Microscopes and Accessory Apparatus Part 15

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164. =Object Marker= with diamond point, by means of which the object can be marked by drawing a circle =4.--=

165. =Demonstration Ocular= of Kuznitzky (Cf. Zeitschr. f.

wissensch. Mikroskopie, XIII, 1896).--Indicates any particular portion of the image to which it is desired to draw particular attention.

A small lever at the top of the ocular moves an indicator just above the diaphragm of the ocular to any part of the field =3.25=


166. =Opaque Illuminator=, for illuminating polished pieces of metal whose structure is to be investigated by means of high power objectives--A collar, carrying a prism, screws into the tube of the microscope, and by means of the prism sufficient light is thrown through the objective upon the otherwise opaque object to permit of its examination up to 1000 diameters magnification =6.--=

167. =Erecting Prism=--This is fastened over the ocular and erects the image received from the compound microscope, thereby materially a.s.sisting any dissection or other operation on the stage of the microscope =7.25=


168. =Microscope= for the accurate reading of thermometer scales, after Fridtjof Nansen.

Stand with spring-clamp to attach thermometers of various sizes. With micrometer ocular and objective magnifying 12 times =20.--=

[Ill.u.s.tration: Saccharimeter No. 169.]

169. =Saccharimeter=, Mitscherlich's (improved form), for determining the amount of sugar contained in liquids, glucose etc. by measuring the angle of rotation. Tube with concave mirror on stand, graduated scale with vernier and lens for reading one-tenth of a degree of rotation.

The rotation of the Nicol prism with the vernier is performed by means of an endless screw. The adjustment is accomplished as soon as the two squares of the divided quartz-plate show the same color. Two tubes of 100 and 200 mm length, for the liquid to be examined, are supplied with the apparatus. Should the rotation of the substance examined be excessive, it is necessary to use sodium light for illumination =52.--=

=Microscopical cases.=

170. =Case=, containing a razor, spatula, two small knives, straight and curved scissors, forceps, two needles, two lancet-shaped needles =5.50=

171. =Case=, containing a razor, spatula, a small knife, two needles, small scissors, and forceps =4.--=

172. =Case=, containing a small knife, small scissors, forceps and two needles =2.50=

173. =Botanical Outfit= in case, containing a small knife, forceps, self-closing forceps with horn handle, two scissors, two needles and two lenses =5.50=

174. =Outfit for Sputum Examinations=, after Kaatzer, consisting of a platinum needle, blower, cover-gla.s.s forceps, and a small rubber plate =4.75=

175. =Leather Microscope case= to protect the mahogany case when travelling =8.--=

176. =Leather case= to protect the mahogany cases of larger size instruments =12.--=

177. =Bell jar= for covering microscope =2.--=

Any of the following publications will be sent on application:

1. Catalogue of microscopes etc., which has been issued in three editions, viz. in

a) English,

b) German and

c) French.

2. Anleitung zum Gebrauch des Microscops.

3. Instructions pour l'emploi des microscopes.

4. Directions for using the Microscope.

5. On the method of counting red and white corpuscles with Thoma's Apparatus.

6. Instructions pour l'emploi de l'hematimetre de Thoma.

7. Anleitung zur Mikrophotographie, mit vier Mikrophotogrammen.

8. Anleitung zum Gebrauch des Mikrospectroskops.

9. Anleitung zum Gebrauch des Oculars nach Ehrlich.

10. Description de l'oculaire d'Ehrlich.

11. Direction for using Ehrlich's eye-piece.

12. Anleitung zum Gebrauch des grossen Projectionsapparates.

13. Anleitung zum Gebrauch des Saccharimeters.


Microscopes and Accessory Apparatus Part 15

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