The Paston Letters Volume Iii Part 17

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[Footnote 77.1: [From Fenn, iii. 332.] The first paragraph of this letter seems to relate to Fastolf's claims against the Crown set forth in Nos. 309 and 310, and as these seem to have been drawn up in the end of 1455, this letter probably belongs to the year following. The reference to William Brandon as 'late escheator' confirms this date; and also, perhaps, the mention, at the end, of William Norwich, who was Sheriff of Norwich this year.]

[Footnote 77.2: Compertorium is a judicial inquest in civil proceedings made by Commissioners to find out, etc., the truth of a cause.--F.]

[Footnote 77.3: An Escheator was a county officer who certified into the Exchequer the King's escheats, _i.e._ lands which fell to the King, either for a time or altogether, as by the death of tenants _in capite_, minority of heirs, etc. William Brandon was Escheator of Norfolk and Suffolk from 13th November 33 Hen. VI.

to 4th November 34 Hen. VI., _i.e._ from 1454 to 1455.]

[Footnote 77.4: A writ which lies for him who is molested contrary to the King's protection granted him.--F.]

[Footnote 77.5: A writ of _liberate_ is a warrant either for the payment of annual pensions, etc., granted under the Great Seal, or for delivery of possession of certain lands or goods in the custody of a sheriff.]



_To my right wors.h.i.+pfull Maister, John Paston._

[Sidenote: 1456(?) / [MAR. 24]]

After due recomendacion had, please it your maisters.h.i.+p to wytte that William Yelverton was mevid by me to comene with my maister his fadir, as I wrot to yow from Norwich. And now he tellith me that he hath comened with his fadir; and he undirstondith that his fadir seyth that he hath not knowelaged Fennes[78.2] obligacion. And he seyth that Maister Fastolf undirstood that Fen hadde t.i.tle to the maner of Haryngby, and therfor wold he that Fen shuld have it after Maister F.

lyve; and, by liklynes, ther shall be labour made by Fenn to have releses of Maister Yelverton, &c., but he hath not yet relesed. He can no more undirstond of hym as yet. If he can undirstond ony more pleynly this day, I shall have knowelage at Norwich on Friday or Saterday next comyng. Please it you to have pacience, though I write so brefly.

In hast, at Walsyngham, the Wednesseday next to fore Esterne.

Youre pouere servaunt,


[Footnote 78.1: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] As this letter relates to money matters of Fenn and Sir John Fastolf, it may most probably be referred to the same year as Nos. 321 and 324.]

[Footnote 78.2: Hugh Fenn. --_See_ No. 324.]



_To the right wors.h.i.+pfull, and my right entierly welbeloved Sir John Fastolf, Knight._

[Sidenote: 1456 / MARCH 27]

Right wors.h.i.+pful, and my right entierly welbeloved, I grete you right hertly wele, thanking you specialy, and in full herty wise, for the verray geantle goodnesse that ye have shewid unto me at all tymes, praying you of good contynuance.

And as touching suche matiers as ye sente unto me fore, I truste to G.o.d verraly, insomuche as the rule is amendid heer, and the wedder waxeth seesonable and pleasante, to see you in thise parties within short tyme, at whiche tyme I shal commune and demeene unto you in suche wise, that ye shal be right wele pleasid.

And as for the matier concernyng my Lord of Bedford, thinketh nat contrarye, but that ye shal finde me hertly wel-willid to doo that I can or may for th'accomplesshment of youre desire, as wel in that matier as in other, like as your servaunte John Bokking, berer hereof, can clierlier reporte unto you on my behalve; to whom like hit you to yeve feith and credence in this partie. And the blissid Trinitee have you everlastingly in His keping.

Written in my Manoir of Lamehith, the xxvj. daie of March.

Your feithfull and trew,


[Footnote 79.1: [From Fenn, i. 124.] The date of this letter will appear tolerably certain on a comparison with No. 319. In that letter Fastolf talks of coming up to London, if necessary, about the matter of my Lord of Bedford's goods, but expresses a wish that if he is to come, my Lord Chancellor--viz. the Archbishop of Canterbury--should be got to write him a letter about it.]



_To my right wurs.h.i.+pfull cosyn, John Paston, Esquyer._

[Sidenote: 1456 / MARCH 30]

Ryght wors.h.i.+ppfull and enterly belovyd cosyn, I comaund me to yow hertyly; latyng yow wete that there ys a contraversie mevyd be twix my cosyn John Radeclyff[80.2] of Attylburgh and me for the advoweson of the chirch of Attylburgh, the whech ys now voide, wheroff the t.i.tle is myn veryly as G.o.d knowith, the whech shall be oppenyd unto yow; and upon Thursday next atte Wymondham, there shall be take an enquerre _de jure patronatus_ afore Master Robert Popy and Master Symond Thornham, atte whech day I may nought be my selff as G.o.d knowyth, and thow I myght, yt were not convenyent.

And therfore, ryght trusty cosyn, consideryng that I am a wedowe impotent as of body, tendyrly and hertily I pray you, yf yt lyke yow, to be there a.s.sistyng my councell in my right as reson and lawe will upon Thursday next, be viij. of the clokke; and Fyncham,[80.3] Spelman, and othir of my councell shall be than there waytyng upon yow. And, jentyll cosyn, have me excused thowh I wryte thus brefly and homly to yow, for in trouth I do it of a synguler trust and affection, the wheche I have in yow, consideryng the goode nome and fame of trouth, wysdom, and good conducte, the which I here of you. And therfor, and ye may to youre well, I beseche you hertyly to be there, and ye shall nought lese therby with the grace of Almyghty Jesu, the wheche evyr preserve and promote you, gentill cosyn, in moche wors.h.i.+p to youre hertys ease.

Atte Bokenham Castell, on Teuysday in Pache weke, in hast.

D. A. OGARD.[81.1]

[Footnote 80.1: [From Fenn, iii. 290.] This letter would appear to have been written in the year 1456, as Thomas Fairclowe, D.D., was presented to the church of Attleborough on the 2nd August in that year by Dame Alice Ogard as patron.]

[Footnote 80.2: John Radcliff, Esq., married Elizabeth, daughter and heir of Walter, Lord Fitz-Walter. He was in her right called Lord Fitz-Walter, and was killed at Ferrybridge in 1461.]

[Footnote 80.3: Simeon Fincham, of Fincham, Esq. His son John married Agnes, daughter of John Spelman, of Beckerton, Esq., I suppose the person here mentioned. He died in 1460, and Simeon in 1458.--F.]

[Footnote 81.1: Dame Alice Ogard was the widow of Sir Andrew Ogard, Knight, whose first wife was Margaret, the daughter of Sir John Clifton, Knight, of Bokenham Castle. He died in 1454, and Alice, his relict, in 1460.--F.]



_To the worchepfull sir, John Paston esquyer._

[Sidenote: 1456(?) / APRIL 25]

Worchepfull Sir, my reverent and right trusty maister and cosyn, I recommaunde me to you. Lyke you to wyte that wher I have made my fyne of Ikburgh with Nicholas Waterman, thanne beyng feodary to my Lorde of Yorke, as the same Nicholas wil recorde, wherof sufficient writyng is had; the which payment, so made, is sufficient in the lawe; in the which caas noo newe feodary is chargeable nor I demaundable, but the seide Nicholas owe to answere therof in his accompt; and if he concele, my Lorde may have good remedy ageyns hym, and so owe to do. The which not withstandyng, oon I trowe called Osbarn, som tyme your servant, now my Lordis feodary, hath often meved to do I wote not, and now late hath distreyned my cattel, and seith he wil dryve hem awey, &c., and wil have C_s._ for fyne, wher my uncle paied xxvj_s._ viij_d._, Herry Somer xx_s._, and so many other ded. Sir, he may do me a pety shame in distreyning and dryvyng awey to make me hevy, and hym not glad I hoop at the loong, but wroong shal he nor any other do me, wher I may gete remedy by the lawe in any place throw G.o.ddis mercy. Wherfor, sir, if he be stille in your servyse, lyke you I myght have knowlech, and thanne if your discreccion semith any thyng that I owe to do, by you I wil be advertysed and ruled; and if I coude conceyve that I owe to pay ageyn, as I understonde clerly the contrary, forsothe in right hasty seson wold I provyde and send hym from my seid lorde a sufficient discharge for myn more availl, that he shuld noght lose by me. And that is reson aswele, for that I wil not, by G.o.ddis grace be hurted by hym, nor geve hym cause by my wil. I deserve my lordis good lordes.h.i.+p as wele as any other of my simple poer her. I besech you that by this simple bille I may be recommaunded to my worchepful maistresse. The blissid Trinite have you in His holy governaunce. Written, London xxv. day of Aprill.

Youris owen,


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