The Paston Letters Volume Ii Part 36

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or vij. thrifty apprentisez; at whiche tyme the Lord Moleyns t.i.tle was shewed, and clerly answerid, in so meche that his own counseil seide they cowde no forther in the matier, desiryng me to ride to Salesbury to the Lord Moleyns, promyttyng of their part that thei wolde moeve the Lord Moleyns, so that thei trusted I shuld have myn entent or I come thens; of whiche t.i.tle and answer I send yow a copie that hath be put in to the Parlement, the Lord Moleyns being there present, whereto he cowde not sey nay. Also by fore this tyme I have agreed to put it in ij.

juges, so thei wolde determyne by our evydences the right, moevyng nother partie to yeve other by ony mene, but only the right determyned, he to be fully recompensed that hath right. Whereto he wold not agree, but alle tymes wolde that thoe juges shulde entrete the parties as they myght be drawe to by offre and profre to my conceyte as men bye hors.

Whiche matiers considerid, my counseil hath alwey conceyved that the tretees he offred hath be to non othir entent but to delaye the matier, or ellis to entrete me to relese my damages, for t.i.tle hath he non. And he knowith weel the t.i.tle shall never better be undirstond thanne it hath be by his counseil and myn atte seid comunycacions. And also my Lord Chaunceler undirstond that the Lord Moleyns men toke and bar away more than cc_li._ [200] worth of my goodes and catalles. Wherof I delyvered hym a bylle of every parcell, wherto al the world knoweth he canne make no t.i.tle. And if he were disposed to do right, my counseil thynketh he shuld restore that, for therfor nedith nowthir comunycacion nor trete. And with owt he wole restore that, I trowe no man can thynk that his trete is to no good purpose.

I preye yow hertily laboure ye so to my Lord Chaunceller that owther he wole graunte me my desire, or ellis that he wole denye it. And lete me have answer from yow in wrytyng how ye spede. If my Lord Chaunceler hath lost my bille that I delyvered hym, wherof I sende yowe a copie, that thanne ye put up to hym an othir of the same, takyng a copie to your self.

Recomand me to my cosyn William Whyte,[170.1] and prey hym to gyf yow his help in this, and lete hym be prevye to this letter. And lete hym w[ete] that my cosyn his suster hath childe, a doughter. Wretyn at Norwich, the iiij. day of Septembre.

Dyverse men of my freendis avyse me to entre in to the maner of Gresham by force of my writte of rest.i.tution, whiche I wole not do by cause the maner is so decayed by the Lord Moleyns occupacion, that where it was worth to me l. marks clerly by yeer, I cowde not now make it worth xx_li._; for whiche hurt, and for othir hurtis, by this special a.s.sise I trust to have remedye.

[Footnote 168.1: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] It is evident that this letter was written partly in answer to Gresham's of the 19th August 1450. The year is therefore the same. The letter is printed from a copy in Gresham's handwriting.]

[Footnote 168.2: _See_ p. 161, Note 3.]

[Footnote 168.3: Cardinal Kemp. --_See_ last No.]

[Footnote 170.1: Cardinal Kemp's servant. --_See_ No. 128.]




[Sidenote: 1450 / SEPT. 7]

Has no word from them of the correction and engrossing of the damages done to him by divers men in Norfolk, of part of which he sent a roll to them at Castre a month ago. Sends John Bokkyng for an answer. Was often damaged by the Duke of Suffolk's officers in Lodylond, both by undue amerciaments and distraining cattle at Cotton, and by the officers of Cossey, of which there should be remembrances at Castre. Wrote also that they should see the Bishop of Norwich about the letter left with him concerning the award of Dedham. Is particularly anxious to know what they have done about Rydlyngfeld, &c.

London, 7 Sept. 29 Hen. VI.


[Footnote 170.2: [From MS. Phillipps, 9735, No. 245.]]



_Sir John Fastolf to Sir Thomas Howys_, at Castre, or at Pokethorp in Norwich, or at Haylydon Manor.

[Sidenote: 1450 / SEPT. 15]

Has received his letter by Thomas Fastolf touching his diligence about the recovery of the letter with the Bishop of Norwich, and of the evidences of Rydlyngfeld, with a copy of a certain indenture which F.

has already sealed. Has no answer of the correction of the articles F.

sent home to him two months ago. As my Lord of Norfolk is at Norwich to sit upon the oyer and terminer, you must labor to shew forth my grievances. Nothing can be done till after Michaelmas about the _venire facias_ for the jury of Sybton. Has written this week by the Parson of Estharlyng to Berney, who, he hears, has been shewing favor to his adversaries. Refers him further to John Bokkyng, who is now in Norfolk.

London, 15 Sept. 29 Hen. VI.

[Footnote 171.1: [From MS. Phillipps, 9735, No. 253.]]



_To oure trusty and welbeloved John Paston, Squier._

By the King.

[Sidenote: 1450 / SEPT. 18]

Trusty and welbeloved, for asmuche as oure right trusty and welbeloved the Lord Moleyns is by our special desire and comaundement waitting upon us, and now for divers consideracions moeving us, we purpose to sende hym in to certaine places for to execute oure commaundement, for the whiche he ne may be attendant to be in oure countees of Northfolk and Suffolk at the time of oure Commissioners sitting upon oure commission of oier determiner within the same oure counties: We therfore desire and praye that considering his attendance upon us, and that he must applie hym to execute oure commaundement, ye wol respite as for any thing attempting ayenst hym as for any matiers that ye have to do or seye ayenst hym, or any other of his servants, welwillers, or tenaunts, by cause of hym, unto tyme he shal mowe be present to ansuere there unto; wherein ye shall ministere unto us cause of pleasure, and over that, deserve of us right good thanke. Yeven under oure signet at oure Palois of Westmynster, the xviij. day of September.

[Footnote 171.2: [From Fenn, iii. 362.] The bearing of this letter upon the contents of Nos. 135 and 136 proves it to be of the same year.]




[Sidenote: 1450(?) / SEPT. 29]

Reports the disposition of 'my master,' the Provost. Francis Costard brought his evidence to my master's presence, where it was examined. He wondered what t.i.tle you would claim to the land. I said, men said it was once free till it was soiled by a bondman. He gave more weight to the evidence of John Aleyn and Nicholas Waterman. Aleyn says he was steward of the manor, in Garleke's days, forty years, and never knew it claimed for bond ground; and the said Nicholas says it was he who moved your father to buy the manor. Many others have set their seals to corroborate this. Asked him to be good unto Henry Halman, who was amerced in his court for chastising a servant of his, a bondman of yours. My master asked mockingly if a man might not beat his own wife.

Sporle, Michaelmas morning.

[This letter would seem to belong to the same year as No. 128, in which 'Costard's _nisi prius_' and an action against Halman are referred to. No. 129 also mentions Halman and the writer of this letter.]

[Footnote 172.1: [From Paston MSS., B.M.]]



_To my maister Paston in hast._

[Sidenote: 1450 / OCT. 4]

Right wors.h.i.+pfull and my right good maister, I recomaund me to you. And like you wete that it is now ... . I haf for Danyels sake put my self withynne the maner of Rydon; and her is with me a kynnesman [of] my mastres your wifes, John Bendyssh. And as yestirday cam John Wodehous with a xij. hors to Geyt[on]; on the othre side cometh Fitz William with xx. hors; and on the third parte, oon Hoberd of Midelton hath redy a xx.

felaws; and on the fourth parte, stant the toune of Lynne redy with Herry Wodehous; and thei all be gon thedir this nyght. This day folwyng cometh to thaym Herry Tudenham, William Narburgh, Thomas Trusbut, Thomas Kervile, and Shuldham servauntez, Salesbury and William Owayn. It is so that of my lorde[173.2] gete I no socour, and lever I had to dy than gif up the place sith I am ther yn. And I wene if thei gete the place upon me ther helpith my lif no pardon. Wherfore I lowly beseche yow, maister Paston, advertise in your wisdom that this was the first porpose of Tudenham and Heydon whils thei regned, to gete this place; and to that intent thei brought hider the lord Roos, which now is full simpely thought on with my maister that I serve. And ye wete wele that I have most encountred the entent of Tudenham and Heydon of ony pouer man on lyve; And if I be lost or put to an ungoodly rebuke heryn my service is the lesse of valu to you that be gentils of the s.h.i.+re. Wherfore I requyre your maisters.h.i.+p to come hider in your persone with suych as ye seme not to that intent to take party in the mater, but to that intent to help to set peas in the s.h.i.+re, and to stire my lord for his honour.

For yisterday my lord sent to Lynne and made a cry to be made that he wold be named in the writ of the statute of Northampton, and that cry hath caused the common pople of the toun of Lynne to stere the more.

Neverthelesse all the substaunce of the toun is in peas and peasid by the wisdam of the Meir theer, but not for than sum of thaym come with Harry Wodehous, so that I deme he hath a vj^xx. persones in all on all sides. I beseche you to send me hider sum socour beside forth, with John Osbern and John Lister with thaym, and come ye aftir a parte by your good wisdome soukyng (_sic_) their demenynges, and send me your advyse.

Wretyn the nyght of the Sunday a forn seynt Feithesday.

Your servaunt,

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