The Paston Letters Volume Vi Part 45

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Item for brede and drynke there, ij_d._


Item for horsmete there, j_d._

Item for brede and drynke there, j_d. ob._


Item for oure dyner there, iiij_d._

Item for horsmete there, j_d._


Item for horsmete there, j_d._

Item for brede and drynke there, j_d. ob._

Item for a dosyn poyntis, ij_d._

Summa expens, v_s._

_Endorsed_: Wykes.

[Footnote 181-1: [Add. MS. 34,889, f. 231.] This bill of travelling expenses cannot be a.s.signed to any particular year; but it would seem to be of the reign of Henry VII.]

[[Item for horsmete there, / j_d._ _Brentwode_ Item for horsmete there, / j_d._ _italic "d" misprinted as "a" (three consecutive lines)_]]



_To his ryght wurs.h.i.+pfull maister, John Paston, Esquier, this byll be delyverid in hast._

[Sidenote: Date uncertain]

Ryght wurs.h.i.+pfull and myne especyall good maister, I comaund me vonto your good maisters.h.i.+p. Sir, it is so that there hath ben a gret rumour and mervelous noyse of yower departyng ffro Yermoth; for summe seid that ye were departed in a Duch s.h.i.+p and some seid in aspaynessh s.h.i.+p and some seid in yower s.h.i.+p, and some seid ayein your wyll ye were departed; of wych departyng my lord Steward hadde knowleche and comaunded a noon after your old servaunt Rychard Fitzwater to ryde to Norwich, and so to Yermoth, to knowe the trowth. And at Norwich I spoke with your seid servaunt, and ther he shewed vonto me that my lord hadde send another of his servauntis vonto my Lord of Oxynford to shew vonto his lords.h.i.+p of your departyng, &c., and fferthermore he shewed vonto me prevyly that my Lord hath imagyned and purposed many grevous thyngis ayens your Maisters.h.i.+p; for wych cawse he shewed wnto me that in any wyse your masters.h.i.+p shuld not come that wey, and I shall shewe your maisters.h.i.+p moch more at your comyng, with the grace of G.o.d, whoo ever preserve your good maisters.h.i.+p. At Norwich the Sonday next after Sent Marke.

Your servaunt,


[Footnote 183-1: [Add. MS. 33,597, f. 10.] There is nothing in the rest of the Paston correspondence to throw any light upon this letter, either as to the date at which it was written, or as to the person addressed, whether it be John Paston the eldest or the younger of the two Johns, his sons.]



Maister Paston, it is so that my Lord desireth to have his lyverey as for this yere to be of the colour that he hadde him self a demye gowne of, and his childern hadde of the same ayenst laste was; I wot never whether ye remembre it or nay. Yt was a medelled tawney, som what rede, and it was bought at Watkyn Stalworthes. I pray you a.s.saye among the clothe makers in your countre howe a man may bye a cloth of them. Ye muste remembre the gentilmen muste have better than the yomen, and the yomen better than the gromes. And ye knowe well that ye and I the laste yere pourvoied my lord of the gentilmenes lyverey and the yomens for iij_s._ a yerde, one with a nother, and the gromes for ij_s._ viij_d._, and boughte all at the drapers in London. Wherfore my Lord woll thinke to be served of better clothe and lesse price at the clothe makers. I wolde have sente you an example but I can not gette it.

[Footnote 184-1: [Add. MS. 34,889, f. 148.] This letter contains a great many uncertainties. The writer is anonymous, the person addressed is by no means clear, and the lord referred to cannot be determined. Neither is there any means of arriving at an approximate date.]



_Thys letter be delyvyrde on to my fadyrynlav Rychard dewelly yn the parris of Morton._

Welle belovyd fadyr, y recommende me on to you, and y thonke you of your cherre to me beyng vyt you laste, &c. Fadyr, hyt ysso asfor the promysse that ys by twyxt you and me, y hope to G.o.d to contayne you of my promysse. So by that y am so lenge on y payde on to you, Fadyr, hyt ysso ye have y lefte me yn so grete a danger wyt the reparasyon of Wolston ande wythe Benet Barnarde that y am so lenge byhynde vyt you of my promys; nere the les y have sende you by Herry Penennec iiij. mark a fore Crystmas, ande the wederyng fyl so fowle a konnot go on to you.

Fadyr, hyt yesso y have payde Benet Barnarde viij. marke for the fe that ye made on to hym, and more y moste pay hym for you, for he axyt of you yn holle xij_li._ wyt the fe, ande hys labor that a dyde for you yn London. For he sayt that ye nevyr payde hym of no fyne, nodyr for no odyr coste that a dyde for you wylle ye werre yn thys contray. Therfore y pray you to sende on to me a dyscharge for the sayde xij_li._, or ellys a wolle dystrayne me and put me to scharge an coste as a hath strayne my tenenttes byfore for thys mater and costys. For dermore Boryng hath take an accion yn the comyn law ayenst us bothe, entendyng to dryve us to a new particion, for a shewyth owre to tenentes to tempe ande meve them to cry fore a noder particion, ande to have suche as plesyth hym to hys reteyne; and therfore, but we have the better consayle hyt woll cost moch mony wyth owt dowt. Ther fore send me suche evydens as may dyscharge and save bothe you and me, wyche byth yn your hon dysposal; hyt hath coste me xl_s._ for the accion that he hath take ayenst Tomas Snel and Wyllyam Snell, for bycause that T. Snell forbede[185-1] Bouryng ys tenents fro my wode yn Boter towne, which bythe alders. Your doctor [_daughter_] recommende hyr on to you and prayyt of your dayly blessyng, and sche hat a son, bleste by G.o.d. Namore to you at thys tymme. G.o.d have you yn Hys kepyng.

By your Son,


[Footnote 184-2: [Add. MS. 34,889, f. 181.] It is difficult to connect this letter with the rest of the Paston correspondence, or to give any idea as to its date.]

[Footnote 185-1: 'forbede' repeated in MS.]



Memorandum to speke with William Byrde be the same tokne, I came home from London to Norwich on Mydsomer evyn last past, and the same even I cam home to his howse, and brought hym x_s._ for a gyrdyll off myn that he had in his kepyng for a plegge off myn; and if so be that he wilnat ley out thes money, let hym send me the bill indentyd off my jowellys closyd in a letter with a signet off myn that my wiff hath in her keping.


[Footnote 186-1: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] I cannot tell by whom this memorandum was drawn up, nor do I know to what it refers. But as the MS. appears to belong to the Paston collection, and is of the period, I have not thought it right to omit it. The name 'Vyall' which is written on the back of the paper occurs in No.




The following letters are probably all of the time of Henry VII. They are all addressed to a Mr. William Paston, but perhaps not all to the same person. The first two are apparently to William Paston, the brother of the two Sir Johns. The third is doubtful. The last may be to the son of the second Sir John.

1085.--John Wryght to Master William Paston at Hynnyngham.--Has received from him a bill with 3_s._ 6_d._, part payment of the cotton russet. 'The rest we shall drink when ye come to London.'

The Paston Letters Volume Vi Part 45

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