Rising Tide. Part 37

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"You have": GD-T GD-T, June 13, 1927.

"all colored citizens": Ibid.

"Believe food": Crosby to Hoover, June 15, 1927, HHPL.

He vetoed cutting: Ibid.; Hoover to Crosby, June 16, 1927, HHPL.

spent an average of 21 cents: "Report of the Special Committee," June 22, 1927, RCP, box 735.

"simply teach": Memo from C. P. Doe to DeWitt Smith, January 6, 1928; Percy Bell to "Dear Folks," April 30, 1927.

"still a wreck": WAP to L. P. Soule, June 22 and 27, 1927, PFP.

"We were tired": Percy, LL LL, p. 26.

"Every store": Percy Bell to Bessie Bell, May 15, 1927, supplied by Charles Greenleaf Bell.

The boat: Crosby to Hoover, November 10, 1927, HHPL; also, MC-A MC-A, June 30, 1927.

"The meeting was": A. L. Shafer, "Narrative Report of Flood Conditions," July 2, 1927, RCP.

"Outside of the great": Ibid.; JC-L JC-L, June 14, 1927.

the same black Greenville minister: See the anonymous letter to Hoover dated July 2, 1927, HHLP. Compare it to the anonymous letter to Coolidge, May 14, 1927, RCP, box 743. In both letters the writer describes himself similarly; the typewriter, misspellings, and grammatical constructions appear identical.

In Little Rock a black man: MC-A MC-A, May 5, 1927.

The mayor of Lake Providence: Louisiana Weekly Louisiana Weekly, May 14, 1927.

two blacks were accused: GD-T GD-T, June 13, 1927.

"crazed negro": JC-L JC-L, June 18, 1927.

In Jackson, the governor: See JC-L JC-L, June 18 to June 22, 1927.

In Yazoo City: JC-L JC-L, July 8, 1927.

"a striking example": Louisiana Weekly Louisiana Weekly, April 23 1927.

"the seat of": Undated Barnett speech in fall 1927 in Chicago, CBP.

"could not secure": Draft report of Colored Advisory Commission, June 4, 1927, HHLP; "Final Report," April 6, 1928, RCP, box 744.

Was.h.i.+ngton County: "Statistical Summary of Losses," RCP, box 735.

"as they demonstrate": Baker to Fieser, June 16, 1927, RCP, box 735.

internal political bickering: Report of Malinde Havey, Directory of Nursing, Mississippi Valley Flood Disaster, July 13, 1927, RCP, box 735.

"or else take": LP to L. A. Downs, September 10, 1927, PFP.

The national Red Cross: George Stricklin to Red Cross Headquarters, Memphis, May 25, 1927, RCP, box 738.

"I bitterly resent": WAP to Crosby, July 15, 1927, NA, RG 2, box 738.

Will asked for and received: WAP to L. P. Soule of Yale University Press, May 19, June 22, and June 27, 1927, PFP.

"giving the entire": MC-A MC-A, July 8, 1927.

Gooden told a different version: Interview with Frank Hall; interview with Rev. R. T. Strong, February 26, 1993; GD-T GD-T, July 9, 1927; draft report of Colored Advisory Commission presented to Hoover, December 12, 1927, RCP.

two white doctors: Greenville City Council minutes, September 6, 1927.

"We prepared": Interview with Rhodes Wa.s.son, December 16, 1992; Margaret Wells Wood, Social Hygiene Lecturer, to Valeria Parker, M.D., "Special Report," July 10, 1927, NA, RG 2, box 740; see also "Social Hygiene and the Mississippi Flood Disaster," Journal of Social Hygiene Journal of Social Hygiene 13, no. 8, pp. 455-457. 13, no. 8, pp. 455-457.

"I told my informant": Percy, LL LL, p. 267.

Chapple's father: Interview with Sylvia Jackson, March 7, 1993.

"said starkly": Ibid., pp. 267-268.

"When put upon": Percy, LL LL, p. 126.

"A good Negro": Ibid., pp. 267-268.

"My dear Percy": Hoover to WAP, July 5, 1927, HHPL.

"a strong relief": Summary report by A. Shafer and R. Thrush, September 8, 1928, RCP, box 737.

"No one can": Ibid.

"pa.s.sing the buck": WAP to George Day, August 31, 1927, PFP.

"Our people here": LP to Judge Horace Oakly, August 22, 1927, PFP.


"my sincere appreciation": Minutes of Emergency Clearing House Publicity Committee meeting, May 11, 1927, CP.

the a.s.sociation of Commerce: Minutes of a.s.sociation of Commerce board meeting, March 16, 1927, ACP.

"we have decided": See exchange of letters between Emergency Clearing House Publicity Committee and Otis Mahogany Co., May 13, 1927, CP.

Walter Parker: Minutes of Emergency Clearing House Publicity Committee meeting, May 13, 1927, CP (hereafter, ECHPC minutes).

"[A]ny announcements": Minutes of a.s.sociation of Commerce board meeting, May 3, 1927, ACP.

forced Moody's Investors Service: ECHPC minutes, May 16, 1927, CP.

the committee contacted 265: See a.s.sociation of Commerce papers, esp. News Bulletin News Bulletin, May 10, 1927.

"New Orleans is": Ibid.

editorials from Springfield: See ECHPC minutes, May 19, 1927, CP.

"New Orleans 'Babbitry'": MC-A MC-A, May 2, 1927.

It got corrections printed: ECHPC minutes, May 11, 1927, CP.

"a citizens committee": Copy in ECHPC minutes, May 11, 1927, CP.

a budget of $130,000: Figures come from Finance Committee report, December 31, 1927, ACP.

"Superintendent of Police Healy": Civic Bureau of a.s.sociation of Commerce report, August 1, 1927, ACP.

"the n.o.ble and unselfish": Undated editorial, probably mid-June 1927, from New Iberia Enterprise New Iberia Enterprise, ACP.

"in the mind of a great": Minutes of the executive committee of the a.s.sociation of Commerce board meeting, October 5, 1927, ACP.


"You're talking": interview with Harry Kelleher, December 10, 1992.

"Into the fiercely contested": Graduation speech, 1899, clipping in Williams, Monroe, and Blanc Family Papers, HNOC.

publicly rebuked his partner: Interview with Stephen Lemann, November 7, 1992.

"a wholly-owned subsidiary": Interview with Stephen Lemann, April 6, 1995.

He worked ferociously: Interview with Harry Kelleher, December 10, 1992.

"I've never seen": Interview with Stephen Lemann, April 6, 1995.

"tres ordinaire": Interview with Marianne Patton Atkinson, February 20, 1993.

"doing business exactly": Andy Zipser, "Hidden Value in the Bayou," Barron's Barron's, October 4, 1993.

Meraux was given $5,000: St. Bernard Policy Jury minutes, April 27, 1927; "Summary of Claims," M&LP. Thanks to Robert Harvey, president of Orleans Levee Board and Stephen Lemann for access to these papers.

"The words of": Reported in the minutes of the meeting of the executive committee of the Citizens Flood Relief Committee, n.d., CP. (Hereafter, these minutes will be referred to as "executive committee minutes.") decided to use: See, for example, executive committee minutes, May 13, 1927, CP.

"The business interests": Orleans Levee Board minutes, May 10, 1927, Orleans Levee Board.

"as objects of charity": Executive committee minutes, May 11, 1927, CP.

"relief be granted": Ibid.

"to deduct from personal": Ibid.

the governor's appointees: Reported in executive committee minutes, May 17, 1927, CP.

the rules stated: Executive committee minutes, May 14, 1927, CP.

"[v]olunteer legal services": Clipping of unidentified newspaper, probably NOI NOI, May 8, 1927, in CP.

"unethical": See executive committee minutes, May 11, 1927, CP.

"state the legal objections": Executive committee minutes, June 14, 1927, CP.

"a man may file": Reported in executive committee minutes, n.d., CP.

Only a complete settlement: Ibid., July 25, 1927.

Butler estimated that claims: Ibid., May 17 and 18, 1927.

Claims would exceed $30 million: SBV SBV, August 15, 1929.

"There may possibly be": Lemann to Monroe, June 11, 1927.

"[I]f the case is": Undated memo in Orleans Organization Caernarvon Reparations files, M&LP.

One of the first trappers audited: Executive committee minutes, June 27 and 29, 1927, CP.

"ill.u.s.trated [by] an aged negress": John Wegman to Executive Committee, June 21, 1927, CP.

they decided to feed: Wegman to Executive Committee, July 20, 1927; executive committee minutes, August 1, 1927, CP.

"As long as we continue": Wegman to Butler, August 13, 1927, CP.

Monroe had approved a payment: Orleans Levee Board minutes, May 23, 1927, Orleans Levee Board.


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