The Paston Letters Volume Iii Part 53

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[Sidenote: 1460(?)]

Sir, please your right wors.h.i.+pfull maysters.h.i.+p that Mayster Paston come to London as on Thursdaye att none last past, and I trust verelye all maters here were resonablye labored to his comyng, and now they shal be better. Neverthelesse, I have ben mevid of tretye by dyvers personez sith I came hidre, as wele for Tudenham, Wentworth, Heydon, and other at this tyme not wel willed to yow and yourez, seyng that such money as is spent a twix yowe is but wastfully expendid and to non use vertuouse.

I fele by theym they be not right corageous in theyr werkes, ner nought wold if they myght have a resonable trete. I meve not this that ze shold thenk that they had conquered me by noyans, but I do it to avertyse yow for th'eschewyng of the importable costes that hath ben born by yow, and yet lyke to bee, aswele in the elde maters hangyng as in newe at this tyme to be grownded, if this werre shal rest and hold a twyx yowe, and specially for the ease of hym that shalbe solicitour in the same. Ye nede at this terme rather to have had thre solicitours than in any other terme past this iij. yere, on concyderyng the maters hangyng, &c.; of which please yow to send yowr advyse and wille yf ye thenk it to be don, and els not, for this is but a mocion, &c.

[Footnote 225.1: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] This letter is by an unknown writer, and very uncertain as to date. It shows that Tuddenham, Wentworth, and Heydon, all adherents of the House of Lancaster, were desirous of a compromise with Yelverton and Paston. The year 1460, some time after the battle of Northampton, is perhaps as likely a period as any.]



_To my Mayster Jon Pastone, Esqwyer, be this letter presented._

_Jesus, Maria, &c._

[Sidenote: 1460 / OCT.]

Ryte reverent Sire, after du recommendacion, we sey in this c.u.n.tre that Heydon is for Barkschir in the Comon Hows. And the Lady of Suffolk[226.2] hath sent up hyr sone[226.3] and hise wyf to my Lord of York to aske grace for a schireve the next yer, Stapilton, Boleyn, or Tyrel, qui absit. G.o.d send zow Ponyng, W. P., W. Rokewode, or Arblaster.

Ze haf myche to done; Jesu spede zow. Ze haf many good preyers, what of the covent, cyte, and c.u.n.tre. G.o.d safe our good Lords, Warwik, alle hise brether, Salisbury, &c., fro al fals covetyse and favour of extorcyon, as they wil fle uttyr schame and confusyon. G.o.d save hem, and preserve fro treson and poyson; lete hem be war her of for the pite of G.o.d; for yf owt come to my Lord Warwik but good, far weel ze, far weel I, and al our frends! for be the weye of my sowle, this lond wer uttirly on done, as G.o.d forbede. Her [_their_] enmyes bostyn with good to come to her favour; but G.o.d defende hem, and zeve hem grace to knowe her frends fro her enmyes, and to cherisch and preferr her frends and lesse the myte of alle her enmyes thorw owt the schiris of the lond. And [_i.e._ if] my good Lord Warwik, with my Lord his brother Chaunceler[226.4] and my Lord her fadyr[226.5] woldyn opposyn, as dede Danyel, Fortesku, Alisaunder, Hody, Doctor Aleyn, Heydon, and Thorp, of the writyng made be hem at Covyntre Parlement, they schuld answer wers than sub cino or sub privo (?), and this generaly wold I sey at Powlys Cros, etc., and [_i.e._ if]

I schuld come there, &c. It is verifyed of hem, 1 Jeremiae, 8, _Vere mendacium operatus est stilus mendax scribarum_, &c. And think of two vers of zour Sawter, _Scribantur haec in generatione altera_ (hujus scilicet parliamenti) _et populus qui creabitur laudabit Dominum_,[227.1] &c. _Deleantur etiam tales perversi scriptores de libro viventium et c.u.m justis non scribantur._[227.2] Et non plura, sed vos, vestros et vestra conservet Jesus graciose in prosperis et graciosius dirigat in agendis.

Ex Norwico, feria quarta,[227.3] nuncio festinante.

And I prey zow for sake to be good mayster to Jon Lyster, &c. And I prey zow think, in this Parlement, of the text of Holy Scripture, _Quicunque fecerit contra legem Dei et contra legem Regis judicium fiet de eo, vel in condemnationem substantiae ejus, vel in carcerem, vel in exilium, vel in mortem_ (Primo Esdrae, vij., et parti 2 Esdrae 8).

[Footnote 226.1: [From Fenn, iii. 382.] This letter appears to have been written just before the sitting of the Parliament of October 1460, of which John Paston was a member. Warwick's brother was then Chancellor. No signature is attached to this letter in Fenn's literal copy, although the name is appended to the modern transcript.]

[Footnote 226.2: Alice, widow of William, Duke of Suffolk.]

[Footnote 226.3: John de la Pole, second Duke of Suffolk. He married Elizabeth, the Duke of York's daughter.]

[Footnote 226.4: George Nevill, Bishop of Exeter.]

[Footnote 226.5: Richard Nevill, Earl of Salisbury.]

[Footnote 227.1: Psalm ci. (or cii.) 18.]

[Footnote 227.2: Psalm lxviii. (or lxix.) 28.]

[Footnote 227.3: 'Feria quarta' means Wednesday.]



[Sidenote: 1460 / [OCT.]]

Jesus, Maria, &c. Reverende domine, si contingat ut sitis Londoniae hoc termino in principio parliamenti, haec poteritis in secretis dicere domino Warwik ac domino Cancellario, quomodo Johannes W.[227.4] apud Felbrigg jacet c.u.m manu forti contra pacem domini Regis et patriae, qui quantum valere potest est hostis publicus et inimicus capitalis domini Regis et suorum fidelium dominorum utilitatem rei publicae et communitatem Angliae diligentium, pro quo taliter esset modo indilate et c.u.m omni festinacione possibili providendum quod esset commissio directa sub pna ligeanciae et pna mortis et privatione bonorum vicecomiti, domino M. Stapilton, domino W. Chambirleyn, W. Yelverton justiciario, W.

Calthorp, Johanni Twyre, Johanni Geney, T. Gurnay, Johanni Fyncham, Johanni Yelverton Juniori, Edmundo Bokyngham, Johanni Gros, Johanni Dam, Johanni Lomenour, Jacobo Arblaster, T. Denys, ut a.s.sistant sub pna praedicta s.e.x primis militibus et armigeris ad excitandum populum de patria pro domino T. T.,[227.5] J. H.,[227.6] P. Wentworthe, J. A.,[227.7] T. Danyel, H. Hunton, J. Wode, W. Prentys, S. Gunnor, H.

Todynham, Joh. Wyndham, Palmere Ballivo de Costsey, T. Brygge, et suis complicibus subito et secretiori modo capiendo et versus London adducendo c.u.m manu forti, et in Turri vel Newgate firmiter c.u.m Thorp de Scacario carcere collocando, &c. Et tunc eorum clientes et eis adhaerentes non possent, ymmo nec auderent, nocere populo patriae bonae disposicionis. Certe si in hac parte fideliter laborare in effectu volueritis, dominus Comes Warwic, et omnes sibi et suis benivoli essent vobis multiformiter obligati, et tunc esset in Norffolchia mansio concors et valde pacificus. Utinam bona voluntas vestra non sit in hac materia pigra, &c.

2. Item, quod Episcopus Norwicensis esset in curia Regis ad tempus, vel in parliamento omnino, quia hic parvum bonum facit, nisi supportando iniquos et paci patriae contrarios; est enim satis dives ad comprestandum pecunias Regi in necessitate sua. Ipse enim c.u.m ducissa Suff. et aliis personis praenominatis sunt Reginae et principi maxime favorabiles c.u.m totis suis viribus; et ideo maxime expediens est parti Regis et comitis Warwic subtrahere, diminuere, et pocius opprimere, vires omnium illorum praedictorum eis et suis continue malignantium ex adverso, &c.

3. Item, vos et vestri praemunire poteritis, si placeat, Doctores Kyrry et G.o.dard quomodo fama communis hic volat continue per Boreales et eorum fautores quod Regina ac sui firmiter statuerunt unanimi decreto ipsos doctores et me non solum morti ignominiose tradere sed etiam generaliter omnes Fratres Minores citra flumen Trent commorantes interfici facere.

Sed Magister Vergeant c.u.m socio qui in sermonibus Reginam c.u.m principe solempniter recommendat et in suis missis Reginam nominatim specificat per instanciam Ducissae Suff. erit c.u.m socio privilegiatus ab hac punicione.

4. Item, bonum esset quod juvenis dux Suff. c.u.m suis militibus et armigeris uteretur suis calcaribus et jam probaretur in bello cui esset fidelis, an caro vel piscis. Si T. T. c.u.m suis prius recitatis essent unde memorati in parliamento a dominis et communibus, non dubium quin puniti essent causatores insurrectionis falsorum Regis contra Comitem Warwic apud pontem Westmonasterii, &c.

5. Item, memorari dignetur dominus Comes Warwic quomodo T. T., J. H., J. A., et H. T.,[228.1] J. W. et caeteri gravissime comminantur priorem Wals' [Walsingham], &c.

6. Item, caveant Comes Marchiae et Comes Warwic ne quovis modo sit inter eos controversia, sed sint omnino unanimes et concordes, nec aliqua cupiditas consiliariorum suorum faveat alicui eorum adversario propter lucrum bonorum in finalem deperdicionem ipsorum et amicorum suorum.

7. Item, fiat per decretum parliamenti diminutio juris peritorum ac legis attornatorum Suff. et Norff. punicioque taxata singulorum oppressorum, generosos ac eorum liberos, nativosque tenentes cotidie et annuatim gravissime infestancium.

8. Continue ac continue cordialiter cogitate ac scrutinio diligenti saepius revolvite quomodo inimici vestri et adversarii antiqui, spiritu rancoris et invidiae maliciose agitati, nituntur pro posse suo, et totis viribus, vos, et vostros vobis benevolos funditus destruere et finaliter deperdere, quod absit omnino; quare ex naturali legis dictamine potestis et debetis vim vi volenter ac potenter reprimere ac repellere et eorum maliciis inveteratis virili congressu rigorose resistere, quia minus malim incomparabiliter videtur existere quod eorum obstinata malicia potestate politica sit diminuta et quasi dejecta quam vos et vestri affines, propinqui et amici essetis nimis depauperati, et quasi, quod absit, finaliter abjecti.

[Footnote 227.4: John Wyndham.]

[Footnote 227.5: Sir Thomas Tuddenham.]

[Footnote 227.6: John Heydon.]

[Footnote 227.7: John Andrews. _See_ p. 222.]

[Footnote 228.1: Henry Tuddenham.]

[[Sidenote: 1460 / [OCT.] _closing bracket missing or invisible_]]

[[propinqui et amici essetis nimis depauperati _text has "propinuqi"_]]



_Reverendo magistro meo et amico singulari Johanni Paston armigero detur._

[Sidenote: 1460 / OCT. (?)]

Jhesus, Maria, Raphael, Johannes Baptista, Johannes Ew.a.n.gelista, Franciscus Guardia.n.u.s, c.u.m Sanctis omnibus, succurant maestis in tribulationibus. Amen. Praecordialissime domine et amice maxime singularis, Omissis pro praesenti vestri grat.i.tudinis beneficiis mihi saepius impensis, me humilime vestrae reverenciae recommendo. Pensetis, quaeso, c.u.m omni festinatione possibili instabilem virum, utinam Hibernic.u.m[229.2] non ingratissimum, cujus nacionis aliquales proprietates sunt istae:--animo saeva, vultu ferox, torva affatu, versupellis moribus et inconstancia in omnibus bonis viis suis; qui inter caetera magistro Clementi retulit quod expensae annuales magistri Johannis Fastolff, bonae memoriae, secundum fidelem compotum se extendunt omni anno ad octingentas marcas in Norfolch et Suffolch, &c., et quod idem miles vobisc.u.m faciens pactum pro iiij. M^l, &c., fuit purus fatuus; et quod idem vobis donatoriam literarum faciens fuit major fatuus, &c., et quod idem Hibernicus scit deteriorare, et diminuere bona militis ad summam viginti m^l marcarum, &c. Ob reverentiam Jhesu Christi, cavete quod impediatur omnino a suscipiendo onus testamenti quousque verum et integrum compotum reddiderit de defuncti bonis per eum receptis tot annorum evolutis et transactis curriculis, &c. Item, quod non vendat nec alienet maneria, terras, tenementa c.u.m pertinentiis, nec commutat jocalia nec evidenciales literas, nec pecunias per vestrum germanum, W. P., et per ipsum receptas London, Bermondyseye, &c., c.u.m jam sciat de multis ubi sunt, &c. Videtur mihi, salvo saltem vestro meliori judicio, quod de aliis personis et locis est c.u.m omni celeritate possibili prudenter providendum et politice, ne idem W. W. oculis luscus et denigrato colore, in facie fuscus, sit c.u.m W. Yelverton judice confederatus, et per Ducem Exoniae satis tiranizantem supportatus et per suos complices, &c. Sapienti loquor; nam philosophorum princeps ait 'Cave ab hiis quos natura signavit'; et metrice dicitur:

'Nam fallax faciens mens, mores ac pariformes Concludunt mutuo quod sit quasi fraudis ymago.'

Dixi vobis quod non esset pro vobis nec vestris utile in W. W. aliquam confidentiam gerere. Post vestrum didici recessum in 4^or nostri collegii famulis duplicibus et falsis c.u.m omni perfidia contra voluntatem militis et ejus executores iniquitatis vinculo confederatis et astrictis, scilicet Colino Gallico, coquinae clerico, W. W., militis secretario et W. Eton; nunc in promptuario propter Jhesum Christum deleantur de libro vertuose et unanimiter viventium et a modo c.u.m justis nequaquam conscribantur, &c. Est vulgare proverbium 'Accordyng to ryte reson that to oftyn it is in ceson, that in trust is gret treson.' Ideo cavete quod Sapiens dicit 'Qui cito credit, levis est corde.'[230.1] Et audite scripturae sacrae sententiam 'A malo inquit consiliario serva animam tuam,'[230.2] &c. Nam alibi Sapientis proclamat eloquium: 'Non est sapientia, non est prudentia, non est consilium contra Dominum.'[230.3] Haec ibi. In alienis negociis velox, nec vivax erit, qui in propriis causis piger exist.i.t. Rogo attendite et menti imprimite diligenter quod revolvite quomodo poteritis resistere homini tam perverso noxam volenti et noc.u.mentum executoribus inferre. Mens mea particulam evangelii retinet: 'Si in viridi ligno hoc faciunt in arido quid fiet?'[230.4] Quasi diceret, si iste W. W. executorum ultimus et merito novissimus et per vestram et magistri Thomae Howes diligenciam inscriptus tantam proterviam gerit, in hoc quasi exordio, quid in fine maliciose sit facturus? Hoc penitus ignoro. Deo vos vestros et vestra commendo et praesentem causam. Recommendetis me si placeat recommendandis, &c. Scriptum festinanter, hora prima post prandium.

W. B., lator praesentis, intendit vobis si placeat humilime et verissime servitorum. Ex Castre in die Sabbathi.

Vester ad vota promptissimus,

The Paston Letters Volume Iii Part 53

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