The Travels of Marco Polo Volume II Part 145

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Sneezing, omen from.

Socotra (Scotra), island of, history of; Christian Archbishop; aloes of.

Soer (Suhar).

Sofala, trade to China from.

Sogoman Borcan, see Sakya Muni.

Sol, Arbre, see Arbre.

Soldaia, Soldachia, Sodaya (the Oriental Sudak).

Soldan, a Melic.

Soldurii, trusty lieges of Celtic kings.

Soli, Solli (_Chola_, or Tanjore), kingdom of.

Solomon, house of, in Abyssinia.

Soltania, Archbishop of (See Sultaniah.).

Somnath (s.e.m.e.nat), gates of.


Soncara (Shaw.a.n.kara).

Sender Bandi Davar, see Sundara Pandi.

Sondur and Condur (Pulo Condore Group).

Sorcerers, sorceries of Pashai (Udyana), Kashmir; Lamas and Tibetans.

---- Dagroian, Socotra (See also Conjurers.).

Sornau (Shahr-i-Nau), Siam.

Sotiates, tribe of Aquitania.


Southey, _St. Romuald_.

Spaan, Ispahan.

Sposk, district.


Spice, Spicery.

Spice wood.

Spices in China, duty on.


Spinello Aretini, fres...o...b...

Spirit drawings and spiritual flowers.

Spirits haunting deserts.

Spiritualism in China.

Spittoons, pocket.

Spodium (Spodos).

Sport and game, in Shan-si; Cachanfu; Cuncun; Acbalec Manzi; Tibet; Caindu; Zardandan; Mien; Linju; Cagu; Nanghin; Saianfu; Ching-hiang-fu; Chinginju; Changan; Kinsay; Fuju; Lambri; Maabar; Comari; Eli.


Springs, hot.

Sprinkling of drink, a Tartar rite.

Squares at Kinsay.



Sse River.

Stack, E., visits Kuh Banan.

Star Chart.

Star of Bethlehem, traditions about.

Steamers on Yangtse-kiang.

Steel mines at Kerman, in Chingintalas; Indian; Asiatic view of.

Stefani, Signor.

Stein, Dr. M.A., on Sorcery in Kashmir, on Paonano Pao; on Pamirs; on site of Pein.

Stiens of Cambodia.

Stirrups, short and long.

St.i.tched vessels.

Stockade erected by Polo's party in Sumatra.

Stone, miracle of the, at Samarkand.

---- the green.

---- towers in Chinese cities.

---- umbrella column.

Stones giving invulnerability.


Submersion of part of Ceylon.

Subterraneous irrigation.

Suburbs of Cambaluc.

Subutai, Mongol general.

Su-chau (Suju), plan of.

Suchnan River.

Sudarium, the Holy.


Sugar, Bengal, manufactured; art of refining; of Egypt and China.

Suh-chau (Sukchur).

Suicides before an idol.

Sukchur, province Sukkothai.


_Suklat_, broadcloth.

Suk.u.m Kala'.

Suleiman, Sultan.

Sulphur and quicksilver, potion of longevity.

Sultaniah, Monument at (_See_ Soltania.).

Sultan Shah, of Badakhshan.

Sumatra (Java the Less), described, its kingdoms; circuit.

Sumatra, Samudra, city and kingdom of (Samara for Samatva); legend of origin; Ibn Batuta there; its position; latest mention of; wine-pots.


Summers, Professor.

Sumutala, Sumuntala, _see_ Sumatra.

Sun and moon, trees of the.

Sundara Pandi Devar, Sondar Bandi Davar, king in Ma'bar, his death; Dr. Caldwell's views about.

Sundar Fulat (Pulo Condore Group).

Sung, a native dynasty reigning in S. China till Kublai's conquest, their paper-money, effeminacy; cremation; Kublai's war against; end of them.

Sunnis and s.h.i.+as.

Suolstan (Shulistan), a kingdom in Persia.

Superst.i.tions in Tangut, the devoted sheep or ram (_Tengri Tockho_), the dead man's door; as to chance shots; in Carajan; devil-dancing; property of the dead; Sumatran; Malabar; as to omens.


Survival, instances of.

Sushun, Regent of China, execution of.

Su-tash, the Jadek.

Suttees in S. India, of men.

_Svastika_, sacred symbol of the Bonpos.

Swans, wild, at Chagan-Nor.


The Travels of Marco Polo Volume II Part 145

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