The Second Mrs. Tanqueray Part 20

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_A_ SERVANT _enters._


Mr. Drummle, ma'am.

CAYLEY DRUMMLE, _in riding dress, enters briskly._

_The_ SERVANT _retires._


[_Recovering herself._] Well, Cayley!


[_Shaking hands with her cordially._] How are you? [_Shaking hands with_ ELLEAN, _who rises._] I saw you in the distance an hour ago, in the gorse near Stapleton's.


I didn't see you, Mr. Drummle.


My dear Ellean, it is my experience that no charming young lady of nineteen ever does see a man of forty-five. [_Laughing._] Ha, Ha!


[_Going to the door._] Paula, papa wishes me to drive down to the village with you this morning. Do you care to take me?


[_Coldly._] Oh, by all means. Pray tell Watts to balance the cart for three.

[ELLEAN _goes out._


How's Aubrey?


Very well--when Ellean's about the house.


And you? I needn't ask.


[_Walking away to the window._] Oh, a dog's life, my dear Cayley, mine.




Doesn't that define a happy marriage? I'm sleek, well-kept, well-fed, never without a bone to gnaw and fresh straw to lie upon.

[_Gazing out of the window._] Oh, dear me!


H'm! Well, I heartily congratulate you on your kennel. The view from the terrace here is superb.


Yes, I can see London.


London! Not quite so far, surely?


_I_ can. Also the Mediterranean, on a fine day. I wonder what Algiers looks like this morning from the sea! [_Impulsively._] Oh, Cayley, do you remember those jolly times on board Peter Jarman's yacht when we lay off----? [_Stopping suddenly, seeing_ DRUMMLE _staring at her._] Good gracious! What are we talking about!

AUBREY _enters._


[_To Drummle._] Dear old chap! Has Paula asked you?


Not yet.


We want you to come to us, now that you're leaving Mrs.

Cortelyon--at once, to-day. Stay a month, as long as you please--eh, Paula?


As long as you can possibly endure it--do, Cayley.


[_Looking at Aubrey._] Delighted. [_To Paula._] Charming of you to have me.

The Second Mrs. Tanqueray Part 20

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