The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night Volume X Part 31

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Lady of beauty, say, who taught thee hard and harsh design, iii.


Laud not long hair, except it be dispread, ii. 230.

Laud to my Lord who gave thee all of loveliness, iv. 143.

Leave this blame, I will list to no enemy's blame! iii. 61.

Leave this thy design and depart, O man! viii. 212.

Leave thou the days to breed their ban and bate, ii. 41.

Leave thy home for abroad an wouldest rise on high, ix. 138.

Let days their folds and plies deploy, ii. 309.

Let destiny with slackened rein its course appointed fare! viii.


Let Fate with slackened bridle fare her pace, iv. 173.

Let Fortune have her wanton way, i. 107.

Let thy thought be ill and none else but ill, iii. 142.

Leyla's phantom came by night, viii. 14.

Life has no sweet for me since forth ye fared, iii. 177.

Like are the orange hills when zephyr breathes, viii. 272.

Like a tree is he who in wealth cloth wone, ii. 14.

Like fullest moon she s.h.i.+nes on happiest night, v. 347.

Like moon she s.h.i.+nes amid the starry sky, v.32.

Like peach in vergier growing, viii. 270.

Like the full moon she s.h.i.+neth in garments all of green, viii.


Lion of the wold wilt thou murder me, v. 40.

Long as earth is earth, long as sky is sky, ix.317.

Long have I chid thee, but my chiding hindereth thee not, vii.


Long have I wept o'er severance ban and bane, i. 249.

Long I lamented that we fell apart, ii. 187.

Long, long have I bewailed the sev'rance of our loves, iii. 275.

Long was my night for sleepless misery, iv. 263.

Longsome is absence; Care and Fear are sore, ii. 295.

Longsome is absence, restlessness increaseth, vii. 212.

Look at the I.ote-tree, note on boughs arrayed, viii. 271.

Look at the apricot whose bloom contains, viii. 268.

Look on the Pyramids and hear the twain, v. 106.

Love, at first sight, is a spurt of spray, vii. 280.

Love, at the first, is a spurt of spray, vii. 330.

Love for my fair they chide in angry way. iii. 233.

Love in my breast they lit and fared away, iii. 296.

Love in my heart they lit and went their ways, i. 232.

Love-longing urged me not except to trip in speech o'er free, ix.


Love smote my frame so sore on parting day, ii. 152.

Love's tongue within my heart speaks plain to thee, iv. 135.

Love's votaries I ceased not to oppose, iii. 290.

Lover with his beloved loseth will and aim, v. 289.

Lover, when parted from the thing he loves, viii. 36.

Luck to the Rubber whose deft hand o'er-plies, iii. 17.

Make me not (Allah save the Caliph!) one of the betrayed vii.


Make thy game by guile for thou'rt born in a time, iii. 141.

Man is known among men as his deeds attest, ix. 164.

Man wills his wish to him accorded be, iv.

Many whose ankle rings are dumb have tinkling belts, iii. 302.

Masrur joys life made fair by all delight of days, nil. 234.

May Allah never make you parting dree, May coins thou makest joy in heart instil, ix. 69.

May G.o.d deny me boon of troth if I, viii. 34.

May that Monarch's life span a mighty span, ii.75.

Mazed with thy love no more I can feign patience, viii. 321.

Melted pure gold in silvern bowl to drain, v. 66.

Men and dogs together are all gone by, iv. 268.

Men are a hidden malady iv. 188.

Men craving pardon will uplift their hands, iii. 304.

Men have 'plained of pining before my time, iii. 183.

Men in their purposes are much alike, vii. 169.

Men's turning unto of boys is b.u.mptious, v. 162.

Methought she was the forenoon sun until she donned the veil, viii. 284.

Mine ear forewent mine eye in loving him, ix. 222.

Mine eyes I admire that can feed their fill, viii. 224 Mine eyes ne'er looked on aught the Almond like, viii. 270.

Mine eyes were dragomans for my tongue betied, i 121.

Mine is a Chief who reached most haught estate, i. 253.

'Minish this blame I ever bear from you, iii. 60.

Morn saith to Night, "withdraw and let me s.h.i.+ne," i. 132 Most beautiful is earth in budding bloom, ii. 86.

Mu'awiyah, thou gen'rous lord, and best of men that be, vii. 125.

My best salam to what that robe enrobes of symmetry, ix. 321 My blamers instant chid that I for her become consoled, viii.


My blamers say of me, He is consoled And lie! v. 158.

My body bides the sad abode of grief and malady, iv. 230.

My censors say, What means this pine for him? v. 158.

My charmer who spellest my piety, ix. 243.

My coolth of eyes, the darling child of me, v. 260.

My day of bliss is that when thou appearest, iii. 291.

My friend I prithee tell me, 'neath the sky, v. 107.

My friend who went hath returned once more, Vi. 196.

My friends, despite this distance and this cruelty, viii. 115.

My friends, I yearn in heart distraught for him, vii. 212.

My friends! if ye are banisht from mine eyes, fin 340.

My friends, Rayya hath mounted soon as morning shone, vii. 93.

My fondness, O my moon, for thee my foeman is, iii. 256.

My heart disheartened is, my breast is strait, ii. 238.

My heart is a thrall: my tears ne'er abate, viii. 346.

My life for the scavenger! right well I love him, i. 312.

My life is gone but love longings remain, viii. 345.

My longing bred of love with mine unease for ever grows, vii.


My Lord hath servants fain of piety, v. 277.

My lord, this be the Sun, the Moon thou hadst before, vii. 143.

My lord, this full moon takes in Heaven of thee new birth, vii.

The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night Volume X Part 31

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The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night Volume X Part 31 summary

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