The Paston Letters Volume V Part 38

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I sende yow her with ij. letteris from John Osbern to me, wherby and by hys billes ye may undrestond the verry valewe off the wood.

I praye yow sende me wryghtyng ageyn by the Mondaye vij. nyght afftre Ester; iff Hoxon or the goode man off the Goot have it, they shall conveye it welle.

[Footnote 180-2: [From Paston MSS., B.M.]]

[[... Maye, as I trowe.

_final period (full stop) missing_]]



_To John Paston, Esqer, in Norffolk._

[Sidenote: 1473 / APRIL 16]

Wyrsshypfull and ryght hertyly belowyd brother, I recomande me on to yow, letyng yow wete that on Wednysdaye last past I wrote yow a letter, wheroff John Carbalde had the beryng, promyttyng me that ye shold have it at Norwyche thys daye, or ellys to morowe in the mornyng, wherin I praye yowe to take a labor accordyng afftr the tenur off the same, and that I maye have an answer at London to Hoxon, iff any ma.s.senger come, as ene I maye doo ffor yow.

As ffor tydyngs, ther was a truse taken at Brussellys about the xxvj.

daye off Marche last past, be twyn the Duke off Borgoyn and the Frense Kyngs imba.s.sators and Master William At Clyff ffor the Kyng heer, whyche is a pese be londe and water tyll the ffyrst daye off Apryll nowe next comyng, betweyn Fraunce and Ingelond, and also the Dukys londes. G.o.d holde it ffor ever and grace be.

Item, the Erle of Oxenfford was on Saterdaye at Depe, and is purposyd into Skotlond with a xij. schyppys. I mystrust that werke.

Item, ther be in London many fflyeng talys, seying that ther shold be a werke, and yit they wot not howe.

Item, my Lorde Chamberleyn[184-2] sendyth now at thys tyme to Caleys the yonge Lorde Sowche[184-3] and Sir Thomas Hongreffords dowtre and heyr,[184-4] and some seye the yonge Lady Haryngton, thes be iij. grett jowelles, Caleys is a mery town, they shall dwell ther I wott not whylghe [_how long_].

No mor, but I have ben, and ame troblyd with myn over large and curteys delyng with my servants, and now with ther onkynd nesse; Plattyng, yowr men wolde thys daye byd me ffar well to to morow at Dover, notwithstandyng Thryston yowr other man is ffrom me, and John Myryell, and W. Woode whyche promysed yow and Dawbeney, G.o.d have hys sowle, at Castre, that iff ye wolde take hym in to be ageyn with me, that then he wold never goo ffro me, and ther uppon I have kepyd hym thys iij. yer to pleye Seynt Jorge and Robyn Hod and the Shryff off Notyngham, and now when I wolde have good horse he is goon into Bernysdale, and I withowt a keeper.

Wretyn at Canterburye, to Caleys warde on Tewesday and happe be, uppon Good Frydaye the xvj. daye off Apryll, Anno E. iiij^ti xiij^{o}.


J. P., K.

Item, the most parte off the sowdyors that went over with Sir Robert Green have leeff, and be comyn hom, the hyghe weye ffull; my cariage was behynd me ij. hours longer than I lokyd afftr, but I wysse I wende that I myght have etyn my parte on Good Frydaye all my garees [_finery_] and pryde had ben goon, but all was saffe. I pray yow iff W. Mylsent go ffroo yow, that he myght come to me at Caleys, I will have hym.

[Footnote 184-1: [From Fenn, ii. 130.]]

[Footnote 184-2: William, Lord Hastings.--F.]

[Footnote 184-3: John, Lord Zouch of Harringworth; he was attainted in the first year of Henry VII.--F.]

[Footnote 184-4: Mary, daughter and heir of Sir Thomas Hungerford; she afterwards married Edward, son and heir to William, Lord Hastings, who in her right became Lord Hungerford, her uncle's attainder being reversed.--F.]



_To John Paston, Esquyer, in Norwich._

[Sidenote: 1473 / MAY 18]

Ryght wershypfull brother, I recomand me to yow, &c.[186-2] ... ...

As for tydyngs, the Erle of Wylshyr[186-3] and the Lord Sudele[186-4] be ded, and it was seyd that Sir W. Stanle was deed, but nowe it is seyd naye, &c.

Item, as ffor your goyng to Seyn James,[186-5] I beleve it but atwyen ij., &c.

I herd seye that a man was thys daye examyned, and he confessed that he knewe greet tresor was sende to the Erle off Oxenfford, wheroff a m^le li. [1000] sholde be conveyd by a Monke off Westminster, and some seye by a Monke off Chartrehows.

Item, that the same man schulde acuse C. gentylmen in Norffolk and Suffolk that have agreyd to a.s.syst the seyd Erle at hys comynge thyder, whyche as itt is seyd, sholde be within viij. dayes afftr Seynt Donston, iff wynde and weddyr serffe hym--fflyeng tales. No mor at thys tyme, but G.o.d have yow in kepyng.

Wretyn at London on Seynt Donstones daye, xviij. daye of Maye, Anno E.

iiij^ti xiij^{o}.


[Footnote 186-1: [From Fenn, ii. 136.]]

[Footnote 186-2: Then follow some orders concerning servants, debts, securities, etc.--F.]

[Footnote 186-3: John Stafford was created Earl of Wilts.h.i.+re in 1470. He was uncle to Henry, Duke of Buckingham.]

[Footnote 186-4: ... . . Butler, Lord Sudley.--F.]

[Footnote 186-5: Apparently John Paston had talked of making a pilgrimage to the shrine of St. James of Compostella in Spain.]

[[xviij. daye of Maye, Anno E. iiij^ti _be owt off syght_]]



_To John Paston, Esqer, be thys delyveryd._

[Sidenote: 1473 / JUNE 3]

Ryght wyrshypfull brother, I comand me to yow, letyng yow weet that thys daye I was in very purpose to Caleys ward, all redy to have goon to the barge, saff I teryed ffor a yonge man that I thoght to have had with me thyddr, on that was with Rows, whyche is in the cowntre; and because I cowde not geet hym, and that I have no mor heer with me b.u.t.t Pampyng, Edward, and Jak, therffor Pampyng remembryd me, that at Caleys he tolde me that he purposed to be with the d.u.c.h.esse off Norffolk, my Lady and yowrs. And Edward is syke and semythe nott abydyng; he wolde see what shold falle off thys worlde; and so I am as he that seythe 'Come hyddr John, my man.' And as happe was yisterday, Juddy went affor to Caleysward; wherffor I am nowe ille purveyd, whyche ffor owte that I knowe yit is lyke to kepe me heer thys Wytsontyd.[187-2] Wherffor iff ye knowe any lykly men, and ffayr condycioned, and good archers, sende them to me, thowe it be iiij. and I wyll have them, and they shall have iiij.

mrks by yer, and my levere [_livery_].

He maye com to me hyddr to the Gott [_Goat_], or yit to Caleys with a riall[187-3] iff he be wyse, whyche iff nede bee, I wolde that Berker toke hym to come uppe with, iff it be suche one as ye tryst.

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