as yett for he that the Capt. went to Agree with was a Drunkard and an Extortioner so we are better without him than with him.

[Footnote 20: Port Morant is a port on the southeast side of Jamaica.

"The Bay" means the Bay of Honduras.]

_Friday 26th._ The most Remarkablest day this Great while, all peace and Quietness. Three s.h.i.+ps Came down the Narrows, one bound to London, another bound to Newfoundland and the third to Ireland. Severall Small Craft Going too and thro. 27th._ This morning about 10 the Capt. went to York to take his Leave of Capt. Freebody who was Going to Rhode Island. Att 2 PM.

Came on board and brought with him 2 bb. of pork. att 3 Came in a Privateer from Barmudas, Capt. Love, who Came here for Provisions for him and his Consort who waited for him there. This day we heard that the two Country Sloops were Expected in by Wednesday next. Lord send it, for we only wait for them in hopes of Getting a Doctor and some more hands to make up Our Complement. Opened one of the bbs. of pork last brot. on board and it Stunk. headed it up again and Opened a bb.

of beef which when Expended will make 8-1/2 bb. of beef Since we left Newport.

_Sunday 28._ Att 5 AM. s.h.i.+p saild down the Hook.[21] nothing Material Only we heard that Edward Sampford the Pilott whom the Capt. had sett att the two Brothers dyed on Board the _Humming Bird_ Privateer of the P-X. Opened a bb. of bread w'ch makes 11 Since we left Rhode Island. The Capt. gave the people a pale of punch.

[Footnote 21: _I.e._, past Sandy Hook.]

_Mundy 29th._ About 4 AM. the Lieut. Came on Board with 4 hands who had promist to Sign but being drunk they put it off till next day. one of the 4 Signed John Ryant. The Master went up to York and brought the bb. of pork that Stank. Att 4 PM. he Returned and brought with him 6 bb. of pork.

_Tuesday 30th._ Att 5 AM. Came in a Sloop from St. Thomas, Edw. Somers Mas'r, but brings no News. the Mas'r went up to York and brought down with him 5 bb. of beef. S'r Richard[22] Gott fowl of some of Our hands which made them Quarelsome but Sleep overcame the Knight so all was Quiet.

[Footnote 22: An a.n.a.logous expression to "John Barleycorn."]

_Wednesday July 1st._ Sc.r.a.ped Our Mast, Gave it a Coat of Sluch. the people went a Sh.o.a.r to Wood and Water. Hevy Foggy Weather. No Doctor as yet.

_Thursday 2d._ These 24 hours Foggy Weather. the Capt. went up to York with Seven hands, Three of which left, Viz. Northwood, Colson and Taylor. about 11 AM. a Sloop Came in from Newfoundland, brings no News, also another Sloop from Bermudas.

_Friday 3d._ Att 5 AM. We perceived the three hands that had left Us the day before on Board the _Humming Bird_ privateer who had been Inticed by some of the Owners to leave Us by making of them drunk.

About 10 We saw their Canoe Going a with Our hands in her also Joseph Ferrow, whom we had brought from Rhode Island and had since rec'd Clothes on Board, but had Entered on board that Sloop as Boatswain. As Soon as they had done Watering and Returning aboard we Mann'd Our pinnace and boarded their Canoe and took Our three hands out of her, also Joseph Ferrow and brought them aboard. Some time after, the _Humming Bird's_ Canoe Coming alonside, Ferrow Jumpt in her and they put off Our pinnace being hawld up in the tackles. We immediately Lett her down but Severall Raw hands Jumping in her and unfortunately the plug being Out she almost filled with Water, which Caused such Confusion that the Canoe Gott on Board before we Gott from our Side. Our hands went on Board to demand him but they Gott all their Arms and wou'd not Suffer us to board them. The Capt. when they Returned wou'd not Suffer them to Return with their Arms to take them out for fear of some Accident. Att 4 PM. the Capt. of the Little Privateer Came on Board of Us to know the Reason of the disturbance between his people and Ours. Our Capt. told him the Reason and forbid him to Carry that fellow away, for if he did he might Chance to hear of him in the West Indies and if he did hee'd Go 100 Leagues to meet him and hee'd take ten for one and Murroone[23] his Voyage and Send him home to his Owners and Give his people a Good dressing, (I dont doubt but he'll be as Good as his Word.) Opened a bb. of bread.

Thunder and Lightning with a Great deal of Rain.

[Footnote 23: Maroon.] 4th._ This morning about 5 AM. Came in a s.h.i.+p from Marble Head[24] who was bound to So. Carolina. she had lost her Main Mast, Mizen Mast and fore top Mast. In the Lat.i.tude 35 she mett with a hard Gale of Wind which Caused this dissaster so was obliged to put back and Came to New York to Refitt. About 11 Clock the _Humming Bird_ weighd Anchor for Philadelphia to Gett hands. Att 4 PM. the Lieut.

with 2 Sergeants belonging to Capt. Riggs Comp.[25] Came on Board to look for some Soldiers that was Suspected to be on board the _Humming Bird_ but the Wind and Tide proving Contrary was obliged to return, she laying att Coney Island. Att 6 Came in a s.h.i.+p from Lisbon, had 7 weeks pa.s.sage and a Sloop from Turks Island both Loaded with Salt. The s.h.i.+p Appearing to be a Lofty Vessell put Our people in a panetick fear taking her for a 70 Gun s.h.i.+p, And as we had severall deserters from the Men a War they desired the Capt. to hoist a V reef in the Jack and Lower Our penant for a Signal for Our pinnace that was then a, That if she proved to be a Man of War they might Gett ash.o.a.r and Gett Clear from the press.[26] But it proved Quit the Contrary, for the s.h.i.+p and Sloops Crew taking Us by the Signal that we had made for Our pinnace for a Tender of a Man of War that was Laying there to press hands they Quited their Vessells and Run a as soon as they Saw Our pinnace Mann'd and made for the bushes. Att night the Capt. Gave the people a pale of punch to Recover them of their fright. Thunder and lightning all this day.

[Footnote 24: Marblehead, Ma.s.s.]

[Footnote 25: Richard Riggs, brother-in-law of John Watts, was captain of one of the two independent companies of fusiliers stationed at New York.]

[Footnote 26: Press-gang.]

_Sunday 5th._ Att 5 AM. s.h.i.+pt a hand Mathias Sallam. Our Mate went a Sh.o.a.r to fill Water. he Came on board about 8 and Informed us that the two Country Sloops lay att the Hook and only waited for a pilott to bring them up, which hope will prove True, being all Tyred of Staying here. Att 2 PM. Weighd Anchor and Gott nearer in Sh.o.a.r to Gett out of the Current. Rainy Squally Windy Weather. here Lyes a Brigt. bound to Newfoundland, a s.h.i.+p to Jamaica and a Sloop which att 6 PM. weigh'd Anchor bound to Barbadoes, Loaded with Lumber and horses. Opened a bb. of beef and 1 tierce of Bread. This day being a Month Since we left Our Commission port, have Sett down what Quant.i.ty of provisions Expended, with the provisions att broch,[27] Viz. 9-1/2 bb. of beef, 1 bb. of pork, 14 bb. of Bread. Remains 49-1/2 bb. of beef, 29 bb. of pork, 40 C. of bread.

[Footnote 27: "At broach" means, that had been opened.]

_Munday 6th._ About 6 AM. Came in the two Country Sloops so long Waited for. they had been fitted out to Cruise after a Spanish Privateer that was Cruising on the Coast and had taken Severall of Our English Vessells, also a s.h.i.+p from Newfoundland and the _Huming bird_ Privateer who had been to meet them to Gett some hands. Capt. Langoe Comm'r of one of the above Sloops when he Came a longside of Us he Gave us three Chears and we Returned him the same. The Capt. went up to York to Gett a Doctor and some hands. One promist him to Give an Answer the next day. Att 10 a hand Came on board to List but [went]

away without Signing. he promist to Return again his name was John Webb.

_Tuesday 7th._ This morning the Capt. went up to York and at last Agreed with a Doctor that belong'd to Capt. Cunningham,[28] Com'r of one of the Privateer's Sloop that Came in the day before. his Name is William Blake, a young Gentleman well Recomended by the Gen'n of York.

Att 6 PM. the Capt. Returned on board and brought with him a Chest of Medicines, a Doctor's Box which Cost 20 York Cur[renc]y,[29] also 10 Pistolls and

[Footnote 28: George Cunningham, whose commission was ordered May 8, 1741.]

[Footnote 29: The currencies of the different colonies were in great confusion, on account of the various and extensive issues of paper money, which was greatly depreciated in value. Apparently a pound in New York currency was in 1741 worth about 2.25 Mexican silver dollars, a pound in Rhode Island currency about .85 of a dollar. Dougla.s.s, _Summary_ (Boston, 1749, 1750), I. 494, II. 255; Potter and Rider, _Some Account of the Bills of Credit or Paper Money of Rhode Island_, pp. 55, 162.]

_Wednesday 8th._ Cloudy Rainy Weather. The Mate went a sh.o.a.r to fill Water and the Mas'r when the Mate Returned went to Gett Wood. Gave the people a pale of punch. Opened a bb. of Beef and a bb. of bread.

_Thursday 9th._ This morning put Our Vessell on the Carreen, Scrub her and Gave her Boot tops.[30] Att 4 PM. Our pilott Came on Board.

the Capt. Orderd him to Attend on Morning for then he intended to Sail. Gave the people a pale of punch.

[Footnote 30: After careening a vessel, and scrubbing off the ooze and, etc., it was customary to coat the bottom with a mixture of tallow, sulphur, etc. This was called "giving her boot-tops."]

_Friday 10th._ Att 9 AM. the Mas'r went in the Pinnace to York to fetch the Lieut. and Doctors things. Att 2 PM. Came in 2 Sloops, Edwd.

Seymore and John Pasco, in Comp'y with a Brigt., James Walker Com'r, all from Antigua 13 days pa.s.sage but brings no News. Att 9 AM. Came on Board the Mas'r with 4 New hands, John Webb, Jerem'h Henderson, William Ramsey and Jos. the Negro Servant to the Lieut. 11._ About 8 AM. Mr. Vandam[31] Came on Board to take his Leave of the Capt. he brought with him 2 pistolls and an Acct. of the Doctors Chest and other things found for him which Amounts to 38.2.1 New York Currency,[32] which is Carry to Acct. Att 10 the Lieut. and Doctor Came on board in the pilott boat with the hands that had Left Us Since we Were at York only 3 which Viz. Webster, Price and Ferrows.

The tide being Spent cou'd not Sail but Resolv'd to Sail the next day.

The Lieut. went a Sh.o.a.r to Gett some hands that had promist to Come on board when we were Ready to Sail. When Mr. Vandam went from the Side we Gave him three Guns and three Chears. Opened a bb. of Beef. Gave the people A Bowl of punch.

[Footnote 31: This was probably Isaac van Dam, merchant, son of President Rip van Dam. "Henderson," above, means Harriman.]

[Footnote 32: See the account below, and notes 29 and 33.]

_Sunday 12th._ The Lieut. with Severall hands that went ash.o.a.r the Night before Came on board with Our Pilott. The Tide being almost Spent coud not Sail. Att 4 PM. the Comp. Chose their Qr. Mr. Duncan McKenley, a fitt person for that post. He wetted his Commission by Giving the people a tub of punch. Opened 1 tierce of bread.

_Munday 13th._ Weigh'd from Stratton Island with 61 hands, Officers Included. Anchord about 2 PM. att Sandy Hook. Wrote to Capt. Freebody by the Capt. Order. Sent him a List of Our hands and an Acct. of Our provisions and Charges together with the Lieut. name to Gett it Registred in the Admiralty Office att Rhode Island. the Comp. QMr.

Quartered the people to the Guns, Viz. Qr. Deck and its Opposite 3 men, and to Every one and its opposite of the Deck Guns 4 hands. Gave the Qr. Mas'r. an Acct. of the Charges which is to be paid by the Comp'y as it is thus Stated Underneath, Viz.

_Drs._ _Sloop Revenge and Comp'y to the Owners_ _Cr._ -------------------------------+------------+----------------+------ Taken in Att Rhode Island / 50 bb. of Beef 7.10 375 / 18 bb. of pork 12. 216 / 64 bb. of flour 8. 512 / 10 bu. of Beans 8 / 100 Gal. of Rum at 10s. 50 / 1 C. 2 Qr. Sug'r 8 per C. 12 / A Cag of hogs fatt 7 / 50 C. of bread at 4 per C. 200 / ----- / 1380 / / Taken in At New York / 8 bb. of Beef 7.10 60 / 12 bb. of pork 12. 144 / A Doctors Chest and Medicines By the foot of first Cost New York this Acct. to Cur'y 38.2.1 be carryed to Advance 200 per C. 76.4.2[33] 114.6.3 Acct. Cur't to --------- be paid by the Total 1698.6.3 Sloops Comp'y 1698.6.3 -----------------------------------------------------------------------

[Footnote 33: By a rough calculation (see note 29) Quartermaster Vezian trebles the amount in New York currency to reduce it to that of Rhode Island.]

_Tuesday 14th._ Weighed about 2 PM. from the Hook with the wind att WSW with a fresh Gale and by G.o.ds Leave and Under his protection bound on Our Cruize against the proud Dons the Spaniards. the Capt. Ordered the people a pale of punch to drink to a Good Voyage. Opened a bb. of beef and tierce of Bread. the people was put to Allowance for the 1st time, one lb. of Beef per man a day and 7 lb. of bread per week.

_Wednesday 15._ Att 3 PM. Sett our Shrouds up.[34] a Great Swelling Sea. about 5 AM. Saw a Sail under Our Lee Bow about a League Dist. all hands was Called upon Deck and Gott Ready to Receive her had she been an Enemy. We fired one of our Bow Chases and brot. him too. she was a Sloop from Nantuckett, Russell Mas'r. he said he had mett nothing Since he had been out which was 11 days. Our people Returnd to their Statu Quo, being all peacable Since they have Gott a Qr.Mr. to Controul them. As they were all musterd, them that [had] no Arms they Receiv'd some from the Owners, the Acct. of which is on the other Side with an Acct. of how many shares on board and what the Owners draw.

[Footnote 34: Tightened them up.]

_List of the Men of the people On Board the Revenge._

_Names_ _Quality_ _Shares_

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