The Paston Letters Volume Ii Part 11

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[Sidenote: 1441 / OCT. 14]

Sir Thomas Keryell, lieutenant of Calais, notifies that his servant, John a Bekkes, mariner, master of his s.h.i.+p _Bonaventure_, has sold it to Sir John Fastolf, and that he agrees to the sale. Calais, 14th October 1441. Signed 'R. Wenlok.' (_Fine seal, mutilated._)

[Footnote 51.1: [Add. Charter 17,233, B.M.]]



[Sidenote: 1442]

A proviso occurs for William Paston and Robert and Esmond Clere in an Act of Parliament 20 Henry VI., securing to them certain copyhold lands with two mansions thereon in Paston and Edithorp, Norfolk, held by the feoffees of the duchy of Lancaster, in exchange for other lands, called Charterhold, with two mansions thereon, in the same places.--_Rolls of Parliament_, v. 59.




[Sidenote: 1442 / APRIL 15]

Indenture tripart.i.te, whereby Sir Simon Felbrigge, Oliver Groos, Esq., and William Paston, feoffees of Robert Mauteby, Esq., deceased, at the request of Margaret, wife of John Paston, daughter and heir of John Mauteby, son and heir of said Robert, and in consideration that the said John Paston and Margaret now have issue a son, John, whereby John Paston the father is by the law of England, for term of his life of the inheritance of his said wife, ---- grant and confirm to the said John Paston the manors of Mauteby, Sparham, Basyngham, Westbekham, Matelask, and Briston, the manor of Salle called Kirkehalle, and the manor called Fleghalle in Wynterton, Somerton, Ormesby, Martham, Horseye, Waxstonesham, and Pallyng, and 100_s._ rent in Castre by Norwich and Merkeshale, Norfolk; and the manor of Freton in Suffolk; with certain reversions on the death of Eleanor, wife of Thomas Chambre, Esq., formerly wife of the said Robert Mauteby, Margery, wife of Ralph Garneys, Esq., mother of the said Margaret, formerly wife of John Mauteby, and of Edward Mauteby, Esq., and Thomas Mauteby, Esq., sons of the said Robert. To hold to the said John Paston, with remainder to Margaret and the heirs of her body; with contingent remainders in tail to Edw. Mauteby, Thomas Mauteby, &c.

Dated Mauteby, 15 April, 20 Hen. VI.

[Footnote 51.2: [From a Bodl. MS.]]



[Sidenote: 1442 / APRIL 20]

Grant by John, Duke of Norfolk, to William Berdewell, Esq., of an annuity of 10 marks out of Stonham, Suffolk. Framlingham, 20th April 20 Henry VI.

[Footnote 52.1: [Add. Charter 17,234, B.M.]]




[Sidenote: About 1442]

Thanks him for what he did for her at Sparham at their last interview.

He then expected to have more leisure to attend to her affairs at London after this Hallowma.s.s, when he would ordain that she should have lawful estate for life in the part.i.tion made 'betwixt you and me, to for such that was there for my husband and for me at that time.' Begs him to do it now, and deliver it to her brother, John Chambre, or her servant, John, the bearer. Sends the deed of annuity under her husband's signet and hers, which she must pay to Paston's children.

Welouby, Sunday after St. Martin.

[Alianore, widow of Robert Mauteby, Esq., remarried Thomas Chambers, Esq., lord of Sparham in her right, in 20 Henry VI. Her son, John Mauteby, was the father of Margaret, wife of John Paston. --_See_ Blomefield, xi. 228.]

[Footnote 52.2: [From Paston MSS., B.M.]]



[Sidenote: 1443 / SEPT. 8]

Primo suggessit Sanctissimo Papae mentiendo quod coactus et constrictus [fuisset] metu parentum ordinem[52.4] intrare; secundo quod in insufficienti et prohibita aetate et in eodem ordine invite esset professus; Et tertio, quod ita fuerat invallatus et inclusus in ordinis arct.i.tudine ut sibi tempus opportunum exeundi acquirere nequiret. Contra quae sic depono, non per ficta et fantastice ymaginata, sed per visa et audita a fide dignis denunciata. Et primo, contra primum articulum, viz., quod metu parentum etc. quia, ut a.s.serunt fide media quam plures fide digni quorum nomina perlongum esset enarrare, quod alter parentum, suple pater, neci submersionis suffocatus fuerat in Themisia diu antequam ordinem ingressus est praenotatus Johannes; ergo, dissonum videtur quod metu parentum ingressus est, sed tantum alterius parentis.

Secundo, contra secundum articulum, scilicet quod ex insufficienti etc., quia per vere visa et audita a fide dignis personis contra illud testimonium perhibere volentibus verum est a.s.serere quod xiiij^cim annorum fuerat aetatis antequam indutus esset; quod sic evidet, quia natus erat in Swapham Markett, in loco qui Delgate dicitur, ubi parentes ejus commorabantur, quando primo intraverant villam antedictam pro annuali stipendio dato Thomae Delgate, cujus erat ipsa mansio, et istud ad testimonium Adae Ram, Roberti Sergaunte, Agnetis Ymay commatris[53.1]

saepedicti Johannis Hawteyn et Katerinae Gannok, uxoris compatris[53.1]

Johannis Hawteyn praedicti, viz. Johannis Gannok qui obiit anno Domini mccccx.x.xiiij. Istis transactis, parentes dicti Johannis, viz. Haymundus Hawteyn, pater ejus, et Claricia Hawteyn mater ejus, conjunctim emerunt mansionem in eadem villa, viz. Swapham Markett, a Martino Waron anno regni Regis Ricardi Secundi post conquestum xxij, quod datum, suple Regis Ricardi, praecessit nativitas Johannis Hawteyn in Delgate per testimonia praeallegata. De facili ergo, probatur quod sit aetatis annorum xliiijr ad minus, enumerando a xxij anno regni Regis Ricardi Secundi post conquestum usque ad annum xxj^m Henrici s.e.xti.

Omnia in hac cedula quo ad Hawteyn dicta fuerunt Jacobo Gresham viij die Septembris anno Regis Henrici vj^ti xxij, prout scribuntur. Frater Johannes Alburugh dicit quod hoc medio intravit Johannes Hawteyn in ordinem. Circa xij. annum aetatis suae missus fuit London' essend' c.u.m quodam Thoma Brown modo apprenticii; quod actum fuit, quodque sibi non bene complacuit, et cucurrit ad Fratres et dixit quod fuit nepos Alburugh, et ea de causa Reverendus Magister Walden[54.1] interrogavit eum si vellet esse frater, et dixit quod vellet et humiliter rogavit ex caritate. Et veraciter scit quod fuit aetatis xiiij. annorum et amplius tempore professionis suae et moram traxit ibidem per iij. vel iiij.

annos. Et postea fuit apud Maldon per duos annos, et ab illo loco exiit.

Deinde captus et Norwico incarceratus per dimidium annum. Et postea in domo de Blakney per iiijr annos mansit, et ibidem fuit terminarius et hospes; et cucurrit ab inde c.u.m vestibus officii de domo hospicii furtive et cepit librum (?) Alburugh avunculi sui et canciavit illum apud Aylesham pro iiij. marcis et dimidia, quas dictus Alburugh solvit pro libro rehabendo.

Et addidit idem Johannes Hawteyn vel Alburugh frater et avunculus dicti Johannis Hawteyn quod Johannes Hawteyn apostata fuit natus apud Swafham Market circa iiij. annum post transitum patris sui a Scheryngton usque Swafham. Et dicit quod Robertus frater ejus fuit pluris aetatis quam Johannes fuit per iiijr annos, et dictus Robertus fuit natus apud Scherynton.

Et serviens Daubeney dicit quod Hamond Hawteyn transivit a Scheryngton usque Swafham tempore quo Thomas Erpyngham custodivit Regem R. in Turre London.[54.2]

Stepha.n.u.s Plattyng de Aylesham pro vero dicit quod ad Festum Purificationis Beatae Mariae anno regni Regis Henrici vj^ti xxj elapsi fuerunt xxviij anni postquam ipse primo habitavit in dicta villa de Aylesham; quo tempore Claricia quae fuit uxor Hamonis Hawteyn fuit vidua et commorans in messuagium nunc Johannis Draper de Aylesham, et postea nupta fuit Petro Fysch, caeco, qui insimul vixerunt vj. vel vij. annos, et post obitum dicti Petri dicta Claricia cepit in virum Willelmum Punyant de Aylesham. Et ad dictum festum Purificationis Beatae Mariae dicto anno xxj dicti Ponyant et Claricia insimul in matrimonio cohabitaverunt per xxij. annos. Hoc de Pounyant c.u.m Claricia affirmant.

Et dicit idem Ponyant quod frater Johannes Hawteyn professus fuit post matrimonium inter ipsum et praefatam Clariciam et quod ipse ad ultimum exitum suum de ordine praedicto dimisit capam suam in domo dicti Ponyant apud Aylesham.

Willelmus Barbour dicit quod quo ad nativitatem Johannis Hawteyn penitus ignorat, sed dicit quod habet quendam (_sic_) filiam aetatis xliiijr annorum, et ultra vel circa, et dicit quod Johannes Hawteyn est talis aetatis. Et dicit quod Tiphania soror Hawteyn est manens in villa ultra London vocata Hawehunte, sed in quo comitatu ignorat.

This paper is endorsed, 'Hauteyn, Oxened.'

[Footnote 52.3: [From Paston MSS., B.M.]]

[Footnote 52.4: The Order of Carmelites. --_See_ Note 1 on page 54.]

[Footnote 53.1: _Compater_ and _commater_ (in French _compere_ and _commere_) correspond in meaning to the old English word _gossip_, _i.e._ G.o.d-sib, or related in baptism--generally applied to G.o.dfathers and G.o.dmothers.]

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