The Paston Letters Volume Iv Part 10
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[[1462 / JULY _sidenote missing, but see first footnote_]]
_To my right honorabil and worshypfull maister, my Maister Paston._
[Sidenote: 1462 / SEPT.]
Please it youre wors.h.i.+pfull maistyrshyp to wete, that it is informyd me thys day scretly, that there is dyrected out a commyssion to mayster Yelwyrton and maister Jenney, which shall tomorwyr syttyn be vertu of the same at Seynt Oleffes;[51.3] and the substaunce of jentilmen and yemen of Lodyngland be a.s.sygned to be afore the seyd commesyoners; and it is supposed it is for my maisters londs, for as the seyd persone informyd me, the seyd comesyoners have been at Cotton, and there entred, and holdyn a court. I can not informe youre maystyrs.h.i.+p that it is thus in serteyn, but thus it was told me, and desyryd me to kepe it secret; but be cause I conseyve it is ageyn your maistyrs.h.i.+p, it is my part to geve you relacion thereof.
I sende you a letter which cometh from Worcestyr[52.1] to my maister youre brothyr. I wold ye undyrstod the intente of it, for as for Worcester, I knowe well he is not good. Sum men ar besy to make werre, for p'[52.2] the absentyng of my maister, the parson comyth not of hyse owyn mocyon, but I wold youre maistyrs.h.i.+p knewe be whom it is mevyd.
I herd you never calle hym false pryst, be my trouth, nor other language that is rehersyd hym, but sende a good accord, for of varyaunce comyth gret hurt of tyn tyme, and I beseche Jesu sende youre maistyrs.h.i.+p youre herts desyre, and amende hem that wold the contrary.
Sir, yesterevyn a man came from London, and he seyth, the Kyng cam to London on Satyrday, and there dede make a proclamacion that all men that were be twyx lx. and xvj. shuld be redy to wayte upon hym whan so ever they were callyd; and it is seyd, that my Lord Warwyk had sent to the Kyng, and informyd hyse Hyghnesse that the Lord Summyrset had wretyn to hym to come to grace; but of the fleet of shyppis there is no tydings in serteyn at London on Monday last past.
Youre bedman and servaunt,
[Footnote 51.2: [From Fenn, i. 260.] This letter must have been written in the year 1462 before the Duke of Somerset was received into favour. Proclamations similar to those mentioned in this letter were issued on the 6th March 1461 and the 11th May 1464; but neither of these can be the case referred to. The coming of the King to London must have been in the beginning of September 1462. He was in London on the 14th of that month, and had been at Fotheringay on the 1st, as the dates of Privy Seals inform us.]
[Footnote 51.3: St. Olave's, in Suffolk.]
[Footnote 52.1: William Worcester.]
[Footnote 52.2: p'.--So in Fenn's left-hand copy. The word seems to have been ambiguous in the original MS., and is rendered '_by_'
(in italics) in the modern version.]
[Sidenote: 1462(?)]
Shewyth and lowly compleynith on to your good Lords.h.i.+p John Paston, the older, Squier, that where Sir John Fastolf, Knyght, cosyn to your seid besecher, was seasid of diveris maners, londs, and tenements in Norfolk, Suffolk, and Norwich, the xxvij. yere of Kyng Herre that was, and therof infeffid diveris persones to execute and performe his will, and mad his will in especiall that a college of vij. monks shuld be stabilisshed, founded, and indewed withinne a plase late be the seid Sir John edified at Caster be the see in Norfolk, and certeyn livelode to be immortesid[53.2] therto, to prey for his sowle, his faders and moders, in forme and maner as in his will mad at that tyme more pleynly specifyth; whech will and feffment continued till the x.x.xv. yere of the seid late Kyng. And aftir, upon divers communicacions had be divers personis with the seid Sir John Fastolff, and upon divers consideracions mevid to hym, the seid Sir John Fastolff conceyvid that such be monkys hym there to be indewed shuld not be of power to susteyne and kepe the seid plase edified, or the lond that shuld be immortesid ther to, acordyng to his seid entent and will; wherfore, and for good will that the seid Sir John Fastolff had to the proferryng of your seid besecher mevyd hym to have the seid plase and certeyn of his livelode of gretter valew than the charge of the seid college schuld drawe, and to found the seid college and to bere the reparacion and defens therof. Upon whech mocion the seid Sir John Fastolff and your seid besecher apoynted be word withowt writyng at that tyme mad that your seid besecher shuld, aftir the decese of the seid Sir John Fastolff, have the seid plase in Caster, and all the maners that were the seid Sir John Fastolffs or any other to his use in Norfolk, Suffolk, and Norwich, up trust that the same John Paston shuld founde there a college of vij. monkes or prestes havyng a certeyn pension for her sustentacion payid clerly in mony withowt any charge, cost, reparacion, or joperde of defens of the seid plase or of any other livelode to be bore be the seyd collegians, and more over to paye a certeyn somme of mony of the revenews of the seid maners, londes and tenementes to be disposid yerly be certeyn yeres for the sowle of the seid Sir John Fastolff till the summe of v.^ml. [5000]
mark were so disposed. Upon wech apoyntement it was acordyd be thwyx the seid Sir John and your seid besecher, for as moch as your seid besecher had non astate in the seid maners and londes and tenementes, that for his more suerte, and upon trust that the seid Sir John had to your seid besecher in this behalfe that a newe feffement shuld be mad of the seid plase and of the maner of Caster, and all the seid maners, londs and tenements to your seid besecher, and divers other personys to the use of the seid Sir[54.1] John, terme of his lif, and aftir his decese to the use of your seid besecher. And moreover, for as moch as your seid besecher was in dowte whedir G.o.d wold send hym tyme of life to execute the seid apoyntement, intendyng that th'effect of the old purpose of the seid Sir John Fastolff schuld not be all voyded, thow it so fortuned your seid besecher cowd not performe the seid apoyntement, mevid the seid Sir John Fastolff that, not withstandyng the seid apoyntement, that he aftir the seid feffement mad shuld make his will for the seid college, to be mad in all maner wise as thow the seid Sir John Fastolff and your seid besecher shuld not make[54.2] the seid apoyntement; and that aftir that, the seid apoyntement to be ingrosid and made so that the seid college shuld hold be the same apoyntement of your seid besecher, and ellis this seid will of the seid Sir John Fastolff to stand in effect for executyng of his seid purpose. And sone aftir this comunicacion and apoyntement the seid feffement was mad acordynge, and season deliverid to your seid besecher at the seid plase edified in Caster, as well as at the seid maners, londs, and tenements, the seid Sir John Fastolff beyng present at delivery of season mad to your seid besecher of the seid plase and maner of Caster, where the seid Sir John, more largely expressyng the seid will and entent, deliverid your seid besecher possession with his owne hands, declaryng to notabill personys there the same feffement to be made to the use of the seid Sir John as for terme of his lif only, and aftir his decese to the use of your seid besecher and his heyrs; and divers tymes in divers yeres aftir declared his entent in like wise to divers personys. And aftir, be gret deliberacion and oft communicacion of the seid mater, the seid Sir John Fastolff and your seid besecher comenauntyd[55.1] and apoynted be writyng thoroughly for the seid mater so that your seid besecher shuld have the seid plase and all the seid maners, londs, and tenements in Norfolk, Suffolk, and Norwich, to hym and to his heyrs; and that he shuld found a college of vij. monkes or prestes withinne the seid plase perpetually as is before seid, and to pay iiij.^ml. [4000] mark to be disposed in certeyn yers for the sowle of the seid Sir John Fastolff; the whech apoyntement declarid and red before the seid Sir John Fastolff, be good deliberacion was be the seid Sir John fully concludid, agreyd and stabiliss.h.i.+d for his last will in that behalve.
And also the seid comenauntes and apoyntementes eftsonis callid to remembraunce be the seid Sir John Fastolff, the same Sir John, for certeyn consideracions movyng hym, be his word, withowt writyng, dischargid your seid besecher of the seid somme of iiij.^ml. mark, desiryng hym so to ordeyne that ich of the seid monkes or prestes shull yerly have as the prestes of the chauntry of Heylesdon had, and that vij. pore men shull also be founde yerly in the seid plase inperpetuite to pray for the sowles above sayd.
[And aftir, that is to sey the Satirday, Sonday, and Monday next before the decese of the seid Sir John, the same Sir John, remembryng divers maters and intents in his mynd necessary for the wele of his sowle, wheche were not expressid in the seid will and apoyntement, nowther in his testament, and that he wold have one will mad and wrete conteynyng the seid apoyntements, as well as the seid other maters not declarid in his intent and will acordyng, comaundid to have it so ingrosid and wrete.][56.1] And where your seid besecher hath don his part acordyng to the will and apoyntements of the seid Sir John, as well in fyndyng of the seid prestes and pore men as in all other thyngs that to hym belongyth to do in that behalfe; and, this not with standyng, William Yelverton, Knyght, and William Jenney, whech be infeffid joyntly with your seid besecher in divers of the seid maners, londs and tenements, have[56.2] mad a sympill entre in all the seid maners in Suffolk, and chargid the baylifs, fermors, and tenaunts of all the seid maners to pay hem the profitez and revenews of the same maners, londs, and tenements; and thus, contrary to th'entent of the seid feffement, and contrary to the will of the seid Sir John Fastolff, thei trobill and lette your seid besecher to take the profitez of the seid maners, londs, and tenements; of whech your seid besecher hath no remedy at the comen lawe. Wherfore please your good and gracious Lords.h.i.+p to direct severall writts of subpena to the seid William and William, chargyng hem severally upon a peyne convenient to appere before your Lords.h.i.+p in the Chauncery at a certeyn day be your Lords.h.i.+p to be limityd, to answer to these premisses, and to do as right and consiens requirith. And your seid besecher shall pray G.o.d for yow.
_The following article is added in the first copy with many corrections:_--
And aftir, late before the discese of the seid Sir John Fastolff, he wold and ordeynid that on wryting shuld be mad of the fundacion of the seid college aftir the forme of the seid apoyntement mad with your seid besecher, and of diverses othir articles conteynid in his seid former willes, not conserning the seyd colegge and also of divers maters wheche he remembrid necessary for the wele of his sowle, that were nevir expressid in writyng before, joyntly to geder expressyng his hole and inter and last will and intent in all.
[Footnote 53.1: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] This is a draft bill in Chancery prepared by John Paston with a view to the commencement of a suit against Yelverton and Jenney for their entry into the manor of Cotton and other lands of Sir John Fastolf in Suffolk.
The doc.u.ment may have been drawn up in the latter part of the year 1461; but from the contents of the preceding letter it is not unlikely to have been a year later. Two copies of this doc.u.ment exist, with the very same corrections and interlineations in both.]
[Footnote 53.2: Amortized, or granted in mortmain.]
[Footnote 54.1: 'Sir.' --This word is omitted in the first copy.]
[Footnote 54.2: 'Shuld not make.' --These words are interlined in place of the word 'left,' which is erased.]
[Footnote 55.1: So spelt in both copies.]
[Footnote 56.1: The clause between brackets is cancelled in the first copy.]
[Footnote 56.2: This word is interlined in the second copy only.]
_To my right honourabyl and worshypfull maister, my Maister John Paston._
[Sidenote: 1462]
Plese your worshypfull maisters.h.i.+p to wette, here is a s.h.i.+p of Hith, wyche seith that John Cole cam from the west cost on Wednysday last past; and he seyth that the fleet of s.h.i.+ppis of this londe met with lx.
seile of Spanyards, Brettenys, and Frenshemen, and there tok of hem l.
[50], wherof xij. shyppys were as gret as the _Grace de Dewe_; and there is slayn on thys partyes the Lords Clynton[57.2] and Dakyr,[57.3] and many jentilmen juve (?)[57.4] and othyr, the nombre of iiij.^ml. [4000]; and the seid Spanyards were purposyd with marchaundise in to Flaundres.
My Lord of Warwyks shyp, the _Mary Grace_ and the _Trenyte_, hadde the grettest hurt, for they wer formost. G.o.d send grace, thys be trew. On Thursday last past at London was no tydings in serteyn where the flet was, nor what they had doon, and therfore I fere the tydings the more.
Item, sir, as for tydings at London, ther were arystyd be the tresorer xl. seyles lyeng in Temse, wherof many smale shyppis; and it is seyd it is to carye men to Caleyse in all haste, for feer of the Kyng of Fraunce for a sege. And it was told me secretly there were CC. in Caleyse sworn contrary to the Kyngs well, and for defaute of there wages; and that Qwen Marget was redy at Boleyn with myche sylver to paye the soudyers, in cas they wold geve here entresse. Many men be gretly aferd of thys mater, and so the tresorer hath mych to do for thys cause.
Item, sir, as for tydings out of Ireland, ther wer many men at London at the feyre of the contres next them of Ireland, and they sey thys iij.
wyks came there neythyr shyp nor boot out of Irelond to bryng no tydings; and so it semyth there is myche to doo there be the Erle of Pembrook.[58.1] And it is seyd that the Kyng shuld be at London as on Satyrday or Sonday last past, and men deme that he wold to Caleyse hym selfe; for the soudyors are so wyld there, that they wyll not lette in ony man but the Kynge or my Lord Warwyk.
Othyr tydings the were come to London, but they were not publyshyd; but John Wellys shal abyde a day the lenger to know what they are.
No mere un to you, my right honourable maister, at thys tyme, but Jesu send yow youre herts desyre, and amende hem that wold the contrary.
Your bedman and conty[n]wal servaunt,
[Footnote 57.1: [From Fenn, i. 262.] This letter was evidently written not very long after No. 529. The fleet mentioned here and in that letter is that referred to in the preliminary note to No.
518, p. 41, Note 1.]
[Footnote 57.2: John, Lord Clinton. The rumour was false, as he was summoned to Parliament in 1463. Nicolas supposes he died about 1465.]
[Footnote 57.3: Richard Fynes, Lord Dacre of the South, who was Lord Clinton's father-in-law. He did not really die till 1484.]
[Footnote 57.4: This word, Fenn says, is doubtful in the original MS.]
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