The Travels of Marco Polo Volume II Part 99

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62.--7. The || Travels || of || Marco Polo, || a Venetian, || in the Thirteenth Century: || being a || Description, by that early traveller, || of || remarkable places and things, || in || the || Eastern Parts of the World. || Translated from the Italian, || with || Notes, || by William Marsden, F.R.S., &c. || With a Map. || London: || M. DCCC. XVIII., large 4to, pp. lx.x.x.-782 + 1 f. n. ch. for the er.

The first 80 pages are devoted to a remarkable _Introduction_, in which are treated of various subjects enumerated on p. 782: _Life of Marco Polo; General View of the Work; Choice of Text for Translation; Original Language_, etc. There is an index, pp. 757-781.

63.--8. The Travels of Marco Polo, the Venetian. The Translation of Marsden revised, with a Selection of his Notes. Edited by Thomas Wright, Esq. M.A., etc. London: Henry G. Bohn, 1854, small 8vo, pp.


64.--9. The Travels of Marco Polo ... By Hugh Murray ... Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd ... M. DCCC. XLIV, 8vo, pp. 368.

Vol. 38 of the _Edinburgh Cabinet Library_, published at 5s.

--Second Edition, ... Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd ... M DCCC XLIV, 8vo.

--The Travels of Marco Polo, greatly amended and enlarged from valuable early ma.n.u.scripts recently published by the French Society of Geography, and in Italy by Count Baldelli Boni. With copious Notes, ill.u.s.trating the routes and observations of the author and comparing them with those of more recent Travellers. By Hugh Murray, F.R.S.E. Two Maps and a Vignette.

New York, Harper, 1845, 12mo, pp. vi-326.

--4th ed., Edinburg, s.a.

65.--10. The Book of Ser Marco Polo, the Venetian, Concerning the Kingdoms and Marvels of the East. Newly Translated and edited, with Notes. By Colonel Henry Yule, C.B., late of the Royal Engineers (Bengal), Hon. Fellow of the Geographical Society of Italy. In two volumes. With Maps, and other Ill.u.s.trations. London, John Murray, Albemarle Street, 1871, 2 vol. 8vo.

66.--11. The Book of Ser Marco Polo, the Venetian, Concerning the Kingdoms and Marvels of the East. Newly translated and edited, with Notes, Maps, and other Ill.u.s.trations. By Colonel Henry Yule, C.B., late of the Royal Engineers (Bengal) ... In two volumes. Second edition, revised. With the addition of new matter and many new ill.u.s.trations.

London: John Murray, 1875, 2 vols. 8vo.

--Marco Polo e il suo Libro del Colonnello Henry Yule, C.B. Por Guglielmo Berchet. (_Archivio Veneto_, II. 1871, pp. 124-174, 259-350.)

Contains a Translation of the _Introductory Essay_, etc.

--The Story of Marco Polo. With Ill.u.s.trations. London, John Murray, 1898, 8vo, pp. xiv.-247.

Preface by Noah Brooks. "In his comments ... the author has made use of the erudite notes of Colonel Henry Yule...."

67.--12. Voyages and Travels of Marco Polo.--London, Ca.s.sell, 1886, 16mo, pp. 192.

The Preface is signed H. M[osley].--From Pinkerton.--Popular Edition.

_Ca.s.sell's National Library_.


--Die nieuvve vveerelt der Landtschappen ende Eylanden ... Gheprint Thantwerpen ... Anno. M.D. LXIII. folio.

Marcus Pauwels, f. xxvii.

68.--1. MARKUS PAULUS VENETUS || Reisen, || En || Beschryving || Der || oostersche || Lantschappen; || Daar in hy naaukeuriglijk veel Landen en Steden, die hy zelf ten meestendeel || bereist en bezichtigt heeft, beschrijft, de zeden en gewoonten van die Vol-||ken, tot aan die tijt onbekent, ten toon stelt, en d'opkoomst van de Heer-||schappy der Tartaren, en hun verovering van verscheide landen in Sina, || met ander namen genoemt, bekent maakt. || Beneffens de || Historie || Der || oostersche Lantschappen, || Door HAITHON van ARMENIEN te zamen gestelt. || Beide nieuwelijks door J.H. GLAZEMAKER vertaalt. || Hier is noch by gevoegt _De Reizen van Nicolaas Venetus_, en || _Jeronymus van St. Steven_ naar d'oostersche Landen, en || naar d'Indien. Door P.P. _vertaalt_. || Als ook een _Verhaal van de verovering van 't Eilant Formosa, door || de Sinezen_; door J.V.K.B. vertaalt. || Met Kopere Platen verciert. || t' Amsterdam, || Voor Abraham Wolfgang, Boekverkoper, aan d'Opgang van de || Beurs, by de Beurstooren, in 't Geloof, 1664. 4to, 6 ff. not numbered for the t.i.t., prf. + pp. 99 + 4 ff. not numbered for the tab. etc. of Marco Polo.

The other works have a special pagination.


69.--1. Million Marka Pavlova. Fragment of the tcheque translation of the Berlin Museum. Prague, No. 3 F. 26, XVth cent., by an Anonym, Moravian? (_Vbor z Literatury ceske_ II. v Praze, 1868.)

70.--2. Pohledy do Velkorise mongolske v cas nejmocnejsiho rozkvetu jejiho za Kublaje kana. Na zaklade cestopisu Marka Polova podava A.J.

Vrtatko. (Vnato z Casopisu Musea kral. Ceskeho 1873.) V Praze, J.

Otto, 1873, 8vo, pp. 71.

M.A. Jarosl. Vrtatko has translated the whole of Marco Polo, but he has published only this fragment.


71.--1. [Russian: Marko Polo puteshestvie v' 1286 G.o.du po Tatarii i drugim' stranam' vostoka venetsianskago dvoryanina Marko Polo, proevannago Millionerom',--Tri chasti.]--St. Petersburg, 1873, 8vo, pp. 250.

72.--2. [Russian: I.P. Minaev'.--Puteshestvie Marko Polo perevod'

starofrantsueskago teksta.--Izdanie Imp. Rysskago Geog. Ouschestva pod' redaktsiei d'istvitel'nago chlena V.V. Bartol'da.]--St.

Petersburg, 1902, 8vo, pp. xxix + 1 f. + pp. 355.

Vol. xxvi. of the _Zapiski_ of the Russian Geog. Society, translated from the French.


73.--The Gaelic Abridgment of the Book of Ser Marco Polo. By Whitley Stokes. (_Zeit. f. Celtische Philologie_, 1 Bd., 2 & 3 Hft. Halle a.

S. 1896-7, 8vo, pp. 245-273, 362-438.)

Book of Lismore.--See our _Introduction_, I. p. 103, _note_.

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