The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night Volume VII Part 4

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Meanwhile Ikrimah returned to his own house and found that his wife had missed him and asked for him, and when they told her of his riding forth, she mis...o...b..ed of him, and said to him, "Verily the Wali of Al-Jazirah rideth not abroad after such an hour of the night, unattended and secretly, save to a wife or a mistress." He answered, "Allah knoweth that I went not forth to either of these." "Tell me then wherefore thou wentest forth?" "I went not forth at this hour save that none should know it." "I must needs be told." "Wilt thou keep the matter secret, if I tell thee?" "Yes!" So he told her the state of the case, adding, "Wilt thou have me swear to thee?" Answered she, "No, no, my heart is set at ease and trusteth in that which thou hast told me." As for Khuzaymah, soon as it was day he made his peace with his creditors and set his affairs in order; after which he got him ready and set out for the Court of Sulayman bin Abd al-Malik, who was then sojourning in Palestine.[FN#103] When he came to the royal gate, he sought admission of the chamberlain, who went in and told the Caliph of his presence. Now he was renowned for his beneficence and Sulayman knew of him; so he bade admit him. When he entered, he saluted the Caliph after the usual fas.h.i.+on of saluting[FN#104] and the King asked, "O Khuzaymah, what hath kept thee so long from us?" Answered he, "Evil case," and quoth the Caliph, "What hindered thee from having recourse to us?" Quoth he, "My infirmity, O Commander of the Faithful!" "And why," said Sulayman, "comest thou to us now?" Khuzaymah replied, "Know, O Commander of the Faithful, that I was sitting one night late in my house, when a man knocked at the door and did thus and thus;"

and he went on to tell him of all that had pa.s.sed between Ikrimah and himself from first to last. Sulayman asked, "Knowest thou the man?" and Khuzaymah answered, "No, O Commander of the Faithful, he was reserved[FN#105] and would say naught save, 'I am hight Jabir Atharat al-Kiram.'" When Sulayman heard this, his heart burned within him for anxiety to discover the man, and he said, "If we knew him, truly we would requite him for his generosity."

Then he bound for Khuzaymah a banner[FN#106] and made him Governor of Mesopotamia, in the stead of Ikrimah Al-Fayyaz; and he set out for Al-Jazirah. When he drew near the city, Ikrimah and the people of the place came forth to meet him and they saluted each other and went on into the town, where Khuzaymah took up his lodging in the Government-house and bade take security for Ikrimah and that he should be called to account.[FN#107] So an account was taken against him and he was found to be in default for much money; whereupon Khuzaymah required of him payment, but he said, "I have no means of paying aught." Quoth Khuzaymah, "It must be paid;" and quoth Ikrimah, "I have it not; do what thou hast to do." So Khuzaymah ordered him to gaol.--And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.

When it was the Six Hundred and Eighty-fourth Night,

She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that Khuzaymah, having ordered the imprisonment of Ikrimah Al-Fayyaz, sent to him again to demand payment of the debt; but he replied, "I am not of those who preserve their wealth at the expense of their honour; do what thou wilt." Then Khuzaymah bade load him with irons and kept him in prison a month or more, till confinement began to tell upon him and he became wasted. After this, tidings of his plight travelled to the daughter of his uncle who was troubled with sore concern thereat and, sending for a freedwoman of hers, a woman of abundant judgment, and experience, said to her, "Go forthwith to the Emir Khuzaymah's gate and say, 'I have a counsel for the Emir.' If they ask what it is, add, 'I will not tell it save to himself'; and when thou enterest to him, beg to see him in private and when private ask him, 'What be this deed thou hast done? Hath Jabir Atharat al-Kiram deserved of thee no better reward than to be cast into strait prison and hard bond of irons?'" The woman did as she was bid, and when Khuzaymah heard her words, he cried out at the top of his voice, saying, "Alas, the baseness of it! Was it indeed he?" And she answered, "Yes."

Then he bade saddle his beast forthwith and, summoning the honourable men of the city, repaired with them to the prison and opening the door, went in with them to Ikrimah, whom they found sitting in evil case, worn out and wasted with blows and misery.

When he looked at Khuzaymah, he was abashed and hung his head; but the other bent down to him and kissed his face; whereupon he raised his head and asked, "What maketh thee do this?" Answered Khuzaymah, "The generosity of thy dealing and the vileness of my requital." And Ikrimah said, "Allah pardon us and thee!" Then Khuzaymah commanded the jailor to strike off Ikrimah's fetters and clap them on his own feet; but Ikrimah said, "What is this thou wilt do?" Quoth the other, "I have a mind to suffer what thou hast suffered." Quoth Ikrimah, "I conjure thee by Allah, do not so!" Then they went out together and returned to Khuzaymah's house, where Ikrimah would have farewelled him and wended his way; but he forbade him and Ikrimah said, "What is thy will of me?" Replied Khuzaymah, "I wish to change thy case, for my shame before the daughter of thine uncle is yet greater than my shame before thee." So he bade clear the bath and entering with Ikrimah, served him there in person and when they went forth be bestowed on him a splendid robe of honour and mounted him and gave him much money. Then he carried him to his house and asked his leave to make his excuses to his wife and obtained her pardon. After this he besought him to accompany him to the Caliph who was then abiding at Ramlah[FN#108] and he agreed. So they journeyed thither, and when they reached the royal quarters the chamberlain went in and acquainted the Caliph Sulayman bin Abd al-Malik with Khuzaymah's arrival, whereat he was troubled and said, "What! is the Governor of Mesopotamia come without our command? This can be only on some grave occasion." Then he bade admit him and said, before saluting him, "What is behind thee, O Khuzaymah?" Replied he, "Good, O Commander of the Faithful."

Asked Sulayman, "What bringeth thee?"; and he answered, saying, "I have discovered Jabir Atharat al-Kiram and thought to gladden thee with him, knowing thine excessive desire to know him and thy longing to see him." "Who is he?" quoth the Caliph and quoth Khuzaymah, "He is Ikrimah Al-Fayyaz." So Sulayman called for Ikrimah, who approached and saluted him as Caliph; and the King welcomed him and making him draw near his sitting-place, said to him, "O Ikrimah, thy good deed to him hath brought thee naught but evil," adding, "Now write down in a note thy needs each and every, and that which thou desirest." He did so and the Caliph commanded to do all that he required and that forthwith. Moreover he gave him ten thousand dinars more than he asked for and twenty chests of clothes over and above that he sought, and calling for a spear, bound him a banner and made him Governor over Armenia and Azarbijan[FN#109] and Mesopotamia, saying, "Khuzaymah's case is in thy hands, an thou wilt, continue him in his office, and if thou wilt, degrade him." And Ikrimah said, "Nay, but I restore him to his office, O Commander of the Faithful." Then they went out from him and ceased not to be Governors under Sulayman bin Abd al-Malik all the days of his Caliphate. And they also tell a tale of


There lived in the reign of the Caliph Hisham, [FN#110] son of Abd al-Malik, a man called Yunus the Scribe well-known to the general, and he set out one day on a journey to Damascus, having with him a slave-girl of surpa.s.sing beauty and loveliness, whom he had taught all that was needful to her and whose price was an hundred thousand dirhams. When they drew near to Damascus, the caravan halted by the side of a lake and Yunus went down to a quiet place with his damsel and took out some victual he had with him and a leather bottle of wine. As he sat at meat, behold, came up a young man of goodly favour and dignified presence, mounted on a sorrel horse and followed by two eunuchs, and said to him, "Wilt thou accept me to guest?" "Yes," replied Yunus. So the stranger alighted and said, "Give me to drink of thy wine." Yunus gave him to drink and he said, "If it please thee, sing us a song." So Yunus sang this couplet extempore,

"She joineth charms were never seen conjoined in mortal dress: *

And for her love she makes me love my tears and wakefulness."

At which the stranger rejoiced with exceeding joy and Yunus gave him to drink again and again, till the wine got the better of him and he said, "Bid thy slave-girl sing." So she improvised this couplet,

"A houri, by whose charms my heart is moved to sore distress: *

Nor wand of tree nor sun nor moon her rivals I confess!"

The stranger was overjoyed with this and they sat drinking till nightfall, when they prayed the evening-prayer and the youth said to Yunus, "What bringeth thee to our city?" He replied, "Quest of wherewithal to pay my debts and better my case." Quoth the other, "Wilt thou sell me this slave-girl for thirty thousand dirhams?"

Whereto quoth Yunus, "I must have more than that." He asked, "Will forty thousand content thee?"; but Yunus answered, "That would only settle my debts, and I should remain empty-handed."

Rejoined the stranger, "We will take her of thee of fifty thousand dirhams[FN#111] and give thee a suit of clothes to boot and the expenses of thy journey and make thee a sharer in my condition as long as thou livest." Cried Yunus, "I sell her to thee on these terms." Then said the young man, "Wilt thou trust me to bring thee the money to-morrow and let me take her with me, or shall she abide with thee till I pay down her price?" Whereto wine and shame and awe of the stranger led Yunus to reply, "I will trust thee; take her and Allah bless thee in her!" Whereupon the visitor bade one of his pages sit her before him on his beast, and mounting his own horse, farewelled of Yunus and rode away out of sight. Hardly had he left him, when the seller bethought himself and knew that he had erred in selling her and said to himself, "What have I done? I have delivered my slave- girl to a man with whom I am unacquainted, neither know I who he is; and grant that I were acquainted with him, how am I to get at him?" So he abode in thought till the morning, when he prayed the dawn-prayers and his companions entered Damascus, whilst he sat, perplexed and wotting not what to do, till the sun scorched him and it irked him to abide there. He thought to enter the city, but said in his mind, "If I enter Damascus, I cannot be sure but that the messenger will come and find me not, in which case I shall have sinned against myself a second sin." Accordingly he sat down in the shade of a wall that was there, and towards the wane of day, up came one of the eunuchs whom he had seen with the young man, whereat great joy possessed Yunus and he said in himself, "I know not that aught hath ever given me more delight than the sight of this castrato." When the eunuch reached him, he said to him, "O my lord, we have kept thee long waiting"; but Yunus disclosed nothing to him of the torments of anxiety he had suffered. Then quoth the castrato, "Knowest thou the man who bought the girl of thee?"; and quoth Yunus, "No," to which the other rejoined, "'Twas Walid bin Sahl,[FN#112] the Heir Apparent." And Yunus was silent. Then said the eunuch, "Ride,"

and made him mount a horse he had with him and they rode till they came to a mansion, where they dismounted and entered. Here Yunus found the damsel, who sprang up at his sight and saluted him. He asked her how she had fared with him who had bought her and she answered, "He lodged me in this apartment and ordered me all I needed." Then he sat with her awhile, till suddenly one of the servants of the houseowner came in and bade him rise and follow him. So he followed the man into the presence of his master and found him yesternight's guest, whom he saw seated on his couch and who said to him, "Who art thou?" "I am Yunus the Scribe." "Welcome to thee, O Yunus! by Allah, I have long wished to look on thee; for I have heard of thy report. How didst thou pa.s.s the night?" "Well, may Almighty Allah advance thee!"

"Peradventure thou repentedest thee of that thou didst yesterday and saidst to thyself: I have delivered my slave-girl to a man with who I am not acquainted, neither know I his name nor whence he cometh?" "Allah forbid, O Emir, that I should repent over her!

Had I made gift of her to the Prince, she were the least of the gifts that are given unto him,"--And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.

When it was the Six Hundred and Eighty-fifth Night,

She continued, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when Yunus the Scribe said to Walid, "Allah forbid I should repent over her! Had I made gift of her to the Prince, she were the least of gifts that are given to him, nor indeed is she worthy of his rank," Walid rejoined, "By Allah, but I repented me of having carried her away from thee and said to myself, 'This man is a stranger and knoweth me not, and I have taken him by surprise and acted inconsiderately by him, in my haste to take the damsel!'

Dost thou recall what pa.s.sed between us?" Quoth Yunus, "Yes!" and quoth Walid, "Dost thou sell this damsel to me for fifty thousand dirhams?" And Yunus said, "I do." Then the Prince called to one of his servants to bring him fifty thousand dirhams and a thousand and five hundred dinars to boot, and gave them all to Yunus, saying, "Take the slave's price: the thousand dinars are for thy fair opinion of us and the five hundred are for thy viatic.u.m and for what present thou shalt buy for thy people. Art thou content?" "I am content," answered Yunus and kissed his hands, saying, "By Allah, thou hast filled my eyes and my hands and my heart!" Quoth Walid, "By Allah, I have as yet had no privacy of her nor have I taken my fill of her singing. Bring her to me!" So she came and he bade her sit, then said to her, "Sing." And she sang these verses,

"O thou who dost comprise all Beauty's boons! * O sweet of nature, fain of coquetry!

In Turks and Arabs many beauties dwell; * But, O my fawn, in none thy charms I see.

Turn to thy lover, O my fair, and keep * Thy word, though but in visioned phantasy: Shame and disgrace are lawful for thy sake * And wakeful nights full fill with joy and glee: I'm not the first for thee who fared distraught; * Slain by thy love how many a many be!

I am content with thee for worldly share * Dearer than life and good art thou to me!"

When he heard this, he was delighted exceedingly and praised Yunus for his excellent teaching of her and her fair education.

Then he bade his servants bring him a roadster with saddle and housings for his riding, and a mule to carry his gear, and said to him, "O Yunus, when it shall reach thee that command hath come to me, do thou join me; and, by Allah, I will fill thy hands with good and advance thee to honour and make thee rich as long as thou livest!" So Yunus said, "I took his goods and went my ways; and when Walid succeeded to the Caliphate, I repaired to him; and by Allah, he kept his promise and entreated me with high honour and munificence. Then I abode with him in all content of case and rise of rank and mine affairs prospered and my wealth increased and goods and farms became mine, such as sufficed me and will suffice my heirs after me; nor did I cease to abide with Walid, till he was slain, the mercy of Almighty Allah be on him!" And men tell a tale concerning


The Caliph Harun al-Ras.h.i.+d was walking one day with Ja'afar the Barmecide, when he espied a company of girls drawing water and went up to them, having a mind to drink. As he drew near, one of them turned to her fellows and improvised these lines,

"Thy phantom bid thou fleet, and fly * Far from the couch whereon I lie; So I may rest and quench the fire, * Bonfire in bones aye flaming high; My love-sick form Love's restless palm * Rolls o'er the rug whereon I sigh: How 'tis with me thou wottest well * How long, then, union wilt deny?"

The Caliph marvelled at her elegance and eloquence.--And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.

When it was the Six Hundred and Eighty-sixth Night,

She resumed, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the Caliph, hearing the girl's verses, marvelled at her elegance and eloquence, and said to her, "O daughter of n.o.bles, are these thine own or a quotation?" Replied she, "They are my very own,"

and he rejoined, "An thou say sooth keep the sense and change the rhyme." So she said,

"Bid thou thy phantom distance keep * And quit this couch the while I sleep; So I may rest and quench the flames * Through all my body rageful creep, In love-sick one, whom pa.s.sion's palms * Roll o'er the bed where grief I weep; How 'tis with me thou wottest well; * All but thy union hold I cheap!"

Quoth the Caliph, "This also is stolen"; and quoth she, "Nay, 'tis my very own." He said, "If it be indeed thine own, change the rhyme again and keep the sense." So she recited the following,

"Unto thy phantom deal behest * To shun my couch the while I rest, So I repose and quench the fire * That burns what lieth in my breast, My weary form Love's restless palm * Rolls o'er with boon of sleep unblest.

How 'tis with me thou wottest well * When union's bought 'tis haply best!"

Quoth Al-Ras.h.i.+d, "This too is stolen"; and quoth she, "Not, so, 'tis mine." He said, "If thy words be true change the rhyme once more." And she recited,

"Drive off the ghost that ever shows * Beside my couch when I'd repose, So I may rest and quench the fire * Beneath my ribs e'er flames and glows In love-sick one, whom pa.s.sion's palms * Roll o'er the couch where weeping flows.

How 'tis with me thou wottest well * Will union come as union goes?"

Then said the Caliph, "Of what part of this camp art thou?"; and she replied, "Of its middle in dwelling and of its highest in tentpoles."[FN#113] Wherefore he knew that she was the daughter of the tribal chief. "And thou," quoth she, "of what art thou among the guardians of the horses?"; and quoth he, "Of the highest in tree and of the ripest in fruit." "Allah protect thee, O Commander of the Faithful!" said she, and kissing ground called down blessings on him. Then she went away with the maidens of the Arabs, and the Caliph said to Ja'afar, "There is no help for it but I take her to wife." So Ja'afar repaired to her father and said to him, "The Commander of the Faithful hath a mind to thy daughter." He replied, "With love and goodwill, she is a gift as a handmaid to His Highness our Lord the Commander of the Faithful." So he equipped her and carried her to the Caliph, who took her to wife and went in to her, and she became of the dearest of his women to him. Furthermore, he bestowed on her father largesse such as succoured him among Arabs, till he was transported to the mercy of Almighty Allah. The Caliph, hearing of his death, went in to her greatly troubled; and, when she saw him looking afflicted, she entered her chamber and doffing all that was upon her of rich raiment, donned mourning apparel and raised lament for her father. It was said to her, "What is the reason of this?"; and she replied, "My father is dead." So they repaired to the Caliph and told him and he rose and going in to her, asked her who had informed her of her father's death; and she answered "It was thy face, O Commander of the Faithful!" Said he, "How so?"; and she said, "Since I have been with thee, I never saw thee on such wise till this time, and there was none for whom I feared save my father, by reason of his great age; but may thy head live, O Commander of the Faithful!" The Caliph's eyes filled with tears and he condoled with her; but she ceased not to mourn for her father, till she followed him--Allah have mercy on the twain! And a tale is also told of


The Commander of the Faithful Harun Al-Ras.h.i.+d was exceeding restless one night and rising from his bed, paced from chamber to chamber, but could not compose himself to sleep. As soon as it was day, he said, "Fetch me Al-Asma'i!"[FN#114] So the eunuch went out and told the doorkeepers; these sent for the poet and when he came, informed the Caliph who bade admit him and said to him, "O Asma'i, I wish thee to tell me the best thou hast heard of stories of women and their verses." Answered Al-Asma'i, "Hearkening and obedience! I have heard great store of women's verses; but none pleased me save three sets of couplets I once heard from three girls."--And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.

When it was the Six Hundred and Eighty-seventh Night,

She pursued, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that Al- Asma'i said to the Prince of True Believers, "Verily I have heard much, but nothing pleased me save three sets of couplets improvised by as many girls." Quoth the Caliph, "Tell me of them," and quoth he, "Know then, O Commander of the Faithful, that I once abode in Ba.s.sorah, and one day, as I was walking, the heat was sore upon me and I sought for a siesta-place but found none. However by looking right and left I came upon a porch swept and sprinkled, at the upper end whereof was a wooden bench under an open lattice-window, whence exhaled a scent of musk. I entered the porch and sitting down on the bench, would have stretcht me at full length when I heard from within a girl's sweet voice talking and saying, 'O my sisters, we are here seated to spend our day in friendly converse; so come, let us each put down an hundred dinars and recite a line of verse; and whoso extemporiseth the goodliest and sweetest line, the three hundred dinars shall be hers.' 'With love and gladness,' said the others; and the eldest recited the first couplet which is this,

'Would he come to my bed during sleep 'twere delight * But a visit on wake were delightsomer sight!'

Quoth the second,

'Naught came to salute me in sleep save his shade * But 'welcome, fair welcome,' I cried to the spright!'

Then said the youngest,

The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night Volume VII Part 4

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