The Paston Letters Volume Iv Part 28
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[Footnote 142.1: A.D. 1463. This was at the time the King was in the north, when Alnwick Castle surrendered to him.]
_To my ryght wyrshypfull husbond, John Paston, by thys delyvery[d] in hast._
[Sidenote: 1465 / MAY 20]
Please it you to wyte that on Satourday last your servaunts Naunton, Wyks, and other, wer at Drayton, and ther toke a dystresse for the rent and ferm that was to pay, to the nomber of lxxvij. nete, and so broght them hom to Hayllesdon, and put them in the Pynfold, and so kept hem styll ther from the seyd Satour day mornyng un to Monday,[143.2] at iij.
at clok at after non. Fyrst on the same Satour day the tenants folwyd uppon, and desyryd to have ther catell ayen; and I awunsweryd hem, yf they wold do pay such dewts as they oght for to pay to you, that then they shold have ther catell delyveryd ayen; or els yf they wer not a power to pay redy money, that then they to fynd suffycyant suerty to pay the money at such a day as they mygh agrye with me, and therto to be bonden to you by obligacyon; and that they seyd they durst not for to take uppon hem for to be bonden, and as for money they had non for to pay at that tyme, and therfor I kept stylle the bestys.
Harleston was at Norwych, and send for the tenants the seyd Satour day at after non, and ther, by the menys of the Bayllyf of Coshay, put the tenants in such feer, sayng that yf they wold pay such dewts, or els for to be bonden to pay, that then they wold put hem owte of such londs as they huld bondly of the Lordshyp, and so to dystrayn hem and trobell hem, that they shuld be wery of ther part; and that put hem [in] such feer that they drust nother pay nor be bonden.
And on the same day at evyn-song time Harleston com to me to Haylesdon, desyryng me that I wold delyver a yen the seyd dystresse; and as for such dystressys as they had taken here of your tenants shold be delyveryd a yen in lyke forme; and I seyd I wold not delyver hem soo, and I told hem that I wold delyver hem as ys wryten a fore and other wyse not, and other wyse I wold not delyver hem but by the form of lawe.
And other comynycacyon was had by twene us at that tyme of dyvers maters whych wer to long to wryte at thys tyme, but ye shall have knowlych therof in hast.
And on Monday next after at ix. at clok ther com Pynchemor to Haylesdon with a replevyn,[144.1] whych was made in Harleston ys name as Understewerd of the d.u.c.h.e [_Duchy_], sayng that the bests were taken uppon the d.u.c.h.e Fee, wherfor he desyryd me to mak hym levery of the seyd bests so taken; and I seyd I wold not delyver hem on to the tyme that I had examenyd the tenants of the trough [truth]. And so I send theder Wyks with Pynchemor to understond what they wold say; and the tenants seyd that ther was taken non uppon the d.u.c.h.e at ther knowlych, save only Pyrs Warryn the yonger. And Paynter seyd that ther catell was taken uppon the d.u.c.h.e, whych they connot prove by non record, save only by ther awyn sayng; and so we wold not a bey that replevyn, and so they departyd. And at iij. at clock at after non Pynchemor come to Haylysdon a yen with ij. men, whych broght with hem a replevyn from the Shyryff, whos namys be John Whytherley and Robert Ranson, whych requyryd me by the same replevyn to make them delyvery of the seyd bestys taken at Drayton; and so I, syyng the Shyryffs replevyn and under hys seale, bade my men delyver hem, and soo they wer delyveryd.
And as for all other maters that ye have wretyn to [me] of, I wyll spede me to send you a awnswer as hastely as I may, for I may no leysor have to wryte no more to you thys tyme. The blyssyd Trynyte have you in His kepyng. Wryten at Haylesdon, the xx. day of May.
By yours,
M. P.
[Footnote 143.1: [From Fenn, iv. 200.] A comparison of this letter with No. 581 will leave no doubt that they were both written in the same year.]
[Footnote 143.2: This was the day the letter was written.]
[Footnote 144.1: This is a writ for rest.i.tution of cattle that have been distrained or impounded. It was commonly granted by the sheriff on security being given that the party would bring the matter to an issue at law.]
_To my ryght wyrshypfull husbond, John Paston, be thys delyveryd in haste._
[Sidenote: 1465 / MAY 27]
Ryght wyrshypfull husbonde, I recomaunde me to you. Please it you to wyte that I have send to Master John Smyth and to Master Stephyn to have a vyse for the church of Drayton; and they send me word that ther moste be had a comyssion from the Byshop to calle in the person Flowredew,[145.2] and that most be proclaymyd in the church of Drayton iij. tymes by a Deen,[145.3] and after that yff he appyre not with in vj. monthys after the fyrst proclamacion, that then he for to be depryvyd, and the patron to present whom he l.u.s.te, and ells your presentacyon ys not sufficyant. And I have so purveyd that a comyssyon ys hadde, and shal be servyd as hastely as it may be.
As for John Rysyng, I have sent to hym to wyte the cause that he ys not broght up to London, and he sayth that he callyd uppon the Shyrff that he myght be had up for [to] com to hys awnswer, and the Shyrff told hym that he wold not bryng hym up at hys owyn coste; and John Andres seyd that he wold not have hym up, and so he ys styll in prison at Ipswych; and so shall he be but yf ye canne fynde the beter mene for to have hym oute. I have sent to hym xiij^s. iiij^d. to help hym sylf ther with; he payth for hys borde wykely xx^d. And Hopton and Smyth be ther styll allso, and they have money ynogh, wher som ever that they have it.
Rysyng dymeth that they have confort of the other party; and I send you a copy of the warant that they wer a restyd by, &c.
I spake not with my moder syn Rychard Calle broght me the letter from you tochyng her mater, for I myght have no lesor. While I speke with her at leysure I wyll remember her in that mater, acordyng to your wrytyng.
And as for your tenants of Drayton, as I canne understond by hem, they be ryght and trew hertyd to you to ther powers, and full fayn wold that ye had it a yen in, for they had as leffe al most be tenants to the Devell as to the Duke, except Wyll. Herne, Pers at Sloth, and on Knott of the same towne, for they be not
All your tenants at Haylesdon and Drayton, except thes iij., be ryght glad that we err ther a mongs hem, and so be many other of our olde nebers and frends; and but yf [_unless_] ye com hom by Wensday or Thursday[146.1] in Wytson wyke, I purpose me to ssee you in secrete wyse by Trynyte Sonday,[146.2] but yf [_unless_] ye send to me contrary comaundement er that tyme; and I pray you send me yeur avyse how ye wyll that we doo a yenst the next shyr, whych shulbe the Monday next after Trynyte Sonday, as for callyng uppon the replevyn that the bests of Drayton wer delyveryd by.
Item, Richard Calle told me that ye desyryd to have Master Phylyp ys name, and hys name ys Phylyp Lypzeate, and I send you a letter[146.3] by Henre Wylton ys man, wherin I wrote Master Phylyp ys name; and in the same letter I wrote to you for Wyll. Lumnor. I pray you send me word yf ye have it. And the Blysshyd Trynyte have you in Hys kypyng. Wryten the Monday next after a.s.sencyon Day.[146.4]
By yours,
M. P.
[Footnote 145.1: [From Fenn, iv. 206.] What is said here about the tenants of h.e.l.lesden and Drayton, and about Master Philip Lipyate, leaves no doubt that this letter was written in 1465. It contains, moreover, a distinct reference to Letter 582.]
[Footnote 145.2: John Flowerdew was inst.i.tuted to the Rectory of Drayton on the 15th of March 1461, on the presentation of John Paston, Esq., and Thomas Howes, Clerk.--F.]
[Footnote 145.3: This means the Rural Dean, who had a district of ten churches in the country, wherein he exercised a jurisdiction of great advantage to ecclesiastical discipline, and the sentences of superior Ecclesiastical Courts were to be executed by him.--F.]
[Footnote 146.1: 5th or 6th of June.]
[Footnote 146.2: 9th of June.]
[Footnote 146.3: No. 582.]
[Footnote 146.4: 23rd of May.]
_To my ryght wyrshypfull husbond, John Paston, be thys letter delyveryd._
[Sidenote: 1465 / JUNE 11]
Ryght wyrshypfull husband, I recomaunde me unto you. Please it you to wyte that I recevyd letters from you on Wensday laste pa.s.syd, the were wryten the Monday next before, wherof I thanke you of the letter that ye send to me. I wolde fayn doo well yf I cowde, and as I canne I wol doo to youre pleasure and profet; and in such thyngs as I cannot skyle of, I wyll take a vyse of such as I know that be youre frendes and doo as well as I canne. Wher as ye wrote to me that Lydham told you that I told hym that the Ducks men werre not so besy as they had be by fore, no more thay were not at that tyme, but sythen thay have be bysyer. What confort that thay have I canne not have no knowlych as yet, but I suppose and all your felshyp were, thay shold not have so grete confort as they have, or ells they wold not be so besy as thay have be. Grete bost thay make that the Duck shold have Drayton in peas, and after thys Haylesdon, and that with in short tyme; thay er moch the bolder, I suppose, by cause that ye be wher as ye be. At the reverens of G.o.d, yf ye may by any wyrshypfull or resonabell mene, com oute therof as sone as ye may and come home amonges your frends and tennaunts, and that shold be to hem the grettyst confort that thay myzt have and the contrary to your enmys.
It ys sayd here that the Duck of Suffolk shall com to Coshay in haste and logge ther for a season; I fyle well by your tenaunts that yf ye were peaseabyly possessyd and your cort holden in peaseabyll wyse, and that they myzt be in pease a yenst the other many, than they wold take accyons a yenste hem for such wrongs as have be don to hem, and ells they say that they thernot [_dare not_] take it uppon hem, for they dwelle so ney to the other many that thay knowe well thay shold never be in ease yf thay dyde soo whyle that thay dele amongs hem. On Thursday last John Doket, the bayly ys son y lawe, and Thomas Ponte, with other, erly in the mornyng, an owre by fore the sonne rose, com to your fold, and drove away the flock at Drayton, both Colyet and other, in to Coshay fee, or ever that the s.h.i.+pherd myght have knowlych therof and then he fowlyd one and desyryd to have hem a yen, and thay wold not suffer hym to have them no more but the Colyet and ther were c. and j. of yours and tho had thay forth with hem to Coshay, and the same day we had a replevyn for the cc. shype and replevyn for the hors that wer taken at Haylesdon, and how that thay were obbeyd Ric. Calle shall enforme you, and of other maters also, the whych I may not wryte to you of at thys tyme.
Item, I have spoke with [John] Strange of the mater that ye wrote to me of, and in feyth I[148.1] fynd hym, as me symyth, ryght well disposyd to you wards; and he hath, acordyng to your desyre, spoken with Yelverton yesterday to fyle his dysposicion in that mater, and Yelverton, as it symyth by hym, roght not gretely thogh the mater brake, so that he myght have any resonabell colour to breke, he ys so callyd uppon by Wayte and other of the Duck of Suffolk ys counsell that he ote [_wot_] not where to hold hym, and he ys put in so gret confort, as I am enformyd, to receve money for the lond, and that temptyth hym ryght sore; for with money he wold fayn be in handelyng, as ye know he hath nede therof. He told John Straunge that it ys informyd hym that ye have up an enquest to depreve ther wytnesse and ther with ys he sore movyd ... ... ... that yf any thyngs be don in temporall maters other in spyryt[uall] ... ... maters tochyng executors or feoffeys or wyttnes tyll the day of ... ... trety be pa.s.syd, he wyll not abyde no trety therin, but do as ... ... ... thynkyth best for to do therein.
I told John Straunge that I kn[ew] ... ... . . thogh it were soo that shold any such enquest it shol n ... ... ... . of them in provyng of her trothys, the whych shold be no hurt ... ... ...
for John Straunge desyryd me that I shuld send to you in al haste that ... ... ... any such folks that thay shold not doo in the mater till the day of ... ... ... may have knowlych howe he and other wold doo in such maters as sh ... ... . . he wold be loth that he shold have any colour to breke for any thyng ... ... . . and Yelverton sayth it shall not breke thorf his defaute yf ye wyll n[ot] ... ... . . be ryght glad to have your wyll and to goo thorgh in all maner mate[rs] ... ... . . eschewyng of wastfull expens of the dede ys G.o.des and that the G.o.des myzt be dyspendyd to the welle of the dede. Straunge desyryd to knowe what appoyntements he desyryth to have in the trety, and he sayd he wold not let that be understond tyll the tyme of trety cam. Me symyth, save your beter avyse, it were wel do that thay that be com up for you myzt be kypt in som secryte place and not do [_naught done ?_] in the mater tyll the tyme of the trety were pa.s.syd. The cost there of shall not be grete to that it myzt hurte yf the trety were broken by that meane and then ye may have hem nyer; and yf ye thynk it be to doo ye may have hem to go to ther mater after the seyd tyme, for of ij. hurtes the grettyst ys best to be eschewyd.
Item, as for youre houshold at Caster, savyng your beter avyse, me thynkyth that v. or vj. of your folkes, such as ye wyll a.s.syngne, were [enough to?][149.1] kype the place, and they for to go to bord with the prustes, and ye not to kype no houshold ther yet; and that ye shall fynd more profettabyll than for to doo as we do nogh; for ther expens, as I understond, have not be moch the lesse by fore Wytsontyde than it shold be thogh I had be at home by cause of resortyng of pepell theder; and yf the houshold were broke thay myzt have a excuse in that, whosome ever come. Ric. Call shall enforme you of thys maters, and mo other, more playnly than I may do wryte at thys tyme. It is necessary that possessyon be kypt hyre yett tyll ye be more ferther forth in other maters. The Blessyd Trynyte have you [in] Hys kypyng, and send you spyde in all your maters, and send you grace to have a conclusyon in hem in haste. Wryten on the Tewysday nex before Corpus Christi.
By your faynt houswyff at thys tyme,
M. P.
[Footnote 147.1: [From Paston MSS.] This letter, in which it is antic.i.p.ated that the Duke of Suffolk will obtain possession, first of Drayton, and then of h.e.l.lesden, is evidently a little later in date than Nos. 578 and 581, and can only be of the year 1465.]
[Footnote 148.1: The MS. has 'in' instead of 'I,' evidently by mistake.]
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